
tech2023-11-09  114

Episode 88 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), Patrick O’Keefe (@iFroggy), Brad Williams (@williamsba), Shayne Tilley (@ShayneT) and Kevin Yank (@sentience) share the second batch of interviews from BlogWorld Expo 2010 in Las Vegas. Listen in as they chat with Don McAllister (@donmcallister), the man behind ScreenCastsOnline, Jay Baer (@jaybaer) and Amber Naslund (@ambercadabra), the co-authors of The Now Revolution, and Paul Thompson (@flyingphotog), one of the fine folks behind Southwest Airlines’ social media presence.

SitePoint Podcast的 第88集现已发布! 本周,Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves ),Patrick O'Keefe( @iFroggy ),Brad Williams( @williamsba ),Shayne Tilley( @ShayneT )和Kevin Yank( @sentience )分享了2010年拉斯维加斯博客世界博览会的第二批采访。拉斯维加斯。 当他们与ScreenCastsOnline幕后幕僚 Don McAllister ( @donmcallister ),Jay Baer( @jaybaer )和Amber Naslund( @ambercadabra )(《 今日 革命》的 合著者 )以及Paul Thompson( @flyingphotog ) 聊天时 , 倾听他们的声音 。 西南航空社交媒体背后的优秀人才。

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SitePoint Podcast #88: BlogWorld Interviews, Part 2 (MP3, 35:11, 32.3MB)

SitePoint播客#88:BlogWorld访谈,第2部分 (MP3,35:11,32.3MB)

面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Kevin: November 19th, 2010. Selling screencasts online, blogging for an airline, and throwing businesses a social media lifeline. I’m Kevin Yank, and this is the SitePoint Podcast #88: BlogWorld Expo Interviews, Part 2.

凯文: 2010年11月19日。在线销售截屏视频,为一家航空公司撰写博客,并为企业宣传社交媒体的命脉。 我是Kevin Yank,这是SitePoint播客#88:BlogWorld Expo访谈,第2部分。

Hello again, it’s Kevin Yank from the SitePoint Podcast, and this week we have for you our second group of interviews recorded live at BlogWorld Expo 2010 in Las Vegas. We’ll be talking to Paul Thompson (@flyingphotog) from Southwest Airlines; he is one of their bloggers. Southwest Airlines, of course, is known as one of the most active airlines in the social media sphere, and we’re going to talk to him about what exactly goes into that and how that benefits Southwest Airlines as a company. We’ll also be talking to Jay Baer (@jaybaer) and Amber Naslund (@ambercadabra), the co-authors of the book The Now Revolution, a really interesting book about social media, how it affects business, but the most exciting part of that book, of course, is the war stories—what to do when everything goes terribly wrong with your social media strategy—and so we’ll be talking to them about that, a really entertaining interview. But first up this week we have Don McAllister (@donmcallister) from ScreenCastsOnline; Don has quit his day job to work on this labor of love and is making a good living doing it. ScreenCastsOnline is a site where you can subscribe to watch video tutorials, screencasts of Mac Software, and every week he reviews and gives you a tour, an insider’s look at another piece of Mac software, and we’ll be talking to him about his strategy and how he has made a one-man business out of selling screencasts online. So without further ado, here’s Don McAllister.

再次您好,是SitePoint播客中的Kevin Yank,本周我们为您提供了第二组采访,这些采访是在2010年拉斯维加斯的BlogWorld Expo现场录制的。 我们将与西南航空的保罗汤普森( @flyingphotog )交谈; 他是他们的博客作者之一。 当然,西南航空被公认为社交媒体领域中最活跃的航空公司之一,我们将与他谈谈到底是什么以及西南航空作为一家公司如何受益。 我们还将与《 The Now Revolution 》一书的合著者Jay Baer( @jaybaer )和Amber Naslund( @ambercadabra )进行交谈,这本关于社交媒体的非常有趣的书,它如何影响业务,但最令人兴奋的部分当然,这本书中的内容是战争故事-当您的社交媒体策略出现所有严重错误时该怎么做-因此我们将与他们进行交谈,这是一次非常有趣的采访。 但是本周首先我们有ScreenCastsOnline的 Don McAllister( @donmcallister ); 唐已经辞去了日常工作,从事这种爱的工作,并为此生活得很好。 ScreenCastsOnline是一个站点,您可以在该站点上订阅观看视频教程,Mac软件的屏幕录像,并且他每周都会审阅并进行一次导览,内部人士对另一款Mac软件的了解,我们将与他讨论他的策略以及他如何通过在线销售截屏视频来开展单人业务。 因此,事不宜迟,这里是Don McAllister。

Kevin: Hi, this is Kevin Yank coming to you live from BlogWorld Expo in Las Vegas, and I’m here with Patrick O’Keefe and Stephan Segraves, regular co-hosts on the Podcast. Hi Patrick and Stephan.

凯文:嗨,这是凯文·扬克(Kevin Yank)从拉斯维加斯的BlogWorld Expo现场直播,我和Podcast的定期共同主持人Patrick O'Keefe和Stephan Segraves在一起。 嗨,帕特里克和斯蒂芬。

Stephan: Howdy.


Patrick: Hey, Kevin. Brad, where you at?

帕特里克:嘿,凯文。 布拉德,你在哪里?

Kevin: Brad! I think Brad was out partying last night and we might not see him until noon. We are joined by Don McAllister of ScreenCastsOnline. Don, welcome.

凯文:布拉德! 我认为布拉德昨晚要出去聚会,我们可能要到中午才能见到他。 ScreenCastsOnline的Don McAllister加入了我们。 唐,欢迎。

Don: Well, thank you for inviting me on, it’s good to be here.


Kevin: Yeah! Well, I’m from Australia, these guys are from the U.S., you’re from the U.K., what are the chances that we’d all be in the same place at the same time?

凯文:是的! 好吧,我来自澳大利亚,这些人来自美国,您来自英国,我们所有人同时出现在同一地点的机会是多少?

Don: Physically very small I would’ve thought, but we can always do it virtually on Skype I suppose but it’s much nicer to be here in person and actually sort of see faces and talk to real people.


Kevin: Yeah. So,, for those who aren’t familiar with what you do give us the 30-second version.

凯文:是的。 因此,screencastsonline.com为那些不熟悉您所做工作的用户提供了30秒的版本。

Don: Okay, the elevator pitch, well,, it’s a weekly video podcast I started about four years ago, and basically what I do is create 30 to 40 minute tutorials all about the Mac. So each week people can download fully, sort of, hopefully, professionally produced video, video tutorial, that really teaches people how to use not just the Mac but also software and third-party software as well, so not just OS X and the Apple stuff, but all the best quality software that’s out there as well.

唐:好的,电梯的音调是 ,这是我大约四年前开始的每周视频播客,基本上我要做的是为Mac创建30到40分钟的教程。 因此,每个星期人们都可以下载完整的,希望的,专业制作的视频,视频教程,该课程真正教会人们如何不仅使用Mac,而且还使用软件和第三方软件,不仅是OS X和Apple。东西,但也有所有最优质的软件。

Kevin: Right, so a couple of examples of things you covered recently?


Don: Ooh, all sorts of stuff, I mean things like the Smile TextExpander as a utility and I’ve just done two shows which just went through my entire menu bar and pulled out all the utilities that are on the menu bar, so just Skitch and Alarms and things like that, down to things like Aperture, a three-part series about Aperture for people who want to migrate from iPhoto to Aperture; there’s about 270 shows in the can now, so there’s an archive of tons of material that people can access.

Don:哦,各种各样的事情,我的意思是像Smile TextExpander这样的实用程序,我刚刚完成了两个演示,它们遍历了整个菜单栏,并拉出了菜单栏上的所有实用程序,所以Skitch和Alarms之类的东西,再到Aperture之类的东西,这是一个由三部分组成的有关Aperture的系列文章,适用于希望从iPhoto迁移到Aperture的人们。 现在罐子里大约有270个节目,所以这里有人们可以访问的大量材料档案。

Kevin: And you have a really interesting model where you give a bunch of your content away for free and that changed recently.


