psr-16 缓存标准

tech2023-10-29  126

psr-16 缓存标准

I hope you all know about the PHP Framework Interoperability Group. The group proposes standards (PSRs) that developers can adhere to in order to make it easier to use their different libraries and frameworks together. The first proposal was PSR-0 for autoloading class definitions and was a huge success. Recently, the group found it important to address coding standards that should be used in different projects. This proposal was first proposed by Klaus Silveira and modified heavily by Paul M Jones after being discussed heavily done in the group’s mailing list.

希望大家都知道PHP框架互操作性小组 。 该小组提出了开发人员可以遵循的标准(PSR),以便更轻松地一起使用其不同的库和框架。 第一个建议是用于自动加载类定义的PSR-0 ,并获得了巨大的成功。 最近,该小组发现重要的一点是解决应在不同项目中使用的编码标准。 该提案最初由Klaus Silveira提出,在小组的邮件列表中经过大量讨论之后,由Paul M Jones进行了重大修改。

Of course there were a lot of differences in opinion and the group members fought in a friendly manner to bring about the PSR-1 and PSR-2 proposals. They initially started out as one proposal but the initial round of voting didn’t yield a majority in favor. Participants did however see merit in various requirements the decision was made to split it into 2 proposals — one for mandatory interoperability and one for suggested style.

当然,在意见上存在很多分歧,小组成员以友好的方式为提出PSR-1和PSR-2提案而斗争。 他们最初是作为一个提案开始的,但是最初的一轮投票并没有获得多数赞成。 但是,参与者确实看到了各种要求的优点,因此决定将其分为2个提案-一个用于强制互操作性,一个用于建议样式。

The voting on PSR-1 and PSR-2 has begun, and they will only be accepted as standards if they get a majority of votes. There are 20 members, and both PSR-1 and PSR-2 have over 11 votes meaning they will soon be accepted as standards. The proposals are:

对PSR-1和PSR-2的投票已经开始,只有获得多数票才能被接受为标准。 PSR-1和PSR-2共有20名成员,票数均超过11,这意味着它们将很快被接受为标准。 这些建议是:

PSR-1 Proposal – Basic Coding Standard


PSR-2 Proposal – Coding Style Guide


I appreciate Jones for his time and dedication as a leader to make the PSR. This will help to bring a wonderful future for the PHP community as a whole.

我感谢琼斯在PSR方面所做的贡献和奉献精神。 这将为整个PHP社区带来美好的未来。

There is more good news in that PSR-1 and PSR-2 can be enforced with PHP-CS-Fixer. The goal is to automate the fixing of most issues, and the tool knows how to fix issues for the coding standards defined in the PSR-1 and PSR-2 documents. Thank you Fabien Potencier for your efforts on the sniffer; you did a great job.

还有更多好消息,就是可以使用PHP-CS-Fixer强制执行PSR-1和PSR-2。 目标是自动解决大多数问题,该工具知道如何解决PSR-1和PSR-2文档中定义的编码标准的问题。 感谢Fabien Potencier在嗅探器上的努力; 你做的非常出色。

Image via Fotolia



psr-16 缓存标准
