
tech2023-11-01  129


Last week I was asked to do an interview on community management and it got me thinking. One of the questions was about staff structure and management and it coincided with a blog post coming through on my feed that talked about how the attitude of forum staff can affect peoples’ perception of the community as a whole.

上周,我被要求对社区管理进行一次采访,这让我开始思考。 问题之一是关于员工的结构和管理,与此同时,我的提要上出现了一篇博客文章,其中谈到论坛员工的态度如何影响人们对整个社区的看法。

There have been two occasions during my time on staff at the SitePoint forums when we have had to work very hard to shake a reputation. The first of those was many years ago when I first became a moderator. We had a name for being heavy handed and unwelcoming. As a community manager, those two descriptions make me cringe. They are about as far from what any community manager wants for their staff as it’s possible to get. We worked very hard to shake that reputation and even though it took a couple of years, we did it. The SitePoint forums became a place where new people felt welcome and comfortable, and staff were seen as people to approach with problems – like those ambassadors that some cities have on street corners – rather than cops that slam on the handcuffs the second someone raises their voice.

在我担任SitePoint论坛工作人员的时候,有两次我不得不非常努力地动摇声誉。 第一次是在多年前,当我第一次成为主持人时。 我们因举手笨拙而不受欢迎而得名。 作为社区经理,这两个描述让我感到畏缩。 他们离社区经理想要的员工尽可能远。 我们为打破这种声誉付出了巨大的努力,即使花了几年时间,我们还是做到了。 SitePoint论坛变成了一个让新人们感到宾至如归和舒适的地方,并且工作人员被看作是解决问题的人,例如一些城市在街角的大使,而不是警察在第二次有人提高声音时用手铐s住。

More recently the staff and I have been in discussion over the way we deal with perceived troublemakers in our community. As anyone that has ever worked as a volunteer knows, you do it for the love of it. With the exception of me, no SitePoint forum staff member is paid. They all do their job because they value the work that we do and they want to give back. They are brand ambassadors and they are proud of what SitePoint stands for. Along with that tends to come a fierce loyalty. When you work really hard to build something that you’re proud of, you don’t like to see it mistreated or misused and when it is, you come out fighting.

最近,我和员工一直在讨论如何与社区中的麻烦制造者打交道。 正如任何曾经做过志愿人员的人都知道的那样,您之所以这样做是出于对它的热爱。 除了我,没有SitePoint论坛工作人员的薪水。 他们之所以都做自己的工作,是因为他们重视我们所做的工作,并且希望回馈社会。 他们是品牌大使,他们为SitePoint的宗旨感到自豪。 随之而来的是忠诚度很高。 当您为打造引以为傲的产品而努力工作时,您不希望看到它受到虐待或滥用,而当您感到自豪时,您便会奋斗。

See, here’s the thing. An online community is not a democracy. We want people to be able to openly voice their opinion (as long as it’s not their opinion on religion or politics!) but at the end of the day it is our responsibility to ensure that that isn’t to the detriment of other members. New people don’t want to hear established members go off on a rant just because they have heard the question before. We need to cut them some slack. They won’t learn anything if they are too daunted to come back! On the flip side, people that have been around for a while don’t want a new person to come in and start slinging mud. And no one likes a troll.

看,这是东西。 在线社区不是民主国家。 我们希望人们能够公开表达自己的意见(只要不是他们对宗教或政治的意见!),但归根结底,确保不损害其他成员是我们的责任。 新人们不想仅仅因为他们已经听过这个问题而听到老牌成员的怒吼。 我们需要减少他们的懈怠。 如果他们不敢再回来,他们将不会学到任何东西! 另一方面,已经存在了一段时间的人不希望新人进入并开始撒泥。 而且没有人喜欢巨魔。

Throw into the mix a bit of staff loyalty and things get even more complicated. No one likes to see someone they care about insulted. It’s that whole “I can say what I like about my brother, but if you say anything bad about him I’ll kill you” mentality. If a community member takes exception to a staff member it is very difficult for that person’s team to stand back and let it slide. We’re people too. We take things personally. Sure, in an ideal world we’d say “Hey, I’m having trouble being objective here so it would be great if someone else could stand in”, but it feels so much more satisfying to tell someone what you really think.

投入一些员工忠诚度,事情就变得更加复杂。 没有人喜欢看到他们关心的人受到侮辱。 就是整个“我可以说我喜欢我的兄弟,但是如果你对他说任何不好的话,我会杀了你”的念头。 如果社区成员不喜欢工作人员,则该人员的团队很难退缩并让其滑倒。 我们也是人。 我们亲自处理。 当然,在理想的世界中,我们会说:“嘿,我在这里很难做到客观,因此如果有人能够站出来,那就太好了”,但是告诉别人您的真实想法会感到非常满足。

Things will go wrong occasionally, that is a given, but it is how you react that will shape how your community behave and respond to you in the future. Treat them with respect and you’ll get it back in spades. Crack your whip and they’ll vote with their feet.

有时候,事情会出错,但这是必然的,但是您的React方式将决定社区的行为方式以及将来对您的React。 尊重他们,您会得到回报。 用力鞭打,他们将用脚投票。

We have realised that we may have lost sight of this a bit recently. We have had several members over the last few months disagree with the way we work and we haven’t always reacted ideally. I have a tendency to shoot from the hip and I have to work very hard to keep that in check. The rest of the team help me to do that and they keep themselves nicely balanced for the most part.

我们已经意识到,我们最近可能对此视而不见。 在过去的几个月中,我们有数位成员不同意我们的工作方式,而且我们的React并非总是理想的。 我有从臀部射门的倾向,并且我必须努力工作以控制住臀部。 团队的其他成员帮助我做到了这一点,并且他们在很大程度上保持了良好的平衡。

But please remember that our decisions are carefully thought out and we always act in the way that we believe will best benefit the community. If you have an experience that upsets you, please make sure you let us know, but think about how you do that. Sure, posting your grievance publicly on the forums is one way to do that – people seem to think that it will make us accountable for our perceived actions – but it isn’t always the most productive way of dealing with something. We are all for transparency, but in order to protect the privacy of other members we won’t always publish details so you are less likely to get the answers that you’d like. Send a private message or an email to me if you have concerns about staff members and I’ll do what I can to make sure we reach an outcome that is satisfactory for everyone.

但是请记住,我们的决定是经过深思熟虑的,并且我们始终以我们认为最能使社区受益的方式行事。 如果您有让您感到不适的经历,请确保您让我们知道,但请考虑如何做。 当然,在论坛上公开发布您的不满是这样做的一种方法-人们似乎认为这会使我们对我们所感知到的行为负责–但是,它并不总是处理某些事情的最有效方式。 我们全力以求保持透明,但是为了保护其他成员的隐私,我们不会总是发布详细信息,因此您不太可能获得所需的答案。 如果您对员工有疑问,请给我发送私人消息或电子邮件,我会尽力确保我们取得令每个人都满意的结果。

That’s how a healthy community works.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/everything-in-moderation-even-moderators/

