
tech2023-10-28  105

Episode 144 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week the panel is made up of Louis Simoneau (@rssaddict), Kevin Dees (@kevindees), Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves and Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy).

SitePoint Podcast的第144集现已发布! 本周的座谈会由Louis Simoneau( @rssaddict ),Kevin Dees( @kevindees ),Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves和Patrick O'Keefe( @ifroggy ))组成。

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #144: Freemium Schmeemium (MP3, 30:52, 29.6MB)

SitePoint Podcast#144:Freemium Schmeemium (MP3,30:52,29.6MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the main topics covered in this episode:


Google To Pay Mozilla Almost $300M/Year in Search Deal.


Let’s get honest about uptime – (37signals)


Keeping up with the 2012 U.S. election with


Done with the Freemium Business Model


Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at


主持人聚光灯 (Host Spotlights)

Kevin: 1000 Doors – Public Art Installation

凯文: 1000门-公共艺术装置

Patrick: Steven Tyler, Alice Cooper, Weird Al – Come Together

帕特里克: 史蒂文·泰勒,爱丽丝·库珀,怪异的艾尔–一起走

Stephan: Why Best Buy is Going out of Business…Gradually

斯蒂芬: 为什么百思买逐渐破产?

Louis: Domo Arigato, Mr Roboto – Android’s New Font

路易: Domo Arigato,Roboto先生– Android的新字体

面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

SitePoint Podcast #144


Louis: Hello and welcome to the first SitePoint Podcast of the year 2012. We’re back with a panel show covering some of the news that’s happened while we were on break. With me today on the show are Kevin Dees, hi Kevin.

路易斯:您好,欢迎您观看2012年的第一个SitePoint播客。我们将返回一个小组展示,其中涵盖了我们休息时发生的一些新闻。 今天与我一起演出的是Kevin Dees和Kevin。

Kevin: Howdy, howdy.


Louis: Patrick O’Keefe.


Patrick: The podcast is back! (Laughter)

帕特里克:播客又回来了! (笑声)

Louis: And Stephan Segraves.


Stephan: Happy New Year guys.


Louis: Happy New Year.


Kevin: Happy New Year.


Louis: It’s good to be back, lots of stuff I guess been going on; you guys all have a good break?

路易斯:回来很高兴,我猜正在发生很多事情。 你们大家休息好吗?

Stephan: I had a good one, it was a good break.


Patrick: Yes, yeah, definitely had a good break. Time with the family, holidays, New Year’s, yeah, it was going good.

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,肯定有一个不错的休息时间。 和家人在一起的时间,假期,新年,是的,一切都很好。

Kevin: Busy, busy.


Louis: Awesome. Fantastic. So let’s just kick straight into it, who wants to do the first story.

路易斯:太好了。 太棒了 因此,让我们直接开始吧,谁想要做第一个故事。

Patrick: Before I do the first story I just wanted to throw over a congratulations to Kevin who has joined Ryan Carson’s Treehouse as an expert teacher, right Kevin?

帕特里克(Patrick):在我写第一个故事之前,我只想向凯文(Kevin)表示祝贺,他已加入瑞安·卡森(Ryan Carson)的树屋(Treehouse)作为专家老师,对吗,凯文(Kevin)?

Kevin: Yes, that’s correct.


Patrick: That’s what happens when you’re down with the SitePoint Podcast. Look, you’re only one episode in and you’re rocking with Mr. Carsonified (laughter). I mean it’s all due to us.

帕特里克:当您对SitePoint Podcast感到沮丧时,就会发生这种情况。 看,您只有一集,而且正和Carsonified先生(笑声)在一起。 我的意思是这全都归我们了。

Kevin: Yes, you know.


Patrick: No, I’m just kidding.


Louis: Congratulations Kevin.


Patrick: Congratulations.


Kevin: Well, thank you, thank you.


Patrick: Cool. So last show we talked about — and last show was December 9th because we took that break, and we talked about the Google and Mozilla Firefox search deal and how it was expiring and how Google had accounted for I believe it was approximately 84% of Mozilla’s 2010 revenue, so that was about 100 million dollars of Mozilla’s revenue was reported to have come from this Google search deal, and it was ending. So there were some competing thoughts there: would Google re-up to maintain that search traffic to be the default search engine in Firefox or would they opt out, save the money with Chrome you know now being the second most popular browser in the world, and the answer came just a couple weeks later during our break where it was reported that they signed a new deal with Mozilla to re-up for three more years and that Microsoft and Yahoo were also interested in making the deal, but Google won out thanks to a bid of at least 300 million dollars per year, according to all things and Cara Swisher who says that according to sources that amount which is 900 million over three years was the “minimum revenue guarantee for delivering search queries garnered from consumers using Firefox. So that is up again from that 100 million to 300 million a year, just shy of — she says, “Just shy over under a billion dollars over three years,” so Google did continue the deal. Is that money well spent do you think, 900 million dollars over three years to be the default search engine in what is now the third most popular web browser?

帕特里克:酷。 因此,我们讨论了最后一个节目-上次展览是12月9日,因为我们休了会,我们谈到了Google和Mozilla Firefox搜索交易,交易如何到期以及Google如何占到我的信任,我相信这大约占Mozilla交易的84%据报道,2010年Mozilla的收入约为1亿美元,这笔收入来自该Google搜索交易,并且交易即将结束。 因此,这里有一些相互竞争的想法:谷歌是否会重新组建以保持搜索流量成为Firefox中的默认搜索引擎,还是选择退出,使用现在已经成为全球第二受欢迎的浏览器的Chrome来省钱,答案是在我们休息期间的几周后得出的。据报道,他们与Mozilla签署了一项新协议,以延长三年的合同,并且微软和Yahoo也有意达成交易,但Google赢得了感谢根据d.com和Cara Swisher的说法,每年至少要出价3亿美元,根据消息人士所说,三年内的9亿美元是“提供从消费者那里获得的搜索查询的最低收入保证”使用Firefox。 因此,这又从每年的1亿增加到了3亿,简直不至于–她说:“三年之内就回避10亿美元之多,”谷歌确实继续了这笔交易。 您是否认为这笔钱花得当,三年内有9亿美元成为如今第三大最受欢迎的网络浏览器中的默认搜索引擎?

Louis: From my point of view what really might have driven this is just the fear that if Microsoft were to pony up and get in that spot, you know, that’s 20% of the browser market’s default searches now going to Bing.


Patrick: Right.


