
tech2023-11-20  90

Episode 55 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week your hosts are Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves), Patrick O’Keefe (@ifroggy), Brad Williams (@williamsba) and Kevin Yank (@sentience).

SitePoint Podcast的 第55集现已发布! 本周的主持人是斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯( @ssegraves ),帕特里克·奥基夫( @ifroggy ),布拉德·威廉姆斯( @williamsba )和凯文·扬克( @sentience )。

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您也可以将本集下载为独立的MP3文件。 这是链接:

SitePoint Podcast #55: State-sponsored Brown Paper (MP3, 43.7MB)

SitePoint Podcast#55:国家赞助的棕色纸 (MP3,43.7MB)

剧集摘要 (Episode Summary)

Here are the topics covered in this episode:


Tactics Opera are employing to get into the App Store

Tactics Opera正在雇用进入App Store The team discuss features in the upcoming Photoshop CS5

团队讨论即将发布的Photoshop CS5中的功能 Chrome developer tools

Chrome开发人员工具 Patrick shares his experiences from South by Southwest (SXSW)

Patrick分享了South by Southwest(SXSW)的经验

Browse the full list of links referenced in the show at


主持人聚光灯 (Host Spotlights)

Stephan: 8-bit NYC

斯蒂芬: 8位纽约市

Patrick: The Video Game Bosses’ Lament

帕特里克: 电子游戏老板的感叹

Brad: Skipfish and Professional WordPress

布拉德: Skipfish和专业WordPress

Kevin: Australian JavaScript Workshops and SitePoint’s 5-for-1 sale with MOBI and ePub formats

凯文(Kevin): 澳大利亚JavaScript研讨会和SitePoint的5对1促销,使用MOBI和ePub格式

显示成绩单 (Show Transcript)

Kevin: April 2nd, 2010. Patrick shares his experiences from South by Southwest (SXSW), we take a peek at Photoshop CS5, and what Opera is doing to get into the App Store. I’m Kevin Yank and this is the SitePoint podcast #55: State-sponsored Brown Paper.

凯文: 2010年4月2日。帕特里克(Patrick)分享了他在South by Southwest(SXSW)上的经历,我们来看看Photoshop CS5,以及Opera进入App Store所做的事情。 我是Kevin Yank,这是SitePoint播客#55:州政府赞助的棕色纸。

And it’s all hands on deck for this SitePoint podcast. We’ve got Stephan, Brad and Patrick, and myself all here. Patrick, of course, as we mentioned a couple of weeks ago, has just rejoined us from South by Southwest.

这一切都是本SitePoint播客的随身听。 我们有斯蒂芬,布拉德和帕特里克,还有我自己。 当然,正如我们在几周前提到的那样,帕特里克(Patrick)刚从西南到西南重新加入了我们。

Hi, Patrick.


Patrick: Hey, Kevin.


Kevin: Does it feel like just yesterday or does it feel like a year ago now, for the conference?


Patrick: It feels like, I guess, just yesterday kind of, sort of. Back on top of things now, thankfully. It took a week or so to get back on top of all the emails and the forum posts and the blog posts and so on but yeah, back on top of everything and yeah, it’s good to be back.

帕特里克:我想就像昨天一样。 值得庆幸的是,现在回到事情的顶端。 花了一个星期左右的时间才能回到所有电子邮件,论坛帖子和博客帖子等之上,但是,是的,回到一切之上,是的,回来是一件好事。

Kevin: There are conferences that you can go to and you can go back to your hotel in the evening and keep up with your email — South by Southwest is not one of those?

凯文:您可以参加一些会议,晚上也可以回到您的酒店并跟上您的电子邮件-South by Southwest是不是其中之一?

Patrick: Well, they have Wi-Fi at the conference so there’s always the opportunity to check email and what not and then at the hotel there actually was free Wi-Fi. So it’s just a matter of always going. You get up, you get ready, you take a shower, get out of the room in an hour, breakfast, programming. I can’t walk from the hotel to the conference without seeing somebody that I know and, of course, there goes 10, 20-minutes of talking and just there’s still a lot of networking. I think that’s my favorite thing about it is meeting people, building relationships, growing my existing relationships and just having a lot of fun and seeing some interesting things on the side.

帕特里克(Patrick):好的,他们在会议上使用Wi-Fi,因此总是有机会查看电子邮件,而不是查看电子邮件,然后在酒店实际上是免费的Wi-Fi。 因此,这只是不断前进的问题。 您起床,准备,淋浴,一个小时内离开房间,享用早餐,编程。 我不能从酒店步行到会议,而不会看到我认识的人,当然,那里有10到20分钟的通话时间,而且仍然有很多人际网络。 我认为这是我最喜欢的事情,它是结识新朋友,建立关系,发展我现有的关系,并获得很多乐趣并看到一些有趣的东西。

Kevin: On the show today I’m going to get you to reminisce, give us your highlights from the conference, but first we’ve got a couple of other stories to touch on. So let’s dive right in.

凯文:在今天的节目中,我想让您回想一下,给我们您在会议上的亮点,但是首先我们要谈谈其他几个故事。 因此,让我们直接进入。

Opera submits Opera Mini for the iPhone to the App Store. So we got three iPhone users here … Brad, you’re still using the iPhone, right?

Opera将iPhone的Opera Mini提交给App Store。 因此,我们这里有三个iPhone用户...布拉德,您仍在使用iPhone,对吗?

Brad: Yep, so far.

布拉德:是的 ,到目前为止。

Kevin: So do we need another browser?


Brad: I definitely want to try it out, I mean if it ever gets accepted, that is. You know I think competition is always good. Anytime there’s kind of a monopoly is when you really get into trouble, whether it’s a particular piece of software or business or whatever it may be. So I definitely think competition is always a good thing and really kind of pushes innovation. So I’m anxious to try it out, again, if it ever gets accepted.

