SitePoint播客#74:Nathan Rice和Cory Miller的WordPress主题

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Episode 74 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week, Patrick O’Keefe (@iFroggy), Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), and Brad Williams (@williamsba) interview Nathan Rice, the lead developer of StudioPress, and Cory Miller, the CEO of iThemes.

SitePoint Podcast的 第74集现已发布! 本周,帕特里克·奥基夫( @iFroggy ),斯蒂芬Segraves( @ssegraves )和布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba )采访弥敦道水稻 ,的首席开发人员StudioPress ,和科里·米勒的CEO, 的iThemes 。

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SitePoint Podcast #74: WordPress Themes with Nathan Rice and Cory Miller (MP3, 23:05, 21.2MB)

SitePoint播客#74:Nathan Rice和Cory Miller的WordPress主题 (MP3,23:05,21.2MB)

面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

August 13th, 2010. We chat with a couple of prominent figures at two of the most popular premium WordPress theme companies. This is the SitePoint Podcast #74: WordPress Themes with Nathan Rice and Cory Miller.

2010年8月13日。我们在两家最受欢迎的高级WordPress主题公司中与几个知名人物聊天。 这是SitePoint播客#74:Nathan Rice和Cory Miller的WordPress主题。

Hello and welcome to another edition of the SitePoint Podcast. I’m Patrick O’Keefe and this is our final interview show from our live show at WordCamp Raleigh. Today our focus is on WordPress theme developers; joined by Brad Williams and Stephan Segraves we’ll be speaking with Nathan Rice, the lead developer of StudioPress and Cory Miller the CEO of iThemes. Let’s go.

您好,欢迎使用SitePoint播客的另一版本。 我是Patrick O'Keefe,这是我们在WordCamp Raleigh现场直播中的最后访谈节目。 今天,我们的重点是WordPress主题开发人员; 在Brad Williams和Stephan Segraves的带领下,我们将与StudioPress的首席开发商Nathan Rice和iThemes的首席执行官Cory Miller进行交流 。 我们走吧。

Patrick: So we’ll go ahead and bring on our next guest, Nathan Rice.


Brad: So Nathan Rice is the lead developer from StudioPress. Hi Nathan.

布拉德: Nathan Rice是StudioPress的首席开发人员。 嗨,弥敦道。

Nathan: Hey. Applause, yeah.

内森:嗨。 鼓掌,是的。



Brad: So StudioPress recently released Genesis which is a theme framework, so I was wondering if you could kind of tell everybody about Genesis and why it kind of differs from the competition out there.

布拉德:所以StudioPress最近发布了Genesis ,它是一个主题框架,所以我想知道您是否可以告诉所有人有关Genesis的信息,以及为什么它与当时的竞争对手有所不同。

Nathan: Yeah, basically there’re two types of themes available right now even in the free and the commercial markets right now there’s what I call a traditional theme, and then there’s theme frameworks, and Genesis is a theme framework that essentially offers more options, and basically when we compare ourselves to the classic themes or the traditional themes you’ve got — Genesis has things like layout options so you can choose sidebar on the left or sidebar on the right, or two sidebars or no sidebars, and that sort of thing. The markup structure is really well done; we thought it through months in advance before we actually ever released Genesis. And then the SEO options we have included as well, which a lot of people don’t know, but the markup structure that you have in your theme actually really does affect your SEO. A lot of people say well I can use a regular theme and I’ll just use All-in-one SEO Pack, and that’s very good, we integrate with All-in-one SEO as well, and we love Michael and the plugin that he did, but a lot of people don’t know that the markup structure matters a lot to SEO as well. And as far as the other theme frameworks in the market we do things like we have automatic upgrades, so you can click just a button in the backend and you upgrade immediately. We had a security audit from Mark Jaquith, which if you don’t know he’s one of the lead developers on the WordPress Project, and also we have 18 child-views with designs from all across the spectrum from different designers and stuff.

内森:是的,基本上,即使在免费市场和商业市场上,目前也有两种主题可用,我称之为传统主题,然后是主题框架,而《创世纪》是一个主题框架,本质上提供了更多选择,基本上,当我们将自己与经典主题或传统主题进行比较时,Genesis拥有布局选项之类的功能,因此您可以选择左侧的侧边栏或右侧的侧边栏,或者两个侧边栏或不带侧边栏,然后进行排序的东西。 标记结构确实做得很好; 我们在真正发布《创世纪》之前就已经考虑了几个月。 然后我们还包括了很多人都不知道的SEO选项,但是您主题中的标记结构实际上确实会影响您的SEO。 很多人说我可以使用常规主题,而我只会使用多合一SEO包,这很好,我们也与多合一SEO集成在一起,我们喜欢Michael和该插件他所做的,但是很多人都不知道标记结构对SEO也很重要。 至于市场上的其他主题框架,我们会像自动升级那样进行操作,因此您只需单击后端中的一个按钮即可立即升级。 我们接受了Mark Jaquith的安全审核,如果您不知道他是WordPress Project的主要开发人员之一,那么我们还有18个子视图,其中包含来自不同设计师和产品的各种设计。

Brad: Awesome. Yeah, and so 1.2 is releasing soon; what new features can we expect to see in it?