Louis: And that might just be sort of the foothold that Bing would need in order to sort of sway a lot of people to become regular users, right? As a Firefox user myself, even if I want to do a search myself and I don’t type it into the little search box I’ll still go to Google because I’m just sort of programmed to think that Google is the search engine, but if new people coming to the Web were to use Firefox and just get into the mindset that Bing was the default, that might really give Bing a leg up and that can mean big traffic losses for Google, so clearly they though it was worth it.

路易斯:那可能只是必应需要的立足点,以便吸引很多人成为常规用户,对吗? 作为Firefox用户,即使我想自己进行搜索,也不会在小搜索框中键入搜索内容,我还是会去Google,因为我只是被编程认为Google是搜索引擎,但是如果刚接触Web的新人们使用Firefox并只是想到Bing是默认设置,那可能确实会给Bing带来帮助,并可能对Google造成巨大的流量损失,因此显然他们值得它。

Patrick: Yeah, yeah, very true, and Google has some money to spend, and that search traffic is directly converted into ad revenue through Google AdWords, so when people type something in they get taken to a page with Google ads.

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,是的,确实如此,Google可以花一些钱,而且搜索流量通过Google AdWords直接转化为广告收入,因此当人们输入内容时,他们就会进入带有Google广告的页面。

Louis: Yep, absolutely. So I mean it might even be that they did the math and figured that this was actually on the straight up dollar-to-dollar still beneficial to them. Yeah, I mean it’s great news for Mozilla obviously, and like I was talking about on the last panel show, I think it’s really important that we have at least one browser that is not controlled by a private company, and Mozilla has that browser at the moment and it’s good to see that they’ve secured enough funding to keep pushing ahead in the years to come, and that going to show in this case that even if it gets to the point where Chrome takes over even more market share that potentially Microsoft or Yahoo would still be willing to pony up and pay for that placement in Firefox which will ensure the browser has funding going forward.

路易斯:是的 ,绝对。 因此,我的意思是甚至有可能他们算了算,并认为这实际上是对他们仍然有利的美元兑美元汇率。 是的,我的意思是,这显然对Mozilla来说是个好消息,就像我在上一个面板展示中所说的那样,我认为,至少拥有一个不受私人公司控制的浏览器非常重要,而Mozilla的浏览器位于现在,很高兴看到他们已经获得了足够的资金以在未来几年内继续前进,并且在这种情况下,这表明即使Chrome占领了更多的市场份额,微软或雅虎仍然愿意为Firefox中的位置付费,以确保浏览器有足够的资金。

Patrick: Yeah, and to I guess wrap this story up I thought I’d take a quick look at where the market share headed in December since we’re talking about it, and browser market share for IE was down, according to the global stats from Statcounter from 40.6 to 38.6, whereas Chrome went from 25.6 to 27.2, a gain of about a point and a half.

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,我想把这个故事总结一下,我想我应该快速回顾一下自我们谈论以来12月份的市场份额走向,而IE浏览器的市场份额却在下降。 Statcounter的统计数据从40.6上升至38.6,而Chrome的统计数字从25.6下降至27.2,增长了大约半个百分点。

Louis: So almost all of IE’s loss went directly to Chrome.


Patrick: Yeah, and Firefox maintained about the same gain, a very small margin, so Chrome is gaining on IE, and as far as surge in the market share, Google 91.32%, so still holding firm.


Louis: Right, (laughter) no serious threats to that dominance there. So I had a story that just came out today, it’s a blog post on the 37 Signals blog, so for listeners who might be unfamiliar with 37 Signals, it makes web applications like Basecamp and Campfire, which are sort of collaboration tools for teams to use online, and also the Ruby on Rails platform sort of came out the early work that 37 Signals did on Basecamp. So they did a post entitled Let’s Get Honest About Uptime, which was published on January 2nd, and just sort of a review of what the uptime numbers for their apps were over the past year, and so just sort of talking about the value of tracking your overall uptime, for those of us who run or maintain web applications I though it was really interesting because it’s something that we don’t tend to think about, we think about if you ask me how often — what’s the uptime for I’d say it’s pretty good, we don’t have a lot of downtime, but I couldn’t off the top of my head tell you what the number is whether it’s 99.5% or 98% or 99.99%.

路易斯:对,(笑声)那里的统治地位没有受到严重威胁。 因此,我有一个故事今天刚刚发布,它是37 Signals博客上的博客文章,因此对于可能不熟悉37 Signals的听众,它使诸如Basecamp和Campfire之类的Web应用程序成为团队合作的协作工具。在线使用,以及Ruby on Rails平台,都是37 Signals在Basecamp上所做的早期工作。 因此,他们做了1月2日发布的题为“让我们对正常运行时间诚实”的帖子,只是回顾了他们的应用在过去一年的正常运行时间数量,因此只是在谈论跟踪的价值您的整体正常运行时间,对于我们那些运行或维护Web应用程序的人来说,尽管我真的很有趣,因为这是我们不常考虑的事情,但我们会考虑是否要问我多久-flippa.com的正常运行时间是多少我会说这很好,我们没有太多的停机时间,但是我无法不告诉您这个数字是99.5%还是98%或99.99%。

Patrick: Yeah, and there are two things that come to mind as I read through the story, the first one is as Scott Windsor references in the article, Twitter is a good example of a site that was down a lot but still grew in popularity, and it kind of underscores the importance and the difference between maybe consumer apps that are targeted toward the general public, and then business apps which are aimed at businesses and enterprises who are using them as part of their operation, so that downtime he mentions Gmail, for example; “If Gmail is down for even five minutes I start getting sweaty palms,” he says. And that’s exactly right because you’re getting your email, it’s part of the business communication with your clients, how you’re making money, and if you can’t get to that it’s a big problem even if it’s only five minutes, so I guess it really varies based on the intended audience for the application.

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,当我通读故事时,会想到两件事,第一件事是斯科特·温莎(Scott Windsor)在文章中引用的内容,Twitter是一个很好的例子,该网站虽然下降了很多,但仍然越来越受欢迎,并强调了针对大众的消费类应用程序与针对那些将其用作运营一部分的企业的商业应用程序之间的重要性和区别,因此他提到了Gmail , 例如; 他说:“如果Gmail宕机了五分钟,我就会开始流汗。” 这是完全正确的,因为您正在获取电子邮件,这是与客户进行业务往来的一部分,是您如何赚钱的方式,而且即使只有五分钟,您也无法做到这一点,所以这是一个大问题,因此我猜它确实会根据应用程序的目标受众而有所不同。

Louis: Yeah, absolutely.


