
tech2023-10-20  108

Have you heard PHPFog is coming to an end? No, well – it is. That’s right, in a recent announcement on their mailing list, the company has said that PHPFog will be no more by the end of January, 2013. But if you’re on their platform, don’t panic! The new, combined platform may be even better than what you’re accustomed to with them now.

您是否听说过PHPFog即将结束? 不,很好–是的。 没错,该公司在其邮件列表中的最新公告中表示,PHPFog到2013年1月底将不再使用。但是,如果您使用他们的平台,请不要惊慌! 新的组合平台可能比您现在习惯的平台更好。

Cloud is all the rage these days so it’s likely a lot of us have applications deployed with one or more cloud providers, whether they’re our pet projects, professional projects, or projects for our employers. And as AppFog is one of the larger vendors, with venture funding of around $9.8 million, this announcement should not go unnoticed because you might be affected either directly or indirectly.

如今,云计算风靡一时,因此我们中的很多人可能已经在一个或多个云提供商之间部署了应用程序,无论它们是我们的宠物项目, 专业项目还是针对雇主的项目。 而且,由于AppFog是规模较大的供应商之一,其风险投资约为980万美元,因此,这个公告应该引起关注,因为您可能会直接或间接受到影响。

To ensure that you’re not caught out by this transition, I’ve written this article to do two things:


If you want to stay with them, I’ll help you ensure that you’re fully up to speed on the changes and what you need to do to migrate

如果您想和他们在一起,我将帮助您确保完全掌握更改的内容以及迁移所需的操作 If you want to migrate away, I’ll help you get that process successfully under way


什么是AppFog –有何不同? (What is AppFog – How is it Different?)

If you’re not familiar with either PHPFog or AppFog, here’s a quick introduction.


PHPFog was a high-quality Cloud PaaS (Platform as a Service) that, in a nutshell, allowed developers to focus on the core stuff that gets us excited – developing wicked, fast, highly-scaleable, high-performance applications.

简而言之,PHPFog是一种高质量的Cloud PaaS(平台即服务),它使开发人员可以专注于使我们兴奋的核心内容–开发邪恶,快速,高度可扩展的高性能应用程序。

Like the wealth of other cloud platforms, such as cloudControl, Joyent, Rackspace, and EngineYard, PHPFog alleviated the need for us to set up and manage the backend servers that power our applications, along with all the related services, such as databases, caching servers, reverse proxy servers, firewalls, and so on. We were able to design our application, with all the components on which it depends, such as MongoDB, MySQL, Memcache, NewRelic and Blitz, test it, profile and improve its performance, and then deploy it, knowing that these same components were available and professionally supported.

像其他大量云平台 (例如cloudControl , Joyent , Rackspace和EngineYard)一样 ,PHPFog减轻了我们对设置和管理支持我们应用程序的后端服务器以及所有相关服务(例如数据库,缓存)的需求。服务器,反向代理服务器,防火墙等。 我们能够使用依赖于它的所有组件来设计我们的应用程序,例如MongoDB,MySQL,Memcache,NewRelic和Blitz,对其进行测试,分析和改进其性能,然后在知道这些相同组件可用的情况下进行部署和专业的支持。

However, on November 13, the company announced that PHPFog was reaching end of life and was being replaced by AppFog. So if you’re going to stay with them, you’re going to need to know what you’re in for.

但是,在11月13日,该公司宣布PHPFog即将到期,并被AppFog取代。 因此,如果您要和他们在一起,您将需要知道您要做什么。

AppFog is pretty much the same as PHPFog (even referred to by the company as PHPFog 2.0), yet in some respects it’s more and in some it’s less. From a practical perspective, you’re not likely to see an effective difference; you can still create and deploy great applications there. But one of the best things about AppFog will be the increased scope of technologies that it offers.