Don: Yeah, it used to be it was a hobby initially when I first started off, and it was a completely free show, but about four years ago I decided to go full time with it and I created a premium model so that it’s a membership scheme that runs the site and people can become members and get access to everything, but if you’re not a member you can still download one show a month. So there’s a full free show each month for non-paying people, but members get everything in HD and lots of extra benefits as well.

唐:是的,最初当我刚开始的时候这是一个爱好,而且是一个完全免费的节目,但是大约四年前,我决定全职使用它,并创建了一个高级模型,因此这是一个运行该网站的会员计划,人们可以成为会员并获得对所有内容的访问权,但是如果您不是会员,您仍然可以每月下载一个节目。 因此,每个月都有一个免费观众免费观看的完整节目,但是会员可以获得高清的一切,还有很多额外的好处。

Kevin: And those free shows aren’t a complete loss for you, you get a sponsorship for those as well.


Don: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s a full show so the viewer doesn’t lose out, but on those shows I will take on board sponsors and do sponsored shows.


Kevin: So, you changed recently, for a while there you were giving every second show away.


Don: Yeah, I tried.


Kevin: What led you to change that balance?


Don: I mean one of the main things with having a membership thing is I always want to be true to the members, I want to make sure that we deliver value to the members, and I just felt at the time that the 50-50 split between free shows and member shows wasn’t quite right, so I decided to go with free shows for the members and one for the non-members just really for equity, just to make it a better deal for the members to be honest.


Kevin: Yeah. So, I subscribed to ScreenCastsOnline for a couple of years and during that time saw the production values really ramp up, and I know you were talking about one of your most recent shows, you had overlaid videos from and iPad an Apple TV and the Mac all at once, did I get that right?

凯文:是的。 因此,我订阅了ScreenCastsOnline几年了,在那期间看到了制作价值的真正提升,而且我知道您在谈论您最近的一场演出,您已经覆盖了iPad和Apple TV和Mac上的视频一次,我做对了吗?

Don: That’s right, yeah, one of the recent shows I did was the New Apple TV, and I’m a great fan of the iPhone and the iPad as well, so I always try and incorporate. So, for instance, on the Apple TV show there was the Apple Remote, the new Apple Remote that just came out, so I sort of demonstrated the Apple TV and I’ve got the gear to proper screen capture as well so I was actually getting a raw feed from the Apple TV itself so it’s high quality feed. I’ve got a jailbroken iPad so I can get the raw video off the iPad and sort of create an overlay so that you actually see the devices on screen and see the real screens as I operate them. But, yeah, it’s a lot of production to assemble all that once it’s all recorded.

唐:是的,是的,最近我做过的节目之一是新苹果电视,我也是iPhone和iPad的忠实拥护者,所以我总是尝试合并。 因此,例如,在Apple TV节目中有一个Apple Remote遥控器,一个新的Apple Remote遥控器刚问世,所以我对Apple TV进行了一些演示,并且我也准备了适当的屏幕捕获,所以我实际上是从Apple TV本身获取原始饲料,因此它是高质量的饲料。 我有一个越狱的iPad,所以我可以从iPad上获取原始视频,并创建一个覆盖图,以便您实际看到屏幕上的设备,并在我操作它们时看到真实的屏幕。 但是,是的,一旦全部录制完成,要组装全部内容需要大量的工作。

Stephan: Yeah, how long does it take you in a normal show to produce it?


Don: A normal show if it’s just a straightforward screencast it’s probably a full two days of recording— prepping, recording and then the post production side and distribution; something a bit more advanced where I’m incorporating the iPad and the iPhone it can be anywhere from three to four days really, so it’s my full time job and it’s the only way I could actually manage it to be honest because I do sort of try and put a lot into each show, so, and I think it shows as well and I get lots of comments.

唐:正常的节目,如果只是简单的截屏,可能是整整两天的录制-准备,录制,然后进行后期制作和发行; 我将iPad和iPhone结合起来的时候要更高级一些,实际上它可以在三到四天之内,所以这是我的全职工作,这是我可以诚实地管理它的唯一方法,因为我确实尝试在每个节目中投入很多,所以,我认为它也显示出来,我得到了很多评论。

Patrick: Yeah, the production value is great.


Kevin: So you keep a pretty regular schedule so if you’re going away to something like BlogWorld do you have to cue them up in advance?


Don: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s another main thing that I rely on is that the show goes on a Friday, not a set time on a Friday but definitely there’s always a show on a Friday. And people have half-built a routine around that, I get lots of people saying their weekend routine is Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and sit down there and watch that week’s show. So, yeah, if I’m away I need to prep in advance. Now, February I’m away for three weeks, I’m going to Macworld and I’m also going on a MacMania cruise as well, so I’m going to be away for three weeks, so Christmas is going to be a very busy time for me, I’m going to have to produce like five or six shows in about three weeks.

唐:哦,是的,是的,我要依靠的另一件事是,演出在星期五进行,而不是在星期五的固定时间,但肯定总是在星期五进行表演。 人们已经围绕该程序建立了一半的程序,我说很多人说他们的周末程序是星期日早上喝杯咖啡,坐在那里看那周的节目。 所以,是的,如果我不在,我需要提前准备。 现在,二月我要离开三周,我要去Macworld,我也要去MacMania巡游,所以我要去三周,所以圣诞节将是一个非常对于我来说很忙,我将不得不在大约三周的时间内制作五到六场演出。

Stephan: Do you ever do any on the road?


Don: I have done actually, yeah, yeah, I have done. When I went to WWDC this summer and I didn’t get a chance to do one in advance, so actually as an experiment on MacBook Pro and recorded and edited a show in my hotel room and it worked, it was fine, yeah, it was great. It was a fairly simple show, so it was about I think they’d just announced Safari 5 so I did it about Safari 5; the only thing that let me down was the audio, so just the USB mic into the MacBook Pro wasn’t too hard, and back at home I’ve got some decent audio gear. But I bought a mobile rig now so if I did want to do it on the road, technically, there’s no reason why I shouldn’t.

唐:我确实做了,是的,我做到了。 今年夏天我去WWDC时,我没有机会提前做一次,因此实际上是在MacBook Pro上进行的实验,并在酒店房间录制并编辑了一个节目,效果很好,是的,很棒 这是一个相当简单的节目,所以大概是因为我认为他们刚刚发布了Safari 5,所以我就使用了Safari 5。 唯一让我失望的是音频,因此MacBook Pro的USB麦克风并不太难,回到家后,我有了一些不错的音频设备。 但是我现在购买了移动钻机,因此,如果我确实想在旅途中这样做,从技术上讲,没有理由不这样做。

Stephan: Cool.


Kevin: So our audience is web developers and designers, tell us about your website, how do you put that together?


Don: Okay, well, it’s a fairly basic website to be honest, being a bit of a control freak I sort of wanted to do everything myself and it’s sort of grown organically, so I actually use RapidWeaver and I use like the blog page on RapidWeaver to produce the show notes and various HTML pages, etcetera, on RapidWeaver with different types of pages. I did want a decent graphic created, I actually came to SitePoint to get the graphic, I did the design contest to get the graphic designed and that worked out really well for me. But I have that hosted on a separate server, a dedicated server; I also have a forum that runs as well on Yabb, an open source forum and, again, that runs on the same server. So the web services I need to do some more work on it to be honest because I don’t think it’s as accessible as it could be. Because I’ve got so many of the past shows people have a few issues trying to find the old content and I want to sort of look at developing that more.

