
tech2023-10-30  127

Just when you thought you’d had enough football (or maybe not enough, in some cases) FIFA, the international football organization revealed the logo design for the next world cup which will take place in Brazil in 2014.


The new design entitled “Inspiration”, was the winning submission, chosen from 25 entries. The judging panel included famous Brazilians, model Gisele Bundchen and author Paulo Coelho. The logo was designed by Sao Paolo based agency Africa. Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva spoke at the unveiling and said “Brazilians are confident, and love the challenge of presenting a beautiful World Cup”.

从25个参赛作品中选出的获奖作品是名为“灵感”的新设计。 评审团成员包括著名的巴西人,模特Gisele Bundchen和作家Paulo Coelho。 该徽标是由位于非洲圣保罗的代理商设计的。 巴西总统路易斯·伊纳西奥·卢拉·达席尔瓦(Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva)在开幕式上发表讲话说:“巴西人充满信心,并且热爱呈现美丽的世界杯这一挑战。”

The logo is a representation of the World Cup trophy formed by three linked hands in the national colors of Brazil, yellow and green with the year of the tournament appearing in a bright red hand-drawn typeface. While the red certainly stands out, the Brazilian flag is yellow, green and blue. The style of the hands is very loosely drawn. They look like they have been drawn very quickly using the Pen tool in Photoshop or Illustrator.

标志是世界杯奖杯的代表,该奖杯由巴西,黄,绿三色的三只相连的指针组成,比赛年份以亮红色的手绘字体出现。 尽管红色肯定会脱颖而出,但巴西国旗是黄色,绿色和蓝色。 指针的样式非常宽松。 它们看起来好像已经使用Photoshop或Illustrator中的“钢笔”工具快速绘制了。

As with almost every major logo launch, there has been much online debate and a certain amount of criticism about its execution. Some commentators have mentioned that a logo for a football competition shouldn’t feature hands wrapped around the ball. Others have referred to it as cheap clipart with the fingers on the hands resembling an alien’s fingers.

与几乎所有主要徽标发布一样,在线辩论也很多,对其执行也有一定的批评。 一些评论员提到,足球比赛的徽标不应带有缠球的手。 其他人则称它为廉价的剪贴画,手指的手指类似于外星人的手指。

Here’s the video to go with the official launch of the logo:


What do you think of the logo? An amateur-looking Photoshop job, or a brightly colored homage to the country that has won five World Cup competitions in the past?

您如何看待徽标? 看起来像业余爱好者的Photoshop工作,还是对过去赢得五届世界杯比赛的国家的鲜艳致敬?

(And congratulations to Spain for winning the tournament!)


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/brazil-2014-world-cup-logo/