AppFog与PHPFog几乎相同(甚至被公司称为PHPFog 2.0),但在某些方面却要多一些,在某些方面要少一些。 从实践的角度看,您不太可能看到有效的区别; 您仍然可以在那里创建和部署出色的应用程序。 但是AppFog最好的事情之一就是它提供的技术范围的扩大。

技术领域 (Technologies)

Whereas PHPFog was just for PHP, AppFog is a multi-technology platform, providing support for PHP, Java, Scala, Python, Node, Ruby, and Erlang. Now I don’t know about you, but to me, this is exciting. Not just from a technology perspective, but from the larger overall developer community that naturally comes along with it.

PHPFog仅用于PHP,而AppFog是一个多技术平台,提供对PHP,Java,Scala,Python,Node,Ruby和Erlang的支持。 现在我不认识你,但是对我来说,这令人兴奋。 不仅从技术角度来看,还从随之而来的更大的总体开发人员社区中受益。

插件 (Addons)

It’s not just the new technologies that make AppFog better, there are also more addons. With it you get a range of options, including PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbitMQ, and Memcachier. In addition to these, the company has indicated that the list will continue to grow.

不仅仅是使AppFog变得更好的新技术,还有更多的附加组件。 有了它,您可以获得一系列选项,包括PostgreSQL,Redis,RabbitMQ和Memcachier。 除了这些,该公司还表示该名单将继续增长。

新的部署流程 (New Deployment Process)

Whereas deployment on PHPFog was done only with Git, the new platform provides the three key version control tools that we use today: Git, Subversion (SVN), and Mercurial. To make it simple, they provide a custom tool, af, which allows you to manage the deployment process irrespective of which version control system your project is controlled by. For a complete understanding of af, check out the online documentation.

在PHPFog上仅通过Git进行部署,而新平台提供了我们今天使用的三个关键版本控制工具: Git , Subversion(SVN)和Mercurial 。 为简单起见,它们提供了一个自定义工具af ,无论您使用什么版本控制系统来控制项目,都可以使用它来管理部署过程。 要全面了解af, 请查看在线文档 。

什么是截止日期 (What’s the Cut Off Date)

The cut off date will be different depending on whether your plan is free or paid. If you’re on a free plan, then you’ve got until December 21st of this year. Otherwise, with a paid plan, you have until January 25th of next year. Depending on the complexity of your application, you’d best get started sooner rather than later.

截止日期会有所不同,具体取决于您的计划是免费还是付费的。 如果您有免费计划,那么您必须到今年12月21日为止。 否则,使用付费计划,您需要到明年1月25日 。 根据您应用程序的复杂性,最好尽快开始而不是稍后开始。

其他注意事项 (Other Points to Note)

In addition to these four areas, there’s a few other things that you should be aware of if you’re staying on board with them. For the sakes of simplicity, they are these:

除了这四个方面之外,如果您继续与它们保持联系,还应该注意一些其他事项。 为了简单起见,它们是:

Databases are limited to 100Mb in size

数据库大小限制为100Mb There is no persistent filesystem (though it’s said to be in the pipeline)


You need to use af to view the error logs


There is no dedicated database support, only shared


But the key point is that it’s not just technology that’s important to us, right? As the announcement email said, the company is focusing on one platform, not two. If done right, this can only be a good thing for us as consumers and developers. Instead of splitting their efforts across multiple projects requiring multiple resources, whether human, financial, or otherwise, they’re focusing on one and consequently able to give us the best tools and platform on which to base our projects.

但是关键是,对我们而言,重要的不只是技术,对吗? 正如公告电子邮件所述,该公司专注于一个平台,而不是两个平台。 如果做得对,这对我们作为消费者和开发人员来说都是一件好事。 他们没有将精力分散在需要多个资源(无论是人力,财力还是其他资源)的多个项目上,而是专注于一个项目,因此能够为我们提供最好的工具和平台作为我们项目的基础。

我想过渡 (I Want to Make the Transition)

Ok, you’ve decided to stay. The two things that you’re going to need to consider are database connection and migration. In the migration guide, two points are covered. For the sakes of time, I’ll include them here.