布拉德:太棒了。 是的,因此1.2即将发布; 我们期望看到哪些新功能?

Nathan: 1.2 is mostly a compatibility release for WordPress 3.0; custom navigation is going to be included as compatibility with that. Also we’re speeding things up a little bit, just a few extra options in the backend, stuff like that. So it’s a minor release but it has a major release cycle number, but it’s mainly to be compatible with WordPress 3.0.

内森: 1.2主要是WordPress 3.0的兼容版本; 自定义导航将包含在内,以与之兼容。 另外,我们正在加快处理速度,后端只是一些额外的选择,诸如此类。 因此,它是次要版本,但具有主要发布周期号,但主要是与WordPress 3.0兼容。

Brad: And I’m assuming you’re going to wait and release that after 3.0.


Nathan: Yes, we’ll put a beta out as soon as — I think either as soon as or as soon after the WordPress 3.0 release gets released.

内森:是的,我们将尽快发布Beta版-我认为应尽快或在WordPress 3.0版本发布之后发布。

Brad: Cool. So Genesis is obviously the project you work primarily on. Is that all you work on at StudioPress or do you work on some of the other projects as well?

布拉德:酷。 因此,Genesis显然是您主要从事的项目。 您是在StudioPress上从事所有工作,还是在其他一些项目上从事工作?

Nathan: Well, I do a lot of the support for Genesis as well, so especially the stuff, the more advanced stuff, that some of the moderators can’t handle I’ll step in and maybe do some stuff like that. But we’re also planning on after 1.2 is released Brian Gardner, who’s the owner of StudioPress, and most of you know that name, he is going to have me work on some plugins, some free plugins for everyone and also some Genesis specific plugins to really extend the functionality of Genesis and make it a little bit easier to use, especially for non-coders, and that’s really where we want to focus our attention. So, right now 90 percent of the time I spend developing Genesis, new features, upcoming releases, things like that, but yeah, in the immediate future I’m going to start working on some plugins for StudioPress.

内森(Nathan):好吧,我也为Genesis提供了很多支持,尤其是那些东西,更高级的东西,有些主持人无法处理,我会介入,也许还会做类似的事情。 但是我们也计划在1.2发行后,Brian Gardner,他是StudioPress的所有者,而且你们大多数人都知道这个名字,他将让我开发一些插件,一些针对所有人的免费插件,以及一些Genesis专用插件真正扩展Genesis的功能并使其更易于使用,尤其是对于非编码人员,这正是我们要集中精力的地方。 因此,现在有90%的时间用于开发Genesis,新功能,即将发布的版本,诸如此类,但是是的,在不久的将来,我将开始为StudioPress开发一些插件。

Brad: Great. So what big things do you have planned for Genesis? Can you fill us in on any coming features?

布拉德:太好了。 那么您为创世纪计划了什么大事情? 您可以为我们提供任何即将推出的功能吗?

Nathan: Brian just Tweeted out that if you’re a Pro Plus member of StudioPress, so if you’ve purchased that level you can go in and download a beta of the new Genesis default child-theme which is going to include some design controls, so you can control your link colors and your background colors and shadows and borders and stuff like that, so that’s something really big that we’re working on. That’s just in beta but it’s going to be a full-blown release, and that’ll be free, most likely, with Genesis, if you’re a Genesis member. Other big things, we really want to explore the idea of custom post types and taxonomies.

内森(Nathan):布赖恩(Brian)刚刚发布推文说,如果您是StudioPress的Pro Plus会员,那么,如果您购买了该级别的文档,则可以进入并下载新的创世纪默认子主题的Beta版,其中将包含一些设计控件,因此您可以控制链接颜色,背景颜色,阴影,边框以及类似的东西,所以我们正在努力做这件事。 那只是一个beta版本,但是它将是一个完整的发行版,而且如果您是Genesis会员,那么很有可能免费使用Genesis。 其他重要的事情,我们真的很想探索自定义帖子类型和分类法的想法。

Brad: That’s good to hear.


Nathan: Yeah. It’s a big deal to us, and what we’ve always committed to do at StudioPress, and we probably always will, is to really tightly integrate with WordPress features—post thumbnails, threaded comments, 3.0 navigation, all that kind of thing. We really want to be right there, not reinventing wheels and doing things differently than WordPress intends; we really want to be there doing themes that don’t look foreign to WordPress and use all of WordPress’ built-in core functionality. So we really want to explore the idea of custom post types and taxonomies and see what we can do as far as building niche-specific themes; we already have, for those of you who don’t know, if you’re a real estate agent we have AgentPress, and I think we’re going to reexamine AgentPress with custom post types because it makes sense, listings are … could be a custom post type.