布拉德:我绝对想尝试一下,就是说,如果它被接受了。 你知道我认为竞争总是好的。 每当您真正陷入麻烦时,无论是特定的软件或业务,还是可能的任何情况,都有一种垄断。 因此,我绝对认为竞争永远是一件好事,确实可以推动创新。 因此,我很想再次尝试一下,如果它被接受了。

Kevin: So we’ve got a link in the show notes here to a SitePoint blog post that’s showing off a video of this browser that may never see the light of day in action. Opera’s been doing the conference circuit and showing this off. It seems like they’re tackling the issue of whether they might get accepted or rejected by Apple head on by just showing it to as many people as possible hoping that it leaves Apple with no choice but to approve them. I’m thinking that didn’t do a lot of good for Google with Google Voice. There sure where a lot of people clamouring for Apple to approve Google Voice and it did no good. What do you guys think Opera’s chances are here?

凯文(Kevin):因此,我们在这里的表演注释中有一个指向SitePoint博客文章的链接,该博客文章展示了该浏览器的视频 ,可能永远无法实现。 Opera一直在做会议电路,并进行炫耀。 似乎他们正通过向尽可能多的人展示它是否希望被苹果公司接受还是拒绝的方式来解决这个问题,希望它让苹果公司别无选择,只能批准他们。 我认为使用Google语音对Google并没有多大好处。 肯定有很多人呼吁苹果批准Google语音服务,但这并没有什么好处。 你们认为Opera的机会来了吗?

Stephan: They’re pretty good.


Brad: They’re pretty slim.


Stephan: Oh, you think so? I guess we’ll agree to disagree. {laughing}

斯蒂芬:哦,你是这样认为的吗? 我想我们会不同意。 {笑}

Brad: And … fight!

布拉德:然后…… 打架 !

Kevin: Stephan? “Pretty good” first …

凯文:斯蒂芬? “相当好”首先...

Stephan: Well, I mean think that they, since they’ve come out kind of strong on this and kind of been pushing it a little bit more, I think maybe Apple would be a little bit more accepting of them, maybe. I think the Google Voice thing, it was kind of circumventing the whole call functionality, you know the AT&T network, so that was a reason right there to kill it. I don’t see how Apple could, in a good conscience, kill this. Is there anything in the SDK that says you can’t have a browser? I don’t know.

史蒂芬:嗯,我的意思是说,因为他们在这方面表现出了一定的优势,并且在推动它方面有所提高,所以我认为也许苹果公司会更多地接受他们。 我认为Google Voice是一种绕过整个通话功能的方式,您知道AT&T网络,因此这就是杀死它的原因。 我看不出苹果如何凭良心解决这个问题。 SDK中是否有不能显示浏览器的内容? 我不知道。

Kevin: The one thing that’s in there is that you’re not allowed to have a runtime of any kind. So if you’re creating a system that can run arbitrary programs maybe that you download from online which is a way around the Apple approval process and examples might be like a Gameboy Emulator for example, you can’t build that for the iPhone if it’s going to be able to download and run any arbitrary game from online because Apple considers that circumventing their control of the App Store, not in so many words but that’s what it comes down to and they won’t approve any app that has a language runtime in it. But thankfully, for Opera in this case, Opera Mini doesn’t have a JavaScript engine in it. What it does is it downloads the web pages to the Opera servers, processes it, preprocesses those pages and shrinks them down to something that’s really static and small and sends that to your iPhone. So there’s no JavaScript support in this browser per se but in this case that’s actually a good thing as far as getting this app into the App Store.

凯文:其中有一件事是不允许您使用任何类型的运行时。 因此,如果您要创建一个可以运行任意程序的系统,或者从在线下载(这是围绕Apple批准流程的一种方式),并且示例可能类似于Gameboy Emulator,那么您就无法为iPhone构建该系统,之所以能够从网上下载并运行任何游戏,是因为Apple认为绕开了他们对App Store的控制,并不是用太多的话,而是它的最终目的,因此他们不会批准任何具有语言运行时的应用在里面。 但值得庆幸的是,对于这种情况下的Opera,Opera Mini中没有JavaScript引擎。 它的作用是将网页下载到Opera服务器,进行处理,对这些页面进行预处理,然后将其缩小到真正很小的东西,然后将其发送到iPhone。 因此,此浏览器本身不支持JavaScript,但在这种情况下,这对将这个应用程序加入App Store而言实际上是一件好事。

Brad, why do you think they don’t have great chances?


Brad: Well, I think just if history has proven anything with Apple and the iPhone, it’s that they really like to keep tight control over what it can do and over specific features, like you said Google Voice was one, and I can understand their argument for that one since it was more voice focused obviously, but I really think that Apple wants to have ultimate control over the browser on their own phone. And by allowing people to install additional browsers, it’s going to open the gate and the next thing you know there’d be a mobile Chrome, there’d be a mobile IE that’s on the iPhone and there’d be nothing Apple can do to stop it.

布拉德:恩,我想就算苹果和iPhone已经证明了一切,这是因为他们真的很想严格控制其功能和特定功能,就像您所说的Google语音就是其中之一,我可以理解他们之所以提出这样的观点,是因为显然声音更多地集中在声音上,但我确实认为Apple希望对自己手机上的浏览器拥有最终控制权。 通过允许人们安装其他浏览器,这将打开大门,接下来您会发现将有移动Chrome,iPhone上将有移动IE,Apple将无能为力停下来。

Kevin: There’s this thing that Apple trots out when they reject certain applications. They say that they it duplicates existing functionality within the phone which may lead to user confusion. This is paraphrasing — that’s the wording that they send to developers in cases like these. So if the phone already has an SMS application, then if you were to build your own SMS application, this might, in Apple’s opinion, lead to user confusion between the installed app and the core functionality and so they reject it on those grounds. I’m not sure whether there’s a clause about that in the Apple development terms and even if there is, it’s kind of vague because the argument could be made that a lot of the things that Apple does approve are spins on things that are core functionality to the phone. So the question here is, is Apple going to consider Opera Mini to be too much of a duplication of what Safari does for you? I’m not really sure.

