
tech2023-11-13  110

Your heart begins to race. Suddenly, it’s stifling hot in here. Your palms begin to sweat and your knees are threatening to give up and flee to a vacation in Cancun without you. The dull rhythmic thump-thump in your ears heightens to a frenzied jack-hammer. You can’t remember a time when your mouth has been this dry. It’s time to begin – and your voice cracks. It’s public speaking time and you’re the next one up.

你的心开始跳动。 突然,这里闷热难受。 如果没有您,您的手掌开始流汗,膝盖威胁要放弃并逃离坎昆度假。 有声的节奏性重击在您的耳朵中会加剧为疯狂的重击锤。 您已经记不清嘴干了。 现在该开始了,您的声音会破裂。 现在是公开演讲时间,您是下一个。

In this article I’ll cover the basics of why presenting PHP is important, who can present about PHP related topics and what you can do to make your presentation stand out.


为什么要发表演讲? (Why Give a Presentation?)

If you’re like most of us, you know this feeling intricately. The pain of tattoos, the long hours of weight training, and public speaking all have one thing in common: pain. However, if you’ve done any of these, you also know the tremendous benefit that follows afterward. While I can’t help you get rid of the fear symptoms that you may have with public speaking, I can help make the case for the benefit of speaking, specifically about PHP.

如果您像我们大多数人一样,就会非常了解这种感觉。 纹身的痛苦,长时间的重量训练以及公开演讲都是有共同点的:痛苦。 但是,如果您已完成上述任何一项操作,那么您还将知道随之而来的巨大好处。 尽管我不能帮助您摆脱公开演讲时可能出现的恐惧症状,但我可以为您的演讲(尤其是PHP)提供帮助。

回报的机会 (An Opportunity to Give Back)

You’re very lucky if you’re a PHP programmer. From the time you’ve started to dabble in PHP, you were able to gain the same access to the full enterprise level server just like the pro’s have (there’s no “community edition” and “enterprise edition”). The Open Source Software movement has been able to make this free to you because of the work of many volunteers and business sponsors.

如果您是一名PHP程序员,那么您很幸运。 从您开始涉足PHP以来,您就可以像专业人士一样拥有对整个企业级服务器的访问权限(没有“社区版”和“企业版”)。 由于许多志愿者和企业赞助者的努力,开放源代码软件运动已经使您能够免费使用它。

Remember the last time you were stuck on a particular programming issue? A quick Google search and you probably arrived at the solution in either blog post format or on a forum. Once again, volunteers were providing information and skill to help further the Open Source community. Presenting PHP is a way to give back for all the free programming-goodness you have received.

还记得您上次陷入某个特定编程问题的时间吗? 快速Google搜索,您可能会以博客文章格式或在论坛上找到解决方案。 志愿者再次提供了信息和技能,以帮助进一步发展开源社区。 展示PHP是一种回馈您收到的所有免费编程好处的方法。

When you present about PHP topics, you are continuing the cycle. While you may not be creating code or writing the internals of PHP, you are enabling more programmers to use PHP to the potentials that you’ve discovered or mastered.

当您介绍有关PHP主题时,您将继续该周期。 虽然您可能没有创建代码或编写PHP的内部内容,但可以使更多的程序员使用PHP发挥发现或掌握的潜力。

学习的机会 (An Opportunity to Learn)

There hasn’t been a single time that I’ve created a presentation and aven’t learned something new. While you’re reviewing your content, you may run across new ways to do something. When researching alternatives to the tools you’re recommending, a new tool might crop up that you wouldn’t have looked for if it weren’t for this presentation.

我从来没有一次创建过演示文稿,也没有学过新知识。 在查看内容时,您可能会遇到一些新的方式来做某事。 在研究您推荐的工具的替代品时,可能会冒出一个新工具,如果您不在本演示文稿中,那么您根本不会寻找它。

您将成为专家 (You’ll Be an Expert)

Once you take the leap and are give a presentation to a group or team, you are now the owner of that content and are considered an expert in that arena. When you are confident enough to present your knowledge in a clean, articulate way, you are proving you know what you’re doing.

