
tech2023-11-17  99

Did you know that between January and June 2010, the US government made 4,287 requests for data disclosure from Google? During the same period, it asked for 678 items to be removed. Similarly, Brazil made 2,435 data requests and asked for 19,806 items to be removed.

您知道吗?在2010年1月至2010年6月期间,美国政府向Google提出了4,287个数据公开请求? 在同一时期,它要求删除678件物品。 同样,巴西提出了2435个数据请求,并要求删除19806个项目。

The “Big Brother” statistics are available from Google’s Transparency Report. The figures have been collated from the search engine and other services such as YouTube. Google states:

可从Google的透明度报告中获得“老大哥”的统计信息。 这些数字是从搜索引擎和其他服务(例如YouTube)中整理出来的。 Google声明:

Like other technology and communications companies, we regularly receive requests from government agencies around the world to remove content from our services. We also receive requests for information about the users of our services and products from government agencies like local and federal police. The map shows the number of requests that we received in six-month blocks with certain limitations.

与其他技术和通信公司一样,我们会定期收到世界各地政府机构的要求,以从我们的服务中删除内容。 我们还从地方和联邦警察等政府机构收到有关我们服务和产品用户信息的请求。 该地图以六​​个月为单位显示了我们在一定限制下收到的请求数量。

Google admit the figures are not wholly accurate. Fewer than 10 requests are not shown and 2 requests for the same item could be counted twice. You can click any map marker for details such as how many requests Google complied with.

Google承认这些数字并不完全准确。 少于10个请求未显示,并且对同一项目的2个请求可计为两次。 您可以单击任何地图标记以获取详细信息,例如Google遵循了多少请求。

The figures include removal demands for alleged defamation, hate speech, and impersonation. However, the numbers do not include:

这些数字包括涉嫌诽谤,仇恨言论和假冒行为的移除要求。 但是,这些数字不包括:

Illegal pornography — Google identifies and removes it when they become aware of the issue. This occurs regardless of government involvement.

非法色情内容-Google意识到该问题后会予以识别并删除。 不管政府是否参与,都会发生这种情况。 Removal of copyrighted content — this tends to originate from the private sector and government demands are negligible.

删除受版权保护的内容-这往往来自私营部门,政府的要求微不足道。 Numbers for China — the Chinese government consider censorship requests to be state secrets in themselves.


You should note that demands are relatively higher in Brazil and India owing to the popularity of Orkut, Google’s own social networking site. Germany also bans Nazi memorabilia and some content while Korea requests removal of RRN social security numbers.

您应该注意,由于Google自己的社交网站Orkut的普及,巴西和印度的需求相对较高。 德国还禁止纳粹纪念品和某些内容,而韩国则要求删除RRN社会安全号码。

Criminal investigations account for many of the requests. These have increased annually as Google’s products, services and user base has grown.

刑事调查占了许多要求。 随着Google产品,服务和用户群的增加,这些数字逐年增加。

There are few details about the other demands, but it’s clear Google isn’t afraid to report government censorship:


At a time when increasing numbers of governments are trying to regulate the free flow of information on the Internet, we hope this tool will shine some light on the scale and scope of government requests to censor information or obtain user data around the globe — and we welcome external debates about these issues that we grapple with internally on a daily basis.


The Transparency Report raises an interesting debate. On the plus side, the web is enabling a global democracy where governments are increasingly unable to hide information from the people they serve. On the flip side, is this a sign that Google has become too powerful? Can it threaten regulatory authorities, rise above the laws of the countries it operates in and enforce it’s own moral charter?

透明度报告引发了一场有趣的辩论。 从积极的一面来看,网络正在使全球民主成为可能,因为政府越来越无法向所服务的人们隐藏信息。 另一方面,这是否表明Google变得过于强大? 它会威胁监管机构,超越其经营所在国家/地区的法律并执行自己的道德宪章吗?

