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tech2023-11-06  101

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Despite being one of the oldest and most successful social networking sites, Digg has lost ground to Facebook and Twitter during the past few years. Perhaps it’s not surprising: Digg has a more limited scope and is primarily a link sharing and content review site. Internal political struggles, high-profile staff resignations, domination by overly-powerful users, and a sedate development schedule haven’t helped either.

尽管是历史最悠久,最成功的社交网站之一,但Digg在过去几年中已经输给了Facebook和Twitter。 也许不足为奇:Digg的范围更为有限,主要是一个链接共享和内容查看网站。 内部政治斗争,引人注目的员工辞职,过分强大的用户的统治以及固定的开发进度都无济于事。

Digg 4 is the first major update since 2006 and it’s currently available as an alpha to several thousand users at new.digg.com (you can request an invite). The redesign focuses on 3 main areas:

Digg 4是自2006年以来的第一个主要更新,目前可以在new.digg.com (可请求邀请)上以数千个用户的Alpha版本使用。 重新设计着重于三个主要领域:

Speed All operations should be completed in under a second — a major relief from the lengthy “We’re digging through your submission” process.


I’m pleased to report that adding links — the core Digg activity — is significantly faster and easier. An Ajax-powered “Submit a link” box is available throughout the site and there’s no CAPTCHA or other checks which get in the way.

我很高兴地报告,添加链接-Digg的核心活动-明显更快,更容易。 在整个站点中都可以使用Ajax支持的“提交链接”框,并且没有CAPTCHA或其他检查受阻。

Personalization A new “My News” page provides the latest stories from people and organizations you follow.


Diversity of Content Digg 4 offers better integration with other systems. For example, you can add your own RSS feed and have stories auto-Dugg. You can also import friends and share links on Twitter, Facebook, and Google.

内容的多样性 Digg 4提供了与其他系统更好的集成。 例如,您可以添加自己的RSS feed并自动创建故事。 您还可以导入朋友并在Twitter,Facebook和Google上共享链接。

There’s no doubt Digg 4 offers a more attractive, slicker, and pleasant experience. It’ll please existing users but I’m less certain it will attract new users or prompt infrequent visitors to return on a regular basis. The web has evolved and Digg faces stiff competition from more established news aggregators and better tools to manage your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

毫无疑问,Digg 4将提供更有吸引力,更流畅和令人愉悦的体验。 它会取悦现有用户,但我不太确定它将吸引新用户或提示不常访问的用户定期返回。 网络已经发展起来,Digg面临着来自更成熟的新闻聚合商和更好的工具来管理Twitter和Facebook帐户的激烈竞争。

Are you using Digg? Have you recently abandoned the service? Have you tried Digg 4? Will it appeal to new users? Comments welcome…

您在使用Digg吗? 您最近是否放弃了这项服务? 您是否尝试过Digg 4? 会吸引新用户吗? 欢迎评论...

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/digg-4-alpha-review/

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