
tech2023-11-12  112


Chrome 6 was released this week but there’s some more important news for web designers and developers. According to StatCounter’s statistics, Google’s browser recorded a 10.76% market share during August 2010. This was an increase from 9.88% in the previous month.

Chrome 6于本周发布,但对于网页设计师和开发人员而言,还有更多重要消息。 根据StatCounter的统计 ,2010年8月,谷歌浏览器的市场份额为10.76%。比上个月的9.88%有所增长。

A 0.9% rise may not sound much, but it accounts for millions of users and is an important milestone for the 2 year-old browser. In last month’s article, Current Browser Market Shares and Trends, I reported that double figures would be achieved soon but uptake appears to have accelerated.

增长0.9%听起来可能并不多,但它可以吸引数百万用户,对于使用2年的浏览器而言,这是一个重要的里程碑。 在上个月的文章《 当前浏览器的市场份额和趋势》中 ,我报道了很快将实现两位数的增长 ,但采用的速度似乎有所加快。

It’s important to note that browser usage figures are never accurate and naturally fluctuate, but Chrome’s growth has never deviated from its upward path.


BrowserJuly 2010August 2010ChangeIE52.69%51.34%-1.35%Firefox30.69%31.09%+0.40%Chrome9.88%10.76%+0.88%Safari4.09%4.23%+0.14%Opera1.91%1.88%-0.03%Others0.74%0.70%-0.04% 浏览器 2010年7月 2010年8月 更改 IE浏览器 52.69% 51.34% -1.35% 火狐浏览器 30.69% 31.09% + 0.40% Chrome 9.88% 10.76% + 0.88% 苹果浏览器 4.09% 4.23% + 0.14% 歌剧 1.91% 1.88% -0.03% 其他 0.74% 0.70% -0.04%

Chrome’s gain has been at IE’s expense. That’s not surprising, but IE usage had remained fairly static — if not increased slightly — during previous months. August shows the biggest monthly drop in IE’s market share for a year.

Chrome的收益已经牺牲了IE。 这不足为奇,但是在过去的几个月中,IE的使用率一直保持静态(即使未略有增加)。 8月显示了IE一年来市场份额的最大月度下降。

The figures will please Google but it has a long way to go before Chrome starts to challenge IE and Firefox. However, the company has been aggressively advertising the browser and few people would bet against it.

这些数字会让Google满意,但是要让Chrome开始挑战IE和Firefox,还有很长的路要走。 但是,该公司一直在大力宣传该浏览器,很少有人敢反对它。

Could we see a 3-way tie at the top of the browser charts?