凯文:当他们拒绝某些应用程序时,苹果会淘汰这种东西。 他们说他们复制了电话中现有的功能,可能导致用户困惑。 这是措辞-这是在这种情况下他们发送给开发人员的措辞。 因此,如果手机已经具有SMS应用程序,那么如果您要构建自己的SMS应用程序,则Apple认为,这可能会导致用户在已安装的应用程序和核心功能之间产生混淆,因此他们基于这些理由拒绝使用它。 我不确定在Apple开发术语中是否有关于此的条款,即使存在,也有点含糊不清,因为可以说苹果确实支持的很多东西都是核心功能的东西。电话。 所以这里的问题是,Apple是否会考虑Opera Mini与Safari为您提供的功能有太多重复? 我不太确定

Patrick: Is anyone going to jailbreak their iPhone to run Opera? I mean what is the lifecycle of this?

帕特里克:有人要越狱他们的iPhone来运行Opera吗? 我的意思是这是什么生命周期?

Kevin: Opera fans probably will. There is this whole gray market of apps that people have put a lot of work into developing getting rejected so they’ll put it out on these…

凯文:歌剧迷可能会的。 在整个灰色的应用市场中,人们投入了大量工作来开发被拒绝的东西,因此他们将其淘汰掉……

Patrick: Like Gameboy Emulators.


Kevin: Yeah exactly, Gameboy Emulators. They go into this second tier market that you have to jailbreak your phone in order to access but there is that market out there, and I guess it goes without saying that Opera will put it there if they have to in order to continue to put pressure on Apple. But I haven’t seen any cases of that swaying Apple.

凯文:是的,Gameboy Emulators。 他们进入了第二层市场,您必须越狱手机才能进入,但是那里有这个市场,我想不用说,如果他们不得不继续施加压力,Opera会把它放在那里。在苹果上。 但是我还没有看到苹果摇摇欲坠的任何案例。

Brad: I do love the count up that they put out. I would love to see every single app submitted to its own count up. It would even be probably be a fairly popular site if somebody built that just to kind of call out Apple and say look, the process is obviously very vague and in a given period of time it could be a day, it could be a month before they’re going to approve something. So maybe that would help them speed up the process a bit.

布拉德:我很喜欢他们所付出的努力。 我很想看到每个提交给自己的应用程序的数量。 如果有人建立这个网站只是为了呼唤Apple并说看,它甚至可能会是一个非常受欢迎的网站,该过程显然非常模糊,并且在给定的时间内可能是一天,可能是一个月之前他们将批准一些东西。 因此,这也许可以帮助他们加快流程速度。

Kevin: So the count up here is: they submit it to Apple and then they start this counter counting on their website and so people can go and see how many seconds it’s been since it was submitted to Apple and I guess it’s a record of how long it’s taking Apple to make a decision one way or the other.


The weird thing – coming back to Google Voice – is that Apple maintains, at least when they were called in by the FCC to explain their actions, they maintained that they still haven’t rejected Google Voice. They are just considering it. So these count ups can go for a really long time if that’s Apple’s approach to making controversial rejections.

回到Google Voice的怪异之处在于,苹果坚持认为,至少当FCC邀请他们解释其行为时,他们坚持认为他们仍然没有拒绝Google Voice。 他们只是在考虑。 因此,如果这是苹果公司提出有争议的拒绝意见的方法,那么这些计数将持续很长时间。

Patrick: That’s like saying the App Store is in Beta — and in beta forever. It’s like keeping something in Beta for such a long time. You know Apple has this sort of philosophy, this sort of – it’s almost like a part of the brand. I mean it’s a part of the ethos of the brand and how fans are attracted to them. It’s this sort of mysterious, secretive nature and I don’t know if that sometimes works against them and maybe this is a case of that but a lot of times this is just something a lot of Apple fans will be approving.

帕特里克(Patrick):就像说App Store处于Beta版一样-永远处于beta版。 这就像在Beta中保存一段时间一样。 您知道Apple具有这种理念,就像品牌的一部分一样。 我的意思是这是品牌精神的一部分,以及如何吸引粉丝。 这是一种神秘,秘密的性质,我不知道这是否有时对他们不利,也许是这种情况,但很多时候,这只是许多苹果粉丝会批准的事情。

Kevin: When you were describing the situation, Patrick, and you said that Apple wants to maintain control over the browser on their phone, my mind immediately went back to the antitrust lawsuit that Microsoft faced over Internet Explorer in Windows. And I guess from that we know that it has been judged illegal for a vendor to tie their browser to their operating system and force users to use a particular browser. We know that that is illegal at least in the United States on desktop computers. The question is will that law apply to mobile phones and it seems the more powerful Apple makes its phones, the shadier the territory they’re getting into legally over this stuff.

凯文:在描述情况时,帕特里克(Patrick),您曾说过苹果希望保持对手机浏览器的控制权,我立即想到了微软针对Windows Internet Explorer发起的反托拉斯诉讼。 我想从中我们可以知道,将供应商的浏览器与操作系统绑定在一起并强迫用户使用特定的浏览器被判定为非法。 我们知道,至少在美国台式机上这是非法的。 问题是法律是否将适用于手机,而且苹果生产手机的功能似乎越强大,他们合法进入该领域的土地就越黑。

Patrick: Yeah, Brad said that, not me, but I think it is a good point. You know I think it’s sort of a Microsoft thing; people view Microsoft as the dominant thing in operating systems, and it is but Apple’s phone or their sort of grasp on this whole market of phone apps – and I was talking about this on a different show about how it relates to intellectual property and how they’re happy to sell the devices but as far as stopping piracy of the apps and so on, maybe they’re a little lax because they make a majority of their money in the equipment.

