虚拟化定义 分区

tech2023-11-18  99

虚拟化定义 分区

A couple of months ago, a question was posed on LinkedIn: “What is your definition of Cloud?” followed immediately by “What is your definition of Virtualization?” It prompted me to respond with a carefully articulated response that made me realize just how fuzzy these terms continue to be.

几个月前,在LinkedIn上提出了一个问题:“您对Cloud的定义是什么?” 紧随其后的是“您对虚拟化的定义是什么?” 它促使我以认真表达的回应做出回应,这使我意识到这些术语仍然是多么的模糊。

The United States National Institute of Standardization and Technology (NIST) puts out a very good explanation of the critical aspects of what makes “cloud computing”, well, “cloud computing”. But even terms such as “virtualization” are not as cut and dried as many in the industry presume.

美国国家标准化技术研究院(NIST)对“云计算”,“云计算”的构成要素进行了很好的解释。 但是,甚至诸如“虚拟化”之类的术语也没有像业界所认为的那样枯燥乏味。

什么是虚拟化? (What is Virtualization?)

There is virtualization at nearly every level to one degree or another, from the hardware to the application, and one can argue, even the data. So let’s start with what virtualization means and what, in that context, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) means.

从硬件到应用程序,几乎每个级别都有一个或多个级别的虚拟化,甚至可以争论数据。 因此,让我们从虚拟化的含义开始,在这种情况下,基础架构即服务(IaaS),平台即服务(PaaS)和软件即服务(SaaS)意味着什么。

Virtualization means simply the abstraction of the solution from the infrastructure required to support it. This can be internal or external and can apply at any level of the computer stack, from the hardware to the application itself. Indeed, IaaS/PaaS/SaaS are in fact, just that. They are all virtualization solutions, just at different levels of the computing stack. IaaS, for example, is aimed at virtualizing the hardware from the operating system. SaaS, however, is virtualizing the application from the operating system.

虚拟化意味着简单地从支持该解决方案所需的基础架构中抽象解决方案。 它可以是内部的,也可以是外部的,并且可以应用于计算机堆栈的任何级别,从硬件到应用程序本身。 实际上,IaaS / PaaS / SaaS就是这样。 它们都是虚拟化解决方案,仅位于计算堆栈的不同级别。 例如,IaaS旨在虚拟化操作系统中的硬件。 但是,SaaS正在从操作系统虚拟化应用程序。

So that leaves the nagging question: “What makes ‘as a Service’ different from the existing virtualization solutions?” That is the heart of the topic here today. What is, “X as a Service” where X is whatever is being virtualized? The good news is that it’s not really a new technology – more an exercise in branding, but it helps have an understanding of computer and virtualization history.

这样就留下了一个棘手的问题:“什么使“即服务”与现有的虚拟化解决方案不同?” 这就是今天这里的主题的核心。 什么是“ X即服务”,其中X是虚拟化的东西? 好消息是,它并不是真正的新技术,而是一种品牌实践,但它有助于了解计算机和虚拟化的历史。

Historically, servers (especially Windows Servers) had issues with conflicting software. These were compounded by issues where multiple users were trying to use the same physical resource. Because of this and perhaps other issues, industry determined it was best practice to have each server do one, and only one, thing. As hardware progressed and software became more efficient, these physical machines became more and more underutilized.

从历史上看,服务器(尤其是Windows Server)在软件冲突方面存在问题。 由于多个用户试图使用相同的物理资源,这些问题变得更加复杂。 由于这个问题以及其他可能的问题,业界确定最好的做法是让每台服务器只做一件事情。 随着硬件的进步和软件的提高,这些物理机的利用率越来越低。

At this point, a group of bright, forward thinking people looked around and found a solution to this problem – VMware was thus born. Virtualization is nothing new. The founders of VMware had used virtualization products for many years from IBM. You see, IBM developed computer virtualization for their mainframe computers. And some on the VMware team worked on these. The trick was getting it to work with x86 and x64 based “Wintel” machines.

此时,一群聪明,有远见的人环顾四周,找到了解决该问题的方法-VMware诞生了。 虚拟化并不是什么新鲜事物。 VMware的创始人使用IBM多年的虚拟化产品。 您会看到,IBM为大型机开发了计算机虚拟化。 VMware团队中的一些人对此进行了研究。 诀窍在于使其能够与基于x86和x64的“ Wintel”计算机一起使用。

Fast forward to today, where many (maybe most) Intel based servers use VMware or other virtualization solutions regularly. Like the mainframe, many machines have come much closer to full utilization due to virtualization. Clustering, full on-line redundancy, hot swappability, and running backups are possible without affecting the services the server is providing in the first place. This leads to near zero-loss disaster recovery times not to mention a host of other options available only due to the advent of virtualizing these services and platforms. So why not combine them further to provide better resource utilization? Enter IaaS.