内森:是的。 对我们来说,这很重要,我们在StudioPress一直致力于并且可能一直会与WordPress功能紧密集成,包括发布缩略图,主题注释,3.0导航等等。 我们真的很想就在那儿,而不是重新发明轮子和做事不同于WordPress的打算; 我们真的很想在那里做一些主题,这些主题对WordPress似乎并不陌生,并使用WordPress的所有内置核心功能。 因此,我们真的很想探索自定义帖子类型和分类法的想法,并了解我们在建立利基特定主题方面可以做些什么; 对于您不知道的那些人,我们已经拥有了,如果您是房地产经纪人,我们拥有AgentPress ,我认为我们将使用自定义帖子类型重新检查AgentPress,因为这样做很有意义,因此清单可能是……自定义帖子类型。

Brad: Exactly.

布拉德:是的 。

Nathan: And that kind of thing can apply across the board to other types of niche-specific themes, car dealerships and churches and things like that, so we really want to dive into that at some point.


Brad: Now, are all StudioPress themes running on Genesis now, are you converting them all over; will I be able to buy like a traditional theme from StudioPress in the next few months or will they all be gone?

布拉德:现在,所有StudioPress主题现在都在Genesis上运行了吗? 在接下来的几个月中,我是否可以像StudioPress这样的传统主题进行购买,或者它们都消失了?

Nathan: Probably within two to three months they’ll all be converted over.


Brad: They’ll all be Genesis.


Nathan: All StudioPress themes will be converted over to Genesis. And the reason we do that is because we trust Genesis; I mean like I said, we had a security audit done so we’re very confident that there’s not going to be any glaring vulnerabilities in your theme that could make it — expose you to hacking, getting your site hacked. And so we really do try, and it’s the same markup structure across every single theme, so you can change your design; once a week if you wanted to, but your markup structure’s never going to change because it’s the same from theme to theme to theme because it’s Genesis running it all. You never have to re-input settings, you never have to go back through and change the layout and stuff like that for a specific theme, which by the way, layout settings apply on a post- and page-specific basis, so you can go in and you can have your site, the home page has your content and a sidebar and a sidebar, but on a specific page if you don’t want sidebars you can turn it off. And so all that kind of stuff that applies across every single child-theme, and for us that’s a major benefit of Genesis, so of course it makes a lot of sense for us to convert every theme over to Genesis. Right now I think we’re probably somewhere like three-quarters of the way through.

内森:所有StudioPress主题都将转换为创世纪。 我们这样做的原因是因为我们相信创世纪; 我的意思是像我说的那样,我们已经完成了安全审核,因此我们非常有信心在您的主题中不会存在任何明显的漏洞可以使它成为现实-使您遭受黑客攻击,使您的网站遭到黑客攻击。 因此,我们确实可以尝试,并且每个主题的标记结构都相同,因此您可以更改设计。 如果您愿意的话,每周一次,但是您的标记结构将永远不会改变,因为主题之间的含义是相同的,因为Genesis可以运行所有内容。 您无需重新输入设置,也不必重新浏览并更改特定主题的布局和内容,顺便说一句,布局设置适用于特定于帖子和页面的情况,因此您可以进入网站,您可以拥有自己的网站,主页上有您的内容以及一个侧边栏和一个侧边栏,但是在特定页面上,如果您不希望侧边栏,则可以将其关闭。 因此,适用于每个子主题的所有内容对我们来说都是Genesis的主要优势,因此,对于我们来说,将每个主题都转换为Genesis无疑是很有意义的。 现在,我认为我们大概需要四分之三的时间。

Patrick: Does anyone have a question for the gentleman seated to my right about StudioPress or Genesis? Okay, I guess you were first by a hair, go ahead.

帕特里克:关于StudioPress或Genesis,有人对我右边的先生有疑问吗? 好吧,我想你先走了,继续。

Audience Member: I actually had a question and praise. (inaudible) …and first I wanted to ask is WordPress considered more of a blog or can I just call it a website?

观众:我实际上有一个问题和赞赏。 (听不清)……首先我想问的是,WordPress被更多地视为博客,还是可以仅将其称为网站?

Nathan: I think you can call it both. At this point that was my major beef maybe three years ago with WordPress is that it was, and even from the leadership it was this is blogging software. I think now, especially with 2.9 when they really introduced the custom post types concept, it really has become this can be your site that has a blog and not necessarily a blog that you have to like mutate into an actual website.

