
tech2023-10-17  104


“A picture is worth thousand words” was the phrase coined in early 1920s and was relevant as late as 2000s. But trust me the world has literally moved on! The world is defined today by digital content like videos. Record on your mobile device with 8mp camera, upload to a tube (Any tube;) ), and share! Growth of digital content is defying the Moore’s law, and in much positive way. Technologies to handle such astronomical data growth are evolving and name is apt too: Big data!

“一幅图片值得一千个单词”是在1920年代初创造的,直到2000年代才有意义。 但是请相信我,世界确实在前进! 当今世界是由数字内容(例如视频)定义的。 使用8mp相机在您的移动设备上录制,然后上传到电子管(任何电子管;)),然后分享! 数字内容的增长以许多积极的方式违背了摩尔定律 。 处理此类天文数据增长的技术也在不断发展,名字也很恰当: 大数据 !

Now wherever this data resides, it’s very important that this data gets to end user without user having to wait for long! It may be case of you watching a movie on Netflix or trying to buy your next shoe online by checking the high definition images and videos of it on retailer’s website, you would want it to be fast and quick. You must be saying, well it’s fast enough and I never faced any issues! Guess what? they are already at the edge and closer to you in network, in short they are using Content Delivery Network (CDN).

现在,无论这些数据位于何处,将这些数据提供给最终用户而无需用户等待很长时间都是非常重要的! 可能是您在Netflix上观看电影或试图通过在零售商的网站上查看高清晰度的图像和视频来在线购买下一双鞋子的情况,您希望它速度快。 您必须说,速度足够快,而且我从未遇到任何问题! 你猜怎么了? 他们已经在网络中处于边缘并且离您更近了,简而言之,他们正在使用Content Delivery Network(CDN )。

CDN如何运作? (How does CDN work?)

At the minimum, CDN is a system which has large and distributed servers across geographies. CDN can serve the content faster to end user and make sure it is highly available. Let’s take a basic scenario to understand things better without and with CDN. In a world without CDN, you would host all of your content at a single point. All the traffic would be directed at the same server which might result in single point of failure. As an example your server is hosted in USA and users from Australia will make a round trip all the way to USA servers to fetch the content. Few thousand users requesting the same content will mean thousands of round trips resulting in higher bandwidth consumption, lower speed for end user and slow page loads/jitters in streaming and media loads.

至少,CDN是一个具有跨地理位置的大型分布式服务器的系统。 CDN可以更快地向最终用户提供内容,并确保其高度可用。 让我们以一个基本方案来了解无CDN情况下的情况。 在没有CDN的世界中,您将托管所有内容。 所有流量都将定向到同一服务器,这可能会导致单点故障。 例如,您的服务器托管在美国,来自澳大利亚的用户将一直往返于美国服务器以获取内容。 几千个用户请求相同的内容将意味着成千上万次往返,从而导致更高的带宽消耗,最终用户的较低速度以及流和媒体加载中的页面加载/抖动缓慢。

Image courtesy:Wikipedia

Welcome to CDN: You have servers distributed across the world. Content is replicated across servers either on demand or based on certain logic. When a user requests a file, an intelligent algorithm finds out the closest possible server to user and redirects file delivery to that server. Moreover the server closer to you might have cached a popular file due to many requests and it gets delivered you much faster! That’s the promise of CDN. In previous example we considered, if a user from Australia requests a video and it is not currently available on the server on Australia, then the edge server in Australia will on demand fetch a copy from server in USA. All subsequent requests coming for the same file will be served by the edge server in Australia and will be much smoother experience for users.

欢迎使用CDN:您的服务器遍布全球。 可以根据需要或基于某些逻辑在服务器之间复制内容。 当用户请求文件时,智能算法会找出与用户最接近的服务器,并将文件传递重定向到该服务器。 此外,离您较近的服务器可能由于许多请求而缓存了一个受欢迎的文件,并且可以更快地为您提供服务! 这就是CDN的承诺。 在前面的示例中,我们考虑了如果来自澳大利亚的用户请求视频,而该视频当前在澳大利亚的服务器上不可用,则澳大利亚的边缘服务器将按需从美国的服务器中获取一个副本。 以后,对同一文件的所有后续请求将由澳大利亚的边缘服务器处理,这将为用户带来更加流畅的体验。

Image courtesy:Wikipedia Image courtesy:Wikipedia

CDN中使用的技术 (Techniques used in CDN)

Web caches are frequently used to cache content for certain durations of time. One of scenarios where this serves to be extremely useful is a file being repetitively queried by various users. Think launch of a new product, or a video going viral! Server load balancing is another technique often used among servers or web caches. This adds to scalability, and also increases reliability by removing risk of single point of failure. Load balancing is a big topic in itself and best treated separately. On top of this, a variety of algorithms are used in determining server to deliver the file from. Algorithms determine server to choose a file based on various factors like availability of server in past, number of network hops needed for file retrieval etc. Over period of time, algorithms have grown to gather data on traffic flow, congestion and actively report those events. On top of that, the known congestion points can be used to better route the traffic.

