
tech2023-10-27  111


PHP development is hot right now, but there are also lots of people in PHP development. If you want to make it as an independent PHP developer you’ve got to know more than just PHP. Here are six other essential skills you need to succeed as a PHP developer.

PHP开发现在很热门,但是PHP开发中也有很多人。 如果要使其成为独立PHP开发人员,您不仅需要了解PHP,还需要了解更多。 要成为一名PHP开发人员,还需要掌握其他六项基本技能。

1. JavaScript,HTML和CSS (1. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS)

It isn’t enough these days to just know how to write PHP code. If you want to start a PHP business, you’ve also got to know how to properly code websites using HTML and CSS as well. Chances are likely that in your projects you’ll have to fix mistakes that designers make, so you’ll need to know how to do that – and how to do it well. If you don’t know these other languages along with PHP, you’re going to be outbid for many jobs by contractors who are much more well-versed in web development than you are.

仅仅知道如何编写PHP代码还远远不够。 如果您想开展PHP业务,还必须了解如何使用HTML和CSS正确编码网站。 在您的项目中,您很可能必须纠正设计者犯的错误,因此您需要知道如何做以及如何做得好。 如果您不知道这些其他语言以及PHP,那么您将比那些对Web开发精通得多的承包商从事许多工作的出价更高。

2.知道你不知道的 (2. Knowing What You Don’t Know)

As important as it is to make sure you can do as much as possible towards developing websites, it’s also important to know what you don’t know. This is a skill some new PHP developers seem to forget when starting out in a market where it’s hard to find entry-level PHP development jobs. You’ve got to understand how to read proposal requests and how to put in bids on jobs that you can do competently. Otherwise, you’ll end up over committing yourself and damaging your reputation in the long run.

确保您可以尽可能多地开发网站是很重要的,知道您不知道的内容也很重要。 这是一些新PHP开发人员在难以进入入门级PHP开发工作的市场开始时似乎忘记的一项技能。 您必须了解如何阅读提案请求以及如何对可以胜任的工作进行出价。 否则,从长远来看,您最终会犯下自己的承诺并损害您的声誉。

3.商务沟通 (3. Business Communication)

As a freelance or contract PHP developer, you’ll be the one communicating with all your clients. Learn how to use a phone to ensure that email messages are received, and learn how to communicate like a professional. Lots of techie types have trouble with basic business communication (which is probably why they choose to work at home by themselves in the first place). If this is you, go take a class on business communication, or talk to a professional about how you can improve these skills.

作为自由职业者或合约PHP开发人员,您将成为与所有客户交流的人。 了解如何使用电话确保收到电子邮件,并学习如何像专业人员一样进行交流。 许多技术人员在基本的业务沟通方面都遇到了麻烦(这也许就是为什么他们首先选择自己在家工作的原因)。 如果是您,请参加关于商务交流的课程,或与专业人士讨论如何提高这些技能。

4.商业金融 (4. Business Finance)

Again, as a one-man (or woman) business, you’ll be managing your own business’ finances. You don’t necessarily have to learn how to do your own taxes, which can be tricky for independent contractors, but you should certainly learn how to manage the day-to-day finances of your business. This includes learning how to set a fair rate for yourself based on the market rates and the taxes that you’ll have to pay out of your business income.

同样,作为一个单人(或女人)企业,您将管理自己企业的财务状况。 您不必一定要学习如何做自己的税,这对于独立承包商而言可能是棘手的,但是您当然应该学习如何管理企业的日常财务。 这包括学习如何根据市场汇率和您必须从业务收入中支付的税款为自己设定一个公平汇率。

5.项目管理 (5. Project Management)

As an independent contractor, you won’t have anyone over your shoulder begging you to get a project done by a certain deadline. You’ll also most likely be juggling multiple projects and multiple clients at any given time, so make sure you know how to manage your own time, write proposals, and manage the scope of your projects so that you can commit and deliver and build a great reputation for yourself.

作为独立承包商,您不会有任何人乞求您在某个截止日期之前完成项目。 您也很可能在任何给定时间同时处理多个项目和多个客户,因此请确保您知道如何管理自己的时间,编写建议以及管理项目范围,以便您可以提交,交付和构建一个项目。享有盛誉。

6.联网 (6. Networking)

Networking with other freelance PHP designers – and web development freelancers in other niches – can help you find more jobs and get referrals. Use Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to network with other developers, as well as with clients you work for or have worked for in the past. Networking skills can be invaluable in a competitive job market.

与其他自由职业者PHP设计师以及其他领域的网络开发自由职业者建立网络,可以帮助您找到更多的工作并获得推荐。 使用Twitter , Facebook和LinkedIn与其他开发人员以及您过去工作或曾经工作过的客户建立联系。 在竞争激烈的就业市场中,网络技能非常宝贵。

According to Elance.com – one of the leading freelance sites for web developers and freelancers in many other niches – 2011 was a record year for online freelance work. Online hiring has more than doubled since 2010, and the number of businesses who are hiring on Elance more than doubled, as well. That spells good things for PHP professionals who have the skills they need to succeed.

根据Elance.com (许多其他领域中面向Web开发人员和自由职业者的领先自由职业者网站之一)的数据,2011年是在线自由职业创纪录的一年。 自2010年以来,在线招聘人数增加了一倍以上,在Elance上招聘的企业数量也增加了一倍以上。 对于拥有成功所需技能PHP专业人员来说,这真是一件好事。

These six skills are essential for most freelancers, but if you’re a PHP developer, they may be even more important. Web development is an extremely competitive field, and breaking in at the lower levels is tough. Once you’ve gained these skills and gotten your career rolling, though, you can enjoy exciting jobs, flexibility, and great pay as an independent PHP developer.

这六个技能对于大多数自由职业者来说都是必不可少的,但是如果您是PHP开发人员,那么它们可能更为重要。 Web开发是一个极具竞争性的领域,要想进入较低级别的网站是很难的。 但是,一旦掌握了这些技能并开始了自己的职业生涯,您就可以作为独立PHP开发人员享受激动人心的工作,灵活性和高薪。

Image via Dmitriy Shironosov / Shutterstock.com

图片来自Dmitriy Shironosov / Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/6-extra-skills-every-php-developer-should-have/