Patrick: And then you know for the average webmaster and average app developer I guess, what is — and maybe this is a stupid question but, you know, those are the type of questions that I ask, what is the easy way to monitor app uptime? Is there a tool? Is there a recommended service that’s affordable? Is this something that’s in your basic server analytics by default or how do you go about it?

帕特里克:然后您知道,对于普通的网站管理员和普通的应用程序开发人员来说,这是什么—也许这是一个愚蠢的问题,但是,您知道,这些是我要问的问题类型,监视应用程序的简便方法是什么?正常运行时间? 有工具吗? 有没有推荐的价格合理的服务? 默认情况下,这是您的基本服务器分析中包含的内容还是该如何处理?

Louis: Yeah, well, it’s a point that he brings up in the actual post he mentions a few different options, so the Amazon Web Services Health Dashboard and the Google Apps Status Dashboard, if you’re using either of those two services to host your apps they only give you sort of a week at a time of uptime, so it doesn’t give you those stats over the course of a year, so you’d have to probably run your own status thing that collects stats over time and lets you look at that.

Louis:是的,很重要的一点是,他在实际帖子中提到了几个不同的选项,因此,如果您要使用这两个服务中的任何一个来托管Amazon Web Services Health Dashboard和Google Apps Status Dashboard,您的应用只会在正常运行时间为您提供一周的时间,因此一年之内都不会为您提供这些统计信息,因此您可能必须运行自己的状态信息,以便随着时间的推移收集统计信息,让您看看。

Kevin: There is an app out there.


Patrick: So I’m sure there’s some open source software.


Kevin: Called Pingdom, and you can check the site out at, and essentially what this does is it helps you monitor that uptime and it helps you operate at whatever your guarantee is to your customers, whether it’s 100% uptime or — I mean not that you’d ever make 100% uptime, but it makes it viable.

凯文:叫做Pingdom,您可以在Pingdom.com上查看该网站,从本质上讲 ,它可以帮助您监控正常运行时间,并且无论您的保证时间是100%还是,我的意思不是说您可以使100%的正常运行时间,但是它使它可行。

Louis: Yeah, the one we use at is called Wormly, so that’s at, and that’s a very similar service that just sort of pings your website over a period of time, if it doesn’t respond it can send you an SMS or an email and it tracks your uptime, so there’s a number of services that you can use for this if you’re interested in it; obviously anyone running a big web application where people care about being able to access it all the time, like you were saying, Patrick, it can be a very important thing to be paying attention to.

路易斯:是的,我们在Flippa.com上使用的那个叫Wormly,所以在Wormly.com上使用 ,这是一种非常相似的服务,可以在一段时间内对您的网站执行ping操作,如果它没有响应就可以向您发送短信或电子邮件,并跟踪您的正常运行时间,因此,如果您对此感兴趣,可以使用多种服务; 显然,任何运行大型Web应用程序的人都希望能够一直访问它,就像您所说的Patrick一样,关注它可能是非常重要的事情。

Kevin: Right.


Patrick: Yeah, I went to Wormly and Web 2.0 name alert, Web 2.0 name alert! No, I’m just kidding, (laughter), but I went to the About page of Wormly and right there under customer love is a testimonial of Mark Harbottle of 99designs (laughter), “We monitor everything with Wormly, website down equals lost revenue, it’s pretty simple, really,” end quote, so that from Mark.

帕特里克:是的,我去了蠕虫和Web 2.0名称警报,Web 2.0名称警报! 不,我只是在开玩笑,(笑),但是我转到了Wormly的“关于”页面,在客户的热烈欢迎下,是99designs的Mark Harbottle的见证(笑),“我们用Wormly监控一切,网站瘫痪等于输掉了收入,这真的很简单,”末尾引述,来自Mark。

Kevin: Right.


Louis: There we go.


Kevin: I mean the last thing you want is downtime there in your peak hours, and that’s when you’re most likely to crash, right, when you have the most amount of traffic in. So, having a service like this to monitor that kind of thing going on, especially if you run ecommerce, it’s critical that you’re up and open.


Louis: Absolutely, and do you think though in this case the 37 Signals guys have gone and posted on all of their websites, if you go to any one of the ones, so Slash Uptime, so, it give you an uptime report for the past 12 months and just breaks it down how much downtime per day across the whole range. Do you think it’s worth doing as a public thing is showing your customers how much uptime you’re pulling?

路易斯:绝对,您是否认为在这种情况下,如果有37个信号专家已经去过并张贴在他们的所有网站上,那么如果您访问其中任何一个,则可以大幅提高正常运行时间,因此, / uptime可以为您提供帮助过去12个月的正常运行时间报告,并细分了整个范围内每天的停机时间。 您认为值得做的是,公开展示您的客户需要多少正常运行时间吗?

Kevin: I would think that’s a little meta, to be honest, I couldn’t see — I don’t go to many of my services and say how much uptime do you have, that’s something I do with a webhost, but with the apps that I use I kind of — it’s one of those things where you just trust them to use it and if they don’t service, you know, if their service isn’t available because it’s down then I’d complain or something, and three strikes you’re out kind of deal, I don’t —


Louis: Yeah.


Kevin: I mean it’s nice to have as a guarantee, but.


Louis: The numbers don’t matter so much as if it was down .05% of the time but that was the time that I needed it then I have a negative experience.


Kevin: Right, exactly.


Louis: The number doesn’t mean that much to me as a customer.


Kevin: Right.


Patrick: If you’ve got good uptime it’s a selling point though, (laughter). But it also has to I guess again do with the kind of audience too because 37 Signals, you know, kind of techie audience I would say, it’s fairly safe to say they deal with a lot of web designers, developers and those sorts of people, and it is something that impresses their audience, so I guess there’s a business value there. But if it’s really needed as far as this page with all the green dots on it, I don’t know; it looks good (laughs).

帕特里克:(如果有)正常运行时间,这是一个卖点,(笑声)。 但是我还必须再说一遍这类受众,因为37 Signals,我想说的是技术类受众,可以肯定地说,他们与许多Web设计师,开发人员以及诸如此类的人打交道,这给他们的听众留下了深刻的印象,所以我想那是一种商业价值。 但是,如果真的需要此页面上所有绿色点的内容,我不知道。 看起来不错(笑)。

Louis: Very interesting. And one of the other points that he brings up in the blog post is that they definitely include scheduled downtime in their numbers, which I think is a relevant thing to do, I think you can’t sort of get around these or, you know, fake the uptime numbers by excluding downtime when you were warned about it in a day in advance.

