vs2013 web

tech2023-10-09  118

vs2013 web

At the beginning of 2012 I published 10 Web Predictions for 2012. My foresight failed dismally and I only got it half right. Therefore, I played it safe in 2013 — let’s see if I fared any better…

在2012年初,我发布了2012年的10篇Web预测 。 我的预见惨淡地失败了, 我只得到了一半 。 因此, 我在2013年打的很安全 -让我们看看我的表现是否更好…

1.浏览器使用模式将稳定 (1. Browser usage patterns will steady)

We’ve reached a point where there’s comparatively little difference between the top five browsers. I didn’t foresee Opera switching to Blink which makes them closer still. The majority of users are unlikely to notice or care which browser they’re using: nor should we.

我们已经达到了前五名浏览器之间几乎没有什么区别的地步。 我没有预料到Opera会切换到Blink,这会使它们更加靠近。 大多数用户不太可能注意到或关心他们使用的是哪种浏览器: 我们也不应该 。

Cumulative score: 1 out of 1. A good start!


2.浏览器的选择将变得更加有限 (2. Browser choice will become more limited)

I predicted more vendors would jump on the Apple bandwagon and dictate which browser you can install. While Windows RT, Chrome OS and Firefox OS have browser restrictions, none has been able to challenge the dominance of Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android or even Linux. I still think it’s a concern, but can’t really claim a point. Yet.

我预计会有更多的供应商加入Apple的行列,并决定可以安装哪种浏览器。 尽管Windows RT,Chrome OS和Firefox OS具有浏览器限制,但没有一个能够挑战Windows,Mac OS,iOS,Android甚至Linux的主导地位。 我仍然认为这是一个问题,但并不能真正提出要点。 然而。

1 out of 2. D’oh.


3. IE11(或10.1)将发布 (3. IE11 (or 10.1) will be released)

IE11 was released with Windows 8.1 in October and launched on Windows 7 in November. Not only did it arrive within twelve months of IE10, but it surprised many by being a very good browser.

IE11于10月与Windows 8.1一起发布,并于11月在Windows 7上发布。 它不仅在IE10的十二个月内到货,而且由于它是一个非常好的浏览器而使许多人感到惊讶 。

An easy 2 out of 3!


4. Windows 8的大更新将到来 (4. A big Windows 8 update will arrive)

My prediction:


SP1 will bring back many of the business PC-friendly features Microsoft stripped from the OS. I wouldn’t be surprised to see less reliance on the gesture nonsense and a smaller Metro/whatever-its-name screen which looks suspiciously like a Start button.

SP1将带回Microsoft从操作系统中剥离的许多商用PC友好功能。 看到对废话手势的依赖性降低,以及较小的Metro / what-it-names屏幕(看起来像“开始”按钮),我不会感到惊讶。

I had the name wrong, but Windows 8.1 is more akin to a service pack than a full Windows release. I like Windows 8/8.1, but I’ve been using it since day one and the first few weeks were frustrating. The OS is a brave departure from Windows 7 but people are afraid to learn something new — especially when there’s little perceived benefit. I doubt Microsoft will return to classic interface, but it will take some time before users accept Windows 8 (presuming they ever do).

我的名字错了,但Windows 8.1更类似于Service Pack,而不是完整的Windows版本。 我喜欢Windows 8 / 8.1,但是从第一天开始就一直使用它,前几周令人沮丧。 该操作系统是与Windows 7的英勇结合,但是人们却害怕学习新的东西-尤其是在几乎没有察觉到收益的情况下。 我怀疑Microsoft是否会返回经典界面,但是用户接受Windows 8(假设他们曾经使用)需要一些时间。

That’s 3 out of 4. It’s looking good!


5. Node.js将成为颠覆性技术 (5. Node.js will become a disruptive technology)

The web is dominated by PHP, .NET and Java, but Node.js received considerable attention during 2013. All the cool kids are using it. There’s some way to go: relatively few companies are writing Node.js applications and hosting choices are more limited. That said, developers are using the technology for task automation and build tools such as Grunt.

网络主要由PHP,.NET和Java主导,但是Node.js在2013年受到了广泛关注。所有很酷的孩子都在使用它。 有一段路要走:相对而言,很少有公司在编写Node.js应用程序,并且托管选择受到限制。 也就是说,开发人员正在将该技术用于任务自动化和构建工具,例如Grunt 。

Perhaps I’m a little too early with my prediction, but 2014 certainly looks good for Node.js. Half a point seems fair: 3.5 out of 5.

