
tech2023-10-14  104


Like many organisations focused on publishing content, SitePoint maintains a Style Guide: a set of instructions and guidelines all SitePoint authors and editors follow to ensure the presentation of text content is consistent and effective across all the SitePoint websites and print publications.

像许多专注于发布内容的组织一样,SitePoint维护着一个样式指南 :所有SitePoint作者和编辑都遵循的一组说明和指南,以确保文本内容的呈现在所有SitePoint网站和印刷出版物中是一致且有效的。

This is particularly important for a publisher like SitePoint because we have a truly global audience. We address an English-speaking audience, but English isn’t consistent in its usage around the world. We use American English as our “lingua franca”, mostly because it’s usually intelligible and familiar enough for English speakers from other countries, while our US readers are little more resistant to some of the quirks in English used by people in the UK, Australia, Canada, India and our other territories.

这对于像SitePoint这样的发布者尤其重要,因为我们拥有真正的全球受众。 我们面向的是说英语的听众,但英语在世界范围内的用法并不统一。 我们将美式英语用作我们的“通用语言”,主要是因为它对于其他国家/地区的英语使用者通常具有一定的理解力和熟悉度,而我们的美国读者则对英国,澳大利亚,加拿大,印度和我们的其他领土。

The Style Guide covers a vast amount of information on acceptable spelling, grammar, syntax, abbreviations, acronyms, product names, case, capitalisation, punctuation, word choices, colloquialisms, technical terms, code, emphasis, styling, captions, lists, numbering, titles, quotations, footnotes, links, web addresses, general sentence construction … right down to when to use which types of brackets in which circumstances.


As you can imagine, it’s quite a task compiling such a guide, and it’s never really finished. It slowly evolves as language and common usage change – slowly, because part of the point is to maintain consistency to make life easier for the reader. We don’t want to chop and change the rules without good reason.

可以想象,编译这样的指南是一项艰巨的任务,并且从未真正完成。 它会随着语言和常用用法的变化而缓慢发展-缓慢的原因是要保持一致性,使读者的生活更轻松。 我们不想在没有充分理由的情况下砍掉和更改规则。

You probably also can guess that the whole Style Guide is a mix of rules and guidelines common to all good publishers and good writers, plus specific style choices particular to SitePoint and our readers.


In going over it, preparing to immerse myself back into the daily editing and writing tasks that give SitePoint its unique tone and style, I was struck by two guidelines I haven’t previously seen articulated in quite this way, despite my having worked with words for a living for over 30 years.


If you’ve ever entertained the thought of writing for SitePoint – I know many of you have, and many more want to – you would do well to follow these two rules.


得到的规则 (The Got Rule)

get/got/gotten We always try to seek out an alternative for this all-purpose verb, though sometimes idiomatic usage holds sway. A good example is the ever-present call to action, “getting started.” I tried, but there really is no better way to start a SitePoint tome.

get / got / gotten我们总是尝试为这个通用动词寻找一种替代方法,尽管有时惯用用法仍然占主导地位。 一个很好的例子是不断出现的号召性用语“入门”。 我尝试过,但是确实没有更好的方法来启动SitePoint大型书本。

This is probably the right moment for a huge shout-out to original Editor Georgina Laidlaw and current English Editor Kelly Steele. The Style Guide is mostly their work, and Kelly is the final arbiter of any disputes about language use at SitePoint.

这可能是对原始编辑Georgina Laidlaw和现任英语编辑Kelly Steele进行大喊大叫的恰当时机。 样式指南主要是他们的工作,而Kelly是SitePoint有关语言使用的任何争议的最终仲裁者。

The Got Rule is brilliant.


If you review any piece of writing and substitute a more meaningful word for any instance of “get”, “got” or (shudder) “gotten”, you’ll increase the clarity, meaning and impact of that passage immeasurably.

如果您回顾任何一篇文章,并用一个更有意义的词代替“ get”,“ got”或(颤抖)“ gotted”的任何实例,那么您将无可估量地增加该段落的清晰度,含义和影响。

The “all-purpose” verb is, in reality, a trap – a convenience we lean on when we can’t think of a better word. Its use is so pervasive nobody really minds it; we just accept it as a bland, non-specific verb and move on. For the aspiring writer, however, it should be regarded as an opportunity to lift your writing above the ordinary.

实际上,“通用”动词是一个陷阱–当我们无法想到一个更好的词时,我们便会依靠这种便利。 它的使用如此普遍,没人真正介意。 我们只接受它是一个温和的非特定动词,然后继续。 但是,对于有抱负的作家,应该将其视为将您的作品提升到普通水平之上的机会。

Sometimes you might just delete the word to improve a sentence: “There has got to be a better way” becomes “There has to be a better way”.

