
tech2023-10-10  118

The holy grail for any business is to build a relationship with its customers that sticks. The relationship is designed to be so strong that it ensures customers keep coming back for every possible need. Retailers, defined as any business providing a finished product to its customers, are especially driven to build these sticky relationships since customers can generally move their business to competitors with relative ease.

任何企业的圣杯都是与客户建立牢固的关系。 这种关系被设计得如此牢固,以确保客户不断满足每一个可能的需求。 零售商(定义为向客户提供成品的任何企业)尤其要建立这种粘性关系,因为客户通常可以相对轻松地将其业务转移给竞争对手。

In my previous post, I introduced the concept of cloud bursts as connecting social media networks physically to real-world business operations. I refine that definition here clarifying that cloud bursts are marketing campaigns that integrate social media marketing with traditional brick and mortar retail operations in order to drive sales or reinforce a customer relationship. In short, cloud bursts incent social networks to conduct business at a retailer’s physical outlet and strengthen the relationship.

在我以前的文章中,我介绍了云爆发的概念,即将社交媒体网络物理连接到现实世界中的业务运营。 我在此处完善该定义,以澄清云爆发是将社交媒体营销与传统实体零售业务相结合的营销活动,以推动销售或加强客户关系。 简而言之, 云打破了激励性社交网络,以在零售商的实体店开展业务并加强关系 。

There are many ways cloud burst marketing campaigns can be implemented using tools currently available in cloud and mobile environments. Processes can be designed using these tools to bring data together to manage cloud bursts. But real and lucrative opportunities exist for cloud burst solution providers to streamline and package these capabilities giving retailers a one-stop shop for solutions that bond their customers to physical outlets.

可以使用云和移动环境中当前可用的工具来实施云爆发营销活动的多种方式。 可以使用这些工具设计流程,以将数据整合在一起以管理云爆发。 但是,对于云爆发解决方案提供商而言,存在真正而有利​​可图的机会,可以简化和打包这些功能,从而为零售商提供一站式的解决方案商店,以将其客户绑定到实体店。

To further describe the opportunities for retailers as well as solution providers, I present in this post a sample user story defining requirements for a food truck wanting to utilize cloud burst campaigns. I’ll keep the user story solution-agnostic except for identifying Facebook or Twitter. I utilize them as a source for social media and marketing administrators to use for customer mining and list building. Avoiding the use of existing products will hopefully prevent me from limiting your ideas on how to support a cloud burst campaign.

为了进一步描述零售商和解决方案提供商的机会,我在这篇文章中介绍了一个示例用户案例,该案例定义了对希望利用云爆发活动的食品卡车的要求。 除了确定Facebook或Twitter之外,我将使用户故事解决方案不可知。 我将它们用作社交媒体和营销管理员用于客户挖掘和列表建立的来源。 避免使用现有产品将有望阻止我限制您对如何支持云爆发活动的想法。

As a favor to me, I ask that you provide feedback and identify specific products or processes that can be used to support the cloud burst scenarios presented. If you’re the developer or product manager for a tool that can support any part of the scenario, feel free to comment back. I’ll loop back to you for further information and discuss in a future post.

为了对我有利,我要求您提供反馈并确定可用于支持所介绍的云爆发场景的特定产品或流程。 如果您是可以支持方案任何部分的工具的开发人员或产品经理,请随时发表评论。 我会回信给您以获取更多信息,并在以后的文章中进行讨论。

云爆发运动组件 (Cloud Burst Campaign Components)

Before presenting the user story, let me back up and define the components necessary for a cloud burst marketing campaign to succeed. While there are many critical components all marketing campaigns must have, these components below must be clearly defined for a cloud burst to reach the appropriate customers and drive their behavior at the outlet:

在介绍用户故事之前,让我备份并定义成功进行云爆发式营销活动所需的组件。 尽管所有市场营销活动都必须包含许多关键组件,但必须明确定义以下这些组件,才能使云爆发,以吸引适当的客户并推动他们在网点的行为:

Campaign Goal

广告活动目标 Target Market

目标市场 Customer Benefit

客户利益 Communication Channel


广告活动目标 (Campaign Goal)

Every cloud burst marketing campaign must have a specific goal or set of goals defined. Whether the campaign is to drive sales at the outlet or to connect with customers and introduce them to a new outlet, the number of customers you target and hope to successfully connect with must be defined. This is the basis for analyzing the campaign results for continuous improvement.