路易斯:非常有趣。 他在博客文章中提出的其他观点之一是,它们一定包括计划中的停机时间,我认为这是相关的事情,我认为您无法解决这些问题,或者,您知道,通过提前一天警告您排除停机时间来伪造正常运行时间数字。

Patrick: Yeah. We will be down for the next 24 hours but this doesn’t count (laughter), you know, doesn’t count guys. Yeah, that’s funny.

帕特里克:是的。 我们将在接下来的24小时内休息,但这并不算(笑声),您知道的,这不算人。 是的,这很有趣。

Louis: Alright, next story.


Kevin: I can do mine.


Patrick: Don’t beat each other up over this one (laughter). I’m just kidding, go ahead Kevin.

帕特里克:别在这件事上互相打架(笑声)。 我只是在开玩笑,请继续凯文。

Kevin: My story today is covering the website which just came out, oh, looks like 10:00 a.m. this morning. But basically it’s a portal site where you can keep track of everything going on during the election year, so it’s a pretty cool site; if you go and check it out they have all kinds of statistics based on things.

凯文:我今天的故事是关于刚刚出来的网站,哦,今天早上10:00左右。 但基本上,它是一个门户网站,您可以在该网站上跟踪选举年的所有情况,因此它是一个非常不错的网站; 如果您去检查一下,他们将根据事物提供各种统计信息。

Louis: Just to specify for our worldwide audience we’re referring to the United States election.


Kevin: Thank you, thank you.


Patrick: What other election would it be? Calm down Louis! No, I’m just kidding.

帕特里克(Patrick):还会进行哪一次选举? 冷静路易斯! 不,我只是在开玩笑。

Kevin: Sometimes I’m forgetful that more than — I’m an average American I guess you would say (laughter). But basically you can go into this site, and I think it’s really interesting to see how Google is helping the average Joe, someone like me, get a better grasp on what’s going on in the elections, who’s trending; they have a section for trending and that kind of thing. So I think it’s a really cool concept and hopefully we can see it across more than just this election but elections to come and other elections outside of the presidency.

凯文:有时候,我的遗忘不只是-我是一个普通的美国人,我想你会说(笑)。 但是基本上您可以进入该站点,我认为看到Google如何帮助普通乔(像我这样的人)更好地了解选举的趋势和趋势,这真的很有趣。 他们有一个趋势类的部分。 因此,我认为这是一个非常酷的概念,希望我们不仅可以在这次选举中看到它,还可以在即将举行的选举以及总统以外的其他选举中看到它。

Louis: Very interesting. If you go to you’ll notice it’s got Politics and Elections in the left-hand side, and if you click on the dropdown where it says U.S. Edition there is also an Egypt Edition, so they’ve already done at least one other one.

路易斯:非常有趣。 如果您访问,您会注意到它的左侧是“政治和选举”,如果您点击显示“美国版”的下拉菜单,那么还有埃及版,因此它们已经完成了至少一个。

Patrick: Take that!


Louis: Wow, that’s a lot of political parties, okay; we have it fairly simple in U.S. and Australia.

路易斯:哇,有很多政党,好吧; 我们在美国和澳大利亚都非常简单。

Kevin: Yeah. I think this is really good.

凯文:是的。 我认为这真的很好。

Patrick: Yeah, we do, for better or worse (laughs).


Louis: But it’s very nice, and I think for being able for people to have one central place to go and find out about all this information, and if they do a good job of aggregating the news and looking at the trends, yeah, absolutely, it’s a great piece of work, I’ll look forward to it if it’s every deployed in a country that I live in.


Kevin: I was going to say kind off-topic a little bit, but it would be interesting to see if it comes into this circle, I haven’t really searched around much, who’s thinking about the SOPA debacle that’s going on right now.


Patrick: Right.


Kevin: SOPA is Stop Online Piracy Act, right, yeah, there you go.

凯文: SOPA是《停止在线盗版法》,是的,您去了。

Patrick: One other thing that comes to mind as far as what developers, webmasters and whatnot, is the general reminder that election season if you get a lot of U.S. based traffic is an opportunity to get more traffic, and while Google’s platform, Google’s whatever you want to call this portal, is useful, it’s also beneficial for Google to categorize their content, and obviously Google has more content and more offerings than most people do, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t as a small blog, or a decent sized publication even, can create a special section and kind of tie your content in. For example, Google has that they have a lot of the hot political videos linked through, and they direct people to that area of YouTube from this elections page, they have a Google Calendar linked that shows relevant political dates that appears to be maintained by PBS. And they have other ties to their products, like Google+ and whatnot, so it’s coming up on that type of season where you can start to put your content and your ducks in a row if you are a general news or a topical sort of publication. That was my effort to make this audience-centric, sorry (laughter).

帕特里克(Patrick):关于开发人员,网站管理员和其他人员,我想到的另一件事是一般提醒我们,如果您在美国的访问量很多,则选举季节是获得更多访问量的机会,而在Google的平台上,Google可以您想要调用此门户网站非常有用,它对Google对其内容进行分类也很有益,显然Google比大多数人拥有更多的内容和更多的产品,但这并不一定意味着您不能成为一个小型博客甚至是大小合适的出版物,都可以创建一个特殊的部分,并将其与您的内容联系起来。例如,Google拥有,他们链接了许多热门的政治视频,并引导人们访问在该选举页面的YouTube区域,他们有一个Google日历链接,其中显示了PBS维护的相关政治日期。 他们还与自己的产品有其他联系,例如Google+和其他产品,因此在这种类型的季节即将来临,如果您是一般新闻或主题性出版物,则可以开始将内容和内容放在一起。 这是我努力使这个以观众为中心的对不起(笑)。

Louis: No, that was good, it was good.


Stephan: I think something that they’ve done here, looking at this elections thing, is the On the Ground piece, like Trends is cool and all, but the On the Ground piece is where I see something — it being really useful because it’s got all these dots on it, it’s basically news stories from specific areas, so right now everything’s in Iowa because of the Caucus’, and so different parts of Iowa have different numbers of stories, so I think it’s useful because as the election grows and we get closer and closer to the election date you’re going to see stories from all over, and this will give you a visual of where all that’s coming from, and that’s something different, we haven’t seen that before.


Patrick: And, Stephan, you have the last story.


