
tech2023-11-11  94

The team at SitePoint have been very busy of late, thinking up wonderful new topics and websites. So it’s with great pleasure that I bring to you our latest creation: BuildMobile.

最近,SitePoint的团队一直很忙,正在思考精彩的新主题和网站。 因此,我很高兴为您带来我们最新的作品: BuildMobile 。

The recent launches of DesignFestival and RubySource have shown you some great new content and ideas such as the Cicada Principle. Our simple goal with BuildMobile is to bring you innovative ideas, tutorials and opinions from the world of mobile web development.

DesignFestival和RubySource的最新发布为您展示了一些很棒的新内容和创意,例如“ 蝉原理” 。 BuildMobile的简单目标是为您带来来自移动Web开发领域的创新思想,教程和意见。

Over the coming weeks and months, we will be engaging some of the worlds best mobile web developers to ensure that our content is always cutting edge and relevant to your clients and your business.


BuildMobile is split into several distinct sections.


Android based mobile development.


iOS based mobile development.


HTML5 based mobile web development.


We know that many users are very passionate about their mobile platforms, so each of these categories will focus exclusively on specific platform news, apps, tutorials, reviews and more. New categories will be added over time, so make sure to stay tuned for the latest mobile developments.

我们知道许多用户对他们的移动平台非常热衷,因此这些类别中的每一个都将专门关注特定的平台新闻,应用程序,教程,评论等。 新类别会随着时间的流逝而增加,因此请务必关注最新的移动技术发展。

We are always on the look-out for great authors. So if you happen to know a great mobile web developer, please let us know.

我们一直在寻找优秀的作者。 因此,如果您碰巧认识一个出色的移动Web开发人员, 请告诉我们 。

You can connect with BuildMobile via Facebook, Twitter or by visiting the new site. Stay tuned for more new sites from SitePoint in the near future also!

您可以通过Facebook , Twitter或访问新网站来连接BuildMobile。 请在不久的将来继续关注SitePoint的更多新站点!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/introducing-our-new-website-buildmobile/