有时您可能只是删除单词以改善句子:“必须有更好的方法”变为“必须有更好的方法”。 Sometimes you might substitute a more specific word: “I got it from the shop” could become “I bought it from the shop” or “I stole it from the shop”, depending on the circumstances.

有时,您可能会用一个更具体的词代替:“我从商店里买来的”可能会变成“我从商店里买来的”或“我从商店里偷来的”。 Sometimes you might change more than just the key word: “Once I got over the shock …” becomes “Once I recovered from the shock …”

有时,您可能所做的改变不只是关键字:“一旦我克服了冲击……”就变成了“一旦我从冲击中恢复了……” Sometimes you might slightly rephrase a sentence: “I quickly got my equipment set up” becomes “I quickly set up my equipment”.


Note also that common sense and the end purpose of clear communication allows for exceptions to this and (just about) any rule.


My other favourite is really a variation of this rule.


事情规则 (The Thing Rule)

someone/something/thing/things – similar issue to “get,” try and say what it is instead

某人/某物/某事/某事 –与“获取”类似的问题,请尝试说出它是什么

Sounds so simple, doesn’t it? Yet the end effect when you put this into practice is quite dramatic. As with the Got Rule, improvement often comes by either choosing a more specific word, by deleting the offending word or by changing the sentence structure.

听起来很简单,不是吗? 但是,当您将其付诸实践时,最终效果会非常戏剧化。 与获得规则一样 ,通常可以通过选择一个更具体的单词,删除有问题的单词或更改句子结构来进行改进。

“The thing about doing it this way …” could become “The advantage of doing it this way …” or the “The drawback to doing it this way …”

“以这种方式做事……”可能会变成“以这种方式做事的好处……”或“以这种方式做事的缺点……”。 “This is something that should never happen” becomes “This should never happen”.

“这是不应该发生的事情”变为“这应该不应该发生”。 “There’s nothing left to stop you …” becomes “If there are no remaining obstacles …” or similar.


This last example also touches on another great rule in the SitePoint Style Guide, which is to use positive language wherever possible. That doesn’t mean you can’t convey negative concepts, just try to use positive language in doing so. The example the Guide gives is to replace “didn’t pay any attention to” with “ignored”. The latter is more direct, emphatic and positive, even though it’s a negative concept being described. At SitePoint, we’re definitely more “bottle is half-full” than “bottle is half-empty”.

最后一个示例还触及了《 SitePoint 样式指南》中的另一个重要规则,即在可能的情况下使用肯定的语言。 这并不意味着您不能传达消极的概念,而只是尝试使用积极的语言。 《指南》提供的示例是将“不关注”替换为“忽略”。 后者更为直接,强调和积极,尽管这是一个消极的概念。 在SitePoint上,我们肯定比“瓶是空的”更“瓶满了”。

The SitePoint Style Guide covers a vast amount of territory and always tries to remain operable in a common sense, reader-friendly way. I have my own bugbears I’d like to see addressed. Why do so few people understand the difference between disinterested (meaning unbiased, without a prejudicial interest) and uninterested (meaning not interested in)?

《 SitePoint 样式指南》涵盖了广泛的领域,并始终尝试以常识和易于阅读的方式保持可操作性。 我有自己想要解决的bugbears。 为什么这么少的人理解无趣(无偏见,没有偏见利益)与无趣(无兴趣)之间的区别?

However, it’s probably not even desirable to have a single authoritative rule for every language possibility. Writers have to be free to choose their words according to their intent and their desire to communicate with the reader.

但是,可能甚至不希望对每种语言都使用单一的权威规则。 作家必须根据自己的意图和与读者交流的愿望自由选择单词。

The point of the Got Rule and the Thing Rule is they are both aimed at removing word choices that are non-specific, unclear and – often – quite meaningless.

“ 获得规则”和“ 事物规则”的目的在于,它们都旨在消除非特定,不明确且通常(非常)无意义的单词选择。

So, if you have a nearly-finished article you want to submit to SitePoint, go back over it and apply the Got Rule and the Thing Rule before you send it to us. You’ll find your chances of publication are much greater and when you are published, your article will receive a much more positive reaction from SitePoint readers.

因此,如果您有即将完成的文章要提交给SitePoint,请在将其发送给我们之前,先回过头来并应用Got Rule和Thing Rule 。 你会发现你的出版物的机会要大得多,当你发表你的文章将收到来自SitePoint读者一个更积极的React。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-got-rule-and-the-thing-rule/