Web缓存经常用于在某些时间段内缓存内容。 其中一种非常有用的方案是,各种用户反复查询文件。 想一想新产品的发布,或视频大放异彩! 服务器负载平衡是服务器或Web缓存中经常使用的另一种技术。 这增加了可伸缩性,并且通过消除单点故障的风险也提高了可靠性。 负载平衡本身就是一个大话题,最好分开处理。 最重要的是,在确定服务器从中传递文件时使用了多种算法。 算法根据各种因素(例如,过去的服务器可用性,文件检索所需的网络跃点数等)确定服务器选择文件。随着时间的流逝,算法已经增长,可以收集有关流量,拥塞并主动报告这些事件的数据。 最重要的是,已知的拥塞点可用于更好地路由流量。

CDN注意事项 (CDN considerations)

There are certain factors to be considered while evaluating CDN of choice for your website/content:


Geography: What are the geographies you want to serve for your current and future user base. Does the CDN provider has servers in all those geographies to serve all of your user needs? If not what are the plans in near future.

地理位置 :您要为当前和将来的用户群提供哪些地理位置? CDN提供程序是否在所有这些地区都具有服务器来满足您的所有用户需求? 如果不是,不久的将来有什么计划。

Cost or performance: Motives of implementing CDN can be either increasing the performance or reducing cost of existing bandwidth. While both objectives tend to align in this case, there might cases where you have to weigh one over other. In terms of cost, you might want to look at various options like buying a fixed quota for a fixed price for certain duration, or a purely month to month subscription for CDN as a service.

成本或性能 :实施CDN的动机可能是提高性能或降低现有带宽的成本。 虽然在这种情况下这两个目标趋于一致,但在某些情况下您可能不得不权衡一个目标。 在成本方面,您可能希望查看各种选择,例如在一定的期限内以固定的价格购买固定的配额,或者纯粹按月订阅CDN即服务。

Replication: What your applications needs for replication and is that satisfied with given service provider within your budget?

复制 :您的应用程序需要复制什么,并且在预算范围内满足给定服务提供商的要求?

CDN的好处 (Benefits of CDN)

End users are the biggest beneficiaries : page load times are faster, loading of big files like media content is without “jitter”! By making multiple copies of data at different data centers and distributing across world prevents single point of failure, while backing up your data in process. Even if one of the servers goes down for some reason, the traffic can be routed to other nearby servers without affecting end users. One of important but easily not identified benefits of using CDN is conservation of bandwidth. By redirecting the requests to servers closer to user, the traffic on source server reduces which is significant reduction in traffic and bandwidth costs overall.

最终用户是最大的受益者:页面加载时间更快,媒体内容之类的大文件的加载不会出现“抖动”! 通过在不同数据中心制作多个数据副本并分布在世界各地,可以在备份过程中的数据的同时防止单点故障。 即使其中一台服务器由于某种原因而停机,也可以将流量路由到附近的其他服务器,而不会影响最终用户。 使用CDN的重要但不容易发现的好处之一是节省带宽。 通过将请求重定向到距离用户更近的服务器,源服务器上的流量减少了,这从总体上减少了流量和带宽成本。

CDN提供商 (CDN providers)

Akamai is one of biggest and oldest CDN providers. Amazon has a CDN offering- Amazon CloudFront and Rackspace offers Cloud files and uses Akamai’s services. For starters some CDN providers offer free service to certain limit of data like CloudFlare or Incapsula. Telecom providers too have entered this space, like AT&T in US or Bharti Airtel in India. One of advantages of telecom players is they already have the last mile connectivity and infrastructure investments in place.

Akamai是最大和最古老的CDN提供商之一。 亚马逊提供CDN服务-Amazon CloudFront和Rackspace提供云文件并使用Akamai的服务。 对于初学者,某些CDN提供商免费提供某些数据限制的服务,例如CloudFlare或Incapsula 。 电信提供商也已经进入了这个领域,例如美国的AT&T或印度的Bharti Airtel 。 电信运营商的优势之一是他们已经进行了最后一英里的连接和基础设施投资。

总结思想 (Closing thoughts)

In essence, Content delivery networks are based on End-to-End principle.  One hand they improve experience for end users, on the other end they provide high availability and fail-over mechanism. Do keep CDN in mind when you architect your next gen media centric website for your global audience!

本质上,内容交付网络基于端到端原则 。 一方面,它们改善了最终用户的体验,另一方面,它们提供了高可用性和故障转移机制。 当您为全球受众构建下一代以媒体为中心的网站时,请切记CDN!