快进到今天,许多(也许大多数)基于Intel的服务器定期使用VMware或其他虚拟化解决方案。 与大型机一样,由于虚拟化,许多机器都已接近充分利用。 群集,完整的在线冗余,热插拔能力和正在运行的备份都是可能的,而不会影响服务器最初提供的服务。 这导致接近零损失的灾难恢复时间,更不用说仅由于虚拟化这些服务和平台而出现的许多其他选择。 那么,为什么不将它们进一步结合以提供更好的资源利用呢? 输入IaaS。

IaaS (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service is the next evolution in virtualization of the hardware. Now that we can keep entire datacenters virtual, why not move that to the “Big Iron” systems and make them even cheaper to maintain on a per server basis? Systems like HP’s SuperDome, Dell’s v200, or IBM’s p-Series and even z-Series machines can house a huge amount of resources which can then be redistributed among the various virtual machines within the system. Blade servers and other technological innovations have created similar high-density computing platforms that can similarly reduce costs on a per chassis basis. Technical aspects aside, the point is why not use bigger, better machines that can minimize costs and overhead for your datacenter? The single biggest reason is up front costs.

基础架构即服务是硬件虚拟化的下一步发展。 现在我们可以保持整个数据中心虚拟化,为什么不将其迁移到“ Big Iron”系统上,并使其在每台服务器的基础上维护成本更低? 诸如HP的SuperDome,戴尔的v200或IBM的p系列甚至z系列计算机之类的系统可以容纳大量资源,然后可以在系统内的各个虚拟机之间重新分配资源。 刀片服务器和其他技术创新创造了类似的高密度计算平台,可以类似地降低每个机箱的成本。 除了技术方面,关键是为什么不使用更大,更好的机器来最大程度地降低数据中心的成本和开销? 唯一的最大原因是前期费用。

Infrastructure as a Service is a service provided by another entity (be it a group within your company or a third party) that provides the hardware and hardware support while you maintain the virtual datacenter on top of it. In other words, they provide the infrastructure as a virtualized service and datacenter operations moves on as they always did taking care of the server operating systems and the applications they support. There are many advantages to this route. I will go into these advantages and their disadvantages in another article, but one big advantage is the less hardware there is to maintain, the less there is to go wrong and the lower headcount required to maintain it.

基础架构即服务是另一实体(无论是公司内部的组还是第三方)提供的服务,在您将虚拟数据中心维护在其上时,它提供硬件和硬件支持。 换句话说,它们提供了作为虚拟化服务的基础架构,数据中心的操作一如既往地进行着,照顾着服务器操作系统及其支持的应用程序。 这条路线有很多优势。 我将在另一篇文章中介绍这些优点和缺点,但是一个很大的优点是,维护的硬件越少,出错的地方就越少,维护它所需的人员也就越少。

PaaS (PaaS)

Platform as a Service is an interesting, but critical concept. It is basically an application platform, not unlike Websphere, Glassfish, or a host of other application server platforms. It is, by design, virtualizing the application dependencies and serving them as a single “platform” upon which any compatible software can run. Often referred to as an “application fabric”, this platform is not really used directly by users or maintained by infrastructure, per se, but rather a sort of “middleware” the developers use to target their programs against.

平台即服务是一个有趣但重要的概念。 它基本上是一个应用程序平台,与Websphere,Glassfish或其他许多应用程序服务器平台不同。 通过设计,它可以虚拟化应用程序依赖项并将它们作为可运行任何兼容软件的单个“平台”来提供。 该平台通常被称为“应用程序结构”,实际上并不真正由用户直接使用或由基础架构维护,而是开发人员用来针对其程序的一种“中间件”。

By virtualizing the application fabric, a set of standardized programming “stubs”, called API’s, can be used independent of which fabric is used. Generically providing these stubs to programmers to program against at their own time and without the overhead of setting up the environment provides a great benefit to the programmers which results in better, more consistent programs for the end users who pay for them.

通过虚拟化应用程序结构,可以使用一组标准化的编程“存根”(称为API),而与使用哪种结构无关。 通常向程序员提供这些存根,以便他们自己进行编程,而没有设置环境的开销,这为程序员带来了很大的好处,这为付费的最终用户提供了更好,更一致的程序。

In the end, Platform as a Service is the epitome of “cloud computing”. In its ideal situation, it provides a structure where software can run and be used on any platform irrespective of the operating system the user prefers. Reality falls somewhat short of that, of course, but the industry continues to move closer to that ideal each day.

