
tech2023-10-22  95

The browser chart has been relatively stable for a while and I suggested we were entering a period of equilibrium. I should have known better — my predictions are rarely correct! Let’s analyze the latest browser market statistics according to StatCounter…

浏览器图表已经相对稳定了一段时间, 我建议我们进入一个平衡时期 。 我应该知道的更好-我的预测很少是正确的! 让我们根据StatCounter分析最新的浏览器市场统计信息 …

2012年10月至2012年11月全球浏览器统计信息 (Worldwide Browser Statistics October 2012 to November 2012)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserOctoberNovemberchangerelativeIE (all)32.08%31.22%-0.86%-2.70%IE 9.0+17.95%17.94%-0.01%-0.10%IE 8.012.66%12.00%-0.66%-5.20%IE 7.00.98%0.87%-0.11%-11.20%IE 6.00.49%0.41%-0.08%-16.30%Firefox22.32%22.36%+0.04%+0.20%Chrome34.83%35.78%+0.95%+2.70%Safari7.81%7.84%+0.03%+0.40%Opera1.63%1.40%-0.23%-14.10%Others1.33%1.40%+0.07%+5.30% 浏览器 十月 十一月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 32.08% 31.22% -0.86% -2.70% IE 9.0以上 17.95% 17.94% -0.01% -0.10% IE 8.0 12.66% 12.00% -0.66% -5.20% IE 7.0 0.98% 0.87% -0.11% -11.20% IE 6.0 0.49% 0.41% -0.08% -16.30% 火狐浏览器 22.32% 22.36% + 0.04% + 0.20% Chrome 34.83% 35.78% + 0.95% + 2.70% 苹果浏览器 7.81% 7.84% + 0.03% + 0.40% 歌剧 1.63% 1.40% -0.23% -14.10% 其他 1.33% 1.40% + 0.07% + 5.30%

2011年11月至2012年11月全球浏览器统计信息 (Worldwide Browser Statistics November 2011 to November 2012)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserNovember 2011November 2012changerelativeIE (all)40.63%31.22%-9.41%-23.20%IE 9.0+10.14%17.94%+7.80%+76.90%IE 8.024.00%12.00%-12.00%-50.00%IE 7.04.26%0.87%-3.39%-79.60%IE 6.02.23%0.41%-1.82%-81.60%Firefox25.24%22.36%-2.88%-11.40%Chrome25.74%35.78%+10.04%+39.00%Safari5.90%7.84%+1.94%+32.90%Opera1.84%1.40%-0.44%-23.90%Others0.65%1.40%+0.75%+115.40% 浏览器 2011年11月 2012年11月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 40.63% 31.22% -9.41% -23.20% IE 9.0以上 10.14% 17.94% + 7.80% + 76.90% IE 8.0 24.00% 12.00% -12.00% -50.00% IE 7.0 4.26% 0.87% -3.39% -79.60% IE 6.0 2.23% 0.41% -1.82% -81.60% 火狐浏览器 25.24% 22.36% -2.88% -11.40% Chrome 25.74% 35.78% + 10.04% + 39.00% 苹果浏览器 5.90% 7.84% + 1.94% + 32.90% 歌剧 1.84% 1.40% -0.44% -23.90% 其他 0.65% 1.40% + 0.75% + 115.40%

The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. another 16.3% of IE6 users abandoned the browser last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated.

下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。 “更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。 “相对”列表示成比例的变化,即,另外16.3%的IE6用户上个月放弃了浏览器。 有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额 。

Every time I think Chrome has reached saturation point, several million users prove me wrong. While it’s not achieving 1% growth every month, I can’t quibble about a 0.95% increase. Impressive.

每当我认为Chrome达到饱和点时,就会有数百万用户证明我错了。 尽管它不能每月实现1%的增长,但我不能质疑0.95%的增长。 令人印象深刻。

However, what’s unusual is that most of the market is remaining stable. IE9, Firefox, Safari and Opera have barely changed during the past three months (admittedly, Opera dropped a little this month, but I suspect that’s a statistical blip exaggerated by its smaller user base).

但是,不同寻常的是,大多数市场保持稳定。 IE9,Firefox,Safari和Opera在过去三个月中几乎没有变化(诚然,Opera本月有所下降,但我怀疑这是统计数字,其较小的用户群夸大了)。

Browser usage patterns are complex but Chrome’s current growth is predominantly user migration from Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8. Is that surprising given XP users account for 26% of the OS market and have no other choice? Vista has 7% and those users are stuck on IE9. Windows 7 is beginning to plateau at 53% but IE10 remains a beta browser. Windows 8 is yet to make an impact on the OS figures.

