
tech2023-11-17  104


It’s been a busy week for Google’s GMail developers. They recently added free telephone voice calls and now they’ve introduced a new feature to save you from email overload.A typical corporate user sends or receives an average of 110 messages per day and spends 8 hours per week dealing with their inbox. It’s a recognized cause of stress, can make people feel overwhelmed, and prevents them completing more important tasks. GMail’s new Priority Inbox could help you reduce the strain. It’s an experimental feature which is being rolled out to all users over the next few days. Look for a bright red “Priority Inbox” link at the top right of the page — you should see it soon.Essentially, Priority Inbox is a junk mail filter in reverse. It recognizes important messages — such as those from your boss — and gives less priority to non-critical messages. Such as those from Bob in the Accounts who cc’s the whole company when the coffee machine’s empty.As usual, Google has released a cheesy video to explain the concept:

对于Google的GMail开发人员来说,这是繁忙的一周。 他们最近增加了免费电话语音通话 ,现在又引入了一项新功能,可避免电子邮件过载。典型的公司用户平均每天发送或接收110条消息,每周花费8个小时处理收件箱。 这是公认的压力原因,会使人们感到不知所措,并阻止他们完成更重要的任务。 GMail的新“优先收件箱”可以帮助您减轻压力。 这是一项实验性功能,将在接下来的几天中向所有用户推出。 在页面右上角找到一个鲜红色的“优先收件箱”链接,您很快就会看到。基本上,优先收件箱是一个垃圾邮件过滤器。 它可以识别重要消息(例如来自您老板的消息),并且对非关键消息的优先级较低。 例如,当咖啡机闲置时,帐户中Bob抄送整个公司的人。Google照例发布了一个俗气的视频来解释这个概念:

Priority Inbox watches what you read and respond to. It learns over time and should become more efficient at sorting the critical from the trivial. The inbox is split into three sections — Important and unread, Starred and Everything else (you can configure them in GMail’s Settings):If the filter gets it wrong, you can mark a message as more or less important using the + and – buttons accordingly.Google has tested Priority Inbox internally for 18 months. According to it’s own internal reports, employees now spend 13% less time reading irrelevant emails.For more information, refer to The Priority Inbox page.Will it save you from email overload?

优先收件箱会监视您阅读并回复的内容。 它会随着时间的流逝而学习,并且应该从琐碎的问题中更有效地分类。 收件箱分为三个部分-重要和未读,已加星标以及其他所有内容(您可以在GMail的“设置”中配置它们):如果过滤器输入有误,则可以使用+和-按钮将邮件标记为或多或少重要.Google已在内部对Priority Inbox进行了18个月的测试。 根据其内部报告,员工现在花在阅读无关电子邮件上的时间减少了13%。有关更多信息,请参阅优先收件箱页面,它将为您节省电子邮件超载吗?


