2019 错过春招

tech2023-10-19  117

2019 错过春招

A handful of news cropped up again that didn’t really get the attention they deserved, so I’ll use this opportunity to rehash some of them and explain others. The “news” here are usually less than brand new – instead, they’re bits of information you should pay attention to if you’re even the least bit interested in the PHP community and environment.

再次出现了一些新闻,这些新闻并没有真正引起他们应有的关注,因此,我将利用这个机会来重新整理其中的一些并解释其他的问题。 这里的“新闻”通常比全新的要少-相反,如果您对PHP社区和环境最不感兴趣,则它们是一些信息,您应该注意。

Zend Rush (The Zend Rush)

Zend, the company behind anything that has “Zend” in its name (Framework, Server, Studio, Engine…) has been very aggressive in product updates of late. They started the year off with a new release of their Zend Certification exam, continued with a huge update to the Zend Server, which we’ve covered in another post, and wrapped things up by updating Zend Studio to a new major version – it now goes to 11! We’ll be taking a more in-depth look at it in another post.

Zend,一家以“ Zend”为名的公司(框架,服务器,工作室,引擎……)背后的公司,在产品更新方面一直非常积极。 他们以新版本的Zend认证考试开始了新的一年,随后又对Zend Server进行了重大更新,我们在另一篇文章中对此进行了介绍 ,并通过将Zend Studio更新为新的主要版本来包装整个内容。 转到11! 我们将在另一篇文章中更深入地研究它。

HHVM 3.2 (HHVM 3.2)

Yet another version of HHVM is out – codenamed “Outkast”, this one introduces a bunch of bugfixes, more compatibility with popular packages and libraries, a switch to 5.6 as the PHP_VERSION (forward thinking much?), fastcgi_params are in $_SERVER, and so on. For a full changelog, you should see here.

HHVM的另一个版本已发布-代号为“ Outkast”,该版本引入了许多错误修正,与流行的软件包和库具有更高的兼容性,随着PHP_VERSION切换到5.6(是否有很多前瞻性?),fastcgi_params位于$ _SERVER中,并且以此类推。 有关完整的变更日志,您应该在这里看到。

For other HHVM articles of ours that take a slightly deeper look at things, see here and here.

有关我们的其他HHVM文章,它们对事物进行了更深入的了解,请参见此处和此处 。

PHPNG胜过HHVM (PHPNG outperforms HHVM)

While we’re on the topic of HHVM, we reported on PHPNG a while back – an attempt to speed up and optimize PHP internally and bring it closer to the speeds we’ve come to expect from alternative runtimes such as HHVM. It seems they’ve pushed the envelope even further than originally intended, as recent reports seem to indicate that in some cases, PHPNG now outperforms HHVM.

当我们讨论HHVM时,我们在一段时间前就在PHPNG上进行了报道 –试图在内部加速和优化PHP,使其接近于我们期望从其他运行时(例如HHVM)获得的速度。 似乎他们已经超出了原先的预期范围,因为最近的报告似乎表明,在某些情况下, PHPNG现在优于HHVM 。

名字叫什么? (What’s in a Name?)

A whole lot of wasted time and effort, it seems. There’s currently a fiery dispute raging on the PHP internals list about whether or not version 6 in the next edition of PHP should be skipped, in favor of calling it PHP 7 outright. The arguments for the latter include some rather nonsensical ones like “there’s no reason NOT to do it” or “some books with PHP 6 in the title exist out there”, but do read Phil Sturgeon’s take on it to grasp the full absurdity. All in all, I’m in full agreement with Phil on this one – just agree on something already and do it, enough time has been wasted on this debate, ultimately, it doesn’t matter one bit what it’s going to be called.

看来,这浪费了很多时间和精力。 当前在PHP内部列表上存在着激烈的争论 ,即是否应跳过下一版PHP中的版本6,而直接将其称为PHP 7。 后者的论点包括一些相当荒谬的论点,例如“没有理由不这样做”或“那里有一些书本上带有PHP 6的书”,但请阅读Phil Sturgeon的书以理解其完全荒谬性。 总而言之,我完全同意Phil的观点-只是已经同意做某件事而已,这样做已经浪费了足够的时间,最终,所谓的东西并不重要。

杀死PSR-0 (Killing PSR-0)

As we’ve already mentioned Phil Sturgeon, allow me to pitch another article of his. In this one, he argues for the death of PSR-0, and wants everyone to start using PSR-4. We’ve described the difference in a past article, but do give his writeup a read and see for yourself why not upgrading immediately makes no sense.

正如我们已经提到的Phil Sturgeon,请允许我提出他的另一篇文章。 在这篇文章中 ,他为PSR-0的死亡辩护,并希望所有人都开始使用PSR-4。 我们已经在上一篇文章中描述了差异 ,但是请认真阅读他的文章,并亲自了解为什么不立即升级是没有意义的。

PHP 5.6规范 (PHP 5.6 Spec)

The Facebook team is creating a PHP 5.6 language specification. A formal specification which allows anyone to understand, into great detail, how PHP works on the inside. This will allow for faster bugfixes, better alternative runtimes, higher quality extensions and, perhaps most importantly, will reduce ambiguity in various PHP pitfalls like type casting and such.

Facebook团队正在创建PHP 5.6语言规范 。 正式的规范,允许任何人详细了解PHP的内部工作方式。 这将允许更快的错误修复,更好的替代运行时,更高质量的扩展,并且也许最重要的是,它将减少各种PHP陷阱(如类型转换等)中的歧义。

If you’d like to give it a more thorough read with some discussion on the topic, see the reddit thread – it contains a treasure trove of information and some down-to-earth explanations.