内森:我想你们可以两者兼得。 在这一点上,也许是三年前使用WordPress时我最主要的东西,甚至从领导层来看,这是博客软件。 我认为现在,尤其是在2.9中,当他们真正引入自定义帖子类型概念时,它确实已经成为您的站点,该站点可能包含博客,而不一定是您必须转变为实际网站的博客。

Audience Member: (inaudible)


Nathan: Really, OK!


Patrick: And I should also say that you’ve just won a license to the StudioPress theme of your choice, so— You can give it away. You can give it away if you want. You don’t want it? Someone else—

帕特里克(Patrick):我还要说,您刚刚获得了所选StudioStudio主题的许可证,因此-您可以将其赠与。 您可以根据需要将其赠送。 你不要吗 其他人-

Audience Member: (inaudible) …and I really liked it.


Nathan: You bought both, the combo pack? Okay.

内森:你们都买了,组合包? 好的。

Patrick: So you do want it, because they’ll take it.


Audience Member: Either way.


Patrick: Okay, fine. Final question and you get it; just fill your name on a piece of paper over there with the gentleman right there.

帕特里克:好的,很好。 最后的问题,你明白了。 只需在那边的绅士在一张纸上填上你的名字。

Audience Member: HTML5 and typography, how much of that is going to built into Genesis?

受众成员: HTML5和排版,Genesis中将内置多少?

Nathan: HTML5 is something that at some point when it becomes an adopted spec, when it becomes and officially adopted spec, we are going to I think make an option. So essentially in the theme options, the theme settings page, you’ll choose from a dropdown what type of — well, it is the markup structure but also the DOCTYPE. We’ll change where you can choose HTML5 as your DOCTYPE, and if you do that the theme setting will go through and change your markup structure to be compatible with HTML5 using the nav element and the header element and the aside element, all that stuff. Okay, now that will not be compatible with child themes because the child themes are very much, well, it may be; if we can make it compatible with child themes we’ll do that, if not you may have to roll your own child theme for an HTML compatible with Genesis. What was your other question?

内森: HTML5在某种程度上成为正式采用的规范,当正式成为正式采用的规范时,我认为我们可以选择。 因此,从本质上讲,在主题选项的主题设置页面中,您可以从下拉菜单中选择哪种类型-好的,它是标记结构,也是DOCTYPE。 我们将更改选择HTML5作为DOCTYPE的位置,如果这样做,将使用nav元素,header元素和aside元素,通过主题设置并更改标记结构以与HTML5兼容。 好吧,现在这将与子主题不兼容,因为子主题可能非常好。 如果我们可以使其与子主题兼容,那么我们将这样做,否则,您可能必须滚动自己的子主题以获取与Genesis兼容HTML。 您还有什么问题?

Audience Member: Typography.


Nathan: Typography. Again, we try to abstract most design stuff out of Genesis and leave that to child themes. We believe that there’re two separate layers that should never, well, very seldomly mix, there should be one on top of the other. And so we have someone involved with the StudioPress community who’s a typophile is what — they’re good at typography, and I think we’re going to start focusing in the coming months on expanding our library of designs to include not just pretty colors but also really fine-tuned typography as well.

内森:版式。 同样,我们尝试从Genesis中提取大多数设计内容,然后将其留给子主题。 我们认为,应该有两个独立的层次,绝不应该很少混合,应该在另一个之上。 因此,我们有一个与StudioPress社区相关的人,他是一名打字手–他们擅长排版,而且我认为我们将在接下来的几个月中开始着力于扩展我们的设计库,不仅包括漂亮的色彩,还包括字体也非常微调。

Brad: Thanks Nathan. So where can everybody find you online?

布拉德:谢谢内森。 那么,每个人都可以在哪里找到您?

Nathan: I’m, if you want to get Genesis, and I highly recommend that you do, and @nathanrice on Twitter.

内森:如果您想获得《创世纪》,我是 , ,我强烈建议您这样做,在Twitter上推荐@nathanrice 。

Brad: Cool, awesome, thanks for coming.


Nathan: Thanks.




Patrick: Keeping with the premium theme segment, our next guest is Cory Miller; Cory is the CEO of iThemes, welcome Cory.

帕特里克(Patrick):与高级主题细分一样,我们的下一位客人是Cory Miller; Cory是iThemes的首席执行官,欢迎Cory。

Cory: Hey, thanks guys.




Patrick: Glad to have you.


Brad: Cory, so you recently launched, so can you tell us what plugins you offer, what plugins we can look forward to in the future, and what exactly are the services that you’re doing?

布拉德:科里,您最近启动了 ,可以告诉我们您提供哪些插件,将来可以期待的插件以及您正在提供的服务到底是什么?

