mozilla rhnio

tech2023-10-22  103

mozilla rhnio

Following Opera’s iPhone launch success, it’s Mozilla’s turn to negotiate Apple’s complex acceptance authorization.

在Opera的iPhone发行成功之后 ,Mozilla决定谈判苹果的复杂验收授权。

Apple dictate stringent application development rules for their hallowed devices. There are too many to list here but, in essence, you must use Apple’s tools, stick to published APIs, not override default applications, not provide language interpreters, not create software emulators and do what you’re told. You can’t create a competing browser but Opera were accepted because:

苹果公司为其神圣的设备规定了严格的应用程序开发规则。 这里有太多要列出的内容,但从本质上讲,您必须使用Apple的工具,坚持使用已发布的API,不覆盖默认应用程序,不提供语言解释器,不创建软件仿真器并按照提示进行操作。 您无法创建竞争浏览器,但Opera被接受,原因是:

they route traffic through proxy servers which return compressed page content to the device — there’s no local JavaScript engine

它们通过代理服务器路由流量,该代理服务器将压缩的页面内容返回到设备-没有本地JavaScript引擎 although it’s faster, Opera is not as seamless and more limited than Safari


Opera adhered to the rules and publicised their browser’s submission. Apple had no reasonable arguments for rejecting the browser and knew there would be uproar if they did.

Opera遵守规则并公开了其浏览器的提交 。 苹果没有拒绝浏览器的合理论据,并且知道如果这样做会引起轩然大波。

Mozilla has taken a different angle. According to their FAQ:

Mozilla采取了不同的角度。 根据他们的常见问题解答:

We do not have plans to ship the Firefox browser for the iPhone. Due to constraints with the OS environment and distribution, we cannot provide users Firefox for the iPhone. Firefox is available for other mobile platforms like Maemo and Android.

我们没有计划为iPhone发行Firefox浏览器。 由于操作系统环境和发行版的限制,我们无法为用户提供iPhone的Firefox。 Firefox可用于其他移动平台,例如Maemo和Android。

Instead, the organization has created an app called Firefox Home which lets you access your desktop browser’s history, bookmarks and open tabs on your iPhone. Effectively, it’s a one-way version of Firefox Sync (previously known as Weave Sync) which is available as an add-on but will eventually be integrated into the browser.

相反,该组织创建了一个名为Firefox Home的应用程序,可让您访问桌面浏览器的历史记录,书签和iPhone上的打开选项卡。 实际上,它是Firefox Sync的单向版本(以前称为Weave Sync),可以作为附件使用,但最终会集成到浏览器中。

The Firefox Home page viewer uses the native iPhone Safari browser. However, it also offers the “Awesome Bar” (I still hate that name!) so you can access frequently-used websites with a few keystrokes.

Firefox主页查看器使用本机iPhone Safari浏览器。 但是,它也提供了“ Awesome Bar” (我仍然讨厌这个名字!),因此您可以通过几次按键访问经常使用的网站。

On the face of it, there’s no reason why Apple should reject Firefox Home. The app could persuade users to stick with Firefox rather than try Safari on their home PC, but I doubt that would concern Apple. That said, Apple have rejected apps for more arcane reasons.

从表面上看,苹果没有理由拒绝Firefox Home。 该应用程序可能会说服用户坚持使用Firefox,而不是在其家用PC上尝试使用Safari,但我怀疑这会与Apple有关。 话虽如此,苹果公司出于更多不可思议的原因拒绝了应用程序。

For more information, visit Firefox Home and read the Mozilla blog post … but avoid their gut-retching cheesy video!

有关更多信息,请访问Firefox Home并阅读Mozilla博客文章 …,但请避免使用它们令人讨厌的俗气视频!

Will Firefox Home be accepted on the iPhone? Would you use it? Will Google and Microsoft be tempted to create similar iPhone apps? Please leave your comments below and cast your vote on the SitePoint home page.

Firefox Home是否可以在iPhone上使用? 你会用吗? Google和Microsoft是否会被诱惑创建类似的iPhone应用程序? 请在下面留下您的评论,并在SitePoint主页上投票 。


mozilla rhnio