如果您想对它进行更彻底的阅读,并对该主题进行一些讨论,请参阅reddit主题 -它包含大量信息和一些扎实的解释。

有趣的RFC:标量类型提示和PHPNG合并 (Interesting RFCs: Scalar Typehinting and PHPNG Merges)

Interesting RFC #1 is a discussion on whether or not PHPNG should be moved into the master version of the upcoming 5.6, as the basis for the new version. See here and here. While I’m definitely up for life on the cutting edge, I don’t think the community is and we defintiely don’t need another double clawed hammer by implementing something that hasn’t really been tested at large. Having something that experimental in both stability and current extension support would be a very risky endeavor, and I would much rather PHPNG-enahnced PHP was a separate branch we could download and deploy, much like HHVM. Wait until PHP 6/7 to merge – there’s no rush.

有趣的RFC#1讨论了是否应将PHPNG移到即将发布的5.6的主版本中,作为新版本的基础。 看到这里和这里 。 虽然我绝对可以站在最前沿,但我不认为社区是这样,我们通过实施尚未经过全面测试的工具肯定也不需要另一把双爪锤。 在稳定性和当前扩展支持方面都进行实验性的尝试是一项非常冒险的工作,而我宁愿选择PHPNG增强PHP是我们可以下载和部署的独立分支,就像HHVM一样。 等到PHP 6/7合并–不必着急。

Interesting RFC #2 deals with scalar typehinting and how best to implement it. It was originally authored by Anthony Ferrara, so you know it’s good – give it a read. Scalar type hinting is something the professional PHP community has been clamoring for for a long, long time, and something HHVM and Zephir give us by default, so it’s only natural the feature finds its way into the base of PHP as well.

有趣的RFC#2处理标量类型提示以及如何最好地实现它。 它最初是由安东尼·费拉拉(Anthony Ferrara)撰写的,所以您知道它很好– 读一读 。 标量类型提示是专业PHP社区长期以来一直在呼吁的东西,而HHVM和Zephir默认会提供给我们,因此,该功能也自然地进入了PHP的基础。

社区慷慨 (The Community is Generous)

We mentioned this in the last newsletter, but in case you missed it, it helped Joe Watkins out of a real pinch. Joe works on PHP internals and is in large part responsible for the functions you use every day when writing your PHP code. He’s the lead PHPDBG guy, he made pthreads, he maintains APCU and so much more – without him, PHP would look a whole lot different. He’s run into a bit of bad luck with his housing situation and asked the community for help – which responded generously. He raised the required amount in under 24 hours, and people keep donating still. If you’re feeling generous and want to thank him as a PHP developer who’s used the fruits of his labor, why don’t you chip in?

我们在上一期新闻中提到了这一点,但是如果您错过了它,它可以帮助Joe Watkins摆脱困境。 Joe从事PHP内部工作,在很大程度上负责您每天在编写PHP代码时使用的功能。 他是PHPDBG的主要负责人,他创建了pthreads,他维护APCU等等,如果没有他,PHP的面貌将大为不同。 他的住房状况有点运气不好,他向社区寻求帮助-对此做出了慷慨的回应。 他在24小时内筹集了所需的金额,而人们仍在继续捐款。 如果您感到慷慨大方并想感谢他作为使用了辛勤工作成果PHP开发人员,那么为什么不加入 ?

PHPLeague Google网上论坛/邮件列表 (PHPLeague Google Group / Mailing List)

The League now has a Google Group / Mailing list, so you can join it to get regular updates on cutting edge high quality approaches to solving common PHP problems. They’ll, of course, be focusing on League packages, but those are packages everyone should be using anyway, so go ahead and subscribe to get your daily updates.

联赛现在有一个Google网上论坛/邮件列表 ,因此您可以加入其中,以获取有关解决常见PHP问题的最优质方法的定期更新。 他们当然将重点放在联赛套餐上,但是无论如何每个人都应该使用那些套餐,所以继续订阅以获取每日更新。

PHP常见错误 (PHP Common Mistakes)

TopTal published a rather good post about common PHP mistakes, and we followed up with seven more. Together, the two posts discuss dangling array references, misunderstanding passing by reference vs passing by value, UTF8 issues and memory leaks, ignoring codings standards, using outdated extensions, suppressing errors, being too transparent with your app’s back end code, and much more. Give the two posts a read and see often you do these common mistakes.

TopTal发表了一篇有关PHP常见错误的相当不错的文章 ,我们随后又发表了七篇文章 。 这两篇文章在一起讨论了悬空的数组引用,对按引用传递与按值传递的误解,UTF8问题和内存泄漏,忽略编码标准,使用过时的扩展名,抑制错误,对应用程序的后端代码过于透明等。 仔细阅读这两篇文章,看看您经常犯这些常见错误。

结论 (Conclusion)

That’s a wrap for this month. August should be much calmer, but September will be going wild with PHP conferences around the world, and you can be sure we’ll be covering quite a few of them. Do you think we missed any important news? Let us know in the comments below!

这是本月的包装。 8月应该会比较平静,但是9月将在世界各地PHP会议上大放异彩,您可以确定我们会涵盖很多会议。 您认为我们错过了任何重要新闻吗? 在下面的评论中让我们知道!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/php-news-may-missed-july-2014/

2019 错过春招