Stephan: Yep, the last story belongs to me, and this is a story about Freemuim, and Tyler Nichols is saying he’s done with the Freemuim business model. And he lays out a couple of reasons for this, one being that free customers are higher maintenance than paying customers, and so he gives kind of some anecdotal evidence of this, having to create an FAQ and answer these questions, but he still gets email questions, and then he talks about how people just use his service and then they complain about it. So is this a reason to get rid of Freemuim? I don’t know; it seems kind of whiney to me, maybe (laughs).

史蒂芬:是的 ,最后一个故事属于我,这是关于Freemuim的故事,泰勒·尼科尔斯(Tyler Nichols)说他已经完成了Freemuim商业模式。 他提出了一些原因,其中一个原因是免费客户比付费客户的维护成本更高,因此他提供了一些轶事证据,因此必须创建FAQ并回答这些问题,但是他仍然收到电子邮件问题,然后他谈论人们如何使用他的服务,然后他们抱怨。 那么这是摆脱Freemuim的原因吗? 我不知道; 对我来说似乎有点发牢骚,也许(笑)。

Louis: I mean obviously it’s a bit of a personal manifesto from this one guy about why he won’t use it anymore. I think it’s interesting, obviously a lot of sort of new web applications have adopted the kind of Freemuim model, you know I talked with Jan Lukacs of the PAYMO, which is like an online invoicing tool, and he was saying they definitely embrace Freemuim and they use that, and they’re going to continue to use that even if other players in their marketplace switch to only paid plans. This is interesting because it was sort of a different perspective, it’s something a lot of people are doing, and this was sort of an example saying, look, it’s just not worth it. He was saying that he sent follow-up email thanking people for using the site and there was tons of spam reports from the free customers and non from the premium or the paying customers. It’s another interesting point, people who are paying for something are a bit more conscious of having signed up for the service, so they’re much more likely mark mail as spam I guess.

路易斯:我的意思是,显然这是这个人的个人宣言,说明他为什么不再使用它。 我认为这很有趣,很明显,许多新的Web应用程序都采用了Freemuim模型,您知道我与PAYMO的Jan Lukacs进行了交谈,就像在线发票工具一样,他说他们肯定接受Freemuim和他们会使用它,即使市场中的其他参与者转而使用付费计划,他们也将继续使用它。 这很有趣,因为这是一种不同的观点,很多人正在做这件事,并且这只是一个例子,说,看,这是不值得的。 他说他发送了一封后续电子邮件,感谢人们使用该网站,免费客户收到了大量垃圾邮件报告,而高级客户或付费客户却收到了大量垃圾邮件报告。 这是另一个有趣的观点,付费用户会更清楚地注册该服务,因此我猜他们更有可能将邮件标记为垃圾邮件。

Kevin: What about Wikipedia, because you see sites like that, that’s a — it’s basically a Freemuim where you donate, obviously there’s donations involved, in fact, Wikipedia just finished getting their first, or their rounds of donations, right, you know the little advertisements at the top of the page.


Patrick: They raised 20 million dollars from one million donors, but Wikipedia was a non-profit obviously.


Kevin: Right.


Patrick: So it’s a little different.


Kevin: Thank you.


Patrick: Yes.


Kevin: So, as Patrick said, they raised 20 million dollars from one million donors, and this goes to show that a service can use a Freemuim model, but I think it also has something to do with the community that’s involved in Wikipedia because it is community driven, whereas this Santa thing is a one-man show in a way.


Louis: It’s also fair to note that Wikipedia isn’t strictly speaking Freemuim, it’s just free, because you get the exact same product whether you pay for it or not.


Kevin: That is true.


Patrick: Right.


Louis: So, it’s just 100% free, you can donate if you want to, and it’s a non-profit. So it may be a bit of a different situation but it is interesting, there are tons of businesses out there that make money, and you know it’s a constant discussion that we’ve talked about on the podcast before, you know, all of the ways you can sort of monetize a web application or a website, be it through advertising, donations, we’ve talked about donations I think towards the end of last year and whether a donate button for contents was reasonable. I think it was Patrick, right, who said you wouldn’t use a donate button because you thought it sounded desperate?

路易斯:所以,它只是100%免费,如果您愿意的话,您可以捐赠,这是一种非营利性活动。 因此,情况可能有所不同,但有趣的是,那里有成千上万的企业在赚钱,而且您知道,在所有播客之前,我们一直在播客上谈论这是一个持续的讨论。通过广告,捐赠等方式可以通过Web应用程序或网站进行货币化的方式,我们已经讨论了去年年底之前我认为的捐赠以及内容捐赠按钮是否合理。 我认为是帕特里克(Patrick),对,谁说您不会使用捐赠按钮,因为您认为它听起来很绝望?

Patrick: Yeah, that was my general perspective because I don’t really like to put up a donate button on websites where I am trying to make money, right.


Louis: Right, yeah.


Patrick: Because I think it looks a little desperate. And me personally, I think some people would question the stability of the operation if you have to ask for donations all the time, if you have a constant donate button, a constant situation where you need donations I think it’s better to find another way.

帕特里克:因为我认为这看起来有些绝望。 就我个人而言,我认为有人会质疑操作的稳定性,如果您始终需要捐赠,是否有一个固定的捐赠按钮,一个持续不断的需要捐赠的情况,我认为最好找到另一种方式。

Louis: Which is obviously different for something that is a non-profit and that isn’t trying to make money —


Patrick: Right, exactly.


Louis: — they just want to keep the thing operating.

路易斯: —他们只是想让事情继续运转。

Patrick: Yeah. And for context it’s important to say, like Kevin mentioned it briefly, but this was like a letter for Santa site I guess where you could have a free letter from Santa and then the Freemuim part of it was that you could pay for a higher resolution letter, a personalized envelope and a door hanger, and he got over 120,000 unique visitors and nearly a million page views, the site was used to create 50,000 free letters, he doesn’t mention how many people actually paid. But, like you said, I mean it’s definitely a personal thing, and I think what it underscores to me is, I read the post, and I respect what he’s saying, like I respect the perspective, I understand it, I get it, and it’s right for me I think to say this and to have this stance that Freemuim customers they cost me money, they cost me time, they’re less patient than the people who pay, they’re bad for my business; I totally understand and respect it. But, you know, it’s a case-by-case type basis sort of deal, there’s no one way, one size fits all here, for some a Freemuim model makes a ton of sense, and there’s businesses you can point to where Freemuim model has worked awesome, and then for other people like this gentleman it’s not the best way to go for what he is trying to accomplish, so I think that’s kind of the message I take from it.

