ie6 7 8 份额

tech2023-10-20  114

ie6 7 8 份额

In August 2010, Google Chrome exceeded 10% market share. Another milestone was achieved in September: Internet Explorer’s total usage dropped below 50% for the first time in over a decade.

2010年8月, 谷歌浏览器的市场份额超过10% 。 9月达到了另一个里程碑:Internet Explorer的总使用率十年来首次跌破50%。

There have been cheers throughout the web design and development community and the story has spread throughout the technical and mainstream press. However, it’s worth examining the StatCounter statistics in detail…

整个Web设计和开发社区都欢呼雀跃,而且这个故事已经遍及技术和主流媒体。 但是,值得详细研究StatCounter统计信息……

BrowserAugustSeptemberchangerelativeIE 9.0 beta0.00%0.09%+0.09%n/aIE 8.029.40%29.38%-0.02%-0.10%IE 7.013.91%12.98%-0.93%-6.70%IE 6.08.02%7.42%-0.60%-7.50%Firefox 4.0 beta0.00%0.26%+0.26%n/aFirefox 3.5+28.03%28.33%+0.30%+1.10%Firefox 3.0+2.60%2.48%-0.12%-4.60%Chrome10.76%11.52%+0.76%+7.10%Safari4.06%4.22%+0.16%+3.90%Opera1.88%2.03%+0.15%+8.00%Others1.34%1.38%+0.04%+3.00%IE (all)51.33%49.87%-1.46%-2.80%Firefox (all)30.63%31.07%+0.44%+1.40% 浏览器 八月 九月 更改 相对的 IE 9.0测试版 0.00% 0.09% + 0.09% 不适用 IE 8.0 29.40% 29.38% -0.02% -0.10% IE 7.0 13.91% 12.98% -0.93% -6.70% IE 6.0 8.02% 7.42% -0.60% -7.50% Firefox 4.0 Beta 0.00% 0.26% + 0.26% 不适用 Firefox 3.5+ 28.03% 28.33% + 0.30% + 1.10% Firefox 3.0+ 2.60% 2.48% -0.12% -4.60% Chrome 10.76% 11.52% + 0.76% + 7.10% 苹果浏览器 4.06% 4.22% + 0.16% + 3.90% 歌剧 1.88% 2.03% + 0.15% + 8.00% 其他 1.34% 1.38% + 0.04% + 3.00% IE浏览器(全部) 51.33% 49.87% -1.46% -2.80% Firefox(全部) 30.63% 31.07% + 0.44% + 1.40%

The ‘change’ column shows the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates relative movements, i.e. 7.5% of IE6 users switched browser in the past month.

“更改”列显示了市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列指示相对移动,即在过去一个月中IE6用户中有7.5%切换了浏览器。

We can’t make too many assumptions from this data, but there’s one statistic reporters appear to have missed: IE8 usage has barely changed. The 0.02% drop is more than outweighed by the 0.09% gained by the IE9 beta release.

我们不能从这些数据中做出太多假设,但是有一个统计报告者似乎错过了:IE8的使用率几乎没有变化。 0.02%的降幅远远超过IE9 beta版本获得的0.09%的降幅。

The most significant contributory factor for IE losses is migration from versions 6 and 7. Although a proportion of those users will have moved to IE8/9, a greater percentage has switched to an alternative such as Firefox or Chrome. There are several reasons why this has occurred:

造成IE丢失的最重要因素是从版本6和版本7迁移。尽管这些用户中有一部分将迁移到IE8 / 9,但更多的用户已切换到Firefox或Chrome之类的替代版本。 发生这种情况的原因有几个:

IE8 is a capable browser but there are plenty of better options for IE6/7 users.

IE8是一款功能强大的浏览器,但对于IE6 / 7用户而言,还有很多更好的选择。 Good web applications are browser-agnostic or work on a variety of platforms. Legacy business applications are being updated and there’s less dependency on IE.

优秀的Web应用程序与浏览器无关,或者可以在多种平台上运行。 旧版业务应用程序正在更新,并且对IE的依赖性降低了。 Microsoft and all other major vendors are backing HTML5. The rendering differences between browsers is smaller than ever and it rarely matters which application you use.

微软和所有其他主要供应商都在支持HTML5。 浏览器之间的呈现差异比以往任何时候都小,并且使用哪种应用程序都无关紧要。 The majority of businesses use Windows XP and may have no intention of upgrading — especially during continued economic uncertainty. Yet IE9 is only available on Windows Vista/7. Why would a business continue to use an application which the vendor has (effectively) abandoned? It’s far cheaper and easier to install an alternative browser than upgrade the OS.

大多数企业使用Windows XP,并且可能无意进行升级,尤其是在持续的经济不确定性期间。 IE9仅在Windows Vista / 7上可用。 为什么企业会继续使用供应商已(有效)放弃的应用程序? 与安装操作系统相比,安装替代浏览器要便宜得多,而且容易得多。

While we should be thankful for the drop in IE6/7 usage, 1 in 5 visitors continue to use the ancient browsers. Predictions of IE’s demise are premature and IE8 remains the world’s most-used browser.

尽管我们应该感谢IE6 / 7的使用量下降,但仍有五分之一的访问者继续使用古老的浏览器。 对IE消亡的预测还为时过早,而IE8仍然是世界上使用最多的浏览器。

It’s better news for the other vendors. Firefox, Safari and Opera all gained but Chrome remains the biggest winner. Google’s browser increases by nearly 1% every month and shows no sign of peaking. However, it’s about to face a stronger challenge from Firefox 4 and IE9.

对于其他供应商来说,这是个好消息。 Firefox,Safari和Opera均获得增长,但Chrome仍是最大赢家。 Google的浏览器每月增长近1%,并且没有达到峰值的迹象。 但是,它将面临来自Firefox 4和IE9的更大挑战。


ie6 7 8 份额