唐:好的,老实说,这是一个相当基本的网站,有点像控制狂,我有点想自己做所有事情,而且有点有机地增长,所以我实际上使用了RapidWeaver,并且使用了类似博客页面上的内容。 RapidWeaver可以在RapidWeaver上使用不同类型的页面来生成显示注释和各种HTML页面等。 我确实想要创建一个像样的图形,实际上我是去SitePoint来获取图形的,我参加了设计竞赛来获取设计的图形,这对我来说真的很不错。 但是我将其托管在单独的服务器上,即专用服务器上。 我也有一个论坛,该论坛在开放源代码论坛Yabb上也运行良好,并且再次在同一服务器上运行。 所以说实话,我需要对Web服务做更多的工作,因为我认为它不像它那样容易获得。 因为我有很多过去的节目,所以人们在尝试查找旧内容时遇到了一些问题,我想在此基础上进行更多的开发。

Kevin: It seems to me one of the biggest challenges for you content-wise would be that more and more Mac software is not a niche, it’s an entire marketplace. How do you— The people who subscribe to you ongoing, are they Mac fans? What kind of people are they that are interested in everything Mac?

凯文(Kevin):在我看来,对您而言,内容方面的最大挑战之一是,越来越多的Mac软件不再是利基市场,而是整个市场。 您好吗?不断订阅您的人是Mac粉丝吗? 他们是什么样的人?

Don: It’s really weird because the actual members range right away across the board from new Mac users to Mac diehards who’ve been using Mac since the Apple II days. And even the people who are really hardcore Mac people they still seem to get two or three things out of every show because you can’t know everything about a package, I mean I don’t know everything about a package but obviously if I’m doing a show about a particular package I need to go in a little bit further than most people would do and people get benefit from that. I sort of work on the basis that I don’t expect everybody to get something out of every show, so because it is a weekly show people can skip a week if it’s something that doesn’t apply to them or it’s something that they’re not interested in they just skip that week and wait for the next week and invariably it’s something that will interest them. I also do a thing called Mac Montage shows…

唐:真的很奇怪,因为实际的会员范围很广,从新的Mac用户到从Apple II时代就开始使用Mac的Mac顽固派。 即使是真正的Mac顽固派人士,他们似乎仍然从每场演出中得到两三件事,因为您无法完全了解某个软件包,我的意思是我并不了解某个软件包的所有内容,但是很明显,如果我在展示某个特定包装的过程中,我需要比大多数人做得更深入一些,然后人们才能从中受益。 我的工作是基于我不希望每个人都能从每个节目中得到的东西,因此,因为这是每周一次的节目,因此如果某人不适合他们或他们觉得这件事,他们可以跳过一周对他们不感兴趣,只是跳过这一周,等待下周,这总是会让他们感兴趣。 我还做了一个叫Mac Montage的节目……

Kevin: I love those.


Don: …which are a mixture of small, yeah, just smaller clips about small specific hints and tips and things like that, and again, they go down really well, people always get a couple things out of each Mac Montage show.

唐: …是混合的,是的,只是一些小的片段,上面有一些小的特定提示和技巧之类的东西,然后它们又非常好用,人们每次Mac Montage节目都会从中得到一些好处。

Kevin: Alright. So we’ll wrap it up with I want to hear your top three picks for little utilities that people should really consider putting on if they want to get the most out of their Mac. I notice you’ve got a TextExpander button on, I’m a real big fan of TextExpander, feel free to throw that in the mix.

凯文:好吧。 因此,我们在最后总结一下,我想听听您在小实用程序方面的前三名,如果他们想从Mac上获得最大收益,人们应该真正考虑使用它们。 我注意到您有一个TextExpander按钮,我是TextExpander的忠实拥护者,可以随意添加它。

Don: You sprung this one on me, right, okay.


Kevin: (Laughs)


Don: I mean TextExpander is one I use a lot. I’d like to use it more, there’s a TextExpander Touch now for the iPad and the iPhone, but because of the sandboxed nature of the iPad you can’t use it in the same way as the Mac but it’s still a great boon. But on the Mac, yeah, I mean I use it for abbreviations, for email templates even, generate email templates, so TextExpander. Probably Skitch as well.

唐:我的意思是TextExpander是我经常使用的一种。 我想更多地使用它,现在为iPad和iPhone提供了一个TextExpander Touch ,但是由于iPad的沙盒特性,您无法以与Mac相同的方式使用它,但它仍然是一个很大的福音。 但是,在Mac上,是的,我的意思是我将其用于缩写,甚至用于电子邮件模板,生成电子邮件模板,例如TextExpander。 大概也是Skitch 。

Kevin: Skitch, very nice.


Don: It’s another great application just for doing quick screen grabs.


Kevin: From Melbourne, Australia.


Don: Indeed, yeah, that’s right. And I believe they’re just about to revamp it as well, it’s been in beta for—

唐:确实,是的,没错。 而且我相信他们也将对其进行修改,因为它已经处于beta测试阶段,

Kevin: Ever!


Don: —three or four years. I want to pay these guys some money because it’s such a great package, and I think they’re about to launch it as a new version. As for the third one probably Dropbox.

唐:—三到四年。 我想付给这些家伙一些钱,因为这是一个很棒的软件包,我认为他们将以新版本推出它。 至于第三个可能是Dropbox 。

Kevin: Dropbox, good one.

凯文: Dropbox,好人。

Don: Dropbox, again, I’ve moved to The Cloud, all my documents are stored in Dropbox, it’s accessible from everywhere, you know lots of Mac applications now are using Dropbox as a syncing technology so if you haven’t got MobileMe Sync you can actually sync stuff with Dropbox.

唐:再来一次,Dropbox,我已经移到了Cloud,我所有的文档都存储在Dropbox中,可以从任何地方访问它,您知道很多Mac应用程序现在都在使用Dropbox作为同步技术,因此如果您没有MobileMe Sync,您实际上可以使用Dropbox同步内容。

Kevin: And it’s all about the slick desktop experience with Dropbox. We were telling our marketing manager for months get Dropbox, get Dropbox, and he just saw the web application and went “That’s not that interesting!”; we went, “Install the desktop app, that’s what it’s all about!”

凯文:这全是关于Dropbox的流畅桌面体验。 我们几个月前一直在告诉我们的营销经理,请他们获取Dropbox,获取Dropbox,然后他看到了Web应用程序,然后说:“那没那么有趣!”; 我们去了,“安装桌面应用程序,这就是全部!”

Don: Yeah, it’s so fun. It’s everything that iDisk should be really and it’s not, but it’s a great application. And you can get a free version as well; I went for the premium version for the bigger disk space, yeah, I think you get 2 gig of disk space for free.

唐:是的,很好玩。 iDisk应该拥有的一切都是真实的,事实并非如此,但这是一个了不起的应用程序。 您也可以获得免费版本; 我选择了具有更大磁盘空间的高级版本,是的,我认为您可以免费获得2 GB的磁盘空间。

Kevin: Okay.


Don: It’s fantastic.


Kevin: So, Don McAllister,, thank you very much.


Don: Kevin, I enjoyed it. Thanks guys.

唐:凯文,我很喜欢。 多谢你们。

Patrick: Good having you on the show.


Don: Thank you.


Patrick: This is Patrick O’Keefe from the SitePoint Podcast here at BlogWorld Expo 2010 with Brad Williams, Kevin Yank, Stephan Segraves and our guests Jay Baer and Amber Naslund, together they co-authored the book The Now Revolution. Jay is a social media strategist for, Amber is the VP of Social Strategy at Radian6, welcome to the show.

帕特里克:这是来自2010年BlogWorld Expo的SitePoint播客中的Patrick O'Keefe,与布拉德·威廉姆斯,凯文·扬克,斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯以及我们的客人杰伊·拜尔和琥珀·纳斯隆德一起共同撰写了《现在的革命 》一书。 周杰伦是一个社会媒体策略 ,琥珀是社会战略的副总裁Radian6的 ,欢迎的节目。

Amber: Thank you very much.