一旦您获得了飞跃并向小组或团队作了演示,您现在是该内容的所有者,并被认为是该领域的专家。 当您有足够的自信以清晰,清晰的方式介绍您的知识时,您就可以证明自己知道自己在做什么。

也许你会赚钱 (Maybe You’ll Make Some Money)

You probably won’t make money at first, but it can be done. As you begin to present more and more, you will develop a professional reputation. And, as you polish your presentations, you will learn more, present better, and further refine the concepts. Especially at conferences, a well polished expert presentation is worth it’s weight in gold. If you continue presenting PHP, you are likely to claim a small stipend for your hard work in addition to all the previous mentioned benefits.

起初您可能不会赚钱,但是可以做到。 随着您开始展示越来越多的东西,您将获得专业的声誉。 而且,当您完善演示文稿时,您将学到更多,更好地介绍并进一步完善概念。 特别是在会议上,精打细算的专家演讲非常有价值。 如果您继续介绍PHP,除了前面提到的所有好处之外,您可能还会为自己的辛勤工作索取少量津贴。

如果您不是专家怎么办? (What If You’re Not an Expert?)

I may have already scared you. If what I say is true, then you can no longer hide in the shadows! Those who attended your presentation are now considering you to be the expert. And it’s true, whether you choose to believe it or not. But here’s a secret: you don’t need to be an expert to present; you will grow to be one.

我可能已经吓到你了。 如果我说的是真的,那么您将无法再藏在阴影中! 那些参加您的演示文稿的人现在正在考虑您成为专家。 的确如此,无论您是否选择相信。 但这是一个秘密:您不需要成为专家就可以发表演讲。 你将成长为一个。

诚实地确定您当前的专业水平 (Honestly Identify Your Current Level of Expertise)

If you have just an introductory knowledge of the topic, claim such. You have just positioned yourself to be an ‘expert’ in the beginners track. If you’re going to be covering more advanced topics, portray this in your presentation abstract. It is okay to be an ‘expert’ of a certain area, no matter the size or complexity. While I know some amazingly talented expert auto mechanics, I also know of a brake specialist company that has made a name for itself focusing solely on that one aspect of mechanics.

如果您只是该主题的入门知识,请声明该主题。 您刚刚将自己定位为初学者中的“专家”。 如果您要涵盖更高级的主题,请在演示文稿摘要中进行介绍。 无论规模大小或复杂程度如何,都可以成为某个领域的“专家”。 虽然我认识一些非常有才华的汽车机械专家,但我也知道一家制动专业公司,该公司仅专注于机械加工的这一方面而闻名。

接受反馈 (Accept Feedback)

Set your ego aside and accept feedback from other experts. Once you show you are willing to discuss and be open to other’s suggestions, you’ve demonstrated a higher level of professionalism and continued along the expert track.

将自我放在一边,并接受其他专家的反馈。 一旦表明愿意与他人讨论并接受他人的建议,就表明您具有更高的专业水平,并且沿着专家的道路继续前进。

There have been times when I thought I was presenting something particularly well until someone corrected me on some details. If I would have argued with the other expert, that would be the only thing people would have remembered about my presentation. Instead, I agreed and thanked them for their gracious contribution. Now the attendees remember an expert presentation where the audience participation was welcome and valued.

有时候,我认为我提出的东西特别好,直到有人纠正了我的一些细节。 如果我会和另一位专家争论,那将是人们唯一记得我的演讲的东西。 相反,我同意并感谢他们的慷慨贡献。 现在,与会者还记得一次专家演讲,观众的参与受到欢迎和重视。

获取专家评论 (Get an Expert’s Review)

Review your presentation with experts before you present. No matter what level of presentation you are going to be making, send it off to a contact in your network who has more experience than yourself. Don’t be embarrassed by the content of your presentation; instead, be willing to accept any feedback and follow directions. A true expert can learn from other experts.