最后,平台即服务是“云计算”的缩影。 在理想情况下,它提供了一种结构,在该结构中,软件可以在任何平台上运行和使用,而与用户喜欢的操作系统无关。 当然,现实还差一点,但是行业每天都在不断接近这一理想。

Some astute readers may even say “Hey, that describes the web.” Indeed, I suggest an argument can be made that it has indeed become a platform as a service, especially with the advent of HTML5 and JavaScript. Most people talking about PaaS, however, are generally referring more to the various application platforms as mentioned earlier. The natural extension of PaaS is SaaS offerings.

一些精明的读者甚至可能会说“嘿,描述了网络。” 确实,我建议可以提出一个论点,即它确实已成为一种平台即服务,尤其是随着HTML5和JavaScript的出现。 但是,大多数谈论PaaS的人通常会更多地提及前面提到的各种应用程序平台。 PaaS的自然扩展是SaaS产品。

SaaS (SaaS)

Software as a Service is an easy extent ion to make from the Platform as a Service idea. Here, however, it is more customer facing. Programs such as PeopleSoft Human Resource Management software, SalesForce.com Contact Management Software, and even the Hotmail email service are common SaaS offerings under the definitions proposed above (and indeed by most definitions provided by industry). They are software that is developed, managed, and maintained by the company that owns them and provided as a service to the consuming users.

“软件即服务”是从“平台即服务”理念中轻松实现的。 但是,这里更多的是面向客户的。 在上述建议的定义(以及实际上由行业提供的大多数定义)下,诸如PeopleSoft人力资源管理软件,SalesForce.com联系人管理软件甚至Hotmail电子邮件服务之类的程序都是常见的SaaS产品。 它们是由拥有它们的公司开发,管理和维护的软件,并作为服务提供给使用用户。

Software as a Service provides the most compelling case for both developers and users. Developers find it makes it easier to maintain and support their codebase while minimizing piracy through controlled access to the software. Moreover, it is much easier for developers to generate a steady income stream as it is more conducive to subscription based pricing. Users gain the simplicity of a system that works without constant tweaking just to keep it running. They also often appreciate the ability to store and access data from anywhere without significant headache (most of the time).

软件即服务为开发人员和用户提供了最有说服力的案例。 开发人员发现,通过控制对软件的访问,可以更轻松地维护和支持代码库,同时最大程度地减少盗版。 此外,开发商更容易产生稳定的收入流,因为它更有利于基于订阅的定价。 用户获得了系统的简单性,该系统无需不断调整即可保持运行。 他们还常常欣赏从任何地方存储和访问数据的能力,而不会感到头疼(大部分时间)。

差异化因素 (The Differentiator)

Each of the definitions above are excellent examples of virtualization, but I left out the key component that differentiates each of them as “X as a Service” offerings. The one key feature that defines XaaS from any other form of virtualization. That one piece is self-service provisioning.

上面的每个定义都是出色的虚拟化示例,但我省略了将它们分别区分为“ X即服务”产品的关键组件。 从任何其他形式的虚拟化定义XaaS的一项关键功能。 一件就是自助服务供应。

Without self-service provisioning, any of these virtualization solutions would require a larger, sometimes much larger, workforce to manually service these requests. Besides the cost overhead these workers would necessitate, human error would creep in and need to be tracked and fixed without a permanent patch further driving up costs. And worst of all, it would slow provisioning down to days, if not weeks. Imagine how many people it would take to setup email accounts for each of Yahoo’s estimated 310M account holders and how long that would take to implement. Now realize that is only one of thousands of SaaS providers…

如果没有自助服务配置,这些虚拟化解决方案中的任何一个都将需要更大,有时甚至更大的劳动力来手动服务这些请求。 除了这些工人所需的成本开销外,人为错误还会蔓延,需要跟踪和解决,而无需永久性补丁,进一步增加了成本。 最糟糕的是,这将使调配速度减慢到几天甚至几天。 想象一下,为Yahoo估计的310M帐户持有者中的每个帐户持有者设置电子邮件帐户将花费多少人,以及实施该过程将花费多长时间。 现在意识到这只是数千个SaaS提供商中的一个……

As you can see, none of this is revolutionary; though some implementations are quite exciting. The fact that companies are increasingly finding value in this concept versus sticking with only their own internal datacenter also quite telling. While the concepts are not new or groundbreaking, the terms used may be new. So what do you think? Are these terms and concepts new to you? Do you disagree with the definitions set forth? Let me know by posting a comment below…

如您所见,这都不是革命性的。 尽管某些实现非常令人兴奋。 公司越来越多地在此概念中发现价值,而不是只坚持自己的内部数据中心,这一事实也很明显。 尽管这些概念不是新概念,也不是开创性的,但所用术语可能是新概念。 所以你怎么看? 这些术语和概念对您来说是新的吗? 您不同意所提出的定义吗? 通过在下面发表评论让我知道...

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/virtualization-and-as-a-service-platforms-defined/

虚拟化定义 分区