Jay: Thanks for having us, guys.


Amber: Glad to be here.


Patrick: So you delivered a presentation this morning, “The Now Revolution: Seven Blueprints for Businesses at the Speed of Now” that I enjoyed very much.


Amber: Cool.


Jay: It’s like delivering a baby actually is what it felt like.


Amber: I love it.


Patrick: Oh yeah? It was the first time giving that talk, right?

帕特里克:哦,是吗? 这是第一次演讲,对吗?

Jay: I have stretch marks from our presentation.


Amber: Well Jay was really stressed out because he didn’t build any of the slides.


Jay: Right. I’m kind of a control freak so I didn’t actually make the slides, so, you know.

周杰伦:对。 我有点像控制狂,所以我实际上并没有制作幻灯片,所以,您知道。

Patrick: We’re on a panel later and Jay actually asked me about the slides and I was like, well, I kind of want you to be surprised.


Jay: Surprise!


Patrick: No, but I actually ended up sending him a copy. He’s the only panelist that asked and he was the only panelist to contribute.

帕特里克:不,但实际上我最终给他寄了一份。 他是唯一提出要求的小组成员,也是唯一做出贡献的小组成员。

Jay: Because I’m a professional. See, Patrick, you appreciate my professionalism; Amber is disdainful of my professionalism, that’s how it works.

周杰伦:因为我是专业人士。 帕特里克(Patrick),您欣赏我的专业精神; Amber不屑于我的专业精神,这就是它的运作方式。

Amber: That’s not true. I was telling him last night he’s kind of like my book spouse, really.

琥珀色:那不是真的。 昨晚我告诉他,他真的很像我的读书伴侣。

Jay: Yeah, we are book spouses, that’s exactly right.


Amber: So I’m supposed to nag at him.


Patrick: I do appreciate it because you added some slides, so it was all good.


Jay: Thank you.


Patrick: But, anyway, so you talk about, again, the seven blueprints; can you kind of give let’s say the cliff notes version of the seven?

帕特里克:但是,无论如何,您还是要再谈谈七个蓝图。 您能不能说出七个的悬崖音符版本?

Amber: No, we can’t. I’m kidding.

琥珀色:不,我们不能。 我在开玩笑。

Jay: The overall premise of the book is that companies made major operational and cultural changes in response to all the technological revolutions that happened preceding this one, so when the phone first came out, right, that upended business. When the Web first started it upended business. When email became a major thing that upended business. But companies haven’t in large measure really changed in response to sort of realtime business in social media; we’re still sort of nibbling around the margins. So we wrote the book to sort of help understand, help companies decipher the seven ways that they need to change in order to really succeed and capitalize on realtime business.

杰伊:这本书的总体前提是,公司针对此技术革命之前发生的所有技术革命进行了重大的运营和文化变革,因此,当电话刚问世时,那是颠覆性的业务。 当网络第一次启动时,它颠覆了业务。 当电子邮件成为一件大事时,颠覆了业务。 但是,公司并没有在很大程度上改变社交媒体中对实时业务的React。 我们仍然在蚕食利润。 因此,我们写这本书的目的是帮助您理解,帮助公司破译为真正成功并利用实时业务而需要改变的七种方式。

Amber: Right. And so we broke it down into seven, we wanted it to be really concrete for businesses to be able to sort of see themselves in the model, so we broke it down into seven shifts, the first one being culture, so we talk about needing to adapt your culture to respond to open communication and people who want to be involved on the front lines. In shifts two and three we talk about hiring the right people and organizing those teams so that it actually, that whole discussion about who owns it, who should be working on it, what should their titles be, that kind of stuff. In section four we talk about listening, and one of the horses that gets beat a lot in social media is the listening thing, but we wanted to talk about really making it operational for companies to adapt to. And then we talk about being able to equip all of your frontline responders so they can respond online, handling crisis, which we hope we never have to do obviously, but it happens. So, I think Jay calls it the chapter of the book we hope you never need, but if you ever need it’s a good thing you’ve got it. And then in the last one we’re tackling measurement and metrics which is that topic people love to hate, so those are the ones we broke down.

琥珀色:对。 因此,我们将其细分为七个,我们希望它对于企业能够在模型中看到自己的情况非常具体,因此我们将其细分为七个转变,第一个转变为文化,因此我们谈论需要适应您的文化,以应对开放式交流和希望参与一线工作的人们。 在第二和第三轮班中,我们讨论了雇用合适的人并组织这些团队,以使实际上,关于谁拥有它,谁应该进行工作,他们的头衔应该是什么的整个讨论。 在第四部分中,我们讨论了倾听,而在社交媒体上广受好评的一匹马就是倾听,但我们想谈一谈如何真正使它适应公司的需求。 然后,我们要讨论的是能够为您的所有一线响应者配备设备,以便他们可以在线响应,处理危机,我们希望我们不必做明显的事情,但这确实发生了。 因此,我认为Jay将此书称为本书的一章,希望您不再需要它,但是如果您需要它,那是一件好事。 然后在最后一个中,我们要处理度量和度量标准,这是人们喜欢讨厌的主题,因此这些是我们分解的主题。

Patrick: So you kept it at seven so you could actually remember the seven, right, you didn’t want to add too many.


Jay: That’s right.


Amber: That’s right.


Jay: I tell you what though, it is full of info, right, I mean this book is like 250 pages of just a lot of stuff. We’ve got 22 different QR codes in the book, Microsoft Tag Technology we’ve incorporated, we’ve got 10 or 12 info graphics, we’ve got case studies, we’ve got tips, there is a lot of stuff in the book, there’s something for everybody and we did that on purpose. We want people to say genuinely, this is a book that I got tremendous value out of, we wrote it from the very beginning that way; what we want people to say is every page has a lesson, you know, there’s no fluff, there’s no BS, there’s no filler.

杰伊:我告诉你,虽然,它充满了信息,对,我的意思是,这本书就像250页一样,包含很多内容。 我们的书中有22种不同的QR码,我们采用了Microsoft Tag Technology,有10或12种信息图形,有案例研究,有技巧,其中包含很多内容这本书,每个人都有一些东西,我们是故意这样做的。 我们希望人们能真诚地说,这是一本我从中受益匪浅的书,我们是从一开始就写的。 我们希望人们说的是每一页都有一堂课,您知道,没有毛茸茸,没有BS,没有填充。

Amber: Jay’s not very fluffy anyway.


Jay: No, I’m not, I’m not; I’m not really a unicorn guy.

杰伊:不,我不是,我不是;我不是。 我不是一个独角兽。

Amber: (Laughs)


Jay: One of the things that we also did in the book that I think is maybe unusual in the social media space is that we very intentionally in terms of case studies and things use almost entirely small and medium sized companies. So we don’t have a lot of, ‘here’s what Ford does,’ or ‘here’s what Dell does,’ or ‘here’s what Intel does’. Not that those guys aren’t great, but most companies can’t see themselves in that analogy, right, because they’re not Ford or Intel or Dell or Southwest Airlines. So, what we tried to do is write a book for every business, right, for people who own restaurants, people who own— chiropractors.

周杰伦:我认为这本书在社交媒体领域也许并不寻常,这也是我们在书中所做的一件事,就是我们非常有意进行案例研究,而事情几乎全部使用中小型公司。 因此,我们没有太多“福特在这里做的事情”,“戴尔在这里做的事情”或“英特尔在这里做的事情”。 并不是说这些人不是很出色,但是大多数公司看不到这样的比喻,对,因为他们不是福特,英特尔,戴尔或西南航空。 因此,我们试图做的是为每家企业写一本书,对的是为拥有餐馆的人,拥有脊医的人。

Amber: Non-profits.


Jay: Non-profits is a good example.


Patrick: Motels.


