
tech2023-11-16  101

The difference between good and great websites is the quality of their UX. In order to make a lasting impression on visitors, you must build engaging user experiences, and website usability is the single most important factor determining how a user will experience your site.

好网站和好网站之间的区别在于用户体验的质量。 为了给访问者留下持久的印象,您必须建立引人入胜的用户体验,并且网站可用性是确定用户将如何体验您的网站的最重要的因素。

Usability is about building an easy-to-use high performance website that has been designed and developed with the single minded purpose of satisfying the needs and expectations of target users. Websites that meet the highest standards of web usability also complement the pattern of user behavior and persuade users to go through the site.

可用性是指建立一个易于使用的高性能网站,该网站的设计和开发旨在满足目标用户的需求和期望。 符合最高网络可用性标准的网站还可以补充用户行为模式,并说服用户访问该网站。

If you want to build a web presence that survives and prospers, usability is the one critical element that you need to get absolutely right. To put it simply, a website that is usable is not difficult to use and is self-explanatory. The following questions should be answered by the website in the affirmative:

如果您想建立一个能够生存和繁荣的网站,那么可用性是绝对正确的一项关键要素。 简而言之,一个可用的网站并不难使用,并且不言自明。 网站应肯定回答以下问题:

Is it accessible?

可以进入吗? Does it present the business’s identity and purpose with clarity and credibility?

它是否以清晰和可信的方式展示了企业的身份和宗旨? Is the on-site information easily reachable (the navigation perspective)?

现场信息是否容易到达(导航角度)? Does it offer useful content that can be easily digested?


In this article, the focus is on the page speed of a website, a critical usability element that improves website accessibility. It’s long been known that if a website makes a user wait forever to load, the user just moves on to some other site. It will be fair to say that the page speed is a prospective user’s first glimpse into the usability of a site. You cannot talk about website usability without mentioning page speed in the same breath.

在本文中,重点是网站的页面速度,这是提高网站可访问性的关键可用性元素。 众所周知,如果一个网站使用户永远等待加载,则该用户只会移动到其他站点。 可以公平地说,页面速度是潜在用户对网站可用性的第一印象。 您不能一口气说出网站速度,而不能谈论网站可用性。

They are birds of feather.


In a seminal work on usability engineering, Jakob Nielsen talks about the 3 main time limits that are an outcome of human perception. This work offers critical information on user’s expectations vis-à-vis the performance of a website or a web application. If your website doesn’t align itself with the perceptual abilities of humans, it will fail and fail big time.

在关于可用性工程的开创性工作中,雅各布·尼尔森(Jakob Nielsen)讨论了人类感知的三个主要时限。 这项工作提供了有关用户对网站或Web应用程序性能的期望的重要信息。 如果您的网站不符合人类的感知能力,那么它将失败,并且会花费大量时间。

So let’s take a closer look at page speed, usability and the important role both play in website success.


网站用户讨厌加载速度慢的页面 (Website Users Hate Slow Loading Pages)

Website users’ show improved satisfaction levels if a site loads quickly and their intolerance for a particular site begins to manifest itself after the page load speed crosses a specific time threshold. While Nielsen suggests that a page load speed beyond 15 seconds starts getting intolerable for web users, Hoxmeier and DiCesare place this limit at 12 seconds.

如果网站加载速度快,并且页面加载速度超过特定时间阈值后,他们对特定网站的不容忍度开始显现,则网站用户的满意度会提高。 尼尔森(Nielsen)提出, 网页加载速度超过15秒开始对网络用户变得无法忍受,而霍克斯迈尔(Hoxmeier)和DiCesare将此限制设置为12秒。

The key here is website loading speed impacts the satisfaction or the dissatisfaction levels of web users. People expect a super quick online user experience and if the website is unable to deliver on their expectation, they will abandon it. No longer do users wait patiently for a site to load. They have very limited time to consume information and many of them are also consuming it on the go. They no longer have the patience or the inclination to consume a page that loads slowly. They have better things to do with their time. Websites need to respect their time.

这里的关键是网站加载速度会影响Web用户的满意度或不满意程度。 人们期望获得超快速的在线用户体验,如果该网站无法实现他们的期望,他们将放弃它。 用户不再耐心等待网站加载。 他们拥有非常有限的时间来消费信息,并且其中许多人也在旅途中消费信息。 他们不再有耐心或倾向消耗缓慢加载的页面。 他们的时间更好。 网站需要尊重他们的时间。

页面速度是可用性的一部分,对SEO至关重要 (Page Speed as a subset of usability important for SEO)

The quality of a website’s SEO has a bearing on its online visibility. The world of SEO has undergone some rapid evolution over the past few years, especially after the arrival of the Panda and Penguin updates. It won’t be a stretch to say that there has been a tectonic shift in SEO priorities following the release of these updates. The focus shifted from optimizing for search engine bots to optimizing for users. Search engines love sites that deliver optimum user experience rather than those that focus more on improving their rankings.

网站的SEO的质量与在线可见度有关。 在过去的几年中,特别是在熊猫和企鹅更新到来之后,SEO的世界经历了快速的发展。 可以说,在这些更新发布之后,SEO优先级已经发生了结构性变化。 重点从针对搜索引擎机器人的优化转向针对用户的优化。 搜索引擎喜欢提供最佳用户体验的网站,而不是那些更注重提高排名的网站。

The result is that site speed optimization has become an integral SEO activity where pages that load quickly are seen to be offering a range of SEO benefits.

