谷歌浏览器 默认浏览器

tech2023-11-09  117

谷歌浏览器 默认浏览器

Web designers and developers usually have a selection of the most popular browsers installed on their PC. You don’t? Really? Why not install a few and give them a go.

Web设计人员和开发人员通常会在其PC上安装一些最受欢迎的浏览器。 你不是吗 真? 为什么不安装一些,然后试一试。

Operating Systems allow you to set a default browser and we all have our favorites. Some love Firefox for its flexibility. Some swear by Chrome for its speed and clean interface. Others prefer Opera for its tools and features. Many Apple users love Safari’s OS integration. IE users like the browser because … erm, well, they have their reasons (and we have high hopes for IE9).

操作系统允许您设置默认浏览器,我们都有我们的最爱。 有些人喜欢Firefox的灵活性。 Chrome保证它的速度和简洁的界面。 其他人更喜欢Opera的工具和功能。 许多Apple用户喜欢Safari的OS集成。 IE用户喜欢该浏览器,是因为……嗯,他们有他们的理由( 我们对IE9寄予厚望 ) 。

I started with Netscape 2, migrated to IE3, 4, 5, 5.5 and 6, then switched to Phoenix, Firebird and eventually Firefox. Although I had other browsers installed, I rarely used them for anything other web page testing.

我从Netscape 2开始,迁移到IE3、4、5、5.5和6,然后切换到Phoenix,Firebird和最终的Firefox。 尽管我安装了其他浏览器,但是我很少将它们用于其他任何网页测试。

However, in the past year or two I’ve noticed a change in my browser usage patterns. I now use whichever application is most practical — sometimes, it’s simply the icon closest to my cursor. There are a several reasons:

但是,在过去的一两年中,我注意到浏览器的使用方式发生了变化。 我现在使用最实用的应用程序-有时,它只是最接近光标的图标。 有几个原因:

The 5 main browsers are all good applications. You may prefer one over another, but none is perfect and even the worst is fine for general web surfing.

5个主要浏览器都是不错的应用程序。 您可能更喜欢一个,但没有一个是完美的,即使是最差的条件也适合一般的网络冲浪。 Chrome and Safari may offer some amazing CSS3 effects but the gap between the browsers is smaller than it’s ever been. All of the top browsers offer decent rendering capabilities.

Chrome和Safari可能会提供一些惊人CSS3效果,但是浏览器之间的差距比以往任何时候都要小。 所有顶级浏览器都提供不错的渲染功能。 It’s often practical to have two or more different browsers open, e.g. if you’re accessing work and private GMail accounts at the same time.


In most cases, though, I use whichever browser offers the best facilities for the task in hand. For fast browsing, I might use Chrome. On a netbook, I often use Opera for it’s speed, built-in email and turbo mode for slow connections. For storing bookmarks and web page development, it’s hard to beat Firefox. Finally, I still use IE for testing and a few specific corporate applications.

但是,在大多数情况下,无论使用哪种浏览器都可以为您的任务提供最佳的功能。 为了快速浏览,我可能使用Chrome。 在上网本上,我经常使用Opera来提高速度,内置电子邮件并使用Turbo模式进行较慢的连接。 对于存储书签和网页开发,很难击败Firefox。 最后,我仍然使用IE进行测试和一些特定的公司应用程序。

While I doubt many general Internet users flit between applications, it’s increasingly less likely for a power user to have monogamous relationship with a single browser. Then again, perhaps it’s just me — I’ve become a browser whore.

尽管我怀疑许多普通的Internet用户会在应用程序之间徘徊,但高级用户与单个浏览器建立一夫一妻制关系的可能性越来越小。 再说一次,也许只是我-我已经成为了一个浏览器妓女。

What do you think? Are you wedded to one browser or do you flirt with them all? Please vote on the SitePoint poll or leave your comments below…

你怎么看? 您是否已绑定到一个浏览器,还是调情了所有浏览器? 请对SitePoint民意调查投票,或在下面留下您的评论...


谷歌浏览器 默认浏览器
