
tech2023-10-30  114

The SitePoint Podcast is one of the three finalists for Podcast of the Year at the .net Magazine Awards 2010!

SitePoint播客是2010年.net杂志奖 年度播客的三名入围者之一!

Podcast co-host Kevin Yank would love to attend the awards ceremony in London, UK on November 18th, 2010, but to do so he needs the support of you, our loyal listeners!

播客联合主持人Kevin Yank很想参加2010年11月18日在英国伦敦举行的颁奖典礼,但是为此,他需要我们忠实的听众的支持!

We estimate the cost of the trip to be $3,000. We recommend a donation of $5 to $10, but obviously the more you can contribute, the closer we’ll be to getting Kev to the awards.

我们估计这次旅行的费用为3,000美元。 我们建议捐赠5到10美元 ,但显然您可以贡献的越多,我们就越接近让Kev获得奖项。

Want more details? Listen to Kev’s announcement below.

需要更多细节吗? 听下面的Kev公告。

Update: As it appears we were not on track to meet our goal, we have canceled the fundraising effort and are seeking an alternative means to fund or otherwise justify the expense of the trip. Those of us who put our spare time into the podcast would like to send a heartfelt thanks to those listeners who did send in donations, all of which will be refunded shortly.

更新:看来我们并没有达到目标,我们已经取消了筹款工作,并正在寻求其他方式来资助或证明旅行费用合理。 我们中那些将业余时间投入到播客中的人们,衷心感谢那些确实捐赠了善款的听众,所有这些捐赠将很快退还。

在浏览器中收听 (Listen in your Browser)

Play this special episode directly in your browser! Just click the orange “play” button below:

直接在浏览器中播放此特别节目! 只需点击下面的橙色“播放”按钮:

下载此剧集 (Download this Episode)

You can also download this episode as a standalone MP3 file. Here’s the link:

您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast Special: .net Awards Announcement (MP3, 3:12, 1.5MB)

SitePoint播客特辑:.net奖项公告 ( MP3,3:12,1.5MB )

订阅播客 (Subscribe to the Podcast)

The SitePoint Podcast is on iTunes! Add the SitePoint Podcast to your iTunes player. Or, if you don’t use iTunes, you can subscribe to the feed directly.

SitePoint播客在iTunes上! 将SitePoint播客添加到iTunes播放器 。 或者,如果您不使用iTunes,则可以直接订阅Feed 。