结果是,网站速度优化已成为不可或缺的SEO活动,可以看到,快速加载的页面可提供一系列SEO好处 。

The first SEO benefit is of course improved user engagement that results from better usability, which is a direct outcome of improved page load speed. While ranking pages, the Google search engine algorithm takes into account user behavior data like bounce rates, time spent on page and others. If the pages of your site tend to load slowly, visitors spend less time on these pages and are more likely to abandon these pages. This can impact your rankings. On the other hand, faster page load time can lead to reduced bounce rates, and more time spent on the page. Google feels your site is delivering more value if people are spending more time on it. This can have a positive impact on site rankings.

SEO的第一个好处当然是更好的可用性带来了更好的用户参与度,这是页面加载速度提高的直接结果。 在对网页进行排名时,Google搜索引擎算法会考虑用户行为数据,例如跳出率,在页面上花费的时间等。 如果您网站的页面加载趋于缓慢,则访问者在这些页面上花费的时间会更少,并且更有可能放弃这些页面。 这可能会影响您的排名。 另一方面,更快的页面加载时间会导致跳出率降低,并在页面上花费更多时间。 Google认为,如果人们花更多时间在您的网站上,则可以为您带来更多价值。 这可以对网站排名产生积极影响。

All of Google’s ranking factors have just one goal – user satisfaction. And page load speed is a critical factor that takes the satisfaction levels of your site right where Google wants them to be.

Google的所有排名因素只有一个目标-用户满意度。 页面加载速度是决定您网站对Google的满意程度的关键因素。

The Second SEO benefit of faster page speed can be improved indexation and the fact that such pages facilitate efficient page crawling leading to faster and better indexation. Faster indexation is crucial to sites that have thousands of pages, usually seen in the case of ecommerce websites; in this particular case all products pages demand better indexation, to help them gain better visibility.

SEO带来的更快页面速度的第二个好处是可以改善索引编制,并且这种页面有助于高效的页面爬网,从而导致更快更好的索引编制。 对于拥有数千个页面的网站而言,更快的索引编制至关重要(通常在电子商务网站中很常见); 在这种特殊情况下,所有产品页面都需要更好的索引编制,以帮助他们获得更好的可见性。

网站的可用性,页面加载速度和底线 (Website Usability, Page Load Speed and your Bottom Line)

The guys at KISSmetrics have come up with an amazing infographic that links loading time with your bottom line. The loading time of your site has a direct impact on your website’s conversions. It ensures a conversion friendly site, which means page speed is also linked to your CRO strategy. If you want to increase the profitability of your site, make sure that it’s fast. If the site’s performance is not on par with the user’s expectations, say good bye to any chances of earning high ROI. In a world where people are more connected to one another than ever before, news about your site’s performance or its non-performance will spread like wild fire. Speed is therefore of the essence, in more ways than one. You ignore page speed at your own risk.

KISSmetrics的家伙们想出了一个了不起的图表, 将加载时间与您的底线联系在一起 。 网站的加载时间直接影响网站的转化。 它确保了网站的转换友好,这意味着页面速度也与您的CRO策略相关联。 如果您想提高网站的盈利能力,请确保它的速度很快。 如果网站的性能与用户的期望不符,请告别任何获得高投资回报的机会。 在这个世界上人们之间的联系比以往任何时候都更加紧密的世界中,有关您网站的性能或不性能的新闻将如火如荼地传播。 因此,速度是至关重要的,而不是一种方式。 您忽略页面速度,后果自负。

移动网络,页面速度和可用性 (Mobile Web, Page Speed and Usability)

According to a survey by Statista, a leading statistics company, mobile phones accounted for 17% web usage, till July 2013. These figures throw the spotlight on usability and page speed. Why? Mobile web users are even more impatient than your normal web user and many of them are constrained by slow network connectivity. This is a situation tailor made for websites whose usability is characterized in large part with extremely fast page speed.

根据领先的统计公司Statista的一项调查 ,截至2013年7月,手机占网络使用率的17%。这些数据使可用性和页面速度成为人们关注的焦点。 为什么? 移动Web用户比您的普通Web用户更加不耐烦,并且其中许多人受到缓慢的网络连接的限制。 这是针对其可用性在很大程度上具有极快的页面速度的网站量身定制的情况。

With mobile content consumption growing day by day, mobile experiences will gain more traction than traditional web experiences. In this situation, page load speed and by association website usability will become critical success factors.

随着移动内容消费的日益增长,移动体验将比传统的Web体验获得更多的吸引力。 在这种情况下,页面加载速度和关联的网站可用性将成为成功的关键因素。

结论 (Conclusion)

Fast loading pages are the foundation for website usability. Your visitors are your potential customers, and the first impression they have of your site’s usability is through its response time. If it loads quickly, you make sure it’s not frustrated users who make their way through your site, but users who have high expectations from it. Every decision they take on your site is a byproduct of the page load speed. There is no way you can disassociate usability from page load speed.

快速加载页面是网站可用性的基础。 您的访问者是您的潜在客户,他们对您网站的可用性的第一印象就是响应时间。 如果加载速度很快,则请确保访问网站的用户不是沮丧的,而是对其抱有很高期望的用户。 他们在您的网站上做出的每个决定都是页面加载速度的副产品。 您无法将可用性与页面加载速度脱钩。

(Image Credits – Birds, Users, Bottom Line)

(图像学分– 鸟类 , 用户 , 底线 )

