
tech2023-10-12  126

A roundup of some of this week’s cloud news;


Virtustream收购Enomaly (Virtustream Acquires Enomaly)

Enterprise Cloud Solution Provider Virtustream has announced that their acquisition of Enomaly is complete. The purchase brings Enomaly’s “cloud exchange, federation and public cloud capabilities” into their product line.

企业云解决方案提供商Virtustream 宣布已完成对Enomaly的收购。 此次收购将Enomaly的“云交换,联合和公共云功能”带入了他们的产品线。

Chief of Corporate Development of Virtustream Inc. Bill McNamara said during the announcement that “With our acquisition of Enomaly, Virtustream continues to shape the cloud industry for the enterprise client.”, and certainly Enomaly’s Software toolkit brings them a major step closer to being an industry leader in enterprise cloud computing.

Virtustream公司企业发展部负责人Bill McNamara在声明中说:“随着对Enomaly的收购,Virtustream继续为企业客户塑造云计算行业。”当然,Enomaly的软件工具箱使他们迈出了迈出重要一步。企业云计算的行业领导者。

Brightbox将提供IaaS Windows Server 2008 (Brightbox To Offer IaaS Windows Server 2008)

Cloud Infrastructure as a Service provider BrightBox has published a blog post announcing the availability of Windows Server 2008 R2 images for BrightBox customers as part of an “Any OS, any app, any time” ambition.

云基础架构即服务提供商BrightBox已发布博客文章,宣布为BrightBox客户提供Windows Server 2008 R2映像,这是“任何操作系统,任何应用,任何时间”的雄心壮志的一部分。

While the BrightBox service has always supported running windows images, users previously had to work some tricky configuration to achieve workable performance. The new images simplify this greatly and also deal with licensing overhead, making IaaS Windows on BrightBox a much more appealing option.

尽管BrightBox服务始终支持运行Windows图像,但用户以前必须进行一些棘手的配置才能获得可行的性能。 新映像极大地简化了此过程,还处理了许可开销,使BrightBox上的IaaS Windows成为更具吸引力的选择。

据报道,谷歌即将启动云存储服务 (Google Reportedly Near Launching Cloud Storage Service)

A number of sources around the net are reporting rumours of a not too distant future release of Google’s anticipated cloud storage service. With the meteoric rise of consumer services like DropBox, which has drawn more than 45 million members who traffic more than a billion files every few days, Google has seemed to be on the back foot competing with a number of lightning startups. Google+ still lags well behind Facebook’s level of adoption, but the “G Drive” as it is known internally may provide a missing link to unify many of Google’s services and make them much more valuable.

网络上的许多消息来源都在谣言称Google预期的云存储服务的未来发布不会太遥远。 随着诸如DropBox之类的消费者服务的迅猛发展,DropBox已经吸引了超过4500万名会员,每隔几天就会发送超过10亿个文件,因此Google似乎在与众多闪电初创公司竞争。 Google+仍然远远落后于Facebook的采用水平,但是内部已知的“ G Drive”可能会缺少一个链接,以统一许多Google服务并使它们更有价值。

全球首个云托管服务启动 (World’s First Cloud Escrow Service Launched)

NCC Group, a leader in IT Escrow services has signed an agreement with the UK Cloud Alliance, providing Software, Data and Code coverage for mid-tier cloud consumers.

IT托管服务的领导者NCC集团已与UK Cloud Alliance签署了一项协议 ,为中层云消费者提供软件,数据和代码覆盖。

The existence of this high level partnership is an important step to removing one of the lingering barriers to entry to the cloud for many CTOs – namely the business continuity risk of relying on a third party solution.


“Our aim is to work with organisations to develop robust escrow protection solutions that protect the long-term availability of their business critical software and the investments they have made in the Cloud,” said Pete Stock, managing director at NCC Group.

NCC集团董事总经理Pete Stock说:“我们的目标是与组织合作,开发强大的托管保护解决方案,以保护其业务关键软件的长期可用性以及他们在云中进行的投资。”

雅虎发布CORE数据授权 (Yahoo Releases C.O.R.E. Data Vizualization)

Yahoo has released its Yahoo! C.O.R.E. Data Vizualization Tool, showing some brilliant glimpses into the use of Big Data at the search giant.

雅虎发布了其Yahoo! CORE Data Vizualization Tool ,展示了搜索巨头对Big Data的使用的一些精辟一瞥。

The tool is build upon the Hadoop framework (to which Yahoo! has contributed a great deal in development), and lets users store and process terabytes of unstructured data from web browsing analytics.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/this-week-tn-the-cloud/