帕特里克:是的,布拉德说的不是我,但是我认为这是一个好观点。 您知道我认为这有点像微软的事情。 人们将微软视为操作系统中的主导力量,但这只是苹果公司的手机或他们在整个手机应用程序市场上的某种掌控力。而我在另一场展览中谈到了它与知识产权的关系以及它们如何与他们联系。我很乐意出售这些设备,但就制止该应用程序的盗版等等,也许它们有点松懈,因为他们在设备中赚了大部分钱。

So Apple is, as any company, going to look out for Apple.


Stephan: I think they make a decent amount of money though in the App Store.

斯蒂芬:我认为他们虽然在App Store中赚了很多钱。

Patrick: They do, but it’s not what they make in equipment.


Stephan: No. But my thing is, is that if someone wants to replicate and I’m sure this has been done, I don’t use them, the Notes app, if someone wants to replicate the Notes app, would Apple defend it? Would Apple kill a submitted Notes application to the App Store?

史蒂芬:不。但是我的意思是,如果有人要复制并且我确定已经完成,那么我就不会使用它们,如果有人要复制Notes应用程序,Notes应用程序将由Apple捍卫。 ? 苹果会杀死提交到App Store的Notes应用程序吗?

Kevin: There are tons of Notes apps for the iPhone.

凯文: iPhone有大量的Notes应用程序。

Stephan: So what they’re doing then is if they kill Opera and they say this is a functionality that already exist on the phone, then they’re saying that they should kill off all the Notes applications out there, in my opinion, because in that case they’re just trying to push Safari and teach people that they should use Safari and hopefully get some people to use it on Windows computers or on a Mac that use Firefox or whatever. It seems a little on the bully side in my opinion.

斯蒂芬:所以他们正在做的是,如果他们杀死了Opera,并且说这是手机上已经存在的功能,那么我认为他们应该杀死那里的所有Notes应用程序,因为在那种情况下,他们只是在尝试推广Safari,并告诉人们应该使用Safari,并希望让一些人在Windows计算机或使用Firefox的Mac上使用它。 在我看来,在欺凌方面似乎有点。

Kevin: Their situation feels untenable to me. Their plans seems to be they’re going to make as much money out of it for as long as they can until someone forces them to change the way they’re doing this and I think it’s inevitable that they will be forced to do that.

凯文:我觉得他们的处境不稳。 他们的计划似乎是,他们将尽可能多地从中赚钱,直到有人强迫他们改变他们这样做的方式,我认为不可避免地会被迫这样做。

Our next story is Adobe CS5, Creative Suite 5. Adobe has announced that it’s going to be unveiling their new Creative Suite on April 12th and I have to say upfront here that SitePoint is under nondisclosure agreement about CS5. So certain members of the SitePoint team cannot talk about this stuff but I personally have not played with CS5 at all. So anything I know is what’s publicly been said so just to get that out there.

我们的下一个故事是Adobe CS5,Creative Suite5。Adobe已宣布将于4月12日发布其新的Creative Suite,在此我不得不先说SitePoint已就CS5达成了保密协议。 因此,SitePoint团队的某些成员无法谈论这些内容,但是我个人根本没有使用CS5。 所以我所知道的就是公开说的话,所以只是为了解决这个问题。

Guys, they’ve shown off this video on the site of this one particular feature coming in Photoshop CS5 and this feature is content-aware fill. Did you guys take a look at this video?

伙计们,他们已经在CS5launch.adobe.com网站上展示了此视频,其中包含Photoshop CS5中的一项特殊功能,并且该功能可以感知内容 。 你们看过这个视频吗?

Stephan: Sure did, it’s pretty sweet.


Brad: It’s awesome.


Stephan: Especially for someone who can’t retouch anything in Photoshop!


Patrick: Says the non-designers, as everyone will point out in the comments. {laughing}

帕特里克(Patrick):非设计师说,所有人都会在评论中指出。 {笑}

Kevin: So for our listeners who may not have seen this video, this feature basically lets you draw an outline around a part of a photo that contains an element you don’t like and in the example they have a lens flare and an entire tree in one case, and even the grand finale is like this road cutting through a landscape of shrubs in the desert and they just draw around the road and then you hit the content aware fill feature and Photoshop thinks about it for a little bit and then replaces that part of the photo with generated content based on what it sees around it. So if you’ve selected part of a cloudy sky that has an airplane in it, the airplane disappears and Photoshop generates new cloudy sky based on what it sees around it and it’s absolutely amazing. That last example of them, cutting the road out of the landscape and having it just generate new bushes to fill in the space, it’s astonishing. I think it was Alex Walker, our designer at SitePoint, he was reading – I think it’s YouTube comments following on from this video and one of the comments was I think Adobe has faked this video.

凯文:因此,对于可能没有看过该视频的听众来说,此功能基本上可以让您在照片的一部分上绘制轮廓,其中包含您不喜欢的元素,在该示例中,它们具有镜头光晕和整棵树在一种情况下,甚至最后的结局都像这条路穿过沙漠中的灌木丛,它们只是在道路周围绘制,然后您点击了内容感知填充功能,Photoshop对此进行了思考,然后替换了照片的该部分具有根据其周围看到的内容生成的内容。 因此,如果您选择了其中有飞机的多云天空的一部分,飞机就会消失,并且Photoshop会根据周围的景象生成新的多云天空,这绝对是惊人的。 他们的最后一个例子是,将道路开辟出景观,并产生新的灌木丛来填充空间,这真是令人惊讶。 我认为这是我们SitePoint的设计师Alex Walker在阅读的内容–我认为这是继此视频之后的YouTube评论,其中之一是我认为Adobe伪造了该视频。

Stephan: It kind of looks that way, right? I mean it looks like I can take a picture of a really bad shady neighborhood and put it into this and it would turn it into some beautiful utopia like you said.