好的,您决定留下。 您需要考虑的两件事是数据库连接和迁移。 在迁移指南中 ,涵盖了两点。 为了节省时间,我将在此处包括它们。

数据库连接 (Database Connection)

They’ve said that under AppFog there will be a new environment variable, VCAP_SERVICES, which will store connection information. The sample that they’ve provided is as follows:

他们说,在AppFog下将有一个新的环境变量VCAP_SERVICES ,它将存储连接信息。 他们提供的示例如下:

<?php $services_json = json_decode(getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"),true); $mysql_config = $services_json["mysql-5.1"][0]["credentials"]; $username = $mysql_config["username"]; $password = $mysql_config["password"]; $hostname = $mysql_config["hostname"]; $port = $mysql_config["port"]; $db = $mysql_config["name"]; $link = mysql_connect("$hostname:$port", $username, $password); $db_selected = mysql_select_db($db, $link);

数据库迁移 (Database Migration)

They’ve then listed four steps for migrating your database over. These are:

然后,他们列出了迁移数据库的四个步骤。 这些是:

Export your existing database from PHP Fog using phpMyAdmin from your app console.

从应用程序控制台使用phpMyAdmin从PHP Fog导出现有数据库。

Download and install the af gem and caldecott:

下载并安装af gem和caldecott:

$ gem install af $ gem install caldecott

Create a MySQL service to connect to:


$ af login $ af create-service

Connect to your database service:


$ af import-service <service> <url>

* service is the name of the service you want to import to. * url is the URL where your database lives.

* service是您要导入到的服务的名称。 * url是数据库所在的URL。

我想更换供应商 (I Want to Change Vendors)

If you’re not keen to stay with them after hearing all of this, their official recommendation is to open a support ticket which should, hopefully, allow you to retrieve everything you need to change vendors. Obviously they want you to stay with them, but if the change isn’t for you, don’t feel any obligation to continue. Always do what you believe is best for you, your application, and your organization.

如果您不愿意在听完所有这些信息后与他们呆在一起,他们的官方建议是打开一份支持票 ,希望该票应该允许您找回更换供应商所需的一切。 显然,他们希望您与他们在一起,但是如果更改不适合您,则没有任何继续义务。 始终做您认为最适合您,您的应用程序和组织的事情。

有更多信息吗? (Is There Further Information?)

There most certainly is. As well as the online documentation, the company has indicated that they’ll be publishing a series of blog posts and further documentation over the coming days and weeks on exactly what to do to migrate your application.

最肯定的是。 除在线文档外 ,该公司还表示,他们将在未来几天和几周内发布一系列博客文章和更多文档,以确切说明如何迁移您的应用程序。

I take heart that in their official email, they mention “some of the edge-case differences between the platforms”. This would indicate that they are taking the process seriously and are genuine about making the process as smooth and painless for us as possible. So if you’re worried that there may be something particular you’re going to need help with, then it’s likely that this information will answer your questions.

我很高兴在他们的官方电子邮件中提到“平台之间的某些极端情况下的差异”。 这表明他们正在认真对待这一过程,并真诚地希望使我们的过程尽可能顺利,无痛。 因此,如果您担心可能需要特殊帮助,那么这些信息很可能会回答您的问题。

结论 (Conclusion)

Whether you’re a PHPFog customer and want to make the transition to AppFog or you feel AppFog is not the future for your application, you now have the key information and related links that you need to press ahead, with peace of mind.


I hope that this article has given you all that you need to make an informed decision and leaves no questions unanswered. However, if it has, then have a read of the official migration guide that the company put out or get in touch with their support team.

我希望本文能为您提供做出明智决定所需的一切,并且不遗余力地解答您的问题。 但是,如果有,则有官方迁移指南的读,该公司推出或取得联系他们的支持团队。

So which one are you? Are you going to stay or is it time for you to move on? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

那你是哪一个 您要留下还是继续前进的时间? 在下面的评论中分享您的想法。

