Adobe Business Catalyst简介

tech2023-11-14  97

The good thing about a poor economy is that it gets businesses focused on the essentials and forces them to extract as much as value as they can from every product they sell and every customer relationshipThis is true for our design shops as much as it is for our clients. For a lot of designers, it means stepping outside of the comfort zone to provide a broader set of solutions for clients in order to increase sales. Delivering a website isn’t enough—you need to build a partnership with your client and help them grow their online business, not just their site. Although you understand the various pieces of the puzzle, including site hosting, online sales, customer relationship management, email marketing, and analytics, it can be a challenge to deliver a solution that integrates these pieces well—especially if you run a small firm with limited back-end development and database resources.Additional reading includes;

经济不景气的好处是,它使企业专注于基本要素,并迫使他们从销售的每种产品和每一种客户关系中获取尽可能多的价值,这对我们的设计店和我们的设计店都是如此。客户。 对于许多设计师来说,这意味着要走出舒适区,为客户提供更广泛的解决方案,以增加销量。 仅仅提供网站还不够-您需要与客户建立合作伙伴关系,并帮助他们发展在线业务,而不仅仅是他们的网站。 尽管您理解了难题的各个方面,包括网站托管,在线销售,客户关系管理,电子邮件营销和分析,但要提供一个将这些方面很好地集成在一起的解决方案可能会是一个挑战,尤其是如果您经营一家小型企业时,后端开发和数据库资源有限。其他内容包括;

Introduction to Adobe Business Catalyst – Part 1

Adobe Business Catalyst简介–第1部分

Introduction to Adobe Business Catalyst – Part 2

Adobe Business Catalyst简介–第2部分

Introduction to Adobe Business Catalyst – Part 3

Adobe Business Catalyst简介–第3部分

How to Set Up an Online Store with Adobe Business Catalyst

如何使用Adobe Business Catalyst设置在线商店

Adobe Business Catalyst gives designers the ability to deliver complete online business solutions, not just websites. Business Catalyst provides site management, integrated ecommerce, a selection of pre-built data-driven modules, as well as reporting and analytics tools. I know you’re skeptical. Let’s face it: all-in-one solutions have a bad track record. Typically, a provider may do one thing well, then try to add on features to differentiate themselves from the competition. Unfortunately, those features fall short of what you need for your client. And in a way, this makes sense, doesn’t it? Your plumber might be great, but do you want him as your dentist too?The good news is that Adobe comes to the table with an extremely robust set of meaningful features that will let you partner with your client to help them grow their online business, not just their website. That means you can spend less time worrying about, well, the plumbing on the solutions you deliver; instead, you can spend more time creating value and increasing your and your client’s revenue.

Adobe Business Catalyst使设计师能够提供完整的在线业务解决方案,而不仅仅是网站。 Business Catalyst提供站点管理,集成的电子商务,一系列预构建的数据驱动模块以及报告和分析工具。 我知道你很怀疑。 让我们面对现实:多合一解决方案拥有不良记录。 通常,提供商可能会做一件事,然后尝试添加功能以使其与竞争对手区分开。 不幸的是,这些功能无法满足客户的需求。 从某种意义上说,这不是吗? 您的管道工也许很棒,但您是否也希望他担任牙医?好消息是,Adobe凭借强大的有意义功能集进入了餐桌,可让您与客户合作以帮助他们发展在线业务 ,不只是他们的网站。 这意味着您可以花费更少的时间来担心交付的解决方案的问题。 相反,您可以花费更多的时间创造价值并增加您和客户的收入。

解决方案平台 (A Solution Platform)

