SitePoint Podcast#77:纸还是蓝光?

tech2023-11-07  111

Episode 77 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Patrick O’Keefe (@iFroggy), Brad Williams (@williamsba), and Kevin Yank (@sentience).

SitePoint Podcast的第77集现已发布! 本周的主持人是Patrick O'Keefe( @iFroggy ),Brad Williams( @williamsba )和Kevin Yank( @sentience )。

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您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #77: Paper or Blu-ray? (MP3, 37.9MB, 41:18)

SitePoint Podcast#77:纸还是蓝光? (MP3,37.9MB,41:18)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


IE9 screenshot leaked

IE9屏幕截图泄露 Facebook drops IE6 support

Facebook放弃IE6支持 Microsoft’s browser performance breakdown

微软浏览器性能故障 Google backs out of JavaOne

谷歌退出JavaOne H.264 to remain royalty free forever (for free content)


Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at


主持人聚光灯 (Host Spotlights)

Brad: Google and Arcade Fire Get All HTML5y

布拉德: Google和Arcade Fire获取所有HTML5y

Kevin: Tips and Tricks for Better HTML5 Canvas Animations

凯文: 提高HTML5画布动画效果的技巧和窍门

Patrick: Why working at home is both awesome and horrible

帕特里克: 为什么在家工作既很棒又可怕

显示成绩单 (Show Transcript)

Kevin: September 3rd, 2010. Internet Explorer inside and out; JavaOne won’t be the same; and H.264 goes free (mostly). I’m Kevin Yank and this is the SitePoint Podcast #77: Paper or Blu-ray?

凯文: 2010年9月3日。 JavaOne不会是一样的。 H.264免费(大部分)。 我是Kevin Yank,这是SitePoint播客#77:纸还是蓝光?

And welcome back to the SitePoint Podcast. With the Internet Explorer 9 Beta coming out on September 15th it seems like everyone is talking about Internet Explorer. Brad, why don’t you lead off the Internet Explorer news department.

欢迎回到SitePoint播客。 随着Internet Explorer 9 Beta于9月15日发布,似乎每个人都在谈论Internet Explorer。 布拉德,为什么不领导Internet Explorer新闻部门。

Brad: Absolutely. So there has actually been a leaked photo of Internet Explorer 9 Beta which appeared on one of the Microsoft foreign websites…

布拉德:绝对。 因此,实际上有一张泄露的Internet Explorer 9 Beta照片出现在Microsoft外国网站之一上……

Kevin: It’s the Russian website I think.


Brad: Russian one, right, and obviously it was quickly taken down, but in the age of the Internet if it’s up for a second it’s up forever, so the screenshot has been making the rounds. It’s a little small and a little blurry but you could certainly kind of get a good idea of what it looks like Internet Explorer is going to look like and what they’re going for, and that’s certainly like we all thought it would be is the kind of minimal approach that we’re seeing in a lot of browsers such as Chrome and Firefox, so it looks pretty clean. What do you guys think?

布拉德:是俄罗斯人,是的,很明显它很快就被删除了,但是在互联网时代,如果持续一秒钟,它就永远存在,因此屏幕截图一直在进行。 它有点小,有点模糊,但您肯定可以对Internet Explorer的外观以及它们的功能有所了解,这当然肯定是我们所有人都认为这是我们在许多浏览器(例如Chrome和Firefox)中都看到了这种最小的方法,因此看起来很干净。 你们有什么感想?

Kevin: If it was just a screenshot I would be questioning its realness because it doesn’t look like a real browser screenshot to me, like there’s too many things wrong with it, but reading the provenance, like Mary Jo Foley who I believe is a ZDNet writer who specializes on Microsoft, she apparently is one of the people who grabbed this off the original site. And so with that big name associated with this as the source I find it difficult to question, but I wonder if Microsoft Russia is just mocking things up on their own time here because this really doesn’t seem to work for me.

凯文:如果只是截图,我会质疑它的真实性,因为它看起来不像是真正的浏览器截图,好像有太多问题,但是阅读出处,例如我相信是玛丽·乔·弗利(Mary Jo Foley)。作为一位专门研究Microsoft的ZDNet作家,她显然是从原始网站上抢夺它的人之一。 因此,以这个大名鼎鼎的名字作为来历,我很难质疑,但是我想知道微软俄罗斯公司是否只是在自己的时间嘲弄事物,因为这似乎对我来说并不奏效。

Patrick: Microsoft Russia has a little too much time on their hands is what you’re saying.

帕特里克(Patrick):您所说的是Microsoft Russia手上有太多时间。

Kevin: (Laughs) Maybe.


Patrick: It looks pretty — I think it looks nice, I mean obviously there’s so much more to a browser than just how it looks; are we that shallow, are we that about appearance?

帕特里克(Patrick):它看起来很漂亮–我认为它看起来很好,我的意思是,很显然,浏览器不仅仅具有外观。 我们那么肤浅吗,我们关于容貌吗?

Brad: Yes, yes we are.


Patrick: (Laughs) No, but it is very simple. If I look at it in my browser that I’m using, which is Firefox, I notice that there is a much lower number of icons and then buttons and menu items available in the browser. Now, will I use it? I was a longtime IE user and switched to Firefox last year; I mean I would consider it but just not based on the looks alone.

帕特里克:(笑)不,但这很简单。 如果我在使用的浏览器(即Firefox)中查看它,则会发现浏览器中的图标,按钮和菜单项的数量要少得多。 现在,我会使用它吗? 我曾经是IE的老用户,去年使用Firefox。 我的意思是我会考虑的,但并非仅基于外观。

Kevin: Hmm.


Brad: Yeah, I have to wonder too, Kevin, because if you look at it closely you can see the actual, the back button, part of the website they’re viewing which is Bing in the screenshot of course, it almost looks like they’re overlaying the back button which seems like that would be an obvious thing to fix, so you do have to wonder if it is kind of sliced up a little bit.


Kevin: Either it’s a bad Photoshop job there or that’s some sort of, I don’t know, artistic choice on Microsoft’s part, just the same way that the Windows button, the Start button in the bottom left corner of every Windows monitor, it now protrudes up over the top of the bar at the bottom, this one it seems to be tucked behind the browser content area, and so I could sort of see Microsoft going, whoa, this is kind of cool, we can tuck buttons behind things, that will make it look a little trendier, a little more novel. So, that isn’t necessarily what trips me up about it, what trips me up about it is they’ve got the browser address bar sitting next to the tabs for all of the open tabs leaving only about a third of the width of the window for browser tabs. And looking at it you could have two tabs open and then after that your tabs are going to start getting smaller right away. This does not seem like a reasonable user interface for me because like the one thing your browser Chrome is having to do for you these days is give you good access to a set of tabs I think.

凯文:或者这是Photoshop的一项糟糕工作,或者是微软不知道的艺术选择,就像Windows按钮,每台Windows监视器左下角的“开始”按钮一样,现在突出显示在底部栏的顶部,这似乎藏在浏览器内容区域的后面,所以我可以看到微软正在发展,哇,这很酷,我们可以将按钮藏在东西后面,这会使它看起来更时尚,更新颖。 因此,这不一定让我感到困扰,而是让我感到震惊的是,它们的浏览器地址栏位于所有打开的选项卡的选项卡旁边,仅留下了宽度的三分之一浏览器标签的窗口。 看一下它,您可能会打开两个选项卡,然后,这些选项卡将立即开始变小。 对于我来说,这似乎不是一个合理的用户界面,因为这些天您的浏览器Chrome要做的一件事情就是,您可以很好地访问我认为的一组标签。

Patrick: Right, and we’ve seen when I think it was Firefox and the above and below thing, and they’re going to offer the option, I think that just could be the case here where they could offer an option. But what trips me up about this is that on the Bing website that’s in this mock-up it says “Popular now, Internet Explorer,” when was Internet Explorer a popular search on Bing?!