Jay: Yes, Motels, yeah. So, that’s what we tried to do is write for everybody.

杰伊:是的,汽车旅馆,是的。 因此,这就是我们试图为所有人编写的内容。

Brad: Yeah, I definitely enjoyed your presentation today.


Jay: Thanks.


Amber: Thank you.


Brad: One of the topics I thought was really interesting was the social media crisis that you were talking about. I think it’s a real concern for companies, what do they do when there is a social media backlash or something because it does spread so fast. So maybe you could kind of talk on that and some of those tips that you shared during the presentation.

布拉德:我认为真正有趣的话题之一就是您正在谈论的社交媒体危机。 我认为这是公司真正关心的问题,当社交媒体出现强烈反对时,他们会怎么做,因为它确实传播得如此之快。 因此,也许您可​​以就此以及在演示过程中分享的一些技巧进行讨论。

Jay: Yeah, and it’s a little bit unfortunate when you say ‘social media crisis’, that’s sort of become the nom de guerre of that sort of concept, but it is a little bit of a misnomer.

杰伊:是的,当您说“社交媒体危机”时,这有点不幸,这已经成为这种概念的常识 ,但这有点用词不当。

Amber: Did you just speak French?


Jay: Well I guess maybe I did, yes.


Amber: (Laughs)


Jay: It’s not as if social media caused the crisis, the crisis manifests itself in social media, there’s a big difference there, right, and a lot of executives are like, well, if we’re in social media then it has this opportunity to become this disaster and it’s like, look, if your company sucks or you land a plane in a river, or whatever, that’s going to show up in social media, right; Twitter didn’t land the plane in the river, you did, right. And so it’s an effect not a cause, so that’s one important distinction that people don’t think about very much, but what we talk about in the book, and we talked about this morning, is the first thing is understanding sort of what is a crisis, right. And you think well that’s obvious, but it’s not because Amber works with a lot of companies who use Radian6 software and they’re like, well “Somebody said that they don’t like our biscuits at our restaurant on Twitter,” and they’re like, “Oh, what are we gonna do, they don’t like our biscuits!” It’s like, look, that’s not a crisis, that’s a comment card in 140 characters, right, so just get a hold of yourself.

杰伊:好像不是社交媒体引起了这场危机,这场危机在社交媒体中表现出来,那有很大的不同,对,很多高管都喜欢,如果我们在社交媒体中,那么它就有这个机会变成这场灾难,就像,如果您的公司糟透了,或者您将飞机降落在河中,等等,那将出现在社交媒体上,对吧? Twitter并未将飞机降落在河中,您做到了,对。 因此,这不是结果,而是原因,这是人们不会想得太多的一个重要区别,但是我们在书中以及今天上午所谈论的,首先是要了解什么是危机,对。 您认为这很明显,但这不是因为Amber与许多使用Radian6软件的公司合作,而且他们很喜欢,“有人说他们不喜欢我们Twitter上餐厅的饼干,”他们就像,“哦,我们要做什么,他们不喜欢我们的饼干!” 看起来,这不是危机,而是140个字符的注释卡,对,所以请把握住自己。

Amber: That’s such an important distinction, yeah, that whole one negative Tweet does not constitute your brand crumbling down around your shoulders, so it’s kind of important that everybody in your organization, too, agrees on what that threshold is for this is something that’s unfortunate but fixable versus we are in the midst of something that we really need to deal with at scale. Big difference.

琥珀色:那是一个非常重要的区别,是的,整个负面的Tweet并不代表您的品牌崩溃在您的肩膀上,因此组织中的每个人也都必须同意该阈值是什么,这一点很重要。与我们相比,不幸但可修复的问题正处于我们真正需要大规模处理的问题之中。 巨大差距。

Jay: Operationally, though, it’s really no different than traditional crisis management that’s been part of the public relations discipline for the last 60 years, which is you have to assume this will happen to you. Chances are it won’t but you have to assume that it will, and you have to know, okay, if something happens and all of a sudden we have a power outage, or whatever, and everybody’s tweeting about it, what do we do? Who is in charge of listening, who’s in charge of knowing that people are talking about it on Twitter or Facebook or blogs or what have you, and then who are they supposed to tell? Like who do they call, right? Like if your factory’s on fire who actually gets a phone call, like literally, who gets a phone call? And it’s the same thing in social media, like somebody has to be in charge of that. We have two case studies in the book, one is for Boingo, which I’m sure a lot of people here have used in airports and things like that.

杰伊:从操作上讲,与过去60年来一直属于公共关系学科的传统危机管理的确没有什么不同,这是您必须假设这会在您身上发生的事情。 可能不会,但是您必须假设会发生,并且您必须知道,好吧,如果发生什么事情,突然之间我们断电,或者发生什么,所有人都在发推文,我们该怎么做? 谁负责听,谁负责在Twitter,Facebook或博客上谈论人们在谈论它,或者您有什么想法,然后又该告诉谁? 就像他们打给谁一样,对吗? 就像您的工厂着火了,实际上是谁接到电话,就像从字面上看,是谁接到了电话? 在社交媒体中也是一样,就像必须由某人负责一样。 我们在书中有两个案例研究,一个是针对Boingo的,我敢肯定,这里的很多人都在机场等类似场合中使用过。

Patrick: I refuse to pay it, but go ahead.


Amber: (Laughs)


Jay: Yeah. But you’re familiar with the brand, yeah, Boingo. Another one is for Cordero which is a webhosting infrastructure as a service company that does a lot of server hosting, those kind of things. And in Cordero’s case they had a power outage at their data center and then the backup generator thing didn’t switch over, which is the whole point of using like a legitimate hosting company, right, so that you don’t have that kind of downtime. So it was like 5,000 websites or something (snaps fingers) out in like three seconds, so talk about a shit storm, right, you have 5,000 websites like instantly down, like uhhhhh, okay, so Tweet, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet, Tweet Tweet, Tweet, Facebook, Facebook, Facebook, blog post, email, call.

杰伊:是的。 但是,您对品牌很熟悉,Boingo。 另外一个是Cordero,它是一个Web托管基础架构即服务公司,负责许多这类服务器的托管工作。 在Cordero的情况下,他们的数据中心停电了,备用发电机也没有切换,这就是像合法托管公司一样使用的全部目的,对,这样您就不会有这种情况了。停机时间。 大概三秒钟之内就好像有5,000个网站或其他东西(用手指抓着),所以说说狗屎风暴吧,对了,您有5,000个网站像立即掉下来一样,嗯,好吧,所以Tweet,Tweet,Tweet,Tweet,Tweet ,Tweet,Tweet Tweet,Tweet,Facebook,Facebook,Facebook,博客文章,电子邮件,电话。

Amber: Because it’s like the armada of geeks that you’ve now just pissed off.


Jay: Oh, yeah, it’s the worst possible people, right, all the webmasters, the worst possible crowd. So, they did an amazing thing and we document this in the book, they knew they had an internal triage program for a crisis, right? They knew, okay, here’s who listens, here’s who you call, here’s how to get it back up online, and then they had a video from their CEO explaining what happened, here’s where we went wrong, here’s why it will never happen again, here’s what we’re gonna do in terms of a credit, etcetera; they had the video up within three hours. Amazing. And then that same day we actually pulled Tweets out of the stream and put them in the book, people were like, man, if you ever need hosting go with Cordero, they had an outage today but I can’t believe how well they handled it, like several people, they actually won new customers because of how they handled the crisis. Everybody’s heard that, right, it’s not — the measure of a company is not how you do when things are good, the measure of a company is how you do when things have gone horribly astray, and they’re a good example of making that right.

