
tech2023-10-10  127


It may have been a short 28 days since our last look, but there have been some interesting movements in the browser chart. Here are the latest figures according to StatCounter…

自上次浏览以来可能已经过了28天 ,但浏览器图表中出现了一些有趣的变化。 这是StatCounter的最新数据 ……

2013年1月至2013年2月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics January 2013 to February 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserJanuaryFebruarychangerelativeIE (all)30.70%29.82%-0.88%-2.90%IE 9.0+18.52%18.08%-0.44%-2.40%IE 8.011.12%10.76%-0.36%-3.20%IE 7.00.73%0.68%-0.05%-6.80%IE 6.00.33%0.30%-0.03%-9.10%Firefox21.43%21.34%-0.09%-0.40%Chrome36.55%37.11%+0.56%+1.50%Safari8.27%8.58%+0.31%+3.70%Opera1.19%1.23%+0.04%+3.40%Others1.86%1.92%+0.06%+3.20% 浏览器 一月 二月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 30.70% 29.82% -0.88% -2.90% IE 9.0以上 18.52% 18.08% -0.44% -2.40% IE 8.0 11.12% 10.76% -0.36% -3.20% IE 7.0 0.73% 0.68% -0.05% -6.80% IE 6.0 0.33% 0.30% -0.03% -9.10% 火狐浏览器 21.43% 21.34% -0.09% -0.40% Chrome 36.55% 37.11% + 0.56% + 1.50% 苹果浏览器 8.27% 8.58% + 0.31% + 3.70% 歌剧 1.19% 1.23% + 0.04% + 3.40% 其他 1.86% 1.92% + 0.06% + 3.20%

2012年2月至2013年2月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics February 2012 to February 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserFebruary 2012February 2013changerelativeIE (all)35.75%29.82%-5.93%-16.60%IE 9.0+12.09%18.08%+5.99%+49.50%IE 8.018.86%10.76%-8.10%-42.90%IE 7.03.32%0.68%-2.64%-79.50%IE 6.01.48%0.30%-1.18%-79.70%Firefox24.88%21.34%-3.54%-14.20%Chrome29.88%37.11%+7.23%+24.20%Safari6.76%8.58%+1.82%+26.90%Opera2.02%1.23%-0.79%-39.10%Others0.71%1.92%+1.21%+170.40% 浏览器 2012年2月 2013年2月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 35.75% 29.82% -5.93% -16.60% IE 9.0以上 12.09% 18.08% + 5.99% + 49.50% IE 8.0 18.86% 10.76% -8.10% -42.90% IE 7.0 3.32% 0.68% -2.64% -79.50% IE 6.0 1.48% 0.30% -1.18% -79.70% 火狐浏览器 24.88% 21.34% -3.54% -14.20% Chrome 29.88% 37.11% + 7.23% + 24.20% 苹果浏览器 6.76% 8.58% + 1.82% + 26.90% 歌剧 2.02% 1.23% -0.79% -39.10% 其他 0.71% 1.92% + 1.21% + 170.40%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 9.1% of IE6 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示比例变化,即,另外9.1%的IE6用户上个月放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Internet Explorer has fallen below 30%. Prehistoric browser usage statistics are a little hazy, but I suspect it had that total during the early days of IE4 back in 1997.

Internet Explorer已降至30%以下。 史前浏览器使用情况的统计数据有些模糊,但我怀疑它在1997年IE4的早期就已经有了。

Some news which will make web developers rejoice: the combined total for IE6 and 7 has fallen below 1%. The biggest drop occurred in China where the browsers held more than 30% twelve months ago, but now hold 6%. Admittedly, 1% of the worldwide market is still a lot of people, but the figures are dropping fast and — unless you’re very unlucky — they’re no longer of any concern for you or your clients.