在演讲之前,请先与专家一起审查演讲。 无论您要进行哪种演示,都将其发送给网络中比您有更多经验的联系人。 演讲内容不要感到尴尬; 相反,愿意接受任何反馈并遵循指示。 真正的专家可以向其他专家学习。

使您的演示脱颖而出 (Make Your Presentation Stand Out)

I can count the number of truly interesting presentations I’ve seen on one hand. (That doesn’t say much about the videos I’ve seen of my own presentations!) There are a number of pointers I’ve gathered by watching people like Guy Kawasaki and Steve Jobs present, and while not all of these suggestions may be feasible in each of your presentations, they are good things to remember. They all boil down to one thing, though: make your presentations multi-faceted.

我可以指望一方面看到的真正有趣的演示文稿的数量。 (这并不能说明我看过自己的演示文稿的视频!)通过观察像盖伊·川崎和史蒂夫·乔布斯这样的人,我收集到了很多建议,尽管并非所有这些建议都可以在您的每个演示文稿中可行,它们是值得记住的好东西。 不过,它们全都归结为一件事:使您的演示文稿多方面。

创建支持的PowerPoint (Create a Supportive PowerPoint)

Notice the word “supportive.” Your PowerPoint shouldn’t be the focus of your presentation; that’s your job. Instead, create a PowerPoint that augments what you’re sharing.

注意“支持”一词。 PowerPoint不应成为演示文稿的重点; 那是你的工作。 而是创建一个可以增强共享内容的PowerPoint。

A good PowerPoint slide has only a few sentence fragments to support the current point you’re presenting. Never display full paragraphs in front of an audience, and any art or pictures should be limited to graphics to illustrate this particular slide’s message. Funny or distracting images just for the sake of being filler do nothing for a good presentation. Also, limit the amount of transitions and distracting effects. Your audience should be watching you present, not staring at a big screen 90% of the time.

一张好的PowerPoint幻灯片只有几个句子片段,可以支持您要显示的当前点。 切勿在观众面前展示完整的段落,并且任何艺术品或图片都应仅限于图形,以说明此幻灯片的信息。 仅出于填充目的,有趣或分散注意力的图像对良好的演示没有任何作用。 另外,限制过渡和干扰效果的数量。 观众应该看着你在场,而不是90%的时间盯着大屏幕。

包括代码示例 (Include Code Samples)

Code samples are also very important when it comes to PHP presentations. If putting them on your PowerPoint slide, fit the least amount of code possible on the slide and highlight the portions that are important. Do not be afraid to cut out non-important code or code that isn’t the focus for this point of your presentation. And make sure to have an archive of the fully functioning code samples for participants to download after your presentation, too.

关于PHP演示,代码示例也非常重要。 如果将它们放在PowerPoint幻灯片上,请在幻灯片上放入尽可能少的代码,并突出显示重要的部分。 不要害怕切出不重要的代码或不是此演示文稿重点的代码。 并确保保存功能完备的代码示例的存档,供参与者在演示后下载。

进行现场演示 (Give Live Demos)

Live demonstrations bring certain level of expertise to your presentation because they show you actually can do what you’re talking about. They also give the hands-on people something to focus on and take away from the presentation. This is the point where you transition the theory into practical application. You instantly gain credibility if you can demonstrate what you know in front of your audience!

现场演示为您的演示带来了一定程度的专业知识,因为它们表明您实际上可以做到您所谈论的事情。 他们还为动手实践的人们提供了一些重点,使他们脱离了演讲。 这是您将理论转化为实际应用的关键。 如果您能在听众面前证明自己的知识,就会立即获得信誉!

Keep in mind, however, live demos will break. From the infamous Blue Screen of Death to half of the demos I’ve done, that is the one thing you can always count on. This isn’t bad, it’s almost expected. Just don’t panic. Resist the urge to profusely apologize; a simple “I’m sorry… please bear with me” goes a long way. Just take the steps to correct the problem and do it again. The expert you are becoming can certainly handle the little bugs and unknown issues easily and with confidence.