史蒂芬:那种样子,对吗? 我的意思是,看起来我可以为一个非常恶劣的阴暗社区拍照,然后将其放入其中,这将使它变成您所说的美丽的乌托邦。

Patrick: You can’t select the whole picture! {laughing}

帕特里克:您无法选择整个图片! {笑}

Brad: If I was a graphic designer, I would be a little bit worried about features like this. I mean obviously, this is a start of something pretty amazing if it’s as accurate as the video depicts it. I mean it blew my mind. It’s one of those links that came across Twitter, I saw a couple people post it, I didn’t think much of it and then it seemed like half of my Twitter list started retweeting it, so I knew I had to watch it and then after seeing it, you can see why. It’s mind-boggling.

布拉德:如果我是平面设计师,我会有点担心这样的功能。 我的意思是,显然,如果它像视频所描述的那样准确,那将是一个令人惊叹的开端。 我的意思是我大吃一惊。 这是Twitter上的那些链接之一,我看到有几个人发布了该链接,我对此并没有太大的兴趣,然后好像我的Twitter列表中的一半开始转发它,所以我知道我必须先看一下,然后看到它之后,您可以看到原因。 令人难以置信。

Patrick: The way that you would describe it, it’s almost like the extinction of graphic designers! Today, content aware fill. Tomorrow, robot designers. ?

帕特里克(Patrick):用您描述的方式,几乎就像是平面设计师的绝种一样! 如今,内容意识已填补。 明天,机器人设计师。 ?

Brad: I wish they would make something like this for programming — like you just highlight the code and hit go and it would fix it for me.


Kevin: Yeah, or you take a screen shot of a browser window and you draw an outline of the contents of the window and you press a button and it fills it with a beautiful website.


Patrick: I think that it is what it is, right? It’s limited by the technology but it’s not going to replace professional photo retouching, you know that is someone actually retouching a photo and I mean there will still be human element here to take into account and this is just a machine processing a pattern. So take it for what it is, don’t be too scared, graphic designers, but it is really cool.

帕特里克:我认为这是事实,对吗? 它受到技术的限制,但是它并不能取代专业的照片修饰,您知道实际上是有人修饰照片,我的意思是这里仍然需要考虑人为因素,这只是一台处理图案的机器。 因此,平面设计师请不要害怕,但它确实很棒。

Kevin: Yeah, there are images that this will work really well with and it will save a lot of time and there are images that it won’t work well with. In general though, this is just one feature of CS5. Are any of you guys regular Adobe Creative Suite users?

凯文:是的,有些图像可以很好地工作,并且可以节省很多时间,有些图像效果不好。 通常,这只是CS5的功能之一。 你们是Adobe Creative Suite的常规用户吗?

Patrick: Yeah, I have an old copy of Macromedia. I think it was Creative Suite or something – Studio. I’m sorry, Macromedia Studio with Dreamweaver 8, Fireworks 8, etc. That’s my most recent suite.

帕特里克:是的,我有Macromedia的旧版本。 我认为是Creative Suite之类的东西-Studio。 抱歉,带有Dreamweaver 8,Fireworks 8等的Macromedia Studio。这是我最近的套件。

Kevin: So I guess my question is what would Adobe have to do to get you guys back on onboard with CS5?


Patrick: Well, in my case they’d have to help me make some additional money because it’s not so much that I don’t view the software as useful, not that I think I somehow don’t want to upgrade, it’s just that for what I use it for, the basic functions that I use Fireworks for or Dreamweaver for, it works for me as it is right now and there’s no reason for me to pay the expense. Now one day, if I’m doing very well and have that money, then I’ll probably upgrade but I guess it comes down to what you use if for and if you really need to be on the cutting edge of these new features and have them integrated into your day-to-day life.

帕特里克:嗯,就我而言,他们必须帮助我赚更多的钱,因为这并不是说我不认为该软件有用,不是我想我不希望进行升级,仅仅是那样而已。对于我使用它的目的,我使用Fireworks或Dreamweaver的基本功能,它对我来说是有效的,因为现在是这样,我没有理由支付费用。 现在有一天,如果我做得很好并且有钱,那我可能会升级,但是我想这取决于您使用的目的,以及如果您真的需要处于这些新功能的最前沿,让它们融入您的日常生活。

Kevin: So it’s features for you.


Patrick: Features, and time and money.


Brad: It really comes down to price. Running a small business, I can’t go out there and upgrade X amount of machines to the latest and greatest right away. So we’re usually one or two versions behind from a cost standpoint. It’s definitely tempting. If they keep rolling out with features like that, I would consider it to upgrade a little bit quicker than I normally do but really, it’s just the price because these suite packages are expensive, especially for small business owners.

布拉德:这真的要归结为价格。 经营一家小型企业,我不能立即将X台机器升级到最新的和最大的机器。 因此,从成本的角度来看,我们通常落后一两个版本。 绝对是诱人的。 如果他们继续推出这样的功能,我会认为它的升级速度会比平时快一点,但实际上,这只是价格,因为这些套件包非常昂贵,特别是对于小型企业主而言。

Patrick: You could just say I’ll fire my graphic designer and with his salary I’ll upgrade our systems {laughing}


Kevin: Yes. One person’s salary will buy a lot of CS5 licenses. For me, features like this make great video fodder and are great for getting the word out there that CS5 is going to be available. So kudos to Adobe on that. But what’s going to make me buy an expensive suite of software like this isn’t one particular feature like this. This is a feature that I could see myself having a particular photo and sitting at my desk going: man, if only I had CS5, this would be so much easier but am I going to go and drop $600 on a Creative Suite license or whatever the upgrade costs from what I have now might be? Am I going to go and drop that money now just to make my job easier on this one photo? Probably not, it’s too big an investment. What’s going to get me across the line for the whole thing is if they improve the experience overall and this is something that I feel like Creative Suite really is in need of. The CS4 especially — the user interface feels like it’s hanging together with rubber bands and scotch tape. It’s feeling really shaky.