帕特里克:是的,我们已经看到了当我认为它是Firefox及其它之上和之下的东西时,他们将提供选项,我认为在这种情况下,他们可以提供选项。 但是令我震惊的是,在Bing网站上的这个模型中,它说“ Popular now,Internet Explorer”,当时Internet Explorer在Bing上很受欢迎吗?

Kevin: (Laughs) Yeah, I’m calling foul!


Brad: I could see the tabs working on that line if every website that I ever visited has a very distinguishable favicon because a lot of the larger sites that you visit certainly do, SitePoint has a very distinguishable— It’s the SitePoint logo, so I know that’s SitePoint, so even if my tab went down to just the fav icon I would know that’s SitePoint, but the problem is not 1) every site has a distinguishable fav icon and 2) a lot of times we’re reading sites that we may not read very often, we just click on a quick article and view the site just for that article and never go back to that site again. So, I would imagine if that is the default layout that there were certainly be an option to move those tabs either up above or below the address bar.

布拉德:如果我访问过的每个网站都有一个非常明显的网站图标,那么我可以看到这些选项卡起作用,因为您访问的许多较大的站点肯定都具有站点图标,SitePoint具有非常明显的区别-这是SitePoint徽标,所以我知道那是SitePoint,所以即使我的标签仅显示了fav图标,我也知道这是SitePoint,但问题不在于1)每个站点都有一个可区分的fav图标,以及2)很多时候我们正在阅读可能由于阅读不是很频繁,我们只需单击快速文章并仅查看该文章的站点,就再也不会返回该站点了。 因此,我想如果这是默认布局,那么肯定会有一个选项可以将这些选项卡向上或向下移动到地址栏。

Kevin: I think you guys might be on to something with the option, but I’m actually, I think what they’re going to do is that’s the default state, but as soon as you have more than two tabs open the whole tab bar drops down below the address bar and then occupies the entire width. But what they do is they move them up next to the address bar when there’s not many tabs so you have a little more space to work in when they don’t need the extra space for tabs.

凯文:我想你们可能会选择该选项,但是实际上,我认为他们要做的是这是默认状态,但是只要您有两个以上的选项卡,就会打开整个选项卡栏下降到地址栏下方,然后占据整个宽度。 但是,他们要做的是在标签页不多的情况下将其向上移动到地址栏旁边,因此当他们不需要多余的标签页空间时,您还有更多工作空间。

Patrick: Yeah, and at best obviously this is pre-release because there’s things missing here as well, like at the top left some sort of title or icon or something at the top left to say it’s Internet Explorer.

帕特里克(Patrick):是的,这显然是最好的预发布版本,因为这里也缺少一些东西,例如左上角的标题或图标,或者左上角的东西是Internet Explorer。

Kevin: Yeah! Where’d the window title go?

凯文:是的! 窗口标题去哪儿了?

Patrick: It’s gone, so if this — maybe it could always be just a fancy Photoshop versus an actual application.


Kevin: Yeah. Okay, well, I guess we’ll see on September 15th.

凯文:是的。 好的,我想我们会在9月15日见面。

Brad: Yeah, and something else actually happening September 15th, Facebook, everyone’s favorite social network, well, most people, have announced that they’re going to make some significant improvements in their chat feature, and one of the big parts of that announcement is that they’re going to end support for IE6 in their chat feature the same day that Internet Explorer 9 Beta is released which is September 15th.

布拉德:是的,还有其他实际发生的事情,9月15日,Facebook,每个人都喜欢的社交网络,好吧,大多数人都宣布,他们将对自己的聊天功能进行重大改进,这是该声明的重要内容之一他们将在9月15日发布Internet Explorer 9 Beta的同一天,在聊天功能中终止对IE6的支持。

Brad: Coincidence? I don’t know but it certainly is interesting.

布拉德:巧合吗? 我不知道,但这当然很有趣。

Kevin: I think September 15th is also that the day Diaspora network is supposed to open source its code in preparation for a consumer alpha sometime in October. This is the supposed Facebook killer built on open source technology and open web standards. We shall see what happens on September 15th, but it seems to be a nexus date in the Web at the moment, it’s Internet Explorer, it’s Facebook and Internet Explorer, it’s Facebook and Diaspora; I wonder how long a chain you could form of things that are happening on September 15th.

凯文:我认为9月15日也是Diaspora网络开放其代码的一天,以准备在10月的某个时候向消费者发布alpha版本。 这就是所谓的Facebook杀手on,它建立在开源技术和开放网络标准之上。 我们将看到9月15日发生的情况,但现在似乎是Web上的一个联系日期,它是Internet Explorer,Facebook和Internet Explorer,Facebook和Diaspora。 我想知道9月15日发生的事情能形成多长时间?

Patrick: And which matters more to developers? Which brings them to tears faster, Facebook saying no to IE6 or the release of the code of Diaspora? I think I know the answer!

帕特里克(Patrick):对开发人员而言,哪一项更重要? 哪一个让他们更快地流下了眼泪,Facebook拒绝IE6或发布Diaspora的代码? 我想我知道答案!

Brad: Is that tears of joy?


Kevin: One is tears of joy, yeah, tears of joy.


Patrick: Exactly! That’s what I mean, tears of joy.

帕特里克:是的 ! 这就是我的意思,喜悦的眼泪。

Kevin: See which one you can pick. So, Facebook doing away with Internet Explorer 6 support, I’ll be honest I was shocked that Facebook was still supporting Internet Explorer 6, but this is yet another line in the sand that I think the last big high profile IE6 support killing was Google Apps, or Google Docs and all of that— All of Google’s web applications no longer support IE6 as a first-class citizen, and so that was an important one, but if you went to your boss and said, “well, Google doesn’t do it” and they said yeah “well talk to me when Google’s search homepage doesn’t support Internet Explorer 6.” But Facebook doing it, now that is a mass market website if ever there was one. So is this finally— I’ll be honest, we still test on IE6 at SitePoint just out of habit more than anything because we know if it’s going to break anywhere it’s going to break on IE6, so often after we finish developing something the first thing we test it in is in IE6 because we know that’s going to be the most problematic environment. But I just in preparation for this broadcast I checked our numbers, IE6 traffic at SitePoint is down to about two percent.

凯文:看看你可以选哪一个。 因此,Facebook取消了对Internet Explorer 6的支持,老实说,我为Facebook仍在支持Internet Explorer 6而感到震惊,但这是另一条线,我认为最后一个引人注目的IE6支持是Google Apps或Google Docs等所有功能-所有Google的Web应用程序都不再以一流公民的身份支持IE6,因此这很重要,但是如果您去找老板说:“嗯,Google不会。他们说:“当Google的搜索首页不支持Internet Explorer 6时,请跟我谈谈。” 但是Facebook做到了,现在这是一个大众市场网站,如果有的话。 最终,这就是我要说的,老实说,我们仍然出于习惯而不是在SitePoint上对IE6进行测试,因为我们知道它是否会崩溃,它将在IE6上崩溃,所以通常在完成第一个开发之后我们在IE6中对其进行测试,因为我们知道这将是最有问题的环境。 但是我只是在准备这次广播时,我检查了我们的电话号码,SitePoint上的IE6流量下降到大约2%。

Brad: I don’t think this is the nail in the coffin. I mean we’ve discussed on the Podcast a number of times, and looking at stats, too, that backs this up a good majority of IE6 users are corporate users, and the reason they’re stuck on IE6 is specific applications they need to use that were built for IE6 and IE6 only. Well, those corporate users probably shouldn’t be on Facebook, and they probably don’t have a great reason to be on Facebook other than maybe their marketing department. So I can’t imagine that this would be the nail in the coffin, I mean I would certainly like it to be but I don’t think it will be.