请记住,但是现场演示会中断。 从臭名昭著的《死亡蓝屏》到我完成的一半演示,这都是您始终可以依靠的一件事。 这还不错,几乎可以预期。 只是不要惊慌。 抵制大量道歉的冲动; 一个简单的“对不起……请忍受”很长的路要走。 只需采取步骤纠正问题,然后再做一次即可。 您正在成为的专家肯定可以轻松,自信地处理小错误和未知问题。

寓教于乐 (Be Entertaining)

Sadly, no level of amazing skill and expert demonstrations will make a presentation seem great if it’s not also entertaining. Admit it… you’ve been bored by many presentations, even if the content was superb. While we can all agree that no one could even remotely think our own high quality break-through presentations would be boring, a bit of entertainment or humor can’t hurt. If you just stand in front of the room and lecture, people will fall asleep.

可悲的是,如果没有娱乐性的话,没有任何令人赞叹的技能和专家演示会使演讲看起来很棒。 承认吧……即使内容很棒,您也对很多演示感到无聊。 虽然我们都同意,没有人甚至可以远程认为我们自己的高质量突破性演示会很无聊,但一点娱乐性或幽默感也不会受到损害。 如果您只是站在教室前面演讲,人们将入睡。

Seriously convey your concepts. Don’t be a jokester or be silly about the core of your presentation, but also remember not to take yourself too seriously. Before and after a concept, be entertaining, be funny, and be willing to engage the audience. A joke or two won’t hurt. And to top it all off, don’t forget to be high energy. A high energy presenter keeps everyone interested in the presentation. Only a few people (see: classic comedians) have been successful with low energy routines.

认真传达您的概念。 不要开玩笑,不要对演示文稿的核心感到愚蠢,但也请记住不要对自己太重视。 在构思前后,应保持娱乐,有趣并乐于吸引观众。 开一两个玩笑不会受伤。 最重要的是,别忘了拥有高能量。 高能量的演讲者使每个人都对演讲感兴趣。 只有很少的人(见:经典喜剧演员)在低能耗的日常活动中取得了成功。

最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

You only have to do one presentation. If you don’t like it, then you never have to do it again. But you won’t know unless you try. Plus, if every PHP programmer did just one presentation, we’d have a library of knowledge and presentations that rival any other industry or language. This I’m sure of.

您只需要做一个演示。 如果您不喜欢它,则不必再做一次。 但是除非您尝试,否则您将不知道。 另外,如果每个PHP程序员仅做一个演示文稿,我们就会拥有一个与任何其他行业或语言都可匹敌的知识和演示文稿库。 我确定。

Here’s my dirty little secret: the adrenaline and reward will hook you. If you’re even remotely like me, after the first you will already be planning your next one. I’m excited to share what I learn, to give back to the community, to entertain, and sometimes even make a little money.

这是我肮脏的小秘密:肾上腺素和奖励会吸引您。 如果您甚至像我一样遥不可及,那么在第一个之后,您已经在计划下一个。 我很高兴分享我所学到的东西,回馈社区,娱乐,有时甚至赚一点钱。

So are you ready to do your first presentation? Check out your local PHP Users Group to see if they need volunteers to present. (I guarantee they do!) You may even want to contact Zend, the PHP Company, to see if they have any opportunities for presentations. I know Zend hosts a number of webinars each month which you might be able to participate in.

那么,您准备好进行第一次演示了吗? 查看您当地PHP用户组,以查看他们是否需要志愿者进行演示。 (我保证他们会这样做!)您甚至可能希望与PHP公司Zend联系,以查看他们是否有发表演讲的机会。 我知道Zend每个月都会举办一些网络研讨会,您也许可以参加。

And as always, feel free to reach out to me if you need any help or that last kick in the pants you need to get you to start presenting PHP!


Image via zhu difeng /

图片来自zhu difeng /

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/giving-your-first-php-presentation/

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