
tech2023-10-13  114


In last month’s analysis, it was evident Google and Microsoft have the biggest browser battle. Unfortunately, the latest figures according to StatCounter highlight a casualty of the war…

在上个月的分析中 ,很明显谷歌和微软在浏览器之战中最大。 不幸的是, 根据StatCounter的最新数据强调了这场战争的人员伤亡……

2013年4月至2013年5月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics April 2013 to May 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserAprilMaychangerelativeIE (all)29.69%27.71%-1.98%-6.70%IE106.19%8.69%+2.50%+40.40%IE 913.35%9.61%-3.74%-28.00%IE89.30%8.63%-0.67%-7.20%IE70.59%0.54%-0.05%-8.50%IE60.26%0.24%-0.02%-7.70%Chrome39.21%41.44%+2.23%+5.70%Firefox20.05%19.75%-0.30%-1.50%Safari7.99%7.94%-0.05%-0.60%Opera1.00%1.00%+0.00%+0.00%Others2.06%2.16%+0.10%+4.90% 浏览器 四月 可能 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 29.69% 27.71% -1.98% -6.70% IE10 6.19% 8.69% + 2.50% + 40.40% IE 9 13.35% 9.61% -3.74% -28.00% IE8 9.30% 8.63% -0.67% -7.20% IE7 0.59% 0.54% -0.05% -8.50% IE6 0.26% 0.24% -0.02% -7.70% Chrome 39.21% 41.44% + 2.23% + 5.70% 火狐浏览器 20.05% 19.75% -0.30% -1.50% 苹果浏览器 7.99% 7.94% -0.05% -0.60% 歌剧 1.00% 1.00% + 0.00% + 0.00% 其他 2.06% 2.16% + 0.10% + 4.90%

2012年5月至2013年5月全球浏览器统计 (Worldwide Browser Statistics May 2012 to May 2013)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserMay 2012May 2013changerelativeIE (all)32.13%27.71%-4.42%-13.80%IE100.00%8.69%+8.69%n/aIE 915.59%9.61%-5.98%-38.40%IE814.35%8.63%-5.72%-39.90%IE71.53%0.54%-0.99%-64.70%IE60.66%0.24%-0.42%-63.60%Chrome32.51%41.44%+8.93%+27.50%Firefox25.57%19.75%-5.82%-22.80%Safari7.08%7.94%+0.86%+12.10%Opera1.78%1.00%-0.78%-43.80%Others0.93%2.16%+1.23%+132.30% 浏览器 2012年5月 2013年5月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 32.13% 27.71% -4.42% -13.80% IE10 0.00% 8.69% + 8.69% 不适用 IE 9 15.59% 9.61% -5.98% -38.40% IE8 14.35% 8.63% -5.72% -39.90% IE7 1.53% 0.54% -0.99% -64.70% IE6 0.66% 0.24% -0.42% -63.60% Chrome 32.51% 41.44% + 8.93% + 27.50% 火狐浏览器 25.57% 19.75% -5.82% -22.80% 苹果浏览器 7.08% 7.94% + 0.86% + 12.10% 歌剧 1.78% 1.00% -0.78% -43.80% 其他 0.93% 2.16% + 1.23% + 132.30%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 8.5% of IE7 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示成比例的变化,即,另有8.5%的IE7用户上个月放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Firefox has dropped below 20%. StatCounter’s records only go back to 2008 but I guess 2005 was the last time Mozilla’s browser was at that level. Firefox 1.0 was released in November 2004 and instantly received positive press in a world dominated by IE6. It remains a great browser and 20% is a healthy share, but Mozilla will never have the commercial clout of Google and Microsoft. However, Firefox is the only true open-source browser — Mozilla has no shareholders or profit targets. There’s little reason to doubt Firefox’s long-term future even though Mozilla has stopped development on related projects such as Camino (a Gecko browser for OSX which has been superseded by Firefox) and Thunderbird (the Gecko-based email and news client).