布拉德:我认为这不是棺材里的钉子。 我的意思是,我们在Podcast上讨论了很多次,还查看了统计信息,这也支持了大多数IE6用户是企业用户,而他们之所以被IE6卡住的原因是他们需要的特定应用程序使用仅针对IE6和IE6构建的。 好吧,这些公司用户可能不应该在Facebook上,除了市场部,他们可能没有其他重要的理由。 因此,我无法想象这将成为棺材上的钉子,我的意思是我当然希望如此,但我认为不会。

Patrick: It’s like the Google CEO said, you know, if there’s something that you don’t want people to find you shouldn’t do it online, so same thing, if you use IE6 you shouldn’t be using Facebook. No, I think that — I don’t know why it’s unreasonable to maybe say, okay, we have these programs that work with IE6 so you have to use IE6 for those programs, but then install something like Firefox 3 or something.

帕特里克(Patrick):就像Google首席执行官说的那样,您知道,如果您不希望别人找到您不应该在线上进行的搜索,同样的事情,如果您使用IE6,则不应该使用Facebook。 不,我认为-我不知道为什么这样说是不合理的,好吧,我们有与IE6一起使用的程序,因此您必须对这些程序使用IE6,然后安装类似Firefox 3的程序。

Kevin: Yeah, I’m with you, Patrick, I think this may not be the nail in the coffin of IE6, but I think it is the nail in the coffin of people developing new apps with IE6 in mind.


On a related note, still talking about Microsoft in browsers and things because it’s all happening this month for Microsoft, but the Microsoft IE Blog has this amazing post called Performance: Profiling How Different Websites Use Browser Subsystems, and don’t be put off by the dry title, this blog post is full of eye candy, if like me you consider eye candy amazing graphs.

在相关说明中,仍在谈论浏览器和事物中的Microsoft,因为这一切都发生在Microsoft的本月,但是Microsoft IE Blog上有一篇了不起的文章,名为Performance:分析不同网站如何使用浏览器子系统 ,不要被它推迟干燥的标题,此博客文章充满了眼药水,如果像我一样,您认为眼药水惊人的图表。

Brad: Kevin loves his graphs!


Kevin: (Laughs) This story breaks down the 11 subsystems that goes into the Internet Explorer browser, everything from obvious ones like HTML and CSS right down to things like native object mapping, block building, and marshalling. Brad, did you find this as mind-blowing a glimpse under the surface of Internet Explorer as I did?

凯文:(笑)这个故事分解了Internet Explorer浏览器中的11个子系统,包括从HTML和CSS这样的明显子系统到本机对象映射,块构建和编组之类的东西。 布拉德,您是否像我一样在Internet Explorer的表面上一览无余?

Brad: Yeah, it’s certainly interesting and it’s certainly geeky, too, I mean when you really break it down like this, but I did enjoy the graphs; I kind of wish, because they basically break it up by different sites, but it’s very generic, news site one, news site two; I would love to know what those sites were.

布拉德:是的,这当然很有趣,而且也很怪异,我的意思是当你真的像这样分解它时,但我确实喜欢这些图表。 我有点希望,因为它们基本上是由不同的站点分解的,但是它是非常通用的,新闻站点一个,新闻站点两个; 我想知道这些网站是什么。

Kevin: Yeah! I’m dying to know.

凯文:是的! 我很想知道。

Brad: That’s what I’m missing, but other than that I mean I think it’s really neat to look at.


I was amazed at the amount of JavaScript pulling off these sites, and you probably love that, Kevin, because I know you’re a JavaScript buff, but these sites are running quite a bit of JavaScript.


Kevin: Well, it depends, because what interested me, they’ve given the performance breakdowns of five common news sites, and then they also show a breakdown, an average over all Ajax sites or the top 25 Ajax sites they’ve averaged them all out. But looking at the news site graph the biggest thing that stands out to me is the fact that they are news sites seems to have no bearing on their performance profile. News site number one has a gigantic chunk of Flash—not Flash, JavaScript—and indeed like half the time that the browser spends working on displaying that site is spent running JavaScript code. Whereas if you move over to news site two and news site three the JavaScript component is actually really small, but news site two, they spend a lot of time in marshalling which is preparing the JavaScript communication with the browser itself. And if you look at news site three they’ve obviously done a lot more work than their competitors on performance because their graph is down near the 1,000 millisecond mark.

凯文:嗯,这取决于,因为我感兴趣的是,他们给出了五个常见新闻站点的性能明细,然后它们也显示了明细,平均是所有Ajax网站或他们平均的前25个Ajax网站的平均值全力以赴。 但是,从新闻站点的图表来看,对我来说最大的优点是,它们是新闻站点,似乎与他们的表现无关。 新闻网站排名第一的是Flash的巨大块,而不是Flash,JavaScript,实际上,浏览器花在显示该站点上的时间中有一半是花在运行JavaScript代码上。 而如果您移至新闻站点2和新闻站点3,则JavaScript组件实际上很小,但新闻站点2则需要花费大量时间进行编组,这正准备与浏览器本身进行JavaScript通信。 而且,如果您查看新闻网站三,那么他们的性能显然要比竞争对手出色得多,因为他们的图表下降了近1000毫秒。

Patrick: Either that or they have less ads (laughs).


Kevin: Well, yeah, maybe. The next fastest site is almost at 2,500 milliseconds, so they’re taking almost half the time. So, there is no standard profile for news sites which makes me wonder why they’ve gone to the trouble to average out then the amount of time in each browser subsystem on Ajax sites, because if the picture for Ajax sites is anything like the one for news sites they’re all different, and every site is different, and this I guess is the point that Microsoft is trying to make that it’s really difficult to optimize a browser so that it works well and fast on all sites because every site is different and it makes different demands on the browser. That said, JavaScript does seem to be a very big component, if you add up the components that have to do with JavaScript, things like marshalling, JavaScript, the native object mapping interface, these are all things that kind of have to do with JavaScript. On news sites the average has over half the time spent on JavaScript or JavaScript related tasks, Ajax sites it’s weird, it’s only one-third the time. So they’re spending a lot more time on rendering and formatting, which is applying CSS to HTML elements, laying out the page, that sort of stuff, so whereas on the surface you might think Ajax sites are heavier in the JavaScript front, it seems like they’re actually heavier in making the browser’s rendering engine work and work to constantly update the page and make changes on the fly, and the actual JavaScript code is not that heavy. I bet you’re right, Patrick, I bet the JavaScript code on those news sites has a lot to do with the ads that they run.

凯文:是的,也许。 下一个最快的站点将近2500毫秒,因此它们花费了将近一半的时间。 因此,没有新闻网站的标准配置文件,这使我想知道为什么他们要费力才能平均出Ajax网站上每个浏览器子系统中的时间,因为如果Ajax网站的图片是类似的图片,对于新闻站点,它们都是不同的,并且每个站点都是不同的,我想这就是Microsoft试图使优化浏览器以使其在所有站点上都能良好且快速地运行确实非常困难的原因,因为每个站点都是不同,这对浏览器也有不同的要求。 就是说,JavaScript似乎确实是一个很大的组件,如果您将与JavaScript有关的组件加在一起,例如编组,JavaScript,本机对象映射接口等,这些都是与JavaScript有关的组件。 在新闻网站上,平均时间花费在JavaScript或与JavaScript相关的任务上的时间超过一半,而Ajax网站却很奇怪,只有三分之一的时间。 因此,他们在渲染和格式化上花费了更多时间,这是将CSS应用于HTML元素,布局页面等内容,因此从表面上看,您可能会认为Ajax网站在JavaScript方面比较繁重,看起来他们实际上在使浏览器的渲染引擎正常工作以及在不断更新页面并即时进行更改方面工作更加繁重,而实际JavaScript代码并不那么繁琐。 我敢打赌,您是对的,帕特里克,我敢打赌那些新闻网站上JavaScript代码与它们投放的广告有很大关系。

Patrick: Well, speaking of JavaScript, or more specifically Java, JavaOne is an annual conference that was created by Sun Microsystems in 1996, and Google has participated in every conference since 2004, but this year they won’t be, and they will not be because of Oracle’s lawsuit against Google, according to a blog post on by Joshua Bloch of Google’s Open Source Programs Office, he writes that they wish they could participate in the conference but “the lawsuit against Google and Open Source has made it impossible for us to freely share our thoughts about the future of Java and Open Source generally. This is a painful realization for us as we participated in every JavaOne since 2004, and I personally have spoken at all but the first in 1996.” Careful wording there: “lawsuit against Google and Open Source.”