Cory: You bet. So the first plugin, well, we started PluginBuddy, iThemes has been around for 2½ years now. We started PluginBuddy out of a need we saw in the WordPress community, and that was the same reason people buy themes we feel the same reason people would want a premium plugin also. So PluginBuddy was launched in March of this year to fit a need, we felt like we had some staffing, we had some people on our team that could build some rockin’ cool plugins, so our major plugin there is called BackupBuddy, and what we did was look at WordPress and said what’s the need? And the need was how do we have a backup, migration, and restoration for sites? So a developer, for instance, they build their site on a sandbox playground site and they want to migrate that to a live domain; that was a need we had personally. And so we thought, well, can we provide a solution? And that was our blockbuster first theme that we’re very proud of, we’ve heard some good comments, I think Brad you’re a customer.

科里:你打赌。 因此,第一个插件很好,我们启动了PluginBuddy,iThemes已经存在了2½年。 我们出于在WordPress社区中看到的需求而启动了PluginBuddy,这与人们购买主题的原因相同,也与人们同样想要优质插件的原因相同。 因此,PluginBuddy于今年3月推出,以满足需要,我们觉得我们有一些人手,我们团队中有人可以构建一些很棒的插件,所以我们的主要插件称为BackupBuddy,当时是看WordPress并说有什么需要吗? 并且需要的是我们如何对站点进行备份,迁移和还原? 例如,开发人员将他们的站点构建在沙盒游乐场站点上,并希望将其迁移到实时域中。 这是我们个人的需求。 因此,我们认为可以提供解决方案吗? 这是我们引以为豪的第一个主题,我们为之感到骄傲,我们听到了一些很好的评论,我认为Brad您是客户。

Brad: Oh, we are. I do have the BackupBuddy dev license actually.

布拉德:哦,是的。 我确实有BackupBuddy开发人员许可证。

Cory: And have the shirt? Need to get you a shirt.

科里:还有衬衫吗? 需要给你一件衬衫。

Brad: No, what shirt? I didn’t get a shirt. Gotta get a shirt now.

布拉德:不,什么衬衫? 我没穿衬衫。 现在得拿一件衬衫。

Cory: Got to get him a shirt.


Patrick: Off your back.


Cory: So Backup Buddy was our first plugin that we rolled out through PluginBuddy. The second called up was about a week or two ago was called Mobile, and again, just trying to fit a need; there are good existing solutions out there just like there’s backup solutions out in the WordPress market right now. We’re not saying — there’s good ones out there, we’re not saying we’re the only choice, but we felt like we could offer our community a good, solid solution, and so Mobile was the second thing we did. Basically Mobile helps you build an iPhone version, for lack of a better term, of your website; so it’s not just your website branded, or it’s not just your website that just happens to look somehow similar, you can actually recreate your site for a mobile platform. And I think right now we have ten platforms that are supported, so for instance, I don’t know if you have a browser on your phone, but —

Cory:所以Backup Buddy是我们通过PluginBuddy推出的第一个插件。 第二次打电话是在大约一两个星期前,叫做Mobile,然后又一次试图满足需要。 就像WordPress市场上现在有备份解决方案一样,现有的解决方案也不错。 我们并不是说–那里有好人,不是在说我们是唯一的选择,但是我们觉得我们可以为我们的社区提供一个良好,可靠的解决方案,因此Mobile是我们要做的第二件事。 基本上,Mobile可以帮助您更好地构建网站的iPhone版本; 因此,不仅仅是您的网站品牌化,或者不仅仅是看起来相似的网站,您还可以为移动平台重新创建网站。 我认为目前我们支持十种平台,例如,我不知道您的手机上是否装有浏览器,但是-

Patrick: You don’t want to use it. You really, really don’t want to use it. It’s a pay-as-you-go phone; it’s the worst phone in the room, so, continue.

帕特里克:您不想使用它。 您确实非常不想使用它。 这是一个随用随付的电话; 这是房间里最糟糕的电话,所以,继续。

Cory: So we support Android, Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, so WordPress sniffs out what browser, what platform, all that kind of stuff something’s coming from, and so somebody looking at it from an iPad you can tell it which theme, it comes with three themes, that it’ll show on the site. So, real quickly, Mobile is create your own header image that you can upload, okay, and then style it with the built-in style manager so you can rebuild anything you want toward the mobile application. And that’s our two really big plug-ins that we have at PluginBuddy.

Cory:所以我们支持Android,Blackberry,iPhone,iPad,因此WordPress会嗅探出什么浏览器,什么平台,所有这些东西,因此有人从iPad上查看它时,您可以告诉它它是哪个主题它包含三个主题,将在网站上显示。 因此,真正快速地,Mobile将创建您自己的标题图像,您可以上传,确定并使用内置样式管理器对其进行样式设置,以便您可以向移动应用程序重建任何所需的内容。 这就是我们在PluginBuddy拥有的两个非常大的插件。

Patrick: So you also run Can you tell us about that and the training and certifications that you offer?