帕特里克:是的。 对于上下文,必须要说的很重要,就像Kevin简要提到的那样,但这就像给圣诞老人网站的一封信,我想您可以在哪里收到圣诞老人的免费信件,然后其中的Freemuim部分是您可以支付更高的分辨率信件,个性化的信封和门衣架,他吸引了超过12万名独立访问者,浏览量接近一百万次,该网站用于创建50,000个免费信件,但他没有提及实际支付了多少人。 但是,就像您说的,我的意思是,这绝对是个人的事情,我认为这对我而言是最重要的,我阅读了这篇文章,并且我尊重他在说什么,就像我尊重观点,理解,理解,我认为这对我来说是正确的,并且我要拥有这样的立场:Freemuim客户他们花了我钱,他们花了我时间,他们比付钱的人耐心少,对我的生意不利; 我完全理解并尊重它。 但是,您知道,这是一种逐案类型的交易,没有一种方法,一种尺寸适合所有情况,因为某些Freemuim模型很有意义,并且您可以指出Freemuim模型所在的业务工作很棒,然后对于像这位绅士这样的其他人来说,这并不是实现他想要完成的目标的最佳方法,所以我认为这是我从中得到的信息。

Stephan: Well, and I think this comes back to the idea that we’re still trying to figure out how to make money on the Internet.


Kevin: Right.


Stephan: Right. So some people want to offer a free service and then charge for an extra feature, in this case a higher resolution version of the letter, and we’re still trying to figure out how to make that mesh together to where you don’t take away the experience for the free customers because you want to draw them in and make them paying customers, and you don’t want to make — you don’t want to wash out the paid experience to where the paid users feel like they’re paying for nothing, right.

斯蒂芬:对。 因此,有些人希望提供免费服务,然后再收取额外的功能费用,在这种情况下,是字母的更高分辨率版本,我们仍在努力寻找如何使该网格连接到您不需要的地方放弃免费客户的体验,因为您想吸引他们并使其成为付费客户,而您却不想赚钱—您不想将付费体验冲刷到付费用户感觉像他们那样的地方不付钱,对。

Patrick: Right.


Stephan: So it’s a balance.


Patrick: It is a balance. Well, you know, I guess we’re still trying to figure out how to make money online, but we’re always making adjustments and that’s just business. Like gaming is well known for a Freemuim model, there’s tons of mobile apps, mobile games that are free and that you can pay for extras or pay for another version. And one other point I wanted to make with this particular situation is that there are some that would say that he would not have sold many of these letters from Santa, whatever he sold we don’t know, without the Freemuim version to initially hook people in, there are some who would make that point, because this is just kind of a generic, it’s not attached to any larger brand that I’m aware of, so part of the allure at first you have to imagine a great deal of the marketing, so to speak, the word-of-mouth marketing came from ‘here’s a way to get a free letter from Santa’, then when they get there they find out that they can pay for this extra stuff, and then some opt to do so. Now, if that wasn’t a feature, if it was simply paid, you wouldn’t have most likely 3,000 likes on Facebook, and that’s what his page has, so there are some who would make that point.

帕特里克:这是一个平衡。 好吧,您知道,我想我们仍在努力寻找如何在线赚钱的方法,但是我们一直在进行调整,这仅是业务。 就像游戏以Freemuim模型而闻名一样,有大量的移动应用程序,免费的移动游戏,您可以支付额外费用或购买其他版本。 我想针对这种特殊情况提出的另一点是,有些人会说他不会出售圣诞老人寄给他的许多信件,无论他不知道出售的是什么,如果没有Freemuim版本最初会吸引人们的话在其中,有一些人会指出这一点,因为这只是来自于santa.org的通用信,它与我所知的任何大品牌无关,所以首先要想入迷的一部分是可以这么说,口碑营销来自“这是从圣诞老人那里获得免费信件的一种方式”,然后当他们到达那里时,他们发现自己可以为此多付钱,然后有些人选择这样做。 现在,如果这不是一项功能,或者只是付费的话,那么您在Facebook上最多不会有3,000个赞,这就是他的页面所拥有的,因此有些人会指出这一点。

Kevin: Yeah. I would also say, too, the Freemuim model about offering things for free is the fact that when you go to a brick and mortar store you can physically walk in a store and look at the products and experience them in whatever way you need to, right. Whereas with online all you can do is just look at things, right, so a Freemuim model is kind of a way to create that same type of feeling where somebody can walk into your online store or your online service and experience the product before they purchase it. I think one of the other things to note about what he’s doing here is once a customer’s bought it they’re done, it’s not like they’re gonna buy from him again, maybe the next year, but one purchase a year is not really a very excellent business model. Now, you have a service like say 37 Signals where you can get I believe a 14 day or a 30 day trial to try out the service, that’s slightly Freemuim, it’s not — you don’t maintain your free membership on their site forever, but at least you can try it out, and if you subscribe that’s every month they have cash coming in, so it has a lot to do I think with the product you sell and your customers.

凯文:是的。 我也要说,Freemuim免费提供商品的模式是这样一个事实,当您去实体店时,您可以亲自走到商店里,看看产品并以任何需要的方式体验它们,对。 借助在线服务,您所能做的只是看事情,所以,Freemuim模型是一种创建相同类型的感觉的方法,人们可以在购买前走进您的在线商店或在线服务并体验产品它。 我认为他在这里要做的另一件事是,一旦客户购买了产品,他们就完成了,这并不是说他们会在第二年再次向他购买,但是一年一次的购买并不是真的一个非常出色的商业模式。 现在,您有一项服务,例如“ 37 Signals”,我相信可以通过14天或30天的试用期来试用该服务,这有点像Freemuim,并非如此-您不会永远保持其网站的免费会员资格,但是至少您可以尝试一下,如果您每个月订阅一次,他们就会收到现金,所以我认为与您出售的产品和客户有很多关系。

Patrick: It’s all marketing trade-offs.


Louis: Yeah, 37 signals is an interesting one because when they originally launched their products they were Freemuim, they had a free plan for everything, but now a lot of them are still there but they’re kind of hidden. So if you go to you’ll see that it’s offering three plans which, wow, from the look of it have increased pretty dramatically in prices since the last time I looked. And then at the bottom below those three plans that are all with big buttons there’s this tiny little text that says we also offer a basic plan and a free plan.