帕特里克(Patrick):说到JavaScript,或者更确切地说是Java ,JavaOne是由Sun Microsystems于1996年创建的年度会议,Google自2004年以来参加了所有会议,但今年它们不会参加,而且也不会根据Google开源计划办公室的Joshua Bloch 在googlecode.blogspot.com上的博客文章 ,这是由于Oracle对Google提起的诉讼,他写道,他们希望他们能够参加此次会议,但是“针对Google和开源的诉讼已经使得我们无法自由地就Java和开放源代码的未来自由地分享我们的想法。 自从2004年以来我们参加了每个JavaOne,这对我们来说是一个痛苦的认识,而我个人除了1996年的第一个演讲以外就几乎没有发言。” 那里的措辞很谨慎:“针对Google 和开源的诉讼。”

Kevin: Hmm. Yeah, this is a bummer for me as well because I’m a Java developer from way back. I don’t really do much Java these days but part of my heart will always belong to Java, and I think like a lot of Java fans out there I’m really dismayed by what Oracle is doing to Google. Like I guess from the outside, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few stories out there taking this angle, that Google is being a bit of drama queen about this, “Oh, you sue us? Well we’re not coming to your conference!” But JavaOne is really like this is the heart of the Java ecosystem and there are people who’ve been to every JavaOne since 1996, and it’s usually an amazing conference because it’s not just, well, Sun Microsystems previously, these days Oracle, it’s not just the one company getting up there and saying well here’s what’s new for our platform this year, developers, eat it up. It really is a meeting of all of the big players in the Java world, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Google was one of if not the biggest partner in that up until this point. And to be able to go to this massive conference every year that had to do with such a mature platform and still get so much, such an impression of a vibrant ecosystem of people still playing with new ideas, you know, building new languages to run on the Java platform, building new things that take advantage of Java, I think especially at the moment the biggest thing going on in the Java world is the Android platform that Google built using Java technology. And the fact that Oracle has chosen to thank them for that favor by suing them really does throw a bucket of cold water on this thriving ecosystem, this positive atmosphere of sharing around the JavaScript platform that was centered around JavaOne every single year. I know I’m on the mailing list for the Java Users Group in Victoria here in Melbourne Australia, and they’re talking about it along the same lines; they were getting ready to hold their monthly meeting and they suddenly went, you know what, if the custodian of the Java platform in Oracle is taking this approach to it, suing people who are investing in Java technology, do we really want to be getting together and talking about how much we love Java this month? I’m really not feeling it and they’ve cancelled this month’s meeting and have no immediate plans to schedule another one going forward. It’s a really sad day, especially for a technology like Java that has been held up through good times and bad through the force of its developer community.

凯文:嗯。 是的,这对我来说也是一个遗憾,因为我是一名Java开发人员。 这些天我实际上并没有做太多Java,但是我内心的一部分将永远属于Java,而且我认为像许多Java爱好者一样,我真的对Oracle对Google所做的事情感到沮丧。 就像我从外面猜到的那样,如果有一些故事以这种角度出现,我不会感到惊讶,谷歌在这方面扮演了戏剧女王的角色,“哦,你起诉我们吗? 好吧,我们不会来参加您的会议!” 但是JavaOne确实是Java生态系统的核心,自1996年以来,就有人去过每一个JavaOne,这通常是一次了不起的会议,因为这不仅是以前的Sun Microsystems,现在是Oracle,现在不是只是一家公司站在那里,说得好,这就是今年我们平台的新功能,开发人员请吃尽它。 确实,这是Java世界中所有大型公司的一次聚会,如果Google成为到目前为止的最大合作伙伴之一,我也不会感到惊讶。 而且,为了能够参加每年与如此成熟的平台有关的大型会议,并获得如此丰厚的成果,给人以生机勃勃的生态系统印象,人们仍然在玩着新的想法,要知道,要建立新的语言来运行在Java平台上,开发利用Java的新事物,我认为,尤其是在目前Java世界中,最大的事情是Google使用Java技术构建的Android平台。 Oracle选择通过起诉他们来感谢他们的支持,这一事实的确确实为这个繁荣的生态系统带来了冷水,这种积极的共享氛围围绕着以JavaOne为中心JavaScript平台,每年。 我知道我在澳大利亚墨尔本维多利亚州的Java用户组的邮件列表中,他们正在谈论相同的内容; 他们正准备举行每月例会,然后突然去了,您知道吗,如果Oracle中Java平台的托管人正在采用这种方法,起诉正在投资Java技术的人们,我们是否真的想得到一起谈论本月我们对Java的热爱吗? 我真的感觉不到,他们已经取消了本月的会议,也没有立即计划再召开一次会议的计划。 这真是令人难过的一天,尤其是对于像Java这样的技术而言,它在开发者社区的强力支持下历来风风雨雨。

Brad: I feel sorry for the attendees that shelled out the $2,000.00 to go to some of these Google-specific sessions that are not going to happen anymore. Some of these look pretty interesting: Taking Java to the Sky, Cloud Computing, The High Performance Java Servers at Google, that would be really interesting, Testing Techniques for Google AppEngine, GUI Animation Rules; so all these sessions that were on the agenda are now cancelled obviously, and so anyone that had planned to go to those are out of luck, they’re going to have to go a different session, so that’s really too bad.

布拉德:对于为这次会议花了$ 2,000.00参加一些Google特定会议的与会者,我感到非常抱歉。 其中一些看起来很有趣:将Java推向天空,云计算,Google的高性能Java服务器,这真的很有趣,Google AppEngine的测试技术,GUI动画规则; 因此议程上的所有这些会议现在显然都已取消,因此计划参加这些会议的任何人都走运了,他们将不得不参加另一次会议,这真是太糟糕了。

Patrick: Google is apparently already on board for a sponsorship, though, because if you look at the site they are listed under the bronze sponsor, so that’s a little uncomfortable.

帕特里克(Patrick):不过 Google显然已经加入了赞助商,因为如果您浏览该网站,这些网站都列在青铜赞助商的下面,那就有点不舒服了。

Kevin: Whoa. (Laughs) Yeah, hmm, I wonder what they’ll be putting on their sponsorship banners.

凯文:哇。 (笑)是的,嗯,我不知道他们会在赞助横幅上放些什么。

Patrick: (Laughs) They’ll put ‘Java’ with a big red circle and a line through it like Ghostbusters did, and right there, ‘no more Java’.

帕特里克:(笑)他们会像Ghostbusters一样,在“ Java”上放一个大红色圆圈,并在其中划一条线,然后,“不再有Java”。

Kevin: Yeah, you know, I feel like I have invested years in Java at times when the main company behind it did not seem to believe in it the way I did. And now that company is punishing companies like Google for choosing it. Google didn’t have to choose Java to build Android on, there would be plenty of alternatives out there and, yeah, anyway, I think enough said, but if there are any listeners out there who are also feeling the pain as one-time if not current Java developers, we’d love to hear from you in the comment thread of this post. Because I’m feeling a bit alone in my love for Java at the moment, I’d love to hear some other people.