帕特里克:所以你也经营 。 您能告诉我们有关您以及所提供的培训和认证吗?

Cory: Okay, so good businesses provide solutions to problems, right? And so we looked at BackupBuddy, we said there’s not a good — we didn’t feel like this total all in one solution for backup restoration, migration, okay, same thing with training is there’s awesome training content out there, right, you can go to all the blogs, Smashing Magazine, and I’m forgetting some, WP Beginner, Weblogs Tools Collection, all that. What we wanted to do was say how can we provide some solid training to the WordPress community, video-based training, where we have Benjamin Bradley’s our instructor, he’s in the back in that white shirt there, anyway, he’s our technical trainer over there, and we just saw another void to say how can we help? Three and a half years ago when I started WordPress I had to bum advice off my good friend Brian Gardner; had to bum advice and plead and beg and all that kind of stuff and you know every resource I could. So that just came out of our own experience of saying how can we provide a solid, ongoing, good solution for helping people build awesome WordPress websites. Because we see that, we’re all here today because WordPress is a kick-butt solution, right, I mean it’s up and coming, it’s continued to be better and better by people that contribute back to core, and all that kind of stuff, so trainings just saying there’s a void and we wanted to help try and fill it. Now, your book and stuff is the other key component of it, right?

Cory:好的,好的企业可以提供解决问题的方法,对吗? 因此,我们查看了BackupBuddy,我们说这没什么好用的-我们不觉得这是一个完整的备份还原,迁移,迁移的整体解决方案,好吧,与培训相同的是那里有很棒的培训内容,对,您可以转到Smashing Magazine的所有博客,而我却忘记了WP Beginner,Weblogs Tools Collection等所有内容。 我们想要做的是说我们如何才能为WordPress社区提供一些可靠的培训,基于视频的培训,我们有本杰明·布拉德利(Benjamin Bradley)的教练,他身穿白衬衫在后面,无论如何,他是那边的技术培训师,而我们只是看到另一个空白,说我们可以提供什么帮助? 三年半前,当我开始使用WordPress时,我不得不向好朋友Brian Gardner提意见。 必须笨拙地提出建议,恳求和乞求以及所有类似的东西,并且您知道我所能提供的所有资源。 因此,这仅仅是出于我们自己的经验,即我们如何提供一个可靠,持续,良好的解决方案来帮助人们构建出色的WordPress网站。 因为我们看到了这一点,所以今天我们都在这里,因为WordPress是一种踢球式解决方案,对,我的意思是它正在兴起,而对核心做出贡献的人们以及所有类似的东西在继续变得越来越好,因此培训只说存在一个空白,我们希望帮助您尝试填补空白。 现在,您的书和东西是它的另一个关键组成部分,对吗?

Brad: Professional WordPress.

布拉德: 专业WordPress 。

Patrick: Nicely done!


Cory: Professional WordPress. Funny story real quick: okay, Brad says — I was mentioning, so I go read through the whole thing, I go buy it instantly, of course, I have to, right; and I’m looking through it and everything and I said I got to make a plug for Professional WordPress.

Cory:专业WordPress。 有趣的故事很快就可以了:好的,布拉德说-我说的是,所以我要通读整个内容,我要立即购买,当然,我必须这样做,对吧? 我正在浏览所有内容,我说我必须为Professional WordPress制作一个插件。

Patrick: So is an insanely good domain name. How did you come to own it?

帕特里克:所以webdesign.com是一个非常好的域名。 您是如何拥有它的?

Cory: Okay, you go to Go Daddy and you type in web design.

Cory:好的,你去Go Daddy,然后输入网页设计。



Patrick: Is that all it takes?


Cory: And when you see that “Buy Now” button on the dot com you fork out your credit card right there.

Cory:当您在dot com上看到“立即购买”按钮时,您便会在那里拔出信用卡。

Patrick: When did you do that, 1987?




Cory: It hadn’t been registered in 15 years.


Patrick: Wow.


Brad: I don’t believe that.


Cory: That never suffices as the right answer, so here’s the other one: so that’s the laugh, everybody gets to ha, ha out of it, so the other is, and I dumb it down until people keep mobbing me with questions, but being at the right place at the right time and having the right business model with the right partners. Does that work? We got yes’s over here, no’s here, maybes.

Cory:这永远都不是正确的答案,所以这就是另一个。这就是笑声,每个人都在哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。在正确的时间放置在正确的位置,并与正确的合作伙伴拥有正确的业务模型。 那样有用吗? 我们在这里,是的,也许在这里。

Patrick: So was that listed for sale online or did you get introduced to someone who was introduced by someone else who knew the guy who owned it and wanted to sell it? Was it a broker or anything like that?