一些使Web开发人员高兴的消息:IE6和7的总和已降至1%以下。 降幅最大的是中国,在十二个月前,浏览器的占有率超过30%,但现在却只有6%。 诚然,全球市场的1%仍然是很多人,但是这个数字正在Swift下降,而且-除非您非常不幸,否则它们对您或您的客户不再有任何问题。

It’s not all gloom for Microsoft; IE10 grew by 20%. It remains the fastest growing browser but, at 1.21%, any movements are exaggerated. Interestingly, Windows 8 holds 3.16% of the OS market; we can therefore deduce that 38% of Windows 8 users have IE10 as their default. Usage trends are more complex and early adopters are likely to be predominant users of Microsoft software but IE10 is a solid browser. The recent release on Windows 7 and automated updates should increase its market share rapidly.

对于微软来说,这并不全是阴郁的。 IE10增长了20%。 它仍然是增长最快的浏览器,但以1.21%的速度被夸大了。 有趣的是,Windows 8占据了OS市场的3.16%。 因此,我们可以推断出38%的Windows 8用户将IE10作为默认设置。 使用趋势更加复杂,早期采用者可能是Microsoft软件的主要用户,但IE10是可靠的浏览器 。 Windows 7上的最新版本和自动更新将Swift增加其市场份额。

February’s biggest winner was Chrome. It’s growth has been relatively sedate recently so a jump of 0.56% is striking for a browser which holds almost 40% of the market.

2月的最大赢家是Chrome。 它的增长最近相对较为稳定,因此对于占有近40%市场的浏览器而言,其涨幅为0.56%。

Firefox barely moved, Safari enjoyed a small rise, and Opera also increased — its first rise in many months. Perhaps the news that Opera is switching to WebKit raised its profile.

Firefox几乎没有动弹,Safari的增长很小,Opera也有所增长,这是许多个月以来的首次增长。 Opera转向WebKit的消息也许提高了它的知名度。

WebKit is starting to dominate. It’s approaching a 50% share on desktops, has 56% of the mobile market and a near monopoly on smartphones and tablets. That makes me a little nervous — look out for 5 Reasons to Reject the WebKit Monoculture on SitePoint next week.

WebKit开始占主导地位。 它在台式机上的份额已接近50%,在移动市场上占有56%的份额,并且在智能手机和平板电脑上几乎垄断了市场。 这让我有些紧张-寻找下周在SitePoint上拒绝WebKit Monoculture的5个理由 。

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Mobile usage increased a fraction to 14.35% of all web activity during February 2013.

在2013年2月期间,移动设备使用率增加到所有网络活动的14.35% 。

The primary mobile browsing applications:


Android — 31.54% (up 0.69%)

Android — 31.54%(增长0.69%) iPhone — 24.36% (up 1.28%)

iPhone-24.36%(增长1.28%) Opera Mini/Mobile – 15.40% (up 0.05%)

Opera Mini / Mobile – 15.40%(上涨0.05%) UC Browser — 8.34% (down 1.41%)

UC浏览器-8.34%(下降1.41%) Nokia browser — 6.91% 7.46% (down 0.55%)


Apple’s iPhone appears has enjoyed a recent resurgence; it’s amazing that a single company holds 25% of the mobile market (well, a quarter of those using a phone to access the web). Android also continues to do well.

苹果的iPhone似乎最近复苏了。 令人惊讶的是,一家公司拥有25%的移动市场份额(占使用电话访问网络的公司的四分之一)。 Android仍然表现良好。

It’s difficult to see anyone breaking the Android/iPhone stranglehold, but perhaps Mozilla has a chance with their recently-released Firefox OS. The organization is targeting more affordable devices with lower hardware requirements and has almost 20 manufacturers on board. Firefox OS seems capable and is HTML5-based — you can even change OS styles and colors with a quick CSS update. The phones could become popular in developing countries, with school children and those unwilling to pay bloated prices.

很难看到有人打破Android / iPhone的束缚,但是Mozilla也许有机会使用他们最近发布的Firefox OS。 该组织的目标是购买价格更便宜,硬件要求更低的设备,并且拥有近20家制造商。 Firefox OS似乎功能强大并且基于HTML5-您甚至可以通过快速CSS更新来更改OS样式和颜色。 这些电话可能会在发展中国家,小学生和那些不愿付出高昂价格的人中流行。


