
tech2023-10-11  102


PicGo.app (Chinese Language Only) picgo

PicGo is an GUI app built from PicGo-Core. Since it only provides a Chinese user interface, you will find this option only when your Typora is using Simplified Chinese language. To use with Typora, we require PicGo ≥ 2.2.0 with PicGo-Server enabled and use port in default value (36677). And when Typora upload images using PicGo, PicGo will be launched and kept running. For Linux / Windows users, please set the path of PicGo binary in Typora’s preferences setting after install it. 偏好设置里PicGo.app功能出现在汉语版,PicGo 2.2.0 以上,打开服务器功能,保持默认端口36677

1、PicGo 2.2.0 及以上版本

Github中PicGo下载地址: Molunerfinn /PicGo 看到这里我是懵的,都不知道win应该选哪个,查阅作者的README文档: 所以此处要选择.exe后缀的版本。