Business Catalyst is web-based and is available through a range of subscription models with increasing levels of customization and capabilities. The subscription model starts at $16 per month for the basics, and $39 per month for the full solution. There’s a 30-day free trial available, which you can use to follow along with this tutorial. Adobe also has reseller plans available for a one-time fee. These plans aren’t essential to your use of Business  Catalyst, but they allow you to white-label the whole platform so you can present it to your client under your brand with built-in billing and customer management tools.In this two-part tutorial we’re going walk through an example of building a website for a dance school. Our client’s goals are to provide information for current and new students and families, increase enrollments online, sell products, and to build a base for email marketing. I’ll assume that you already know how to design a site, though we will cover some basics, and that you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.In part one of the tutorial, we’re going to build a template-driven website with a database back end, plus integrated ecommerce functionality including a shopping cart, check out, and payment processing. We’re also going to add email marketing so the school can reach out to customers to generate new business. In part two, we’ll dive deeper into the payment processing workflow and user roles. We’ll also explore the rich data-mining and reporting capabilities you can provide for your clients as soon as you’ve built your first form.I’ll assume you’ve already done the hard work and designed the site. I’m using a simple design for a fictional Irish dance school in Philadelphia.As I noted above, Business Catalyst has a wide set of capabilities and you can dig in pretty deeply into each one. In this tutorial, we’ll be using these tools:

Business Catalyst是基于Web的,可通过一系列订阅模型来使用,这些订阅模型具有越来越高的自定义和功能级别。 订阅模式的基本费用为每月$ 16,完整解决方案的费用为每月$ 39。 有30天的免费试用版,您可以将其与本教程一起使用。 Adobe还提供了一次性费用的经销商计划。 这些计划对于您使用Business Catalyst并不是必不可少的,但是它们使您可以对整个平台进行白标,以便您可以使用内置的计费和客户管理工具将其展示给品牌下的客户。在这两个部分中教程中,我们将逐步介绍为舞蹈学校建立网站的示例。 我们客户的目标是为现有和新入学的学生和家庭提供信息,在线注册,销售产品并为电子邮件营销奠定基础。 我假设您已经知道如何设计网站,尽管我们将介绍一些基础知识,并且您知道HTML,CSS和JavaScript。在本教程的第一部分中,我们将构建一个模板驱动的网站带有数据库后端,以及集成的电子商务功能,包括购物车,结帐和付款处理。 我们还将增加电子邮件营销,以便学校可以联系客户以发展新业务。 在第二部分中,我们将更深入地研究支付处理工作流程和用户角色。 建立第一个表格后,我们还将探索可为客户提供的丰富的数据挖掘和报告功能。我假设您已经完成了艰苦的工作并设计了网站。 我在费城的一家虚构的爱尔兰舞蹈学校中使用的是简单设计。如上所述,Business Catalyst具有广泛的功能,您可以深入研究每一种。 在本教程中,我们将使用以下工具:


范本 Web pages

网页 modules

模组 ecommerce

电子商务 Web forms

网络表格 email marketing

电子邮件营销 reports


By the time you’re done, you’ll have a all the know-how required to set up a fully-featured ecommerce site with a customer database and email marketing capabilities. You’ll also have the knowledge to answer our Adobe-sponsored Article Quiz!

待您完成时,您将拥有建立具有客户数据库和电子邮件营销功能的功能齐全的电子商务网站所需的全部专业知识。 您还将有知识回答我们的Adobe赞助的文章测验 !

仪表板 (The Dashboard)

First, let’s get familiar with the environment. Once you set up your account and log in, you’re presented with a very broad, web-based work space—the Dashboard. The first time you log in, you’ll see a set of helpers and tutorials. We won’t be using those links for now, so you can ignore them. Below it you’ll see the dashboard that shows all the activity on your site. Since it’s brand new, there shouldn’t be any site activity. You’ll see navigation elements across the top of the page; when you roll over them, you’ll see a sub-navigation menu for each item, as Figure 1, “The Business Catalyst Dashboard” shows.Figure 1. The Business Catalyst Dashboard

首先,让我们熟悉环境。 设置帐户并登录后,将为您提供基于Web的非常广泛的工作空间-仪表板。 首次登录时,您会看到一组帮助程序和教程。 我们暂时不会使用这些链接,因此您可以忽略它们。 在它下面,您将看到显示您网站上所有活动的仪表板。 由于它是全新的,因此不应进行任何网站活动。 您会在页面顶部看到导航元素。 将鼠标悬停在它们上方时,将为每个项目看到一个子导航菜单, 如图1所示,“ Business Catalyst仪表板” 。 图1.业务催化剂仪表板

