
tech2023-11-08  105


It’s Google’s 12th Birthday. You’d probably realized that if you’ve visited the search engine’s home page — the logo has been replaced by an image of a cake created by American artist Wayne Thiebaud.

这是Google的12岁生日。 您可能已经意识到,如果您访问了搜索引擎的主页-徽标将被美国艺术家Wayne Thiebaud制作的蛋糕图像代替。

Although Google celebrate September 27 as their official birthday, the company was incorporated on September 4, the first technical specification appeared on September 20, and the first employee was hired on September 21, 1998. The domain name was registered on September 15, 1997.

尽管Google将9月27日定为正式生日,但公司于9月4日成立,但第一个技术规范于9月20日出现,第一位员工于1998年9月21日被雇用。Google.com域名于9月15日注册。 ,1997年。

Whatever you think of the company, it’s difficult to imagine a web without Google. Things would have been very different had Microsoft, Netscape or any other company dominated the landscape. Most of us use the search engine and several other products such as GMail, Docs, Analytics, Adsense, Reader, or Chrome. Google already produces Android, their mobile platform, and Chrome OS should appear within the next few months.

无论您如何看待公司,都很难想象没有Google的网络。 如果Microsoft,Netscape或任何其他公司主导整个格局,情况将会大不相同。 我们大多数人都使用搜索引擎和其他几种产品,例如GMail,Docs,Analytics,Adsense,Reader或Chrome。 Google已经生产出Android及其移动平台,并且Chrome操作系统应在未来几个月内出现。

The company and profits have grown exponentially, which is incredible when the majority of Google’s output is given away for free. It’s a model much envied by the old shrink-wrap software producers.

公司和利润成倍增长,当Google的大部分产品免费赠送时,这是不可思议的。 这是旧的收缩包装软件生产商所羡慕的模型。

Happy 12th Birthday Google. The first 12 years have been amazing — what will you achieve by 2022?

Google祝您十二岁生日快乐。 前12年真是太神奇了–到2022年,您将实现什么?