路易斯:是的,有37个信号是一个有趣的信号,因为当他们最初推出自己的产品时,他们是Freemuim,他们为所有产品制定了免费计划,但是现在许多产品仍然存在,但有些隐蔽。 因此,如果您访问,您会看到它提供了三个计划,从我上次看以来,它的价格看起来已经大大提高了。 然后,在这三个都带有大按钮的计划的下方,这小小的文字表示我们也提供了基本计划和免费计划。

Kevin: Right.


Patrick: Right.


Louis: So a lot of places have taken to sort of hiding the free plan, and that’s sort of the current approach to Freemuim for a lot of people is to make a free plan available if someone really wants it, but don’t show it off because then everyone signs up and then they become an annoyance.


Alright, well I guess that wraps up the news stories for this week, maybe we can dive into the spotlights.


Stephan: Sure, I’ll go first. Mine’s kind of a downer or a good article (laughter).

史蒂芬:好的,我先走。 我的那种唐纳德或好文章(笑声)。

Patrick: Nice setup.


Stephan: Yeah, it’s a Forbes article on why Best Buy is going out of business gradually, and it’s an interesting read and it doesn’t just focus on their fiasco over Christmas but focuses on some other things such as customer experience in the store, and kind of some comments that Best Buy has made out publicly about online retailers such as Amazon. Best Buy thinks of themselves as the place where people come to look and feel before they go buy on Amazon, I mean maybe that’s true, and so this article kind of examines why they’re losing their market share and they’re going out of business.

史蒂芬:是的,这是《福布斯》的一篇文章,其中介绍了百思买为何会逐渐倒闭,这是一本有趣的读物,它不仅关注圣诞节期间的惨败,还关注其他一些事情,例如商店中的客户体验,以及百思买公开发表的有关亚马逊等在线零售商的一些评论。 百思买(Best Buy)将自己视为人们在亚马逊上购买商品之前就已经出现的外观和感觉的地方,我的意思是也许是真的,因此本文探讨了为什么他们失去了市场份额并且走出了困境。商业。

Patrick: Hmm, it’s interesting. I can say that I’ve never really — I’m trying to think, have I ever bought anything in person at Best Buy. Most of my Best Buy purchases have been through their website without going to the store, and it’s usually music exclusives because sometimes they get exclusives to a certain song or some kind of bonus material, so I’ll buy through them online and have it shipped to me, but I don’t know, I never got hooked onto the whole Best Buy experience.

帕特里克:嗯,很有趣。 我可以说我从来没有真正-我想思考一下,我是否曾经亲自在Best Buy购买过任何东西。 我在百思买购买的大多数产品都是通过网站访问的,而没有去商店,而且通常是音乐独占的,因为有时它们会获得某首歌曲或某种赠品的独占,所以我会在网上购买并发货对我来说,但我不知道,我从未迷上过整个百思买体验。

Stephan: Yeah. I mean we rarely buy anything. We’ve had some pretty bad experiences there, so.

斯蒂芬:是的。 我的意思是我们很少买东西。 因此,我们在那里经历了一些非常糟糕的经历。

Patrick: You rarely buy anything at all. No, I’m just kidding.

帕特里克:您很少买任何东西。 不,我只是在开玩笑。

Stephan: Well, no, we rarely buy things at Best Buy, yeah, you understand what I meant.


Patrick: (Laughing) Yeah, I understood, sorry. So I’ll go next since I so rudely accused you of not buying anything. What I found was a video today that is definitely the coolest thing I probably will see all day, but it is from a New Year’s Eve party in Maui Hawaii, it is Steven Tyler of Aerosmith, Alice Cooper and Weird Al Yankovich doing Come Together, Live on New Year’s Eve. And, you know, the combination it’s just, you know, it’s one of those things you don’t expect to see and probably will never see again, but it’s a really awesome clip, so I’d recommend you check it out.

帕特里克:(笑)是的,我知道,对不起。 因此,我将继续下去,因为我无礼地指责您不买任何东西。 我发现今天的视频绝对是我整天可能会看到的最酷的视频,但这是来自夏威夷毛伊岛的除夕晚​​会,是Aerosmith的Steven Tyler,Alice Cooper和Weird Al Yankovich一起做的,除夕生活。 而且,您知道,它的组合只是您不希望看到且可能永远不会再次看到的那些事情之一,但这是一个很棒的剪辑,所以我建议您检查一下。

Louis: Will do.


Patrick: That’s Patrick’s off-beat spotlight of the week, ba-dum!


Louis: (Laughs) you always come through, Patrick.


Patrick: Thank you, sir.


Louis: Alright, my spotlight is a little bit of an article on Boing Boing which is about the new system font in Android 4.0, and if anyone sort of followed when the new version of Android was announced and the font was first demoed there was a lot of backlash on the Internet from people who are into design or people who were interested in the font. So there was a lot of backlash, people saying it was kind of uninspired, it was just sort of a hacked together version of features of different fonts including Helvetica, people called it a Franken-font. Anyway, so this particular article on Boing Boing which was published on January 1st is a really interesting breakdown of the typographic features of the font, which is called Roboto, and even if you’re not an Android user or don’t care about Android, don’t care about iOS, if you’re a web designer and you’re interested in fonts but you’re not really too up on all the typography, it’s really interesting to see a breakdown of really all the finer points of detail that go into making a font, and how you try and make something that adapts to the environment and that’s readable on a variety of screen sizes and all that sort of thing. So a really interesting read, have a look at that.

路易斯:好吧,我的焦点是关于Boing Boing的一篇文章,该文章是关于Android 4.0中的新系统字体的,如果有人在发布新版本的Android并首次演示该字体时遵循了某种方式,互联网上的许多反弹都源于对设计感兴趣的人或对字体感兴趣的人。 因此出现了很多反弹,人们说这是没有灵感的,这只是包括Helvetica在内的不同字体的功能的黑版,人们称其为Franken字体。 无论如何,因此1月1日发布的有关Boing Boing的这篇特别文章对字体的版式功能(称为Roboto)进行了非常有趣的细分类,即使您不是Android用户或不在乎Android ,不用担心iOS,如果您是一名网页设计师,并且对字体感兴趣,但是您对所有字体的了解都不是很多,那么查看所有细微细节的细微之处就非常有趣。制作字体,以及如何尝试制作适合环境的内容,并且可以在各种屏幕尺寸和类似内容上读取。 因此,非常有趣的阅读内容,请看一下。

Patrick: People take fonts really seriously.