Take some time to explore the tools and get familiar with the waythey’re organized. Once you run through them, you’ll find that the tools become intuitive, and you can easily understand the conventions that youneed to adopt. Adobe acquired a mature platform when they bought Business Catalyst, and it has very strong contextual help and support that provides instruction and examples. The Adobe team has also built good text-based and webcast-style support tools. 花一些时间来探索这些工具,并熟悉它们的组织方式。 遍历它们之后,您会发现这些工具变得直观,并且您可以轻松地理解您需要采用的约定。 Adobe在购买Business Catalyst时获得了一个成熟的平台,它具有非常强大的上下文帮助和支持,可提供指导和示例。 Adobe团队还构建了出色的基于文本和网络广播风格的支持工具。

Now, let’s get started building a site.If you want to “move in” to Business Catalyst, there’s a helpful site importer which will take your existing site and import it into the system. You can modify and configure the site from there. However, we’re going to start from scratch in this tutorial.Adobe Business Catalyst has very deep integration with Dreamweaver CS4 and CS5, and this makes moving between environments an almost seamless process. However, I’m going to keep things simple and work in the web-based tool for this walkthrough. Let’s take a look at the design I’ve come up with—as Figure 2, “The interface design” reveals, so far, it’s just a shell.

现在,让我们开始构建一个站点。如果您想“进入” Business Catalyst,则有一个有用的站点导入器,它将使用您现有的站点并将其导入到系统中。 您可以从那里修改和配置站点。 但是,我们将在本教程中从头开始。AdobeBusiness Catalyst与Dreamweaver CS4和CS5具有非常深的集成,这使得在环境之间移动几乎是无缝的过程。 但是,在本演练中,我将使事情变得简单并在基于Web的工具中工作。 让我们看一下我想出的设计, 如图2所示,“界面设计”表明,到目前为止,它只是一个外壳。

Figure 2. The interface design


I’m a big fan of planning; as the saying goes: “Measure twice, cut once.” As you can see in Figure 3, “Understanding the template and the page”, I’ve identified areas in the template for images and text, and I’ve worked out a  simple navigation scheme. I’m going to get started by planning out a template and a page.

我是规划的忠实拥护者; 俗话说:“测量两次,切一次。” 如您在图3“了解模板和页面”中所看到的,我已经确定了模板中图像和文本的区域,并且制定了一个简单的导航方案。 我将首先计划一个模板和一个页面。

Figure 3. Understanding the template and the page


The yellow area is the template, and the grey area is the page. I’ve already written the underlying HTML and CSS for the site. In order to leverage the system’s content management capabilities, I’m going to upload some static assets (CSS, JavaScript, and images), create a new template, create a page targeting that template, and publish the results.

黄色区域是模板,灰色区域是页面。 我已经为该网站编写了基础HTML和CSS。 为了利用系统的内容管理功能,我将上传一些静态资产(CSS,JavaScript和图像),创建一个新模板,创建一个针对该模板的页面,然后发布结果。

All Roads Lead Home 条条大路回家

Adobe Business Catalyst is a very mature product that never leaves you stranded. The navigation always gives you a route home, or at least to a familiar place. If you’re not sure about something, you can cancel or navigate away before you commit a change to your  project. In addition, every time you click Save and Publish for a web page, the event is logged in an audit trail, so you can roll back to a previous version of a page, template, or product at any time. There are also multiple paths to some of the most common tools, including shortcuts on the navigation bars. I’ll be describing some of the most basic ways to access tools so that you can get familiar with the landscape, but on your own, you’ll find lots of ways to access your favorite tools.

Adobe Business Catalyst是一种非常成熟的产品,永远不会让您陷入困境。 导航始终为您提供回家的路线,或者至少为您提供到熟悉的地方的路线。 如果您不确定某件事,可以先取消或导航,然后再对项目进行更改。 此外,每次单击“ 保存并发布 ”网页时,该事件都会记录在审核跟踪中,因此您可以随时回滚到页面,模板或产品的先前版本。 还有一些最常用工具的路径,包括导航栏上的快捷方式。 我将描述一些最基本的访问工具的方式,以便您可以熟悉环境,但是您将自己找到许多访问自己喜欢的工具的方式。

