
tech2023-10-08  111


Now that you have a basic understanding of what a cloud is and how it works, let’s enumerate and dive in to some of its most useful attributes and characteristics. After spending years talking about Amazon Web Services in public forums, I’ve found that characterization is often more effective than definition when it comes to con-veying the essence of the Amazon Web Services, and what it can do.

既然您对云是什么以及它如何工作有了基本的了解,让我们枚举并深入了解它的一些最有用的属性和特征。 在公共论坛上讨论Amazon Web Services多年后,我发现在传达Amazon Web Services的本质及其功能方面,表征通常比定义更有效。

一般特征 (General Characteristics)

Here are some general characteristics of the Amazon Web Services.

以下是Amazon Web Services的一些常规特征。

有弹性 (Elastic)

The cloud allows scaling up and scaling down of resource usage on an as-needed basis. Elapsed time to increase or decrease usage is measured in seconds or minutes, rather than weeks or months.

云允许根据需要扩大和缩小资源使用量。 增加或减少使用量所花费的时间以秒或分钟为单位,而不是以几周或几个月为单位。

规模经济 (Economies of scale)

The cloud provider is able to exploit economies of scale and can procure real estate, power, cooling, bandwidth, and hardware at the best possible prices. Because the provider is supplying infrastructure as a commodity, it’s in its best interest to drive costs down over time. The provider is also able to employ dedicated staffers with the sometimes elusive skills needed to operate at world- scale.

云提供商可以利用规模经济,并可以以可能的最佳价格购买房地产,电源,散热,带宽和硬件。 由于提供商将基础设施作为商品提供,因此随着时间的推移降低成本符合最大利益。 提供者还可以聘请专门的员工,这些员工有时需要在世界范围内运作所需的难以捉摸的技能。

现收现付 (Pay-as-you-go)

This is a general characteristic rather than a business characteristic for one very good reason: with cloud-based services, technical people will now be making resource allocation decisions that have an immediate effect on resource con- sumption and the level of overall costs. Running the business efficiently becomes everyone’s job.

出于一个很好的理由,这是一般特征,而不是业务特征:利用基于云的服务,技术人员现在将做出对资源消耗和总成本水平具有直接影响的资源分配决策。 有效地开展业务成为每个人的工作。

业务特点 (Business Characteristics)

Here are some of the defining characteristics of the Amazon Web Services from a business-oriented point of view:

从面向业务的角度来看,以下是Amazon Web Services的一些定义特征:

没有前期投资 (No up-front investment)

Because cloud computing is built to satisfy usage on-demand for resources, there’s no need to make a large one-time investment before actual demand occurs.


固定成本可变 (Fixed costs become variable)

Instead of making a commitment to use a particular number of resources for the length of a contract (often one or three years), cloud computing allows for re- source consumption to change in real time.


资本支出变为运营支出 (CAPEX becomes OPEX)

Capital expenditures are made on a long-term basis and reflect a multi-year commitment to using a particular amount of resources. Operation expenditures are made based on actual use of the cloud-powered system and will change in real time.

资本支出是长期的,反映了对使用特定数量资源的多年承诺。 运营支出是根据云系统的实际使用情况而定的,并且会实时更改。

分配是细粒度的 (Allocation is fine-grained)

Cloud computing enables minimal usage amounts for both time and resources (for example: hours of server usage, bytes of storage).


业务获得灵活性 (The business gains flexibility)

Because there’s no long-term commitment to resources, the business is able to respond rapidly to changes in volume or the type of business.


供应商的业务重点 (Business focus of provider)

The cloud provider is in the business of providing the cloud for public use. As such, it has a strong incentive to supply services that are reliable, applicable, and cost-effective. The cloud reflects a provider’s core competencies.

云提供商致力于提供供公众使用的云。 因此,它强烈地提供了可靠,适用且具有成本效益的服务。 云反映了提供商的核心竞争力。

成本是相关的 (Costs are associative)

Due to the flexible resource allocation model of the cloud, it’s just as easy to acquire and operate 100 servers for one hour as it is to acquire and operate one server for 100 hours. This opens the door to innovative thinking with respect to ways of partitioning large-scale problems.

由于云的灵活资源分配模型,一小时获取和操作100台服务器与一小时获取和操作一台服务器一样容易。 这为解决大规模问题的方法打开了创新思维的大门。

技术特征 (Technical Characteristics)

Here are some of the defining characteristics of the Amazon Web Services from the technical standpoint:

从技术角度来看,这是Amazon Web Services的一些定义特征:

缩放Swift (Scaling is quick)

New hardware can be brought online in minutes to deal with unanticipated changes in demand, either internally (large compute jobs) or externally (traffic to a web site). Alternatively, resources can be returned to the cloud when no longer needed.

新硬件可以在几分钟内上线,以应对内部(大型计算任务)或外部(访问网站的流量)意外的需求变化。 或者,可以在不再需要时将资源返回到云中。

无限的可扩展性是一种幻想 (Infinite scalability is an illusion)

While not literally true, each consumer can treat the cloud as if it offers near- infinite scalability. There’s no need to provision ahead of time; dealing with surges and growth in demand is a problem for the cloud provider, instead of the consumer.

尽管从字面上看并不正确,但是每个消费者都可以将云视为提供几乎无限的可扩展性。 无需提前进行准备; 对于云提供商而不是消费者而言,应对激增和需求增长是一个问题。

资源是抽象且未区分的 (Resources are abstract and undifferentiated)

Cloud computing encourages a focus on the relevant details—results and the observable performance—as opposed to the technical specifications of the hardware used. Underlying hardware will change and improve over time, but it’s the job of the provider to stay on top of these issues. There’s no longer a need to become personally acquainted with the intimate details of a particular dynamic resource.

云计算鼓励将重点放在相关细节(结果和可观察的性能)上,而不是所用硬件的技术规范。 随着时间的推移,底层硬件将发生变化并有所改善,但是提供商必须负责解决这些问题。 不再需要亲自了解特定动态资源的内在细节。

云是构建块 (Clouds are building blocks)

The cloud provides IT resources as individual, separately priced, atomic-level building blocks. The consumer can choose to use none, all, or some of the ser- vices offered by the cloud.

云提供IT资源作为单独的,单独定价的原子级构建块。 消费者可以选择不使用任何云,全部或部分云提供的服务。

实验便宜 (Experimentation is cheap)

The cloud removes the economic barrier to experimentation. You can access temporary resources to try out a new idea without making long-term commitments to hardware.

云消除了实验的经济障碍。 您可以访问临时资源来尝试新想法,而无需对硬件做出长期承诺。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-characterize-the-cloud-2/