凯文:是的。 一个人的薪水将购买许多CS5许可证。 对我来说,像这样的功能使视频成为了很好的饲料,并且对于让CS5即将面世的消息来说,这非常有用。 因此,Adobe对此表示敬意。 但是,要让我购买像这样的昂贵软件套件的东西并不是这样的特定功能。 这是我可以看到自己有一张特定的照片并坐在办公桌前的功能:伙计,如果我只有CS5,这会容易得多,但是我会花600美元购买Creative Suite许可证还是其他什么东西我现在所拥有的升级费用可能是多少? 我现在要去丢掉这笔钱只是为了简化这张照片的工作吗? 可能不是,这是一笔太大的投资。 使我从整体上脱颖而出的是,他们是否可以改善整体体验,而我觉得Creative Suite确实需要这一点。 特别是CS4-用户界面就像是用橡皮筋和透明胶带悬挂在一起。 感觉真的很摇晃。

Patrick: That good?


Kevin: Yeah. And if they were able to tighten it all up in CS5 and I think some people are expecting this, at least from the Mac version, because word is that they’ve rewritten a large amount of it to run in 64 bit mode natively on the Snow Leopard operating system and whether they’ve done much work to the user interface. With CS4 they seem to go a bit cross-platform and they use their Adobe Air technologies for the user interface and this has really caused the experience to suffer. We’ve talked about it before but it’s very glitchy. You can, in some cases, drag a selection of text in a dialog box and go out the end of the text box and start selecting text that’s labels in the dialog box and your selection can go haywire. And the user interface is full of glitchiness like that and oh gosh, I’d love for them to go back to a more native user interface. It’s a lot more work to maintain across the Mac/Windows Divide but that alone would get me to buy a CS5 license. I don’t know what we can expect to see on April 12th. I’ll be tuning in with the rest of you.

凯文:是的。 而且,如果他们能够在CS5中将其全部收紧,并且我认为有些人至少在Mac版本中对此抱有期望,因为据说他们已经重写了大量的代码,使其可以在本机上以64位模式运行。 Snow Leopard操作系统以及它们是否在用户界面上做了很多工作。 使用CS4时,他们似乎跨平台有点多了,他们将Adobe Air技术用于用户界面,这确实使体验蒙受了损失。 之前我们已经讨论过了,但是它很容易出错。 在某些情况下,您可以在对话框中拖动选择的文本,然后移出文本框的末尾,然后开始选择对话框中带有标签的文本,这样您的选择就很麻烦了。 这样的用户界面充满了小故障,哦,天哪,我希望他们能返回到更原生的用户界面。 在Mac / Windows Divide上进行维护需要做很多工作,但仅此一项就可以让我购买CS5许可证。 我不知道我们会在4月12日看到什么。 我会和你们其他人一起调整。

Chrome developer tools. Brad, you’ve been on a bit of a Chrome developer tools kick I see.

Chrome开发人员工具。 布拉德,我看过您对Chrome开发者工具的兴趣。

Brad: Yeah. There’s a new Chrome extension that has been released — a web developer extension which is actually created by the same gentleman, Chris Pederick, who made the web developer add-on for Firefox. So they work very, very similar and it’s kind of starting to open up Chrome to be more of a development browser than just kind of a super fast browsing experience. So it’s pretty exciting.

布拉德:是的 已经发布了一个新的Chrome扩展程序- 一个Web开发人员扩展程序 ,实际上是由同一个人Chris Pederick创建的,他是Firefox的Web开发人员附加组件。 因此,它们的工作原理非常相似,并且开始将Chrome开放为更多的开发浏览器,而不仅仅是一种超快速的浏览体验。 因此,这非常令人兴奋。

Kevin: That one extension is like the top of the list for a lot of Firefox users. I know Firebug is really important as well but Google Chrome basically has the functionality of Firebug built into it but as far as extensions that build on top of the browser, that web developer tool bar in Firefox is must have for many developers, myself included and to have it on Google Chrome is a big deal. SitePoint’s Alex Walker did a blog post not too long ago called How To Break Up With Firefox and he was talking about how he had just made the move from Firefox to Chrome as his primary development browser. And the extension he recommended for replacing the web developer toolbar was called Pendule.

凯文(Kevin):对于许多Firefox用户,该扩展名都名列榜首。 我知道Firebug确实也很重要,但是Google Chrome基本上内置了Firebug的功能,但是就构建在浏览器之上的扩展而言,Firefox中的Web开发人员工具栏对于许多开发人员(包括我自己和在Google Chrome上安装它是一件大事。 SitePoint的Alex Walker不久前发表了一篇博客文章,名为“ How to Break Up With Firefox” ,他在谈论自己是如何从Firefox过渡到Chrome的主要开发浏览器。 他建议用来替代Web开发人员工具栏的扩展名为Pendule。

Have you seen Pendule at all, Brad?


Brad: No, I haven’t. I definitely have to look at that.

布拉德:不,我没有。 我一定要看看。

Kevin: It looks like it has a similar toolset to the web developer tool bar but the interface is quite different. I’m not quite sure whether I like it better or worse than the web developer toolbar but it certainly would be an adjustment for a developer who’s working day in and day out with the web developer toolbar in Firefox for them to make the leap to Chrome and this thing at once. It might be too much of a change at once to justify but once you are into Chrome, I think a lot of people might prefer Pendule’s user interface if it had all the features they wanted. If nothing else, it’s great to have some competition in this space.

凯文:看起来它具有与Web开发人员工具栏相似的工具集,但界面却大不相同。 我不确定我是否喜欢它比Web开发人员工具栏好还是坏,但是对于那些日复一日地使用Firefox中的Web开发人员工具栏的开发人员来说,这无疑是一种调整,他们可以借此迈向Chrome和这件事。 立即证明可能有太多更改,但是一旦您使用Chrome,我想很多人可能会喜欢Pendule的用户界面,只要它具有他们想要的所有功能。 如果没有别的,那么在这个领域进行竞争真是太好了。

Brad: Yeah, it’s already one of the highest rated Chrome extensions in the directory and it’s only been out about a week.


