
tech2023-11-11  96

系统时钟为 80MHz配置 tx_thread_sleep 延时为 1ms .global _tx_thread_system_stack_ptr .global _tx_initialize_unused_memory .global __RAM_segment_used_end__ .global _tx_timer_interrupt .global __main .global __tx_SVCallHandler .global __tx_PendSVHandler .global g_pfnVectors .global __tx_NMIHandler @ NMI .global __tx_BadHandler @ HardFault .global __tx_SVCallHandler @ SVCall .global __tx_DBGHandler @ Monitor .global __tx_PendSVHandler @ PendSV .global __tx_SysTickHandler @ SysTick .global __tx_IntHandler @ Int 0 SYSTEM_CLOCK = 80000000 @ 系统时钟 TX_TICK_PER_SECOND = 1000 @ 1s 的时钟数 SYSTICK_CYCLES = ((SYSTEM_CLOCK / TX_TICK_PER_SECOND) -1) @滴答定时器 reload 值 .text 32 .align 4 .syntax unified @VOID _tx_initialize_low_level(VOID) @{ .global _tx_initialize_low_level .thumb_func _tx_initialize_low_level: @ 关闭全局中断 CPSID i @ _tx_initialize_unused_memory = __RAM_segment_used_end__ + 4 @ 设置未使用的 RAM 指针 LDR r0, =_tx_initialize_unused_memory @ Build address of unused memory pointer LDR r1, =__RAM_segment_used_end__ @ Build first free address ADD r1, r1, #4 @ STR r1, [r0] @ Setup first unused memory pointer @ 设置中断向量表的偏移 SCB->VTOR = g_pfnVectors g_pfnVectors 为程序的起始地址:0x08000000 MOV r0, #0xE000E000 @ Build address of NVIC registers LDR r1, =g_pfnVectors @ Pickup address of vector table STR r1, [r0, #0xD08] @ Set vector table address @ _tx_thread_system_stack_ptr = g_pfnVectors LDR r0, =_tx_thread_system_stack_ptr @ Build address of system stack pointer LDR r1, =g_pfnVectors @ Pickup address of vector table LDR r1, [r1] @ Pickup reset stack pointer STR r1, [r0] @ Save system stack pointer @ DWT->CTRL 寄存器 CYCCNTENA 位置 1 LDR r0, =0xE0001000 @ Build address of DWT register LDR r1, [r0] @ Pickup the current value ORR r1, r1, #1 @ Set the CYCCNTENA bit STR r1, [r0] @ Enable the cycle count register @ SysTick->LOAD = SYSTICK_CYCLES 设置滴答定时器 MOV r0, #0xE000E000 @ Build address of NVIC registers LDR r1, =SYSTICK_CYCLES STR r1, [r0, #0x14] @ Setup SysTick Reload Value @ SysTick->CTRL 的 0 1 2 三个位置 1 使能滴答定时器 MOV r1, #0x7 @ Build SysTick Control Enable Value STR r1, [r0, #0x10] @ Setup SysTick Control @ 设置中断优先级 LDR r1, =0x00000000 @ Rsrv, UsgF, BusF, MemM STR r1, [r0, #0xD18] @ Setup System Handlers 4-7 Priority Registers LDR r1, =0xFF000000 @ SVCl, Rsrv, Rsrv, Rsrv STR r1, [r0, #0xD1C] @ Setup System Handlers 8-11 Priority Registers @ Note: SVC must be lowest priority, which is 0xFF LDR r1, =0x40FF0000 @ SysT, PnSV, Rsrv, DbgM STR r1, [r0, #0xD20] @ Setup System Handlers 12-15 Priority Registers @ Note: PnSV must be lowest priority, which is 0xFF @ @ /* Return to caller. */ @ BX lr @} @ @/* Define shells for each of the unused vectors. */ @ .global __tx_BadHandler .thumb_func __tx_BadHandler: B __tx_BadHandler @ /* added to catch the hardfault */ .global __tx_HardfaultHandler .thumb_func __tx_HardfaultHandler: B __tx_HardfaultHandler @ /* added to catch the SVC */ .global __tx_SVCallHandler .thumb_func __tx_SVCallHandler: B __tx_SVCallHandler @ /* Generic interrupt handler template */ .global __tx_IntHandler .thumb_func __tx_IntHandler: @ VOID InterruptHandler (VOID) @ { PUSH {r0, lr} #ifdef TX_ENABLE_EXECUTION_CHANGE_NOTIFY BL _tx_execution_isr_enter @ Call the ISR enter function #endif @ /* Do interrupt handler work here */ @ /* BL <your C Function>.... */ #ifdef TX_ENABLE_EXECUTION_CHANGE_NOTIFY BL _tx_execution_isr_exit @ Call the ISR exit function #endif POP {r0, lr} BX LR @ } @ /* System Tick timer interrupt handler */ .global __tx_SysTickHandler .global SysTick_Handler .thumb_func __tx_SysTickHandler: .thumb_func @ 滴答定时器的中断服务函数 SysTick_Handler: @ VOID TimerInterruptHandler (VOID) @ { @ PUSH {r0, lr} #ifdef TX_ENABLE_EXECUTION_CHANGE_NOTIFY BL _tx_execution_isr_enter @ Call the ISR enter function #endif BL _tx_timer_interrupt #ifdef TX_ENABLE_EXECUTION_CHANGE_NOTIFY BL _tx_execution_isr_exit @ Call the ISR exit function #endif POP {r0, lr} BX LR @ } @ /* NMI, DBG handlers */ .global __tx_NMIHandler .thumb_func __tx_NMIHandler: B __tx_NMIHandler .global __tx_DBGHandler .thumb_func __tx_DBGHandler: B __tx_DBGHandler