也许我的预测还为时过早,但是对于Node.js来说,2014年肯定不错。 半分似乎很合理:3.5分(满分5分)

6. 2013年是响应式网页设计的一年 (6. 2013 is the year of Responsive Web Design)

Who isn’t creating a responsive website design? They are everywhere with good reason: the benefits far outweigh the costs. It’s difficult to justify reasons not to use RWD.

谁没有在创建响应式网站设计? 他们到处都是有充分理由的:收益远远超过成本。 很难说明不使用RWD的原因。

Definitely another point: 4.5 out of 6.


7.将确定自适应图像标准 (7. A responsive image standard will be decided)

Hmmm, I wish. Despite everyone using RWD, it remains remarkably difficult to target devices with different images according to resolution and bandwidth. While there has been some consensus to the responsive image problem, we’re a long way from a workable cross-browser solution.

嗯,我希望。 尽管每个人都在使用RWD,但是根据分辨率和带宽来定位具有不同图像的设备仍然非常困难。 尽管对于响应式图像问题已经达成了一些共识 ,但距离可行的跨浏览器解决方案还有很长的路要走。

There’s been some movement, but even half a point would be generous: 4.5 out of 7.

有一些移动,但即使是半点也很慷慨:4.5 / 7。

8.触摸屏设备将走向成熟 (8. Touch screen devices will come of age)

Tablets are everywhere. You would have seen an abundance of the devices when fraternizing with like-minded technical buddies before 2013 but, this year, tablets entered mainstream consciousness. Your pointy-haired boss and parents now use one in preference to their PC.

平板电脑无处不在。 在2013年之前与志趣相投的技术伙伴进行架势时,您会看到大量的设备,但是今年,平板电脑进入了主流意识。 您的尖顶老板和父母现在优先使用PC而不是PC。

Additionally, let’s not forget that entry-level laptops have received touch screens during the past year. Another point I think: 5.5 out of 8 — I’ve beaten last year’s score with two predictions to go!

此外,别忘了在过去的一年中,入门级笔记本电脑已经收到了触摸屏。 我想说的另一点:8分中的5.5分-我有两个预测可以击败去年的得分 !

9.本机与网络应用的辩论将继续 (9. The native vs web app debate will continue)

This is more difficult to quantify. Companies want apps, but the market is confused. Native, web and hybrid all offer compelling advantages and disadvantages.

这很难量化。 公司想要应用程序,但市场却迷茫了。 本地,Web和混合都具有引人注目的优点和缺点。

I’m going to award myself a slightly generous point. The debate is less heated, but you’ll still be annoyed by “use our new app” pop-ups and skip screens which inevitably lead to awful software which is less functional than the website you were trying to access.

我要给自己一点点大方的评价。 争论不那么激烈,但“使用我们的新应用程序”弹出窗口和跳过屏幕仍然会令您感到烦恼,这不可避免地导致糟糕的软件,其功能不如您尝试访问的网站。

6.5 out of 9 — on to the final prediction.

6.5之9 —最终预测。

10.平均网页权重将达到2Mb (10. Average web page weights will reach 2Mb)

By the end of 2012, average page weight had bloated by 30% in one year to reach 1,250Kb. Few developers seem concerned by this and I predicted another jump to 2Mb. The actual figure according to the HTTP Archive Report is a little over 1,700Kb — a 32% increase in the past twelve months. That’s also split over a ludicrous 96 HTTP requests.

到2012年底,平均页面重量在一年内膨胀了30%,达到1,250Kb 。 几乎没有开发人员对此感到担心,我预测还会再增加到2Mb。 根据HTTP存档报告 ,实际数字略高于1,700Kb ,在过去的12个月中增长了32% 。 这也分成了荒谬的96个HTTP请求。

So my prediction was a little wide of the mark, but pages still have an obesity problem. I’m going to be greedy and claim another half point.

因此,我的预测有点宽泛,但是页面仍然存在肥胖问题。 我会很贪心,声称还有另外一半。

That gives me a grand total of 7 out of 10. That’s 40% more accurate than last year — my precognitive skills are improving! Watch out for my 2014 predictions coming soon…

这使我获得了满分10的7分。比去年提高了40%-我的认知能力正在提高! 留意我即将在2014年做出的预测 ……

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-web-predictions-2013-results/

vs2013 web