每个云爆发营销活动都必须定义一个特定的目标或一组目标。 无论是要在网点上促进销售还是与客户建立联系并将其介绍给新的网点,都必须确定您要定位并希望成功与之建立联系的客户数量。 这是分析运动结果以进行持续改进的基础。

目标市场 (Target Market)

The specific type of customer included in the campaign must be defined. This determines the source of data to be used for “seeding the cloud burst”. Do you want to pull customers from existing social networks like Facebook? Or do you want to derive the list from an existing retail loyalty program roster?

必须定义活动中包括的特定客户类型。 这确定了用于“播种云爆发”的数据源。 您是否要从现有的社交网络(例如Facebook)吸引客户? 还是要从现有的零售忠诚度计划名册中得出清单?

客户利益 (Customer Benefit)

Specifically define the benefit the customer receives for participating in the cloud burst. Whether that benefit is a discount on purchases, special access to game weapons or awards, or whatever; highlight the benefit and make sure the customer associates the benefit with both the social network and the retailer to reinforce the value of that relationship.

具体定义客户参与云爆发所获得的利益。 该收益是否为购买折扣,特殊使用游戏武器或奖励的权利,或其他; 突出显示利益,并确保客户将利益与社交网络和零售商相关联,以增强这种关系的价值。

沟通渠道 (Communication Channel)

The communication channel for reaching customers must be defined since it will determine the social networking tools and the technologies involved that connect the customer to the retailer. If you’re trying to reach your customer targets through proprietary channels such as Facebook messages or Twitter posts, then it goes without saying that all of your target market must be participants in that channel.

必须定义联系客户的沟通渠道,因为它将确定社交网络工具和将客户连接到零售商的相关技术。 如果您试图通过诸如Facebook消息或Twitter帖子之类的专有渠道达到客户目标,那么不用说,您的所有目标市场都必须是该渠道的参与者。

现在是一个用户故事 (And Now A User Story)

A roving food-truck operation maintains both a Facebook page for those fans who like them and a Twitter account to communicate daily menus and specials. Assuming that large crowds draw even more customers and wanting to increase sales after just opening in a new location for the day, the cloud burst campaign’s goal is to increase sales in the initial hour of opening.

巡回食品卡车操作会为喜欢的粉丝维护一个Facebook页面,并维护一个Twitter账户来传达日常菜单和特价。 假设大量的人群吸引了更多的客户,并希望在一天中在新地点开业后才增加销售量,那么云爆发活动的目标是在营业的最初一小时内增加销售量。

They want to attract customers from the local area and reward them for purchasing lunch early and turning an otherwise slow time into a busy and profitable hour. The same logic could be used to drive sales to the truck after busy lunch times thus extending the lunch sale period.

他们希望吸引当地的顾客,并奖励他们提早购买午餐并将原本缓慢的时间变成忙碌而有利可图的时间。 在繁忙的午餐时间之后,可以使用相同的逻辑来推动卡车的销售,从而延长午餐的销售时间。

To seed the cloud burst list, the truck’s social media administrator and marketing guru creates a list of potential customers and segments from the following sources:


Facebook users who have liked their page.

喜欢其页面的Facebook用户。 Twitter followers.

Twitter的追随者。 Customers who register and provide email and contact information in exchange for a discount at the point of sale that day.

在当天的销售点注册并提供电子邮件和联系信息以换取折扣的客户。 Customers traveling in the immediate area using a mobile device that has been registered on the cloud solution to the customer.


The administrator defines a discount code unique to each customer segment that will be valid for a specific period of time. Using a cloud-based tool, the administrator works the night before to load contact information for each of the first three customer segments. They compose a marketing message tailored for each segment and format it for the specific communication channel used (i.e. Twitter, text message). The message is scheduled to be transmitted to each customer segment via the cloud solution.

管理员为每个客户细分定义一个唯一的折扣码,该折扣码将在特定时间段内有效。 管理员使用基于云的工具,在前一天晚上进行工作,以加载前三个客户群中每个客户群的联系信息。 他们撰写针对每个细分市场量身定制的营销信息,并将其格式化为所使用的特定沟通渠道(即Twitter,短信)。 该消息计划通过云解决方案传输到每个客户群。

The cloud solution constantly scans for mobile devices that are in a defined range and geographically close enough to purchase lunch at the truck. When the devices enter the targeted range, special discount codes are sent to those customer devices. These customers are in the fourth customer segment.

