
tech2023-11-16  107


Box’s star continues to rise after closing out 2011 with enormous growth among Fortune 500 companies, and now they have set their sights on major US federal government deployments.


The big difficulty in getting any government anywhere in the world into cloud computing is always the overblown security fear angle, and so any work being done by major players to address this issue benefits us all. If the US government starts making major use of such platforms, they become a powerful case study that can be pointed to by anyone pushing a cloud solution.

使世界上任何地方的政府都无法使用云计算的最大困难始终是过分的安全担忧角度,因此,主要参与者为解决此问题而进行的任何工作都会使我们所有人受益。 如果美国政府开始大量使用此类平台,则它们将成为有力的案例研究,任何推动云解决方案的人都可以指出。

Box currently has a number of local and state government clients for cloud storage, and they note that government are essentially dealing with the same issues as enterprise players, and so this is a natural direction for Box to expand into. The $US70 Billion market for technology and software in government procurement is a massive opportunity for anyone able to convincingly address cloud security concerns, and while competitors are already working in the same space, Box’s rapid adoption among everyday as well as enterprise users makes this a development to watch.

Box目前有许多地方和州政府的云存储客户,他们指出,政府在本质上与企业参与者正在处理相同的问题,因此这是Box扩展业务的自然方向。 对于任何能够令人信服地解决云安全问题的人来说,700亿美元的政府采购技术和软件市场都是巨大的机会,尽管竞争对手已经在同一个领域开展工作,但Box在日常以及企业用户中的Swift采用使这成为一个巨大的机遇。发展值得关注。

Amazon have already launched their GovCloud, a private secure cloud solution specifically for government agencies, and IBM and HP recently won a $US250 million contract to create a private cloud. Not to be left out, Salesforce is also looking into public sector initiatives, so the next 12 months should prove very interesting for anyone watching cloud security developments. With luck, the work these companies are doing will provide the community with new security solutions and positive case studies to convince sceptical clients that the cloud is the way forward. None of this addresses Data Governance issues directly, but implementations will no doubt help to make that particular issue much more visible, especially in the American market.

亚马逊已经推出了他们的GovCloud,这是一种专为政府机构专用的私有安全云解决方案,IBM和HP最近赢得了价值2.5亿美元的合同,以创建私有云。 Salesforce也正在研究公共部门的计划,因此,接下来的12个月对于任何关注云安全发展的人来说都将非常有趣。 幸运的是,这些公司正在做的工作将为社区提供新的安全解决方案和积极的案例研究,以使怀疑的客户确信云是前进的道路。 这些都不是直接解决数据治理问题的方法,但是实施无疑将有助于使该问题更加明显,尤其是在美国市场。

Have you done any work on government cloud solutions? Had Data Governance or Cloud Security Issues? Tell us about it in the comments.

您是否在政府云解决方案上做过任何工作? 数据治理或云安全问题? 在评论中告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/box-aims-for-federal-government-data-in-the-cloud/


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