
tech2023-10-10  116


If you missed it last week, we’re running a weekly caption competition which kicks off every Friday (in our part of the world) and runs over the weekend. If you’re part of our Facebook community then you will already have had a chance to think on this one.

如果您上周错过了它,我们将进行每周一次的标题比赛,该比赛在每个星期五(在我们的地区)开始,并在周末进行。 如果您是我们Facebook社区的成员,那么您将已经有机会对此进行思考。

The premise is simple – post your caption idea in the comments section and I’ll pick a couple of winners at my discretion. (Tip: the stupider the better.) The winners will be selected and announced on Monday.

前提很简单–将您的标题想法发布在评论部分,我将酌情选择几个获奖者。 (技巧:愚蠢的人越好。)获胜者将在星期一选定并宣布。

Here is this week’s photo:


The winning entry from Facebook was “Ohh man, this isn’t the furry party?” You can see the rest of the entries here. The best two entries (in my opinion) will win themselves digital copies of HTML5 & CSS3 For The Real World. Don’t forget to include your email address when you register to comment (so I can contact you if you win – it won’t be used for any other purpose).

Facebook的获奖作品是“哦,这不是毛茸茸的派对吗?” 您可以在此处查看其余条目。 最好的两个条目(我认为)将为HTML5和CSS3赢得真实世界的数字副本。 注册发表评论时,请不要忘记添加您的电子邮件地址(如果您赢了,我可以与您联系-该地址将不会用于任何其他目的)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/name-that-pic-2/

