
tech2023-10-06  108


In last month’s analysis Internet Explorer dropped a massive 2.29%. The news is far less dramatic this month according to the latest figures from StatCounter…

在上个月的分析中, Internet Explorer下降了2.29%。 根据StatCounter的最新数据,这个月的消息远没有那么令人震惊 。

2013年6月至2013年7月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics June 2013 to July 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserJuneJulychangerelativeIE (all)25.42%24.52%-0.90%-3.50%IE10+9.88%10.94%+1.06%+10.70%IE96.79%5.31%-1.48%-21.80%IE88.04%7.63%-0.41%-5.10%IE70.49%0.44%-0.05%-10.20%IE60.22%0.20%-0.02%-9.10%Chrome42.75%43.14%+0.39%+0.90%Firefox20.01%20.09%+0.08%+0.40%Safari8.37%8.59%+0.22%+2.60%Opera1.02%1.09%+0.07%+6.90%Others2.43%2.57%+0.14%+5.80% 浏览器 六月 七月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 25.42% 24.52% -0.90% -3.50% IE10 + 9.88% 10.94% + 1.06% + 10.70% IE9 6.79% 5.31% -1.48% -21.80% IE8 8.04% 7.63% -0.41% -5.10% IE7 0.49% 0.44% -0.05% -10.20% IE6 0.22% 0.20% -0.02% -9.10% Chrome 42.75% 43.14% + 0.39% + 0.90% 火狐浏览器 20.01% 20.09% + 0.08% + 0.40% 苹果浏览器 8.37% 8.59% + 0.22% + 2.60% 歌剧 1.02% 1.09% + 0.07% + 6.90% 其他 2.43% 2.57% + 0.14% + 5.80%

2012年7月至2013年7月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics July 2012 to July 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserJuly 2012July 2013changerelativeIE (all)31.99%24.52%-7.47%-23.40%IE10+0.00%10.94%+10.94%n/aIE916.93%5.31%-11.62%-68.60%IE813.26%7.63%-5.63%-42.50%IE71.28%0.44%-0.84%-65.60%IE60.52%0.20%-0.32%-61.50%Chrome33.90%43.14%+9.24%+27.30%Firefox23.76%20.09%-3.67%-15.40%Safari7.13%8.59%+1.46%+20.50%Opera1.71%1.09%-0.62%-36.30%Others1.51%2.57%+1.06%+70.20% 浏览器 2012年7月 2013年7月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 31.99% 24.52% -7.47% -23.40% IE10 + 0.00% 10.94% + 10.94% 不适用 IE9 16.93% 5.31% -11.62% -68.60% IE8 13.26% 7.63% -5.63% -42.50% IE7 1.28% 0.44% -0.84% -65.60% IE6 0.52% 0.20% -0.32% -61.50% Chrome 33.90% 43.14% + 9.24% + 27.30% 火狐浏览器 23.76% 20.09% -3.67% -15.40% 苹果浏览器 7.13% 8.59% + 1.46% + 20.50% 歌剧 1.71% 1.09% -0.62% -36.30% 其他 1.51% 2.57% + 1.06% + 70.20%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 21.8% of IE9 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即,另有21.8%的IE9用户上个月放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

We’ve not seen the chart this stable for a while. Internet Explorer had a modest drop. IE10 made good gains at the expense of IE9 which is dying rapidly. However, it’s clear Windows XP usage remains high with IE8 retaining almost 8% of users.

我们已经有一段时间没有看到图表如此稳定了。 Internet Explorer的下降幅度很小。 IE10获得了可观的回报,而IE9却在Swift消亡。 但是,很明显Windows XP的使用率仍然很高,IE8保留了将近8%的用户。

All the competing browsers increased a little but even Chrome could only manage a 0.39% jump — significantly lower than it’s typical monthly 1%.


Toward the bottom of the chart, the newly released Opera 15 has 0.09% usage, which equates to 8% of Opera users upgrading. That’s reasonably impressive given the mostly negative reaction from existing users.

在图表底部, 新发布的Opera 15使用率为0.09%,相当于Opera用户升级的8%。 考虑到现有用户的大部分消极React,这相当令人印象深刻。

Safari’s figures are also interesting:


The iPad version of Safari accounts for 4.07% of the market. That’s impressive for a single device (or variations of a single device). But let’s not forget Safari is the only real browser available for the tablet.

iPad版本的Safari占市场的4.07%。 对于单个设备(或单个设备的变体)而言,这是令人印象深刻的。 但请不要忘记,Safari是唯一可用于平板电脑的真正浏览器。

The remaining 4.52% of Safari’s market share are Mac OSX users. StatCounter estimates Mac OSX usage at 8% of the desktop OS market, so we can jump to a rough conclusion that almost 60% of users retain Safari as their primary browser.

Safari的剩余4.52%市场份额是Mac OSX用户。 StatCounter估计Mac OSX的使用量占台式机OS市场的8%,因此我们可以得出一个粗略的结论,即近60%的用户将Safari保留为其主要浏览器。

But is Safari’s future assured? Google has left the Webkit project, iOS has been overtaken by Android in the smartphone/tablet market, and it’s become impossible for web developers to test Safari unless they own an Apple device. I’m not convinced Safari can continue to grow unless Apple can address the situation.

但是Safari的未来有保证吗? 谷歌离开了Webkit项目,iOS在智能手机/平板电脑市场上已经被Android所取代,除非拥有苹果设备,否则Web开发人员不可能测试Safari。 我不相信Safari可以继续发展,除非苹果可以解决这个问题。

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Mobile usage jumped considerably to 17.35% of all web activity during July 2013. Who wants to be stuck behind a PC when the sun is shining?

2013年7月,移动设备使用率大幅上升, 占所有网络活动的17.35% 。谁想在阳光明媚的时候呆在PC后面?

The primary mobile browsing applications:


Android — 28.64% (down 0.42%)

Android — 28.64%(下降0.42%)

iPhone — 22.43% (down 0.34%)

iPhone -22.43%(下跌0.34%)

Opera Mini/Mobile – 15.73% (down 0.33%)

Opera Mini / Mobile – 15.73%(下降0.33%)

UC Browser — 10.57% (up 0.68%)

UC浏览器 -10.57%(增长0.68%)

Nokia browser — 7.14% (down 0.24%)

诺基亚浏览器 -7.14%(下降0.24%)

Like the desktop chart, there are no significant winners or losers this month. People may be using their mobile more but they’re not bothering to try new browsers!

与桌面图表一样,本月也没有明显的赢家或输家。 人们可能会更多地使用他们的移动设备,但是他们并不想去尝试新的浏览器!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-august-2013/