凯文:是的,你知道,我感觉自己在Java上投入了很多年,而当时背后的主要公司似乎并不相信我那样。 现在,这家公司正在惩罚像Google这样的公司选择它。 Google不必选择Java就可以在Android上进行构建,那里有很多替代方案,是的,我想我已经说够了,但是如果那里有任何听众,他们一次也感到痛苦如果不是当前的Java开发人员,我们很乐意在本文的评论主题中与您联系。 因为我对Java的热爱让我感到有些孤单,所以我很想听听其他人的意见。

Patrick: Come commiserate with Kevin.


Kevin: Yeah, please do. Please do.

凯文:是的,请。 拜托

On the bright side, H.264 is kicking great goals at the moment. Let’s talk about a technology that’s on the upswing for a few minutes here. We’ve talked about H.264 as a potential standard for web video in the past, if you’ve viewed video on the Web, whether through a Flash player or in one of these new-fangled HTML5 players, chances are the video you were watching was encoded using the H.264 video codec. It’s the one that is supported natively by Apple devices, iPhones, iPads, and so forth, in hardware. It’s really the, the de facto format for video on the Web at the moment. But, as we’ve spoken about before, the W3C when standardizing the new HTML5 <video> tag couldn’t endorse H.264 because there are patents on this, this is patented technology that is owned by a group, the MPEG Licensing Association, MPEG-LA, and they charge licensing fees for people who want to make money using this video format. And so the W3C said, yep, there’s no good option, we’re not going to take sides, we’re going to say there’s a <video> tag and you can use whatever codex you want and the browser will, if it sees a supported codec in the list you’ve provided then it will play that video.

从好的方面来说,H.264目前正朝着伟大的目标迈进。 让我们在这里谈论一种正在兴起的技术。 过去,我们曾经讨论过H.264作为网络视频的潜在标准,如果您通过Flash播放器或这些新型HTML5播放器之一在Web上观看了视频,那么很可能您会观看时使用的是H.264视频编解码器。 这是Apple设备,iPhone,iPad等在硬件方面本机支持的版本。 实际上,这是目前网络上视频的事实格式。 但是,正如我们之前所说的那样,W3C在标准化新HTML5 <video>标签时无法认可H.264,因为有此方面的专利,这是一个由MPEG Licensing Association组织拥有的专利技术。 ,MPEG-LA,并且向使用此视频格式赚钱的人收取许可费。 所以W3C说,是的,没有很好的选择,我们不会支持,我们会说有一个<video>标签,您可以使用所需的任何编解码器,如果浏览器看到了,您提供的列表中受支持的编解码器,然后它将播放该视频。

Meanwhile Google has invested in their WebM video format buying all of the technology involved with it and releasing it free to the public domain in the hopes, supposedly, of creating a new de facto format that the W3C can endorse because it isn’t patent encumbered. Now there’s a lot of humming and hawing over whether it is or it isn’t patent encumbered, you know, I get the feeling that for technology as complex as a video encoder if at any point you try to make significant money out of it someone’s going to come out of the woodwork claiming to have a patent on it, and these aren’t the kind of things that you can definitively eliminate from the equation beforehand. I feel like at some point someone’s going to come out with a patent saying they have a patent on logging people into websites using usernames and passwords and now everyone on the Web has to pay them money.

同时,谷歌已投资购买其WebM视频格式,购买了与之相关的所有技术,并将其免费发布到公共领域,以期希望创建一种新的事实上的格式,W3C 可以认可该格式,因为它不受专利保护。 现在,人们对它是否是专利权感到困惑和困惑,你知道,我觉得对于像视频编码器这样复杂的技术,如果在任何时候你试图从某人的身上赚钱,会从声称拥有专利的木制品中脱颖而出,而这些并不是您可以事先从等式中明确消除的东西。 我觉得在某个时刻有人会提出一项专利,说他们拥有使用用户名和密码将人们登录到网站的专利,现在网络上的每个人都必须付钱。

Patrick: Wish I thought of that.


Kevin: (Laughs) Yeah, that would be a good patent. So, you know, there is a lot of questioning over WebM is everything it’s cracked up to be, and of course there would be a lot of work involved in retrofitting not just all of our browsers, but all of the hardware devices to be able to play it as efficiently as they already play H.264. So this latest news that the MPEG-LA says they will not be charging royalties or patent licensing fees of any kind to anyone who is producing or delivering content in H.264 format as long as that content is available for free. This is significant news.

凯文:(笑)是的,那将是一个很好的专利。 因此,您知道,对WebM的质疑很多,包括它要破解的一切,当然,不仅要对我们所有的浏览器进行改造,还要对所有硬件设备进行改造,这将涉及很多工作像他们已经播放H.264一样高效地播放它。 因此,MPEG-LA的最新消息称,只要免费提供H.264格式的内容,他们将不会向任何人收取任何形式的专利使用费或专利许可费。 这是重大新闻。

Patrick: Is that free viewing without ads?


Kevin: Yeah.


Patrick: Or what kind of free?


Kevin: You know what, I don’t know if ad support is an issue. My reading of it is as long as it’s available on the open Web to be viewed without paying for it, so ads are allowed, I believe, as long as it’s freely available to watch then it’s license free, patent free. Not patent free, license charging free; it’s free to use! You don’t have to pay for it. Is this enough to make it the format for web video?

凯文:你知道吗,我不知道广告支持是否成问题。 我的阅读是只要它可以在开放的Web上观看而无需付费就可以观看,因此,我相信,只要可以免费观看,就可以允许广告,然后它是免费的,无专利的。 不是免费的专利,免费的许可证收费; 免费使用! 您不必为此付费。 这足以使其成为网络视频的格式吗?

Brad: I hope so. I think everyone feels that way. I mean we just need to set a standard so we can move forward and everybody can adopt it and we’ll have HTML5 video for all. It sounds like this is it; I mean you know we have Mozilla and Opera who were both kind of holding out on this because they were uncomfortable with the licensing; it shouldn’t be a question anymore, so they should certainly hopefully support it in the next release or soon thereafter, so hopefully this is it. I mean I think everybody wants to see a standard, I know I do, and there’s a lot of sites and browsers that do support this already, so it’s looking good.

布拉德:希望如此。 我想每个人都有这种感觉。 我的意思是我们只需要设置一个标准,以便我们可以向前迈进,每个人都可以采用它,我们将为所有人提供HTML5视频。 听起来就是这样; 我的意思是,您知道我们有Mozilla和Opera,他们都坚持这样做,因为他们对许可不满意。 它不再是一个问题,因此他们当然应该希望在下一个版本中或之后不久就支持它,所以希望是这样。 我的意思是,我想每个人都希望看到一个标准,我知道我知道,而且已经有很多站点和浏览器支持此标准,因此它看起来不错。

Patrick: It feels kind of weird to me because, you know, you have sites out there that obviously are paid to access video, so it’s weird to have a standard, let’s say, that those sites couldn’t use, I think, where we have a lot of educational sites, for example, that are paid access and so they have to go and use a different standard just because there’s a paywall there, I don’t know, that still seems kind of weird to me, uncomfortable.


Kevin: They don’t necessarily have to use a different standard, but they do have to pony up for the licensing fees.


Patrick: Right, yep.


Kevin: And the way the MPEG-LA works, we’ve looked into this recently at SitePoint because we’re using video in our courses, which are paid content obviously, and there is a certain threshold if you’re, I forget if it’s number of views, it probably is, but it’s something on the order of, don’t quote me on this, but on the order of half a million; if you’re serving up half a million video views or hours or something then you cross this threshold where you have to start paying licensing fees, and then you have to pay an annual fee to the MPEG-LA for your use of that codec. And so if H.264 is embraced as the format for video on the Web what it means is for the first time there is a standard core part of web technology that you need to pay to use as an author if you are producing a certain type of content. But maybe that’s okay, maybe the Web has grown up and we’re at the point where if you’re going to make money off the Web you have to be willing to put money into the technology that makes the Web possible. I’m really interested in you guys’ opinions on this because I’m really on the fence.