浏览器的使用模式很复杂,但是Chrome当前的增长主要是从Internet Explorer 6、7和8迁移用户。考虑到XP用户占OS市场的26%,并且别无选择,这是否令人惊讶? Vista拥有7%的用户,而这些用户只能使用IE9。 Windows 7开始达到53%的稳定水平,但IE10仍然是Beta版浏览器 。 Windows 8尚未影响操作系统。

Microsoft’s decision to abandon legacy OS users has adversely affected IE’s user base. That policy was mostly business-driven but few will upgrade their OS because their browser is outdated. Perhaps it would have worked a decade ago but, today, IE users have plenty of alternatives.

微软放弃旧操作系统用户的决定对IE的用户群产生了不利影响。 该政策主要是由业务驱动的,但由于浏览器已过时,因此很少有升级其操作系统的操作。 也许十年前就可以奏效,但是今天,IE用户有很多选择。

Knowledge has also improved and more people understand what a browser is. Ironically, Microsoft’s IE9 advertising is partially responsible. In addition, Google continues to promote Chrome — IE users see an “install” link whenever they access the search engine.

知识也得到了改善,更多的人了解了浏览器是什么。 具有讽刺意味的是,微软的IE9广告负有部分责任。 此外,Google继续推广Chrome-IE用户每次访问搜索引擎时都会看到“安装”链接。

Finally, the current economic climate has an effect. Assume you operated a business with several hundred Windows XP/Vista users who were struggling with IE6/7/8 speed or compatibility. Would you spend thousands of dollars upgrading PCs and training staff? Or would you permit employees to adopt another browser of their choice?

最后,当前的经济气候会产生影响。 假设您与几百名正在为IE6 / 7/8速度或兼容性苦苦挣扎的Windows XP / Vista用户开展业务。 您是否会花费数千美元升级PC和培训人员? 还是允许员工采用他们选择的其他浏览器?

IE10’s a great browser but no one’s using it. One month after the Windows 8 launch, it has a tiny 0.29% market share and most of those users migrated from IE9. As time progresses, people will upgrade Windows and have the option to switch back to IE. But how many will bother if they’ve been happy using Chrome, Firefox or Opera for a couple of years?

IE10是一个很棒的浏览器,但是没有人使用它。 Windows 8推出一个月后,它仅占0.29%的很小的市场份额,其中大多数用户是从IE9迁移来的。 随着时间的推移,人们将升级Windows,并可以选择切换回IE。 但是,如果有几年使用Chrome,Firefox或Opera感到满意,会有多少人会打扰?

Unless IE becomes significantly better than its competitors, Microsoft’s policy will backfire.


移动浏览器的使用 (Mobile Browser Usage)

Surprisingly, mobile usage increased by 1% to 13.08% of all web activity during November. That’s unusual given the northern hemisphere is cold and everyone prefers to stay indoors.

出人意料的是,11月期间,移动使用量增长了1%, 达到所有网络活动的13.08% 。 考虑到北半球很冷,每个人都喜欢呆在室内,所以这是不寻常的。

The primary mobile browsing applications:


Android — 27.15% (up 1.31%)

Android — 27.15%(增长1.31%) iPhone — 20.98% (up 0.11%)

iPhone-20.98%(增长0.11%) Opera Mini/Mobile – 17.99% (down 0.93%)

Opera Mini / Mobile – 17.99%(下降0.93%) Nokia browser — 9.34% (down 0.86%)

诺基亚浏览器-9.34%(下降0.86%) UC Browser — 9.08% (up 1.43%)


It’s been a great month for Android and UC Browser. I thought the mobile version of Safari may increase following Apple’s iPhone 5 launch, but I guess many users upgraded from previous versions of the device. Nokia feature phones took a sizable hit although they remain popular in Africa, Asia and South America.

对于Android和UC浏览器来说,这是一个很棒的月份。 我认为,随着Apple iPhone 5的发布,Safari的移动版本可能会增加,但是我想许多用户都从该设备的早期版本升级了。 诺基亚功能手机虽然在非洲,亚洲和南美仍然很受欢迎,但受到了相当大的打击。

Chrome and Firefox Mobile hold a minuscule 0.59% and 0.57% respectively. It seems most people are happy with their default browser.

Chrome和Firefox Mobile分别占微不足道的0.59%和0.57%。 似乎大多数人都对他们的默认浏览器感到满意。

Coming next month: the browser review of 2012!

下个月即将来临: 2012年浏览器评测!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-december-2012/
