ie7 beta1

tech2023-10-26  128

ie7 beta1

I’m genuinely excited. I don’t remember feeling this way when Chrome 6, Firefox 3.6 or Opera 10.60 were released — and IE9 is just a beta. There are several reasons for my unusual optimism:

我真的很兴奋。 我不记得在发布Chrome 6 , Firefox 3.6或Opera 10.60时有这种感觉,而IE9只是一个beta。 我异常乐观的原因有几个:

We normally wait 2 years between IE updates.

我们通常在IE更新之间等待2年。 The IE development team has listened to our demands and IE9 is the first version to support HTML5, CSS3, SVG, canvas and several other technologies.


Unlike other vendors, Microsoft has been particularly secretive about IE9’s new interface. A screenshot was leaked, but we’ll only know whether it’s real today.

与其他供应商不同,微软对IE9的新界面特别保密。 屏幕快照已泄露 ,但我们只知道今天是否真实。

The beta download should be available at (yes, seriously) from:

该beta版下载应可从beautyoftheweb.com上获得 (是的,是的),其 网址为:

11:00US PDT12:00US MDT13:00US CDT14:00US EDT18:00UTC / GMT19:00UK / Ireland20:00Europe21:00Eastern Europe22:00Moscow02:00 September 16Australia AWST03:30 September 16Australia ACST04:00 September 16Australia AEST 11:00 美国PDT 12:00 美国MDT 13:00 美国CDT 14:00 美国EDT 18:00 UTC / GMT 19:00 英国/爱尔兰 20:00 欧洲 21:00 东欧洲 22:00 莫斯科 9月16日02:00 澳大利亚AWST 9月16日03:30 澳大利亚ACST 9月16日04:00 澳大利亚AEST

Before you rush off to download the browser, note:


IE9 is not available for Windows XP. I hope Microsoft rectify that, but I doubt they’ll ever support their aging OS … even if the vast majority of people continue to use XP.

IE9 不适用于Windows XP。 我希望微软能纠正这一点,但是我怀疑他们是否会支持他们老化的操作系统……即使绝大多数人继续使用XP。

Installing IE9 on Windows Vista or 7 will remove your existing installation of IE7 or IE8. Since those browsers will remain popular for many years to come, ensure you have them available on another PC or virtual machine for web development testing purposes. Alternatively, there will be another release of the IE9 platform preview — it’ll run alongside existing versions of IE but it’s far more limited.

在Windows Vista或7上安装IE9将删除现有的IE7或IE8安装。 由于这些浏览器将在未来很多年保持流行,因此请确保您可以在另一台PC或虚拟机上使用它们以进行Web开发测试。 另外,还将发布IE9平台预览的另一个版本-它可以与IE的现有版本一起运行,但功能要有限得多。

The big question — is IE9 any good? Can it live up to our expectations? Head over to our in-depth review…

最大的问题-IE9有什么用吗? 它能达到我们的期望吗? 前往我们的深入审查...


ie7 beta1
