
tech2023-11-10  108


Sir Tim Berners-Lee has been in the news this week following his article “Long Live the Web: A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality” which appeared in Scientific American.

Tim Berners-Lee爵士本周发表在《 科学美国人 》上的文章“网络万岁:呼吁持续的开放标准和中立性”之后一直在新闻中报道。

The web’s inventor criticized Apple and it’s proprietary ‘iTunes’ addresses:

网络的发明者批评了苹果公司,它的专有“ iTunes”地址:

You can’t make a link to any information in the iTunes world —- a song or information about a band. You can’t send that link to someone else to see. You are no longer on the Web. The iTunes world is centralized and walled off. You are trapped in a single store, rather than being on the open marketplace. For all the store’s wonderful features, its evolution is limited to what one company thinks up.

您无法链接到iTunes世界中的任何信息-歌曲或有关乐队的信息。 您无法将该链接发送给其他人查看。 您不再在网络上。 iTunes的世界是集中的和封闭的。 您被困在一家商店中,而不是在公开市场上。 对于商店的所有奇妙功能,其发展仅限于一家公司的想法。

However, his biggest concerns regard for the social networks Facebook, LinkedIn, and Friendster:


The Web as we know it is being threatened in different ways. Some of its most successful inhabitants have begun to chip away at its principles. Large social-networking sites are walling off information posted by their users from the rest of the Web.

我们所知道的Web正以不同的方式受到威胁。 它最成功的居民中有一些已经开始摒弃其原则。 大型社交网站正在限制其用户从Web其余部分发布的信息。

If we, the Web’s users, allow these and other trends to proceed unchecked, the Web could be broken into fragmented islands. We could lose the freedom to connect with whichever Web sites we want.

如果我们(Web的用户)允许不受限制地继续进行这些趋势和其他趋势,则Web可能会分裂为零散的孤岛。 我们可能会失去与所需网站连接的自由。

Sir Tim’s main complaint is that, although these sites build amazing databases from your data and connections, they do not share that information. Your Facebook data is siloed on Facebook — it cannot be exported or used by another application (other than those within Facebook itself).

蒂姆爵士的主要抱怨是,尽管这些站点从您的数据和连接建立了惊人的数据库,但它们没有共享该信息。 您的Facebook数据孤立在Facebook上-不能被其他应用程序导出或使用(除了Facebook自身内的数据)。

Google has also questioned Facebook’s ethics. A Facebook user attempting to import GMail contacts is now shown the message:

谷歌也质疑Facebook的道德。 尝试导入GMail联系人的Facebook用户现在显示以下消息:

Hold on a second. Are you super sure you want to import your contact information for your friends into a service that won’t let you get it out?

稍等一下。 您是否确定要将朋友的联系信息导入不会让您知道的服务?

Although we strongly disagree with this data protectionism, the choice is yours. Because, after all, you should have control over your own data.

尽管我们强烈反对这种数据保护主义,但选择权是您自己选择的。 因为毕竟,您应该控制自己的数据。

Facebook现象 (The Facebook phenomenon)

Facebook is the most-used site on the Web with more than 500 million active users. It’s growth has been exponential — people who joined persuaded their friends to join.

Facebook是网络上最常用的网站,活跃用户超过5亿。 它的发展成倍增长-加入的人们说服了他们的朋友加入。

I have to admit I’m not a Facebook fan, but I eventually succumbed. The main reason: friends and colleagues were using Facebook to send messages and organize events. Irritatingly, the site would email me to say “you have a message” … but not let me access the information until I became a member. I suspect many people sign-up for similar reasons — even Sir Tim has a Facebook account!

我必须承认我不是Facebook粉丝,但是我最终屈服了 。 主要原因是:朋友和同事正在使用Facebook发送消息和组织活动。 令人烦恼的是,该网站会通过电子邮件向我发送电子邮件,说“您有消息” ……但直到我成为会员后,我才允许我访问这些信息。 我怀疑许多人出于类似原因注册-即使蒂姆爵士也拥有Facebook帐户 !

The system’s ease, third-party applications and sheer volume of users makes it tough for other social networks to compete. For some people, Facebook is the Web.

该系统的易用性,第三方应用程序和庞大的用户数量使其他社交网络难以竞争。 对于某些人来说,Facebook是Web。

谁拥有您的数据? (Who owns your data?)

You. Many countries — including those in the EU, the UK and Australia — have strict data protection laws. Any organization holding data about you must disclose that information on request. Although, Facebook is based in the US where data legislation is more relaxed, I’m certain they would comply with any demands.

您。 许多国家(包括欧盟,英国和澳大利亚)都有严格的数据保护法。 任何持有有关您的数据的组织都必须根据要求披露该信息。 尽管Facebook的总部设在美国,数据法规更为宽松,但我确信他们会遵守任何要求。

The complaint made by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Google is that Facebook won’t allow data to be accessed programmatically by other systems once a user has granted approval.

Tim Berners-Lee爵士和Google提出的投诉是,一旦用户批准,Facebook将不允许其他系统以编程方式访问数据。

Facebook应该分享吗? (Should Facebook share?)

Facebook does their utmost to ensure you stay within their site. The service is free and advertising is the primary source of revenue. There’s no technical reason why they couldn’t expose data, but sharing with another service would come at the expense of Facebook.com. Twitter is a well-known example: many tweets are sent using third-party clients rather than the Twitter.com website.

Facebook尽最大努力确保您留在他们的网站内。 该服务是免费的,广告是主要的收入来源。 没有技术原因不能使他们无法公开数据,但是与其他服务共享将以牺牲Facebook.com为代价。 Twitter是一个著名的示例:许多推文是使用第三方客户端而不是Twitter.com网站发送的。

There’s also the complex issue of data protection. Facebook probably knows more about you and your relationships than many of your closest friends and relatives! The company has been slammed for dubious privacy policies, so it’s difficult to accuse them of not sharing enough.

还有一个复杂的数据保护问题。 Facebook可能比您最亲密的朋友和亲戚更了解您和您的关系! 该公司因可疑的隐私政策而受到抨击,因此很难指责它们共享不足。

Facebook会破坏网络吗? (Will Facebook destroy the Web?)

Facebook is a commercial company: their a goal to gain users and make them stay. They wouldn’t hesitate to wipe the Web so only Facebook.com remained.

Facebook是一家商业公司:他们的目标是吸引用户并留住他们。 他们会毫不犹豫地擦除Web,因此只保留了Facebook.com。

I understand Sir Tim Berners-Lee’s concerns. Facebook’s size makes it a social networking monopoly with the power to exploit or close off areas of the Net. However, many companies have tried to dominate the Web before: most failed because they forgot that it’s the users who have real control.

我理解蒂姆·伯纳斯·李爵士的担忧。 Facebook的规模使其成为社交网络的垄断者,具有开发或封闭网络区域的能力。 但是,许多公司以前曾试图统治Web:大多数失败了,因为他们忘记了拥有真正控制权的是用户。

The Web’s success owes much to Facebook but, ultimately, users are fickle; they will leave if they’re bored, find a better service or become frustrated by closed-data policies. Facebook’s decline would be just as impressive as it’s growth.

Web的成功很大程度上归功于Facebook,但最终用户是善变的。 如果无聊,找到更好的服务或对封闭数据策略感到沮丧,他们就会离开。 Facebook的衰落与增长一样令人印象深刻。

What do you think? Should we be concerned about major websites not sharing user data? Or will their policies doom them to failure?

你怎么看? 我们是否应该担心主要网站不共享用户数据? 还是他们的政策注定他们会失败?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/facebook-threatens-web/