Firefox已降至20%以下。 StatCounter的记录只能追溯到2008年,但我想2005年是Mozilla的浏览器最后一次处于该级别。 Firefox 1.0于2004年11月发布,并在以IE6为主的世界中Swift受到好评。 它仍然是一个出色的浏览器,并且有20%的份额是健康的,但是Mozilla永远不会拥有Google和Microsoft的商业影响力。 但是,Firefox是唯一真正的开源浏览器-Mozilla没有股东或盈利目标。 即使Mozilla停止了相关项目的开发,也没有理由怀疑Firefox的长期发展前景,例如Camino(一种OSX的Gecko浏览器,已被Firefox取代)和Thunderbird(基于Gecko的电子邮件和新闻客户端)。

I’m not sure how Chrome managed to jump another 2.23%, but it’s incredible for a browser which now holds more that 40% of the market. In simplistic terms, Chrome is used by twice as many users as Firefox. I’m not wholly convinced that’s the case, especially since version 27 introduced further pre-rendering technology to download pages in the background. This can affect the statistics; StatCounter has fixed similar skewing issues in the past so perhaps we’ll see a drop next month.

我不确定Chrome如何再跃升2.23%,但对于目前拥有40%以上市场的浏览器来说,这是不可思议的。 简单来说,Chrome使用的用户是Firefox的两倍。 我并不完全相信这种情况,尤其是因为版本27引入了进一步的预渲染技术来在后台下载页面。 这会影响统计数据; StatCounter过去已经解决了类似的偏斜问题,因此也许下个月我们会看到下降的趋势。

The bulk of Chrome’s increase came at the expense of Internet Explorer which dropped almost 2%. IE10 continues to make impressive gains, but mainly because users are migrating from previous versions. If the rumors are true, IE11 will arrive with Windows 8.1 later this month and give Google a little more competition.

Chrome的大部分增长都是以Internet Explorer的损失为代价的,Internet Explorer下降了近2%。 IE10继续取得可观的收益,主要是因为用户正在从以前的版本进行迁移。 如果谣言属实 ,则IE11将于本月晚些时候随Windows 8.1一起发布,这将给Google带来更多竞争。

As for the others, neither Safari or Opera moved. I double-checked Opera — it’s still at exactly 1%. The mobile Blink-based editions are gradually being released so it shouldn’t be long until the desktop version arrives.

至于其他的,Safari和Opera都没有动。 我仔细检查了Opera,它仍然精确到1%。 基于移动Blink的版本正在逐步发布,因此不久就可以发布台式机版本。

移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Mobile usage increase slightly to 14.62% of all web activity in May 2013 — this normally happens when the northern hemisphere approaches summer.

2013年5月,移动设备使用量略有增加, 占所有网络活动的14.62% -通常在北半球临近夏季时发生。

The primary mobile browsing applications:


Android — 30.46% (down 0.50%)

Android — 30.46%(下降0.50%) iPhone — 23.49% (down 0.45%)

iPhone-23.49%(下跌0.45%) Opera Mini/Mobile – 15.45% (up 0.10%)

Opera Mini / Mobile – 15.45%(上涨0.10%) UC Browser — 9.09% (up 0.35%)

UC浏览器-9.09%(增长0.35%) Nokia browser — 7.12% (up 0.09%)


The mathematicians among you will notice that losses for the Android and iPhone browsers total 1% whereas Opera, UC and Nokia’s gains total 0.5%. The reason: another browser is rapidly rising up the lower end of the chart. Chrome for mobile currently holds 2.73% and should overtake Blackberry this month. If it grows as quickly as its desktop cousin, it’ll shunt Nokia out of the top five before the end of the year.

你们中的数学家会注意到,Android和iPhone浏览器的损失总计为1%,而Opera,UC和诺基亚的收益总计为0.5%。 原因是:另一个浏览器正在Swift上升到图表的低端。 Chrome移动版目前占有2.73%的份额,本月将超过黑莓。 如果它的增长速度与台式机一样快,它将在年底前将诺基亚从前五名中脱颖而出。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-june-2013/