杰伊:哦,是的,这是最糟糕的人,对,所有网站管理员,最糟糕的人群。 因此,他们做了一件了不起的事情,我们在书中记录了下来,他们知道他们有内部的危机分类系统,对吗? 他们知道,好吧,这是谁在听,这是您打给谁,这是如何将其恢复到在线状态,然后他们从CEO那里获得了一段视频,解释发生了什么,这是我们出了错的地方,这就是为什么它永远不会再次发生的原因,这就是我们在信用等方面要做的事情; 他们在三个小时内将视频播放了。 惊人。 然后在同一天,我们实际上将Tweets从信息流中删除,并将其放入书中,人们就像,伙计,如果您需要与Cordero一起托管,今天他们已经中断了,但是我不敢相信他们处理得如何好就像几个人一样,由于他们如何处理危机,他们实际上赢得了新客户。 每个人都听说过,对,不是。公司的衡量标准不是当事情好起来时您的工作方式,公司的衡量标准是当事情变得严重误入歧途时您的工作方式,而这正是使之成为一个很好的例子对。

Patrick: Right, it’s not that you made a mistake it’s how you handle that mistake.


Jay: Exactly, exactly.


Amber: And so many companies are running scared because they look at social media, again, as that potential fireball and we buy insurance because we know that the inevitable could happen but we want to protect ourselves against it. We buy fire extinguishers because we’re not planning on having a fire in our house, but just in case one breaks out we’d really like to have something to address that, so companies need to recognize that the social media thing is not going away so the preparation part of this is really important; burying your head in the sand, unfortunately, is not a business strategy, so you’ve got to be prepared for what could possibly happen and worst case scenario planning is part of that.

琥珀色:许多公司因此而害怕,因为他们再次关注社交媒体,因为那是潜在的火球,我们购买保险是因为我们知道不可避免的事情会发生,但我们想保护自己免受伤害。 我们购买灭火器是因为我们不打算在家里开火,但万一发生火灾,我们真的很想解决这个问题,因此公司需要认识到社交媒体并没有发生因此,准备工作真的很重要; 不幸的是,把头埋在沙子里并不是一种商业策略,因此您必须为可能发生的事情做好准备,而最坏情况下的情境计划就是其中的一部分。

Patrick: So, I think last question, you talked a little bit about this, about it being for anyone, one-off hotel and motel to — I mean how do you translate this I guess in a little more detailed to a one-man operation or a mom and pop shop or a small shop that maybe sees a lot of tools out there, a lot of places that they’re being talked about and maybe doesn’t have the time, they don’t have someone who’s in charge of this that can have someone go on the computer or, you know, it’s the owner or the founder, that sort of situation.


Jay: I mean from a time standpoint obviously it’s a challenge, right, because you’re making sandwiches or whatever and now you’ve got to try to do this other stuff, but we really think that small businesses actually have an easier time in sort of The Now Revolution because they’re already closer to the customer. It’s easier to create kinship when you don’t have layer upon layer upon layer upon layer of managers in between the actual customer and the executives, so culturally, spiritually, small businesses have a real advantage, right. I mean one of the things that social media does for big companies is make them seem small again, so if you’re a small company you already have a leg up. Now, operationally it’s a challenge, right, and Amber talks a lot about roles and in a lot of cases if it’s sort of a one-man show all of the sort of functions that we talk about in the book become your function.

杰伊:我的意思是,从时间角度来看,这显然是一个挑战,对,因为您要制作三明治或其他东西,而现在您必须尝试做其他事情,但我们确实认为,小企业实际上在此方面的工作更轻松之所以称为“现在的革命”,是因为它们已经离客户越来越近了。 当您在实际客户和执行人员之间没有一层又一层的管理者时,建立亲属关系会更容易,因此从文化,精神上讲,小型企业具有真正的优势。 我的意思是,社交媒体为大公司做的一件事是使它们再次显得很小,因此,如果您是小公司,那么您已经有了立足之本。 现在,从操作上来说,这是一个挑战,对了,Amber谈论了很多角色,在很多情况下,如果是一个人的话,那么我们在书中谈到的所有功能都会变成您的功能。

Amber: Well, and I think realistically speaking if you’re a one-person shop the same way that we have made decisions as we’ve built our businesses about what communication tools we’re going to use to talk to people, whether we’re going to make time for email or whether we’re going to make time for that conference call, it’s the same sort of— you have to triage a little bit. If your customers and community are demanding your response you’re going to have to trade something out for making sure that you’re present where they need you. So, it’s definitely a challenge of personal scale, but I like to look at it as choosing an ‘or’ instead of an ‘and’, so instead of trying to pile 400 things on you’re starting to look at what areas of your business might not be as effective as they once were, and instead you’re trading out pieces of some of the social media stuff to replace it.

琥珀色:嗯,我想现实地说,如果您是一家单人商店,那么我们在制定业务时会以与我们进行决策时所采用的方式相同的方式来决定我们将使用哪些交流工具与人们进行交流,是要花些时间发送电子邮件,还是我们要花些时间来召开电话会议,这都是一样的,您需要进行一些分类。 如果您的客户和社区要求您做出回应,那么您将不得不进行一些交易,以确保您在他们需要您的地方。 因此,这绝对是个人规模的挑战,但我希望将其视为选择“或”而不是“与”,因此与其尝试在您身上堆积400件东西,不如开始着眼于您的哪些领域业务可能不如从前那样有效,而是您要用一些社交媒体来替代它。

Patrick: Excellent. So, Amber, Jay, where can people find you online?

帕特里克:太好了。 那么,Amber,Jay,人们在哪里可以找到您?

Amber: You can find me on Twitter at @AmberCadabra, my blog is at, my company is at www— forget that part, dot

琥珀色:您可以在Twitter上通过@AmberCadabra找到我,我的博客位于 ,我的公司位于www —忘了那一部分,点 。

Patrick: No www and it just presents a 404.


Jay: There’s no redirect, yeah.


Amber: But yeah, really.


Patrick: It’s a matter of principle.


Jay: Exactly, exactly.


Amber: So you have to have that there, it’s the law.


Jay: Most importantly the website for the book is, you can actually go to the site now,, and you can download a free chapter, so you get the first chapter for free, anybody in the world please feel free to do that, let us know how you like it. I’m on Twitter @jaybaer, j-a-y-b-a-e-r, and my blog is

杰伊:最重要的是,该书的网站是 ,您现在可以立即访问该网站,并且可以下载免费的一章,因此您可以免费获得第一章,世界上任何人都可以感受到免费这样做,让我们知道您的喜好。 我在Twitter上@jaybaer ,jaybaer,我的博客是 。

Patrick: Excellent, thank you for coming on.


Amber: Thank guys for having us.


Jay: Appreciate it, thanks guys.


Stephan: This is Stephan Segraves of the SitePoint Podcast, I’m here with Shayne Tilley and Paul Thompson is our guest. Paul, tell us a little bit about yourself.

斯蒂芬(Stephan):这是SitePoint播客的斯蒂芬·塞格拉夫(Stephan Segraves),我和谢恩·蒂里(Shayne Tilley)在一起,保罗·汤普森(Paul Thompson)是我们的客人。 保罗,告诉我们一些关于你自己的事。

Paul: Well, I am a Station Training and Compliance Analyst with Southwest Airlines. I help monitor our Twitter account, I’m a moderator of our Flickr pool and creator as well, so I’m pretty active with our social media team at Southwest.

保罗:恩,我是西南航空的车站培训和合规分析师。 我帮助监控我们的Twitter帐户,同时还是Flickr池的主持人和创建者,因此我在Southwest的社交媒体团队中非常活跃。

Stephan: Cool. So what brings you to BlogWorld Expo?

史蒂芬:酷。 那么,什么使您参加BlogWorld Expo?

Paul: Well, they invited me because I’m an occasional blog contributor, I’m just here to document the experience for our historical purposes, and I do a lot of live Tweeting from the sessions we participate in.


Stephan: Cool. You guys, Southwest Airlines, is known to be very active in the social media side of things, Twitter, blogging especially, the blog’s been around for how long now?