凯文(Kevin): MPEG-LA的工作方式,我们最近在SitePoint上进行了研究,因为我们在课程中使用了视频,视频显然是付费内容,如果有一定的门槛,我是否会忘记它的数量很多,也许是,但这只是一个数量级,不要在此引用我的意思,而是大约一百万。 如果您提供的视频观看次数或观看时间达到半百万或几小时,则您将超过此门槛,必须开始支付许可费用,然后您必须向MPEG-LA支付使用该编解码器的年费。 因此,如果将H.264用作网络上的视频格式,这意味着这是第一次,这是Web技术的标准核心部分,如果您要制作某种类型的视频,则需要支付此费用才能用作作者。内容。 但是也许没关系,也许网络已经发展壮大,而我们正处于一个要点,如果您要从网络上赚钱,您必须愿意将钱投入到使网络成为可能的技术中。 我真的对你们在此方面的观点感兴趣,因为我真的在栅栏上。

Patrick: Well, I’m not, as you know, I’m not a web standards guy by any means, but I don’t even consider myself — I’m not a programmer, I shouldn’t even say I consider myself, I’m not a programmer. But, like I said, it does make me uncomfortable to think that there is ‘a standard’, now I don’t view standards as for-profit operations, now maybe that’s a wrong viewpoint, maybe that’s not the way to think about it. But for me I don’t view the standards of anything we do online whether it be HTML or CSS or video or graphics, or whatever, as something that is someone is out there for profit, but I view people use those standards to profit, and maybe that’s not a sustainable model, maybe that’s a bad way to look at it, but that’s just the way I feel about it, it seems strange to me if you have 500,000 video views, or whatever the number is, within a certain period that you have to opt for a different standard, or pay for the standard, especially because I don’t know what the price is at this stage, that’s a part of it, it’s kind of scary to think well if I ever did this — I guess if I ever had 500,000 views maybe I might have enough money, but still, it just seems weird.

帕特里克(Patrick):恩,正如您所知,我绝对不是网络标准专家,但我什至不认为自己-我不是程序员,甚至不应该说自己,我不是程序员。 但是,就像我说的那样,让我觉得有一个“标准”确实让我感到不自在,现在我不再将标准视为营利性运营,也许这是一个错误的观点,也许那不是思考它的方式。 但是对我来说,我看不到我们在线进行的任何操作的标准,无论是HTML或CSS还是视频或图形,或其他任何东西,因为有人是为了牟利,但我认为人们是利用这些标准来获利的,也许这不是一个可持续的模型,也许这是一种不好的观察方式,但这只是我的感受,如果在一定时期内拥有500,000的视频观看次数(无论数量多少),这对我来说似乎很奇怪您必须选择其他标准,或者为标准付费,尤其是因为我不知道现阶段的价格,这是其中的一部分,如果我这样做的话,要好好想一想,我想我是否曾经有500,000次浏览,也许我可能有足够的钱,但是,看起来还是很奇怪。

Kevin: Yeah. What I would say is based on our research if we were serving the amount of video that people were paying to view where we would have to start paying license fees, the fees seem fair, they don’t seem generous, they seem fair.

凯文:是的。 我要说的是基于我们的研究,如果我们提供的是人们支付的视频数量,以查看必须从何处开始支付许可费,那么这些费用似乎是合理的,它们似乎并不慷慨,它们似乎是公平的。

Patrick: And then if you could go with another standard save that money, and don’t tip your hand here or whatever, but would that be something feasible for you to look into, would it be worth it?


Kevin: It’s an interesting thought exercise. Let’s take a step back here, let’s talk about Blu-ray for a second because Blu-ray as a media format, you know, the fancy new discs you can buy to watch HD video in your home theatre, Blu-ray is also based on H.264, the video that is encoded on your Blu-ray disc is also an H.264 format. And a lot of people are paying licensing fees around Blu-ray technology; if you want to put out a Blu-ray player you have to pay a licensing fee for the decoder because you are providing that decoder as a commercial product to decode H.264 video, so the people who make your Blu-ray player are paying a license fee. Also the people who make each of your Blu-ray discs are also paying a license fee because they are putting out commercial content that is encoded in that format. And so the MPEG-LA is cashing in on both sides of that equation. But I don’t think as consumers we are that uncomfortable with that because we see Blu-ray discs as a commercial product, Blu-ray is not a medium for free communication; at least we don’t see it that way currently.

凯文:这是一个有趣的思想练习。 让我们在这里退一步,让我们再谈一谈Blu-ray,因为Blu-ray是一种媒体格式,您知道,您可以购买精美的新光盘来在家中观看高清视频,Blu-ray也基于在H.264上,蓝光光盘上编码的视频也是H.264格式。 许多人都在为蓝光技术支付许可费。 如果您要推出蓝光播放器,则必须为解码器支付许可费,因为您提供的该解码器是用于解码H.264视频的商业产品,因此制作蓝光播放器的人需要付费许可费。 同样,制作每张蓝光光盘的人也要支付许可费,因为他们要发布以该格式编码的商业内容。 因此,MPEG-LA在该等式的两边都可以赚钱。 但是我不认为作为消费者,我们会因此而感到不舒服,因为我们将蓝光光盘视为一种商业产品,因此蓝光并不是免费交流的媒介。 至少我们目前不这么认为。

Patrick: Right, that’s a good point.


Kevin: Whereas, you know, if someone were to say that they own the licensing fees on paper— Paper, it’s a technology, it’s been around a bit longer than Blu-ray, it’s probably not quite as complex as Blu-ray to explain how you make paper, but at one time someone maybe did come up with some innovation in paper technology and —


Patrick: Thicker paper.


Kevin: Thicker paper, decorative embossed paper, whatever it might be, and if they owned the patents on that and they suddenly said everyone who A) produces paper to be bought in stores needs to pay us a license fee, would we be okay with that? And, B) anyone who writes on paper and then sells that written-on-paper as a product also needs to pay a licensing fee, would we be okay with that? Paper is thought a lot more as a medium for free expression in the world, and so I don’t think people would be that excited about a new paper technology that required licensing fees to be paid on both sides of the equation. So where on that spectrum does the Web fit?

凯文(Kevin):较厚的纸张,装饰性压纹纸,不管是什么,如果它们拥有专利,他们突然说,凡A)生产要在商店购买的纸张的人都需要向我们支付许可费,我们可以接受吗那? 并且,B)任何在纸上书写然后将其作为产品销售的人也需要支付许可费,我们可以吗? 纸在世界范围内被认为是自由表达的一种媒介,因此,我认为人们不会对一种新的纸技术感到兴奋,该新技术要求在等式的两面都支付许可费。 那么,网络在哪方面适合?

Patrick: I think it fits in the spectrum of paper to a lot of people. Now, you know, I don’t know if that’s fair. I think if we see something where there’s, let’s say, a standard where there’s people working on it, it’s a business, right, they’re employing people to work on that standard. I think it becomes a little more understandable. I think if you go to the MPEG-LA website they’re the leader in patent pools (laughs), so I mean just by that, there’s nothing against that, it’s a business and it’s fine, there’s publishing companies that go and buy the rights to old music to profit off it now, that’s perfectly fine, but I don’t know, it just seems weird to be a standard affiliated with a patent pool, I don’t know, it just seems weird to me. But then again maybe I don’t understand enough to make a clear distinction there.