Kevin: Yeah. So I’ve said before that Firefox is my development browser and it still is but if I get a chance to take a break and have a project where a deadline is not looming and I have a little more time to play around with my developer tools, Chrome is looking very, very tempting at this point.

凯文:是的。 因此,我之前说过,Firefox是我的开发浏览器,现在仍然如此,但是如果我有机会休息一下,并且有一个项目的期限不迫在眉睫,那么我还有更多时间来玩我的开发人员工具,Chrome在这一点上看起来非常诱人。

And that’s the news stories for this week. Now it’s time to dive in South by Southwest, dive in retrospectively. I don’t know if you can dive backwards through time but Patrick, that’s what I’m going to ask you to do.

这就是本周的新闻故事。 现在是时候在西南边潜水了,追溯潜水了。 我不知道您是否可以随着时间的流逝而潜水,但是帕特里克,这就是我要问您的事情。

Patrick: Okay. You’re the one in the future.

帕特里克:好的。 你是未来的那个。

Kevin: Tell us about the conference. You’ve been to South by Southwest before so first of all, how did this year compare?

凯文:告诉我们这次会议。 您首先去过西南航空,所以首先,今年的情况如何?

Patrick: Well, this is my third year attending and speaking in a row. First one was 2008 and I was talking to a friend of mine, Brandon Eley who author of a book for SitePoint, Online Marketing Inside Out and we agreed that it was the most fun that we’d had of any South by Southwest so far and I don’t know why that is. I think it’s a combination of being familiar with the conference, familiar with the venue, just knowing more people than we did the first time and it was just a great experience. For me, I go for the networking – very, very good networking. Everyone is there, not everyone but a lot of people in this space and this tech web social media sort of area are there and if you want to meet people, it’s kind of the conference to go to in this area. So it’s a lot of fun.

帕特里克:嗯,这是我连续第三年参加演讲。 第一个是2008年,当时我正在与我的一个朋友Brandon Eley交谈,他为SitePoint, Inside Out上的在线营销一书的作者,我们同意,这是迄今为止西南地区西南地区最有趣的一次,我不知道为什么。 我认为这是对会议的熟悉,对会场的熟悉,只是比我们第一次认识的人多,这是一次很棒的体验。 对我来说,我很喜欢联网–非常非常好的联网。 每个人都在那里,不是每个人都不过在这个空间的人很多,这高科技的网络社交媒体排序区都在那里,如果你想满足的人,它是一种会议去在这方面的。 所以这很有趣。

Kevin: So what were some of your highlights this year?


Patrick: Well, I did a lot of different stuff. Because the networking is the main thing, I didn’t go to tons of sessions, I would say maybe 10 in all but…

帕特里克:嗯,我做了很多不同的事情。 因为网络是最主要的事情,所以我没有参加大量的会议,我可能会说总共十次,但是……

Kevin: That seems to be the way people do South by Southwest now. Like the programming is kind of a loose framework that allows people to justify their attendance but the real reason for being there is all the stuff that’s going on around it. This is a cliché with conferences but it seems especially true of South by Southwest.

凯文:这似乎是人们现在西南偏南的方式。 就像编程一样,编程是一个松散的框架,允许人们证明出勤的合理性,但真正的原因是围绕着它进行着所有工作。 这是会议的陈词滥调,但西南偏南的情况尤其如此。

Patrick: You’re right. It definitely is true. You’ll find people that don’t go to any sessions. There were people that I talked to that said they were badgeless. They didn’t even get a badge. They were just going to hang out in the convention center, hang out at the unofficial events and meet and network with people and not pay the $400 which is a great deal for what you get for the $400, $450, $500 at the door or something like that and just fly in for the people that are there and all these little events. So yeah, you definitely find people like that. I myself like to mix it up a little bit, go to sessions that are interesting or support friends that are presenting and you know just to be a part of it because you can only get in some parties or some events if you do have a badge. So it’s definitely true, and I did a lot of different stuff from stuff that’s related to me to stuff that’s not related to me.

帕特里克:对。 绝对是真的。 您会发现不参加任何会议的人。 我与之交谈的人说他们没有徽章。 他们甚至没有获得徽章。 他们只是想在会议中心闲逛,在非正式会议上闲逛,与人们见面和交流,而不是支付400美元,这对于您在门口的400美元,450美元,500美元之类的东西来说是一笔不小的数目这样,就赶去那里的人们以及所有这些小事。 是的,您肯定会找到类似的人。 我本人喜欢将其混合在一起,参加有趣的会议或支持正在介绍的朋友,并且您知道只是参加其中的一部分,因为只有拥有徽章,您才能参加某些聚会或某些活动。 所以这绝对是真的,我做了很多不同的事情,从与我有关的东西到与我无关的东西。

And one of the sessions I went to, maybe the best session that I went to, was given by Paul Boag from Boagworld. He did a presentation called Pain Free Design Sign-off and it’s available online, you can watch this live and listen to him walk through it. And it was just a really good talk about the designer and client relationship and how that’s usually combative and how instead of being combative, what designers can do to make it more friendly, more proactive to engage their clients better. I thought he did a really good job making his points and giving strategies that you could actually take as designers and use today.

Boagworld的Paul Boag主持了我参加的其中一个会议,也许是我参加的最好的会议。 他做了一个名为“ 无痛设计签核”的演示文稿,该演示文稿可以在线获得,您可以现场观看并听他讲解。 关于设计师和客户的关系,这通常是好斗的,以及如何使设计师变得更友好,更主动地更好地与客户互动,这通常是好斗的,而不是好斗的。 我认为他在提出自己的观点和给出策略时确实做得很好,您可以作为当今的设计师并使用这些策略。

Like to give an example, he says that with a lot of designers and I’m paraphrasing, he says they make a design, they have the client fill out this short brief, and then they go away, they come back a while later and here is this design I’m bestowing upon you, this one design, it comes from the heavens, this is my skill and you’re going to love it. That’s not exactly what he said but that’s the gist of it and he’s just a really funny guy. So I’d definitely recommend any designers to check out that presentation and we have a link in the show notes as well.