Louis: They do, they do (laughs).


Patrick: The first comment in this article is “I do not find Roboto more readable, I find it more jarring,” I mean I don’t know, I mean I guess it’s jarring, I don’t know, that’s just not how I would really — I mean unless they threw up Comic Sans on the thing I mean that I might find jarring, but, you know, this font doesn’t really have that effect on me. But, you know, some people do get real attached to certain design elements, certain UI aspects, and I guess that’s what happens here.

帕特里克:本文的第一条评论是“我不觉得Roboto更具可读性,我觉得它更刺耳”,我的意思是我不知道,我想我想这很刺耳,我不知道,那不是怎么回事我会的-我的意思是,除非他们对我可能会感到刺痛的东西丢下Comic Sans,但是,您知道,这种字体对我没有真正的影响。 但是,您知道,确实有人确实对某些设计元素,某些UI方面产生了依附感,我想这就是这里发生的情况。

Stephan: It’s actually not a bad font. I kind of like it. I’m just looking at —

史蒂芬:这实际上不是一个坏字体。 我有点喜欢 我只是看着-

Patrick: It’s clean.


Stephan: Yeah, it’s very clean. I kind of like it.

斯蒂芬:是的,非常干净。 我有点喜欢

Louis: I find it’s a little less — the previous one which was Droid Sans struck me as a little bit too fancy, like it was trying to do too much, and it was very recognizable. This one is sort of very plain, you don’t really notice it, it’s a bit narrower than Helvetica or Arial, but it’s definitely nice and clean, and I like the shape of the numbers.

路易斯:我发现它要少一些-上一个Droid Sans让我有点幻想,就像它试图做太多事情一样,并且非常容易辨认。 这是一个非常简单的东西,您没有真正注意到它,它比Helvetica或Arial窄一些,但绝对好又干净,我喜欢数字的形状。

Stephan: Yeah, they look good, looks good. This’ll be a good read.

斯蒂芬:是的,他们看起来不错,看起来不错。 这将是一本好书。

Kevin: Alright, so my spotlight for today is not very Web related but it is pretty cool if you’ve ever seen Monsters Inc., the movie, where the monsters have to go through the doors and scare kids, you should check these photos out, it’s of what appears to be a building covered in doors, and there’s a thousand doors on this thing, and each one of them appears to be unique, and it’s just kind of inspirational in a way, a little interesting and intriguing to look at, and it’s just a simple little blog post that there will be links for, you can find it at feeldesain, I’m guessing that’s how you say his name, .com, and then, yeah, I think it’s pretty cool.

凯文:好的,所以我今天的关注点与网络无关,但是如果您曾经看过电影《怪兽公司》,怪兽必须穿过门并吓跑孩子,那应该很酷,您应该查看这些照片out, it's of what appears to be a building covered in doors, and there's a thousand doors on this thing, and each one of them appears to be unique, and it's just kind of inspirational in a way, a little interesting and intriguing to look at, and it's just a simple little blog post that there will be links for, you can find it at feeldesain, I'm guessing that's how you say his name, .com, and then, yeah, I think it's pretty cool.

Stephan: Interesting.


Patrick: Yeah, it looks cool. It’s a good use of doors.

Patrick: Yeah, it looks cool. It's a good use of doors.

Kevin: Yes.


Patrick: It’s like these doors lost their homes and this person adopted them and put them on the side of a building.

Patrick: It's like these doors lost their homes and this person adopted them and put them on the side of a building.

Stephan: (Laughs)

Stephan: (Laughs)

Louis: Wow, that’s pretty huge, it’s a lot of doors.

Louis: Wow, that's pretty huge, it's a lot of doors.

Patrick: And it’s like spaces for more doors up at the top if you look real close.

Patrick: And it's like spaces for more doors up at the top if you look real close.

Louis: Yeah, it looks like it’s sort of in-progress so there’s room for more, or maybe those are screen doors up at the top.

Louis: Yeah, it looks like it's sort of in-progress so there's room for more, or maybe those are screen doors up at the top.

Patrick: Yeah, there are some screen doors too (laughs), yeah, you might be right, they look like gaffes or really —

Patrick: Yeah, there are some screen doors too (laughs), yeah, you might be right, they look like gaffes or really —

Louis: Because they look like they all have frames, in different colored frames.

Louis: Because they look like they all have frames, in different colored frames.

Patrick: You know you might be right, good eye, I guess you don’t need to donate your doors to him then.

Patrick: You know you might be right, good eye, I guess you don't need to donate your doors to him then.

Louis: Alright, awesome. Alright, well that’s a wrap for this week’s show, the first show of 2012, hopefully looking forward to a good run this year, good luck for all the listeners in whatever projects they have planned for 2012.

Louis: Alright, awesome. Alright, well that's a wrap for this week's show, the first show of 2012, hopefully looking forward to a good run this year, good luck for all the listeners in whatever projects they have planned for 2012.

Patrick: We need to go around the table.

Patrick: We need to go around the table.

Louis: Yeah, alright, let’s wrap it up, go around the table.

Louis: Yeah, alright, let's wrap it up, go around the table.

Kevin: I’m Kevin Dees of, and you can find me on Twitter as @kevindees.

Kevin: I'm Kevin Dees of , and you can find me on Twitter as @kevindees .

Patrick: I am Patrick O’Keefe for the iFroggy Network, on Twitter @ifroggy, i-f-r-o-g-g-y.

Patrick: I am Patrick O'Keefe for the iFroggy Network, on Twitter @ifroggy , ifroggy.

Stephan: I’m Stephan Segraves; you can find me on Twitter @ssegraves.

Stephan: I'm Stephan Segraves; you can find me on Twitter @ssegraves .

Louis: And you can follow SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom, that’s sitepoint d-o-t-c-o-m, and you can follow me on Twitter @rssaddict. You can go to for all the information you want about the show, you can see all of our previous episodes, you can subscribe to the RSS, and you can leave comments on this show. You can also email us if you want to get in touch, that’s The show this week was produced by Karn Broad and I’m Louis Simoneau. Thanks for listening and bye for now.

Louis: And you can follow SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom , that's sitepoint dotcom, and you can follow me on Twitter @rssaddict . You can go to for all the information you want about the show, you can see all of our previous episodes, you can subscribe to the RSS, and you can leave comments on this show. You can also email us if you want to get in touch, that's The show this week was produced by Karn Broad and I'm Louis Simoneau. Thanks for listening and bye for now.

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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