
tech2023-10-17  108

If you’re an enterprising web application developer, you’ve no doubt been interested in experimenting with Amazon’s cloud offerings in the past few years. Maybe you aim to “survive your success,” as is the subtext of Programming Amazon EC2 by Jurg van Vliet and Flavia Paganelli; a struggle I’m sure all of us hope to be confronted with one day. Regardless of your reason for investigating EC2, your time will be well spent.

如果您是一个进取的Web应用程序开发人员,那么毫无疑问,您在过去几年中一直对尝试使用Amazon的云产品感兴趣。 也许您的目标是“生存成功”,就像Jurg van Vliet和Flavia Paganelli 编写的Amazon EC2编程的潜台词一样。 我确信我们所有人都希望有一天能够面对这一斗争。 无论您调查EC2的原因是什么,您的时间都将得到很好的利用。

Read the First part of this series on PHPMaster!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/setting-up-an-ec2-sandbox-part-1/