史蒂芬:酷。 众所周知,西南航空(Southwest Airlines)在社交媒体方面非常活跃,尤其是Twitter,尤其是博客, 博客已经存在了多久了?

Paul: Our blog is a little over four years old, almost five now I think.


Stephan: Yeah, so it’s an older blog and you guys get a lot of traffic through that.


Paul: Yeah.


Stephan: Has it been really beneficial for you guys to give stories to customers, I guess that really engaging, that’s the difference?


Paul: Yeah, I think our customers just find a really human side of Southwest Airlines, we have people from all different parts of the company that contribute to the blog, anyone from ramp agents all the way up to our CEO, so it just adds another side that people can really relate to. I just found out this morning that our blog was kind of spun off as a result of the airline show that was on A&E a few years back because there was so much interest from customers as far as the internal aspects of the airline, so even I’m still learning about the methods and way to go about things.

保罗:是的,我认为我们的客户只是在西南航空找到了真正的人性,我们有公司各个部门的人都在为博客做贡献,从斜坡代理到首席执行官一路走来的任何人,所以只是增加了人们可以真正联系到的另一面。 我今天早上才发现,由于几年前在A&E上进行的航空秀,我们的博客有点冒出来了,因为在航空内部方面,客户的兴趣很大,所以即使我仍在学习解决问题的方法和方式。

Stephan: Yeah.


Shayne: So, one of the largest fears for corporations is having a bit of a Twitter or social media catastrophe. How do you go about minimizing the risk of that in Southwest?

Shayne:因此,企业最担心的问题之一就是Twitter或社交媒体的灾难。 How do you go about minimizing the risk of that in Southwest?

Paul: Well, the key thing for us is to respond to things quickly and accurately. Like Christy McNeal mentioned in her session this morning, when something like that happens, if there’s an emergency landing for example, we get information out there as soon as possible before anything hits CNN because we want to control that outlet and put out the most accurate information and just be a trustworthy source for our customers.

Paul: Well, the key thing for us is to respond to things quickly and accurately. Like Christy McNeal mentioned in her session this morning, when something like that happens, if there's an emergency landing for example, we get information out there as soon as possible before anything hits CNN because we want to control that outlet and put out the most accurate information and just be a trustworthy source for our customers.

Shayne: So how do you keep your personal Twitter or social media profiles separate from your one within Southwest?

Shayne: So how do you keep your personal Twitter or social media profiles separate from your one within Southwest?

Paul: Well for myself since I don’t Tweet on behalf of Southwest, I only have one Twitter account, I do a lot of re-Tweeting and things, and sharing Southwest information when things are going on, but Southwest is really open and encouraging to all the employees to just be a voice for the company whether it’s on Facebook or Twitter or just in fact-to-face conversation. We’re treated so well that most all the employees have just a really positive view of the company and want to share that with people.

Paul: Well for myself since I don't Tweet on behalf of Southwest, I only have one Twitter account, I do a lot of re-Tweeting and things, and sharing Southwest information when things are going on, but Southwest is really open and encouraging to all the employees to just be a voice for the company whether it's on Facebook or Twitter or just in fact-to-face conversation. We're treated so well that most all the employees have just a really positive view of the company and want to share that with people.

Shayne: That’s great.

Shayne: That's great.

Stephan: So you guys announced a relaunch of the blog here while at BlogWorld, and so you guys are working through some issues still but there’s going to be a new blog design.

Stephan: So you guys announced a relaunch of the blog here while at BlogWorld, and so you guys are working through some issues still but there's going to be a new blog design.

Paul: Yes, that’s right. It’s pretty exciting, they’ve kind of meshed all of our information onto one page. You’ll be able to click different tabs; there will be a tab just for video posts from our YouTube channels and there will be just a blog channel as well. And something that’s kind of interesting is the background there’s going to be a day mode and a night mode depending on what time of day you log in to the website. It’s got some really interesting tweaks like that.

Paul: Yes, that's right. It's pretty exciting, they've kind of meshed all of our information onto one page. You'll be able to click different tabs; there will be a tab just for video posts from our YouTube channels and there will be just a blog channel as well. And something that's kind of interesting is the background there's going to be a day mode and a night mode depending on what time of day you log in to the website. It's got some really interesting tweaks like that.

Stephan: Cool.


Shayne: Will that be localized so if I’m dialing in from Australia will it be my night and day or your night and day?

Shayne: Will that be localized so if I'm dialing in from Australia will it be my night and day or your night and day?

Paul: I’m pretty sure it’s going to be tuned to Central Time where we’re based in Dallas, Texas, but I’m not 100% on that.

Paul: I'm pretty sure it's going to be tuned to Central Time where we're based in Dallas, Texas, but I'm not 100% on that.

Stephan: That’s okay. So you guys have Wi-Fi now in what, 40 planes in the fleet?

史蒂芬:没关系。 So you guys have Wi-Fi now in what, 40 planes in the fleet?

Paul: I think that sounds about right, yeah, we’re partnered with Row 44 Communications, we have a satellite based Wi-Fi system, we’re still testing out some of the pricing aspects, they haven’t been quite decided yet as far as implementation goes, but we’re really excited and we’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback.

Paul: I think that sounds about right, yeah, we're partnered with Row 44 Communications, we have a satellite based Wi-Fi system, we're still testing out some of the pricing aspects, they haven't been quite decided yet as far as implementation goes, but we're really excited and we've gotten a lot of positive feedback.

Stephan: Because you guys have moved that direction rather than in-flight entertainment which is interesting compared to other airlines; a lot of other, Continental for example—my airline, sorry—they’ve invested in live TV rather than Wi-Fi and it’s been somewhat of an irritant because people want Wi-Fi, I think, over live TV. So I think you guys, Southwest, is doing a good job in that respect.

Stephan: Because you guys have moved that direction rather than in-flight entertainment which is interesting compared to other airlines; a lot of other, Continental for example—my airline, sorry—they've invested in live TV rather than Wi-Fi and it's been somewhat of an irritant because people want Wi-Fi, I think, over live TV. So I think you guys, Southwest, is doing a good job in that respect.

Paul: I think we’ve found that as our business model progresses more towards a business traveler, yeah, there’s business guys who want to be able to send email or send documents while they’re in the air, or even for the leisure traveler there’s so many people with personal mobile devices, whether it’s an iPad, iPod touch, they want to be able to just listen to their music or watch a movie that they’ve brought with them or you can download movies or other videos through Wi-Fi.

Paul: I think we've found that as our business model progresses more towards a business traveler, yeah, there's business guys who want to be able to send email or send documents while they're in the air, or even for the leisure traveler there's so many people with personal mobile devices, whether it's an iPad, iPod touch, they want to be able to just listen to their music or watch a movie that they've brought with them or you can download movies or other videos through Wi-Fi.

Stephan: So do you guys take the feedback you get on Twitter and places like that and kind of compile it and show it to let’s say the CEO or the CFO and say, hey, there’s a lot of people that want Wi-Fi or there’s a lot of people complaining that there’s no TVs or whatever it may be, whatever issue it may be, do you guys really — do the CEO’s and the higher-ups really value Twitter and things like that?

Stephan: So do you guys take the feedback you get on Twitter and places like that and kind of compile it and show it to let's say the CEO or the CFO and say, hey, there's a lot of people that want Wi-Fi or there's a lot of people complaining that there's no TVs or whatever it may be, whatever issue it may be, do you guys really — do the CEO's and the higher-ups really value Twitter and things like that?

Paul: Yeah, they’ve seen how it’s a real driving force as far as our customer interaction goes. Christy mentioned today that Facebook is our biggest revenue source outside of the main website for ticket sales, moreso than Twitter. But we get a lot of feedback from customers as far as ideas and things that we can change whether it’s people’s love for honey roasted peanuts versus salted peanuts and things like that that get changed out seasonally.

