
tech2023-10-22  122


UK telecommunications firm BT was recently slammed by the Advertising Standards Authority for misleading broadband speed advertisements. BT’s television advert stated the company was “rolling out up to 20 meg speeds” to give “consistently faster broadband” yet they could not provide sufficient evidence to support the claims. In a similar case in Australia, regulators accused Optus of breaching the Trade Practices Act by misleading customers with its “Supersonic” and “Think Bigger” broadband plans.

英国电信公司BT最近因误导宽带速度广告而受到广告标准局的抨击。 英国电信的电视广告称该公司“将推出高达20兆的速度”以提供“始终如一的更快的宽带”,但他们无法提供足够的证据来支持这些主张。 在澳大利亚的一个类似案例中,监管机构指责Optus通过其“超音速”和“思维更大”宽带计划误导客户,从而违反了《贸易惯例法》。

Unless you happen to be living in South Korea, broadband speeds can be disappointing. Service providers make bold statements but, examine the small print, and you’ll discover that few people can achieve the advertised speeds.

除非您碰巧住在韩国,否则宽带速度可能会令人失望。 服务提供商发表大胆的声明,但是仔细研究一下,您会发现很少有人可以达到广告的速度。

Western countries often have the slowest broadband connections. Few companies invest in modern communication infrastructures when it’s easier and more profitable to push aging copper networks to their limits. The Speedtest.net global report shows the US in 30th place followed by the UK at 33, Canada at 36, and Australia at 40. The average speeds are dwarfed by those available in Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and Bulgaria.

西方国家的宽带连接速度通常最慢。 当将老化的铜缆网络推向极限时,更容易,更有利可图,因此很少有公司投资于现代通信基础设施。 Speedtest.net全球报告显示,美国排在 30 ,英国排在第33位,加拿大排在第36位,澳大利亚排在第40位。拉脱维亚,立陶宛,罗马尼亚和保加利亚的平均速度相形见war 。

The average UK download speed is 9.18Mb/s yet many people receive far less. For the record, I can achieve 2.7Mb/s and households a short walk away are even slower. It’s fine for watching a YouTube video, uploading SitePoint articles and sending tweets, but large downloads are painful and it’s no where near the “up to” 20Mb speed advertised by my ISP.

英国的平均下载速度为9.18Mb / s,但许多人收到的信息却少得多。 根据记录,我可以达到2.7Mb / s,而步行不远的家庭甚至更慢。 观看YouTube视频,上传SitePoint文章和发送推文是很好的选择,但是下载量很大,而且我的ISP宣传的“高达” 20Mb的速度还远远没有达到 。

For the latest SitePoint poll, I’d like to know how your actual broadband speed measures against your provider’s advertised figure…


Measure your actual broadband speed at an independent site such as Speedtest.net.


Visit your ISP’s website to find their advertised broadband speed.


Divide the first number by the second and complete the SitePoint poll.

将第一个数字除以第二个数字,然后完成SitePoint投票 。

For me, it’s 2.7 ⁄ 20 = 0.135. It’s like buying a Ferrari to find it’s been limited to 30mph. How does your provider compare?

对我来说,是2.7 ⁄ 20 = 0.135。 这就像买一辆法拉利,发现时速限制在30英里每小时。 您的提供者如何比较?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/real-broadband-speed/