帕特里克(Patrick):那是在网上列出来出售的,还是您被介绍给其他人的介绍人,而这个人认识这个拥有它并想出售它的人? 是经纪人还是类似的东西?

Cory: There’s a saying that — and I always butcher it, that most people think — they walk up to the plate, I always butcher this, and hit a homerun in baseball, when they’re really born on second. So born on second thinks he hit a homerun; does that resonate with anybody? I’m a guy that understands he was born on second and had a lot of help getting that homerun out of it, so I had good partners that had secured the domain name, and when the time was right we presented the business plan for it and we’re able to do what we do. So, I didn’t register it, I’m not the most brilliant guy, intelligent guy in the world, and I won’t claim that; I was at the right place at the right time with good partners, and that really is the summation of the story.

Cory:有一种说法是-大多数人都以为我总是屠夫-他们走到盘子上,我总是屠夫,当他们真正出生在第二垒打时打垒球。 如此生来就以为自己打出了本垒打。 这会引起大家的共鸣吗? 我是一个了解他出生在第二位的人,并且在帮助他获得成功方面有很多帮助,所以我有很好的合作伙伴来保护域名,在合适的时候,我们提出了商业计划书而且我们能够做我们所做的事情。 所以,我没有注册,我不是世界上最聪明的人,聪明的人,并且我不会宣称。 我在正确的时间和合适的伙伴一起在正确的地方,这确实是故事的总结。

Stephan: Cool. What is iThemes excited about in 2010 and going forward in 2011?

史蒂芬:酷。 iThemes在2010年和2011年将激发什么?

Cory: You know overall WordPress consistently is getting better and better. I think I started it around the 2.0 version with the blue dashboard and thought it was the best thing since sliced pie. We built our business, you know, we have 14 people not all full time on our staff, we have an office in Oklahoma City, we’ve built our business around WordPress, okay, so we’re not doing Joomla or Drupal. We believe in WordPress because we use WordPress, we love it, that’s the most exciting theme is that platform continues to get better and better. Bob Dunbar’s here today and he’s one of the core contributors, whatever you call it, Brad can help me out with the terminology. I love it because there’s so many people trying to make WordPress better, and you know what, we’re trying to provide solutions so exciting-wise, iThemes-wise, is our Builder theme; it’s basically, again, thinking through what we would want and what we try to do is say you don’t have to code, you can use a wizzy-wig interface-type thing that looks so similar to WordPress that it doesn’t need to say the Builder, it’s just synched in with WordPress and how it looks from the icons all the way down to help build that. The trainer opportunities we have at are awesome, we hope to continually to do that; we’ve met a number of people in our community here that really value the training that James Dalman and Benjamin Bradley are providing, and then PluginBuddy, I think that’s fun. The best part of my job is I get to innovate, but I’m not that talented, I have to hire people to do that, you know. So, but I love rolling out solutions that we meet people here at Raleigh and it’s fun talking shop and hearing people, you know, they gripe at us too, and that’s okay because I get to (inaudible), but the other thing is the affirmation that we’ve helped people do something in their business, and so that’s the most exciting thing is to continue to do that and get better at it.

Cory:您知道整个WordPress一直在越来越好。 我认为我从2.0版开始使用蓝色的仪表板,并认为这是自切成薄片以来最好的事情。 我们建立了业务,您知道,我们有14位员工,并非全职,我们在俄克拉荷马城设有办事处,我们围绕WordPress建立了业务,好吧,所以我们不从事Joomla或Drupal。 我们相信WordPress,因为我们使用WordPress,我们喜欢它,这是最令人兴奋的主题,那就是平台会越来越好。 鲍勃·邓巴(Bob Dunbar)今天在这里,他是核心撰稿人之一,无论您叫什么名字,布拉德(Brad)都能为我提供术语方面的帮助。 我喜欢它,因为有太多人试图使WordPress更好,而您知道吗,我们正在尝试提供令人兴奋的解决方案(iThemes明智)作为我们的Builder主题; 基本上,再次考虑一下我们想要什么和我们尝试做的事情就是说您不必编写代码,您可以使用看上去像WordPress的wizzy-wig接口类型的东西,因此不需要可以说Builder,它只是与WordPress同步,并且从图标一直到外观都可以帮助构建它。 我们在webdesign.com上提供的培训师机会真是棒极了,我们希望继续这样做; 我们在社区中遇到了很多人,他们非常珍视James Dalman和Benjamin Bradley提供的培训,然后是PluginBuddy,我认为这很有趣。 我工作中最好的部分是我要创新,但是我不是那么有才华,我必须雇用人才来做到这一点。 所以,但是我喜欢推出解决方案,让我们在罗利会见人们,这很有趣,他们在谈论商店并听到人们的声音,你知道,他们也对我们产生了困扰,这是可以的,因为我可以(听不清)了,但是另一件事是肯定我们已经帮助人们在业务中有所作为,因此,最令人兴奋的事情是继续做下去并不断做得更好。

Stephan: Cool. You sound fired up, it’s cool.