云解决方案会不断扫描定义范围内且地理位置足够近的卡车,以便在卡车上购买午餐。 当设备进入目标范围时,特殊折扣代码将发送到这些客户设备。 这些客户属于第四类客户。

When customers arrive at the truck, they are given the option of ordering via a mobile device to bypass long lines. Given their elite status as a loyal customer, they’re also able to pay for food via the mobile device using a credit card and pick up their food at a separate window.

当客户到达卡车时,他们可以通过移动设备订购以绕过长队。 鉴于他们是忠实客户的精英地位,他们还可以使用信用卡通过移动设备付款,然后在单独的窗口中领取食物。

Customers can opt to register via the cloud solution under user-defined groups, such as “Acme Corporation, Accounting.” This allows users to associate themselves with a larger community of frequent customers—a larger market segment, and qualify for other special discounts. The stickier you can make the relationship with the customer by increasing the number of touchpoints with them, the more loyal they become. The administrator can save the location of these larger communities and use that information to schedule future truck locations since they know where many of their customers are every day.

客户可以选择通过云解决方案在用户定义的组下进行注册,例如“ Acme Corporation,Accounting”。 这使用户可以将自己与更大的频繁客户群体(更大的细分市场)相关联,并有资格享受其他特殊折扣。 您可以通过增加与客户的接触点的数量来保持与客户的关系的粘性,他们变得越忠诚。 管理员可以保存这些较大社区的位置,并使用该信息来计划将来的卡车位置,因为他们知道每天有很多客户在哪里。

The cloud solution tracks all of the customer’s activity and products purchased during the cloud burst campaign. Analytical reports are generated showing the impact on product sales from each customer segment and the success in reaching customers via each channel.

云解决方案跟踪在云爆发活动期间所有客户的活动和购买的产品。 生成分析报告,显示每个客户群对产品销售的影响以及通过每个渠道成功达到客户的成功。

…还有更多机会 (…And Even More Opportunity)

The food truck user story is a fairly simple scenario. I’m confident I could transfer the story to many other businesses and industries and more complex requirements could be supported. I’m already familiar with cloud solutions and apps that support some of the requirements. Most of you are probably familiar with even more tools or in the process of working on solutions that support the requirements. I’d like to hear from you if any specific feature stands out and can be delivered with a solution or tool you already use or are working on.

食品卡车用户的故事是一个非常简单的场景。 我相信我可以将这个故事转移到许多其他企业和行业,并且可以支持更复杂的要求。 我已经熟悉支持某些要求的云解决方案和应用程序。 你们中的大多数人可能熟悉甚至更多的工具,或者在开发支持需求的解决方案的过程中。 我想听听您是否有任何特别的功能可以与您已经使用或正在使用的解决方案或工具一起提供。

Although there are many excellent tools and solutions that exist on the web or as an app, can a food truck pick one complete service that meets all of the requirements defined in the user story? I’m doubtful but that’s where the opportunity exists for those ready to move.

尽管在网络上或作为应用程序存在许多出色的工具和解决方案,但食品卡车能否选择一项完整的服务来满足用户故事中定义的所有要求? 我对此表示怀疑,但这就是那些准备搬家的人的机会。

Cloud solutions give anybody the ability to rapidly build or utilize existing tools, apps or services and bundle them into a solution. Bring them together under a common web interface and get them to market…fast! We’re able to move so much faster using the cloud than we could when solutions were tied to specific software and platforms.

云解决方案使任何人都可以快速构建或利用现有工具,应用程序或服务并将其捆绑到解决方案中。 将它们放在一个通用的Web界面下,然后Swift推向市场! 与使用解决方案绑定到特定软件和平台的情况相比,使用云计算的迁移速度要快得多。

If you’re interested in discussing cloud burst opportunities for your business, feel free to contact me using this blog or through other channels. I typically split my time between Florida and California to support my clients. I’m available for in-person settings as well if there is sufficient interest.

如果您有兴趣讨论您的企业的云爆发机会,请随时使用此博客或通过其他渠道与我联系。 我通常将时间分散在佛罗里达和加利福尼亚之间,以支持我的客户。 如果有足够的兴趣,我也可以进行面对面的设置。

And if you’re a developer or lead a development team interested in building out a cloud burst solution that meets the needs of a food truck or any other industry, let me know. The opportunities are out there.

如果您是开发人员或领导开发团队,对构建满足食品卡车或任何其他行业需求的云爆发解决方案感兴趣,请告诉我。 机会在那里。

Image via biletskiy / Shutterstock

图片来自biletskiy / Shutterstock

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/seeding-for-cloud-bursts-2/