帕特里克:我认为它适合许多人的纸张。 现在,您知道,我不知道这是否公平。 我认为,如果我们看到有人制定标准的地方,那是一项业务,对,他们正在雇用人员按照那个标准进行工作。 我认为这变得更容易理解了。 我认为,如果您访问MPEG-LA网站,他们是专利池中的佼佼者(笑),所以我的意思是,没有什么与之相反,这是一项业务,而且很好,有出版公司愿意购买拥有旧音乐的权利现在可以从中获利,这很好,但是我不知道,成为专利池的标准成员似乎很奇怪,我也不知道,这对我来说似乎很奇怪。 但是话又说回来,我可能还不够了解,无法在其中做出清楚的区分。

Brad: See, and I think that’s kind of the mindset of just the Internet in general is most people assume everything is free, and I think actually we had one of the listeners comment about —


Patrick: That’s not me, Brad, I’ll tell you. That’s not me but I understand your point.

帕特里克:那不是我,布拉德,我告诉你。 那不是我,但我理解你的意思。

Brad: No, that’s not you, Patrick, definitely; but we had one of our listeners that commented and he made the point that he’s never paid for anything on the Internet, period, his whole life. And I think a lot of people have that same mindset that, hey, if I can get to it on the Internet it should be free. Whereas there’s this other mindset that it’s a business, everyone’s out there to make money, and to make money you have to have patents and things like this and paywalls to watch those videos, so if I have half a million people paying me to watch a video somewhere I should probably be paying somebody for that technology.

布拉德:不,那绝对不是你,帕特里克。 但是我们有一位听众发表了评论,他指出,他从未为互联网,时期和一生支付任何费用。 我认为很多人都有相同的心态,嘿,如果我可以在Internet上使用它,那应该是免费的。 还有另一种心态是生意,每个人都在那里赚钱,要赚钱,您必须拥有专利和诸如此类的东西,并需要付费墙才能观看这些视频,因此,如果我有50万人付钱给我观看视频,我可能应该为此技术付钱。

Patrick: That’s a good point.


Kevin: It may not be you, Patrick, but I think it is the W3C; the W3C has drawn a line in the sand, they have a patent policy that basically says if a technology is not patent free or licensed royalty free for use on the Web without restrictions then it cannot be a core part of the Web. And so I think despite this latest news on H.264 we won’t be seeing the HTML5 spec updated to endorse H.264 as the de facto format, I think we’re going to stick with HTML5 video as a tag that can list whatever video formats you want, but there is no recommended format. I think WebM has still got the edge, WebM inasmuch as it holds up to scrutiny as a patent free technology may yet make it into the HTML5 standard, but pragmatically H.264 seems like it will continue to be and has cemented its leadership as the format that people actually use whatever the HTML5 spec says. This is a meaty area, listeners, and I would really love to hear what your thoughts are on it: is the Web paper or is the Web Blu-ray? Does the Web have to be free or have we gotten to the point where people making money off the Web need to pitch in a bit? And there’s been plenty going on in the comments feed, Patrick?

凯文:可能不是你,帕特里克,但我认为它是W3C。 W3C已划清界线,他们制定了一项专利政策,该政策基本上说,如果一项技术不是无专利权或无许可使用费的,则可以不受限制地在Web上使用,那么它就不能成为Web的核心部分。 And so I think despite this latest news on H.264 we won't be seeing the HTML5 spec updated to endorse H.264 as the de facto format, I think we're going to stick with HTML5 video as a tag that can list whatever video formats you want, but there is no recommended format. I think WebM has still got the edge, WebM inasmuch as it holds up to scrutiny as a patent free technology may yet make it into the HTML5 standard, but pragmatically H.264 seems like it will continue to be and has cemented its leadership as the format that people actually use whatever the HTML5 spec says. This is a meaty area, listeners, and I would really love to hear what your thoughts are on it: is the Web paper or is the Web Blu-ray? Does the Web have to be free or have we gotten to the point where people making money off the Web need to pitch in a bit? And there's been plenty going on in the comments feed, Patrick?

Patrick: There has and we’re going to highlight a couple comments real quick right now. The first comes from Chris Trinkiewicz who commented on Google Wave and its impending demise. He says that he thinks, it’s a bit of an understatement to say that Wave was just a collaboration tool and the ability to link Wave was huge for him. He also viewed the tool as easily being the next RSS generation as well. He also commented on the JQuery part of our last group show saying that “JQuery isn’t too thin in size and integrating mobile support could very well influence a project in a bad way.”

Patrick: There has and we're going to highlight a couple comments real quick right now. The first comes from Chris Trinkiewicz who commented on Google Wave and its impending demise. He says that he thinks, it's a bit of an understatement to say that Wave was just a collaboration tool and the ability to link Wave was huge for him. He also viewed the tool as easily being the next RSS generation as well. He also commented on the JQuery part of our last group show saying that “JQuery isn't too thin in size and integrating mobile support could very well influence a project in a bad way.”

Another comment we received was from Joaquin who commented about Wave as well. He said that it was “really hyped but just badly explained.” He said his Twitter feed, for example, “is mostly normal people, not geeks, and they thought it was meant to compete with Facebook or Twitter or some other social networking site, and of course it failed at that.” He says he wanted it “to succeed if only for the reason of not having to remember to reply to all, man, I hate that feature in email,” he says.

Another comment we received was from Joaquin who commented about Wave as well. He said that it was “really hyped but just badly explained.” He said his Twitter feed, for example, “is mostly normal people, not geeks, and they thought it was meant to compete with Facebook or Twitter or some other social networking site, and of course it failed at that.” He says he wanted it “to succeed if only for the reason of not having to remember to reply to all, man, I hate that feature in email,” he says.

Kevin: I’m loving our comments feed at the moment. Please, listeners, do contribute because we read every single comment and, yeah, we love hearing your thoughts on this stuff.

Kevin: I'm loving our comments feed at the moment. Please, listeners, do contribute because we read every single comment and, yeah, we love hearing your thoughts on this stuff.

Let’s finish off with our host spotlights, guys, Brad what have you got for us?

Let's finish off with our host spotlights, guys, Brad what have you got for us?

Brad: I have a fun website that’s actually released by Google, and they’ve partnered up with the band Arcade Fire, and essentially what the site is, it’s called The Wilderness Downtown, and it’s basically like a showcase of what you can do with HTML5.

Brad: I have a fun website that's actually released by Google, and they've partnered up with the band Arcade Fire, and essentially what the site is, it's called The Wilderness Downtown , and it's basically like a showcase of what you can do with HTML5.

Kevin: Yeah, I saw this too and I love this.

Kevin: Yeah, I saw this too and I love this.

Brad: This is really cool; I watched the whole thing through, so the website is actually, and then the very first experiment will, if you click the launch experiment button, will open up The Arcade Fire, The Wilderness Downtown. And I don’t want to spoil it too much, but essentially it will ask for your home town and then it will start up this music video that opens up multiple different windows and closes windows throughout the video kind of making it a little bit more, I don’t know if I would say like 3D, but a little bit more interactive I guess. But it’s pretty wild and then it also integrates your hometown via the Google Maps and things like that, so it’s definitely interesting.

Brad: This is really cool; I watched the whole thing through, so the website is actually , and then the very first experiment will, if you click the launch experiment button, will open up The Arcade Fire, The Wilderness Downtown. And I don't want to spoil it too much, but essentially it will ask for your home town and then it will start up this music video that opens up multiple different windows and closes windows throughout the video kind of making it a little bit more, I don't know if I would say like 3D, but a little bit more interactive I guess. But it's pretty wild and then it also integrates your hometown via the Google Maps and things like that, so it's definitely interesting.