Paul: Yeah, they've seen how it's a real driving force as far as our customer interaction goes. Christy mentioned today that Facebook is our biggest revenue source outside of the main website for ticket sales, moreso than Twitter. But we get a lot of feedback from customers as far as ideas and things that we can change whether it's people's love for honey roasted peanuts versus salted peanuts and things like that that get changed out seasonally.

Shayne: So you mentioned a little bit before about your Flickr presence. I’m interested to hear a little bit more about how you’ve progressed that, a little bit of the history and what role that plays. We hear a lot about Facebook, a lot about Twitter, but not so much about Flickr in terms of what businesses are doing inside that system to benefit their customers and themselves.

Shayne: So you mentioned a little bit before about your Flickr presence. I'm interested to hear a little bit more about how you've progressed that, a little bit of the history and what role that plays. We hear a lot about Facebook, a lot about Twitter, but not so much about Flickr in terms of what businesses are doing inside that system to benefit their customers and themselves.

Paul: Well, Flickr is special to me because I started our Flickr page for and a few years ago they asked me if they could adopt it as our corporate photography page, so I was pretty honored by that, and at the time we had a few hundred contributors, now we’ve got about 1,100 or 1,200 people that send us photos regularly. I’ll go on Flickr myself and search for Southwest Airlines photos that people tag with while they’re flying and I’ll invite them to contribute those, and we have a lot of regular contributors too, people who shoot photos and videos while they’re traveling.

Paul: Well, Flickr is special to me because I started our Flickr page for and a few years ago they asked me if they could adopt it as our corporate photography page, so I was pretty honored by that, and at the time we had a few hundred contributors, now we've got about 1,100 or 1,200 people that send us photos regularly. I'll go on Flickr myself and search for Southwest Airlines photos that people tag with while they're flying and I'll invite them to contribute those, and we have a lot of regular contributors too, people who shoot photos and videos while they're traveling.

Shayne: Fantastic. And what’s been your biggest surprise in terms of what you’ve seen appear on your Flickr group?

Shayne: Fantastic. And what's been your biggest surprise in terms of what you've seen appear on your Flickr group?

Paul: There are some really creative people out there. One of our most interesting photos was there was a woman who was flying and back when we had these little crackers that were shaped like airplanes she held the cracker in front of the window like the little airplane cracker was flying outside, and I Tweeted that photo and it went from 100 views to several thousand views within a few hours just by Tweeting that on Twitter and linking that directly to her Flickr page, so we have a lot of creative responses from our customers. Just the other day I found a photo from a gentleman who photographed his son I think with a Southwest Airlines model plane that it was the same boy about a year ago that his dad had taken a photo of him outside watching a Southwest plane fly over, so you see the kid who’s aged a year but he’s still a big fan of Southwest and you see how it starts at such an early age being a fan of a brand or just a fan of aviation.

Paul: There are some really creative people out there. One of our most interesting photos was there was a woman who was flying and back when we had these little crackers that were shaped like airplanes she held the cracker in front of the window like the little airplane cracker was flying outside, and I Tweeted that photo and it went from 100 views to several thousand views within a few hours just by Tweeting that on Twitter and linking that directly to her Flickr page, so we have a lot of creative responses from our customers. Just the other day I found a photo from a gentleman who photographed his son I think with a Southwest Airlines model plane that it was the same boy about a year ago that his dad had taken a photo of him outside watching a Southwest plane fly over, so you see the kid who's aged a year but he's still a big fan of Southwest and you see how it starts at such an early age being a fan of a brand or just a fan of aviation.

Stephan: Yeah, and it’s good to see you guys really pushing the brand and really taking your customers’ feedback and pushing it out there and saying, hey, we’re glad to serve you, I think it’s a good thing to do. Any more questions Shayne?

Stephan: Yeah, and it's good to see you guys really pushing the brand and really taking your customers' feedback and pushing it out there and saying, hey, we're glad to serve you, I think it's a good thing to do. Any more questions Shayne?

Shayne: I’m interested again with Flickr, have you used any of the images from your customers in any of the more traditional print or TV or mainstream press or used the voice of your customers in that social media space and present it to those that aren’t necessarily so involved?

Shayne: I'm interested again with Flickr, have you used any of the images from your customers in any of the more traditional print or TV or mainstream press or used the voice of your customers in that social media space and present it to those that aren't necessarily so involved?

Paul: I can’t recall any specific instances where we’ve used other people’s photos in terms of marketing; we do link our Flickr photos directly to our blog, so anyone who presents that it’s another outlet for those photographers to have their work seen outside of Flickr. I mean since I do a lot of corporate photography I have some stuff published in our internal magazines on occasion, so that’s another way that we tie in the brand.

Paul: I can't recall any specific instances where we've used other people's photos in terms of marketing; we do link our Flickr photos directly to our blog, so anyone who presents that it's another outlet for those photographers to have their work seen outside of Flickr. I mean since I do a lot of corporate photography I have some stuff published in our internal magazines on occasion, so that's another way that we tie in the brand.

Shayne: So what’s been your highlight so far of the Expo?

Shayne: So what's been your highlight so far of the Expo?

Paul: I think it’s been great just to see the people’s interest, seeing us being excited to be here and the photo booth we had set up yesterday with the costumes people could try on and the props and just the fun that people were having with it and making it interactive by allowing them to change their Twitter profile and win a free roundtrip ticket, so that was a lot of fun.

Paul: I think it's been great just to see the people's interest, seeing us being excited to be here and the photo booth we had set up yesterday with the costumes people could try on and the props and just the fun that people were having with it and making it interactive by allowing them to change their Twitter profile and win a free roundtrip ticket, so that was a lot of fun.

Stephan: Have you all announced the winner yet?

Stephan: Have you all announced the winner yet?

Paul: No, I think that’s going to happen on Monday, the 18th.

Paul: No, I think that's going to happen on Monday, the 18th.

Stephan: Cool, we’ll have to watch the Twitter account for that.

Stephan: Cool, we'll have to watch the Twitter account for that.

Paul: Yes.

Paul: Yes.

Stephan: You guys are flying Southwest back to San Francisco, right?

Stephan: You guys are flying Southwest back to San Francisco, right?

Shayne: I don’t think we are. I think we flew here from L.A. to San Francisco.

Shayne: I don't think we are. I think we flew here from LA to San Francisco.

Stephan: Cool. Well, thanks for coming on, we’re glad to have you. Paul Thompson, where can people find you online, I know you have a Flickr account and a Twitter account.

史蒂芬:酷。 Well, thanks for coming on, we're glad to have you. Paul Thompson, where can people find you online, I know you have a Flickr account and a Twitter account.

Paul: On Twitter I am @flyingphotog, on Flickr I am pt737swa, so feel free to follow me or check out my photos if you like.

Paul: On Twitter I am @flyingphotog , on Flickr I am pt737swa , so feel free to follow me or check out my photos if you like.

Stephan: Cool. And the website of course is for the airline.

史蒂芬:酷。 And the website of course is for the airline.

Paul: That’s right, and the blog is

Paul: That's right, and the blog is .

Stephan: Cool, thanks again.

Stephan: Cool, thanks again.

Paul: Thanks for having me.

Paul: Thanks for having me.

Kevin: And thanks for listening to the SitePoint Podcast. If you have any thoughts or questions about today’s interview, please do get in touch. You can find SitePoint on Twitter @sitepointdotcom, that’s sitepoint-d-o-t-c-o-m, and you can find me on Twitter @sentience. Visit to leave a comment on this show and to subscribe to get every show automatically.

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We’ll be back next week with another news and commentary show with our usual panel of experts.


This episode of the SitePoint Podcast was produced by Karn Broad and I’m Kevin Yank. Bye for now!

这集SitePoint播客是由Karn Broad制作的,我叫Kevin Yank。 暂时再见!

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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