史蒂芬:酷。 你听起来很生气,这很酷。

Cory: Well, there’s this thing is light yourself on fire and people will watch you burn, so I ain’t got nothing else but I’m gonna light myself on fire and if you guys get entertained by that maybe you like it, you know, maybe you have fun.


Patrick: So, speaking of iThemes Builder, does anyone have a question for Cory?

帕特里克:那么,就iThemes Builder而言,有人对Cory有疑问吗?

Cory: Oh, look at the time.




Patrick: We’ll give it away whether or not you’re here. No, go ahead.

帕特里克:无论您是否在这里,我们都会把它送走。 没有,继续。

Audience Member: (inaudible)


Cory: Yeah, the question was about — for the podcast, was about PluginBuddy Mobile, it comes with three starter themes that you can say I want this theme to go to this particular mobile platform, so for instance, our guys are gamers so we have a couple games built-in, I don’t even know them, a Sony-something Wii and all that kind of stuff, Playstation; so you can this theme, one of three themes, and we’re going to put more in. Matt Jenner’s in the back, he’s going to help continue building cool themes (inaudible). You can say this platform goes to this theme; does that answer your question?

Cory:是的,这个问题是关于播客的,是关于PluginBuddy Mobile的,它带有三个入门主题,您可以说我希望这个主题进入这个特定的移动平台,例如,我们的人是游戏玩家,所以我们有一些内置的游戏,我什至都不知道,有索尼的Wii以及诸如此类的东西Playstation; 因此,您可以使用这个主题(三个主题之一),我们将投入更多。Matt Jenner在背后,他将帮助继续构建炫酷的主题(听不清)。 您可以说这个平台就是这个主题。 这是否回答你的问题?

Patrick: Excellent. So you’ve won a copy of iThemes Builder, $127.00, technically the most expensive prize we have, I think, is that the right price?

帕特里克:太好了。 因此,您已经赢得了iThemes Builder的副本,价格为127.00美元,这在技术上是我认为最昂贵的奖项,这是正确的价格吗?

Cory: If that’s the way you think, Patrick.




Patrick: I said my book was the cheapest, and it is; $24.00, so give me some credit.

帕特里克:我说我的书是最便宜的。 $ 24.00,所以请给我一些信用。

Cory: In the giveaway, okay, yeah, it’s the most expensive.




Patrick: So now you’re thinking what have I — I didn’t have to do that.


Cory: I’m giving you the most stuff for the giveaway, right.


Patrick: Monetarily.


Cory: Monetarily, ah, there you go, Patrick.


Patrick: So where can people find you online?


Cory: My personal site is, but I’m all about the brand and our team, and so is our main brand, it’s 2½ years old. And, oh, Twitter, @corymiller303, that’s it; sounds like AOL.

Cory:我的个人网站是 ,但我全都关注该品牌和我们的团队,因此ithemes.com是我们的主要品牌, 已有 2½年的历史。 哦,推特, @ corymiller303 ,就是这样; 听起来像AOL。

Patrick: Excellent, thanks Cory.




Patrick: Well, it was great to have them on. And now let’s go around the table and close out this episode of the SitePoint Podcast.

帕特里克(Patrick):好的,很高兴能参加。 现在,我们围着桌子转悠,结束本期的SitePoint播客。

Brad: I’m Brad Williams from, and you can find me on Twitter @williamsba.

布拉德:我是webdevstudios.com的布拉德·威廉姆斯,您可以在Twitter @williamsba上找到我。

Stephan: I’m Stephan Segraves. You can find me on Twitter @ssegraves, and my blog is

斯蒂芬:我是斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯。 您可以在Twitter @ssegraves上找到我,而我的博客是 。

Patrick: And I am Patrick O’Keefe of the iFroggy Network,, I’m on Twitter @ifroggy. You can follow our usual co-host, Kevin Yank, @sentience, and SitePoint @sitepointdotcom. You can also visit us at to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. Email with your questions for us, we’d love to read them out on the show and give you our advice.

帕特里克:我是iFroggy网络的帕特里克·奥基夫( ,我在Twitter @ifroggy上 。 您可以关注我们通常的共同主持人Kevin Yank, @ sentience和SitePoint @sitepointdotcom 。 您也可以在上访问我们,以在此节目中发表评论并订阅以自动接收每个节目。 给我们发送您的问题的电子邮件至 ,我们很乐意在节目中朗读它们并为您提供建议。

This episode of the SitePoint podcast was produced by Karn Broad.

SitePoint播客的这一集由Karn Broad制作。

Thank you for listening and we’ll see you next time.


Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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