Kevin: Oh, I didn’t even realize! I watched the whole thing and now that I think about it those streets did look really familiar! (Laughs)

Kevin: Oh, I didn't even realize! I watched the whole thing and now that I think about it those streets did look really familiar! (笑)

Brad: Is that my car? (Laughs) It takes about a minute into the video before it starts showing the home town stuff, but then all of a sudden it will integrate and show the satellite imagery, it will show streetview shots as this person’s walking through the streets, it’s pretty wild to actually see it because it looks like the video was shot in your home town. So it’s a really cool demonstration of HTML5 and kind of connecting with some different Google features, so I’d definitely give it a spin.

Brad: Is that my car? (Laughs) It takes about a minute into the video before it starts showing the home town stuff, but then all of a sudden it will integrate and show the satellite imagery, it will show streetview shots as this person's walking through the streets, it's pretty wild to actually see it because it looks like the video was shot in your home town. So it's a really cool demonstration of HTML5 and kind of connecting with some different Google features, so I'd definitely give it a spin.

Kevin: The music is good too, I’m a big fan of The Arcade Fire and this is one of their best songs. It really is like a — it’s like watching a music video played out through browser windows, and at times there are six windows on your screen playing different clips of video and there’s interactive bits as well, I don’t want to spoil the surprise because this thing is full of surprises, but be sure to move your mouse near the birds because fun things happen. Yeah, but the thing is when you first load this up it took for me about a minute to preload, and at the same time it’s showing messages like “This experiment is processor intensive, please close down other apps on your computer for the best possible experience.” And you’re like, whoa, it’s been a long time since a website has asked me to close down other applications because it’s going to be too processor intensive. And sure enough it did spike my CPU to 100% while it was running. And I think a lot of that has to do with the stuff they’re doing with Canvas, and this goes into my pick this week, my spotlight, which is Tips and Tricks for Better HTML5 Canvas Animations. This comes to us via Webmonkey but it’s a nice blog post written by Hakim el Hattab who has a list of tips or practical discoveries he made while working on a Canvas experiment, very much or similar in technological underpinnings to what we’re seeing with this Arcade Fire experiment. And he’s discovered, this is something we talked about a bit before, but he’s discovered that getting decent performance out of this technology is not trivial, and if you do things the obvious way often that’s the slow way. And I think Google is just having to do things the slow way because they’re trying to pull off so much in their demo, but especially the biggest one is manipulating bitmaps, so if you take an image, say a Google Maps image of your home town, and you want to manipulate it and display it skewed, say so it looks like it’s in 3D and someone’s running down that street of your home town, that kind of thing is really going to slow down current browsers because manipulating bitmaps in that way is just not a very optimized process at the moment in HTML5 <canvas> tags. So he’s got a whole list of things that you should do or shouldn’t do if you want to keep your experimental animations performing nicely, I’m not sure Google would be able to do all the things he suggests, but if you’re thinking of using Canvas on your site it’s definitely worth spending the ten minutes to read through this because it might save you some painful performance problems down the line.

Kevin: The music is good too, I'm a big fan of The Arcade Fire and this is one of their best songs. It really is like a — it's like watching a music video played out through browser windows, and at times there are six windows on your screen playing different clips of video and there's interactive bits as well, I don't want to spoil the surprise because this thing is full of surprises, but be sure to move your mouse near the birds because fun things happen. Yeah, but the thing is when you first load this up it took for me about a minute to preload, and at the same time it's showing messages like “This experiment is processor intensive, please close down other apps on your computer for the best possible experience.” And you're like, whoa, it's been a long time since a website has asked me to close down other applications because it's going to be too processor intensive. And sure enough it did spike my CPU to 100% while it was running. And I think a lot of that has to do with the stuff they're doing with Canvas, and this goes into my pick this week, my spotlight, which is Tips and Tricks for Better HTML5 Canvas Animations . This comes to us via Webmonkey but it's a nice blog post written by Hakim el Hattab who has a list of tips or practical discoveries he made while working on a Canvas experiment, very much or similar in technological underpinnings to what we're seeing with this Arcade Fire experiment. And he's discovered, this is something we talked about a bit before, but he's discovered that getting decent performance out of this technology is not trivial, and if you do things the obvious way often that's the slow way. And I think Google is just having to do things the slow way because they're trying to pull off so much in their demo, but especially the biggest one is manipulating bitmaps, so if you take an image, say a Google Maps image of your home town, and you want to manipulate it and display it skewed, say so it looks like it's in 3D and someone's running down that street of your home town, that kind of thing is really going to slow down current browsers because manipulating bitmaps in that way is just not a very optimized process at the moment in HTML5 <canvas> tags. So he's got a whole list of things that you should do or shouldn't do if you want to keep your experimental animations performing nicely, I'm not sure Google would be able to do all the things he suggests, but if you're thinking of using Canvas on your site it's definitely worth spending the ten minutes to read through this because it might save you some painful performance problems down the line.

Patrick: And my host spotlight is an article at, I have to warn you it’s not work friendly, there’s a lot of vulgarity in there, so you know you’ve been warned. The article is called, or the comic really is called, “Why Working from Home is Both Awesome and Horrible”. And I work from home and I know Kevin’s worked from home, Brad works from home, so we all kind of can sympathize with this. I would like to think that my own life isn’t as bad or as good, let’s say, as this article explains, but if you do work from home or you have you’ll certainly be able to get something out of it.

Patrick: And my host spotlight is an article at , I have to warn you it's not work friendly, there's a lot of vulgarity in there, so you know you've been warned. The article is called, or the comic really is called, “Why Working from Home is Both Awesome and Horrible”. And I work from home and I know Kevin's worked from home, Brad works from home, so we all kind of can sympathize with this. I would like to think that my own life isn't as bad or as good, let's say, as this article explains, but if you do work from home or you have you'll certainly be able to get something out of it.

Kevin: And that’s our show for this week. Just before we go I’d like to direct your attention to the .net Awards where the SitePoint Podcast is nominated for the Best Podcast of the Year. We’re in good company in the list but it is great to be on that list. And listeners if you enjoy what we do here every single week please do drop by to vote on the .Net Magazine Awards for 2010, you have until October 12th which is when voting ends, and yes, please do consider us for category 6, Podcast of the Year.

Kevin: And that's our show for this week. Just before we go I'd like to direct your attention to the .net Awards where the SitePoint Podcast is nominated for the Best Podcast of the Year. We're in good company in the list but it is great to be on that list. And listeners if you enjoy what we do here every single week please do drop by to vote on the .Net Magazine Awards for 2010, you have until October 12th which is when voting ends, and yes, please do consider us for category 6, Podcast of the Year.

Let’s go around the table guys. Who are you?

Let's go around the table guys. 你是谁?

Brad: Sure, and just a quick plug: I will actually be speaking at WordCamp Mid-atlantic, which is in Baltimore on September 11th, so if you’re in the area and you want to come to a really fun WordPress event, be sure to track me down. You can check out my blog, and on Twitter @williamsba.

Brad: Sure, and just a quick plug: I will actually be speaking at WordCamp Mid-atlantic, which is in Baltimore on September 11th, so if you're in the area and you want to come to a really fun WordPress event, be sure to track me down. You can check out my blog, and on Twitter @williamsba .

Patrick: I’m Patrick O’Keefe for the iFroggy Network,, I’m on Twitter @ifroggy.

Patrick: I'm Patrick O'Keefe for the iFroggy Network, , I'm on Twitter @ifroggy .

Kevin: Visit us at to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. You can follow me on Twitter @sentience, and follow SitePoint @sitepointdotcom.

Kevin: Visit us at to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. You can follow me on Twitter @sentience , and follow SitePoint @sitepointdotcom .

The SitePoint Podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker, and I’m Kevin Yank, thanks for listening and please do vote!

The SitePoint Podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker, and I'm Kevin Yank, thanks for listening and please do vote!

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Theme music by Mike Mella .

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we’re doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

Thanks for listening! Feel free to let us know how we're doing, or to continue the discussion, using the comments field below.