他想举一个例子,他说,有很多设计师,我说的很对,他说他们做了设计,他们让客户填写了这份简短的简介,然后他们离开了,过了一会儿再回来,这是我赋予您的设计,这是一种来自天堂的设计,这是我的技能,您一定会喜欢的。 那不是他所说的确切,而是要旨,他只是一个非常有趣的家伙。 因此,我绝对会建议任何设计师查看该演示文稿,并且我们在展示笔记中也有一个链接。

Kevin: Alright. So that’s probably a talk that doesn’t have a lot to do with your day-to-day work.

凯文:好吧。 因此,这可能与您的日常工作无关。

Patrick: No, it’s not and to be honest, I didn’t go to a lot of talks that had to do with my day-to-day work. It’s just how it worked out unfortunately. Like another presentation I went to was called “Twitter and Dating in 140 Characters or Less” and that has nothing to do with my life at all actually but it was given by a friend of mine, Jeremy Wright who used to be a team leader on the SitePoint forums for awhile years ago and his partner in that was Melissa Smich and it was a really fun presentation. They did something where if you asked a question they gave you a beer and I had never actually seen that done before.

帕特里克:不,不是,老实说,我没有参加很多与我的日常工作有关的演讲。 不幸的是,结果就是这样。 就像我参加的另一个演讲一样,它被称为“ Twitter和140个字符以内的约会”,实际上与我的生活毫无关系,但由我的一位朋友杰里米·赖特(Jeremy Wright)担任,他曾是该团队的负责人。在几年前的SitePoint论坛上,他的合作伙伴是Melissa Smich,这是一个非常有趣的演示。 他们做了一些事情,如果您问一个问题,他们会给您啤酒,而我以前从未真正看到过这样做。

Kevin: So did Jeremy and Melissa date on Twitter?


Patrick: No, no, they’re just friends. They’re just friends, but apparently they both have had dates through Twitter and the talk was sort of part humor and joking around and part advice if you’re actually wanting to find dates through Twitter, things like having a picture as your avatar and doing this or talking in this way, talking in that way and so on and how you would appear to potential, I guess, suitors. But it was a lot of fun, and the beer thing was fun. I don’t drink and also don’t ask questions so I didn’t get anything.

帕特里克:不,不,他们只是朋友。 他们只是朋友,但显然他们俩都是通过Twitter约会的,如果您确实想通过Twitter查找约会,那么谈话的内容既幽默又开玩笑,也为您提供一些建议,例如将图片作为头像和这样做或以这种方式说话,以这种方式说话等等,以及我认为您对潜在的求婚者的外观如何。 但这很有趣,啤酒也很有趣。 我不喝酒也不问问题,所以我什么也没得到。

Stephan: Hey, Patrick, I noticed the talk called “Shameless Self Promotion Without Looking Like an @#$%^&!”, I was wondering if you went to that and what you got out of it. ?

斯蒂芬:嘿,帕特里克,我注意到了一个名为“看起来不像@#$%^&!的无耻自我提升”的演讲,我想知道您是否去过那里以及从中学到了什么。 ?

Patrick: I don’t know anything about that session. Ha ha, I’m just kidding. Okay, so I did a presentation with Twanna Hines called “Shameless Self Promotion Without Looking Like an @#$%^&!” (not a vulgar word there at all). I didn’t even make that title. I didn’t want that in there. But that aside, we talked about promoting yourself online and how really it’s born out of my community experience, managing online communities and how people promote themselves in a way and excuse it as shameless self promotion. It’s kind of a joke but at the end of the day, it can be very damaging to you, to your brand and so on, so we talked about how to do that the right way, how to promote yourself in social media in a way that’s going to be accepted and appropriate and in the end that will benefit everyone involved. That was the core conversation so it was Q&A. Basically, the crowd talked and introduced the subjects they wanted to introduce so we had a segment on, like, email marketing which to me wasn’t really shameless self promotion but it can be and we talked about that for about 10 minutes and it went well. I’ll probably post it online at some point but yeah, it was a lot of fun. Thanks for bringing it up.

帕特里克:我对那次会议一无所知。 哈哈,我只是在开玩笑。 好的,所以我在Twanna Hines上做了一个名为“看起来不像@#$%^&!的无耻自我提升”的演讲。 (那里根本不是一个粗俗的词)。 我什至没有那个头衔。 我不想在那里。 除此之外,我们还讨论了如何在网上提升自己,以及它是如何从我的社区经验中诞生出来的,如何管理在线社区以及人们如何以某种方式提升自己,并以此作为无耻的自我提升。 这只是个玩笑,但归根结底,这可能会对您和您的品牌造成极大伤害,因此,我们讨论了如何以正确的方式做事,如何以某种方式在社交媒体中提升自己这将被接受并且适当,最终将使所有参与人员受益。 那是核心对话,所以是问答环节。 基本上,人群讨论并介绍了他们想介绍的主题,因此我们在电子邮件营销上进行了细分,对我来说这并不是真正的无耻自我提升,但可以,我们讨论了大约10分钟,然后好。 我可能会在某个时候在线发布它,是的,这很有趣。 感谢您提出来。

Stephan: Yeah, cool. It sounds like it’d be a fun one.

斯蒂芬:是的,很酷。 听起来好像很有趣。

Kevin: So you got to hook up with the 99designs guys while you were over there? For those who don’t know, 99designs is part of the SitePoint family. It operates as a separate company but the guys who build and run 99designs, they work right alongside the rest of us, so just to get that out there.

凯文:那你在那边必须和99designs的家伙们联系吗? 对于那些不知道的人,99designs是SitePoint系列的一部分。 它作为一家独立的公司运作,但是负责构建和运行99designs的人们与我们其他人一道工作,因此只是为了实现这一目标。

Patrick: That’s a well-known secret. But I’d met Jason Aiken last year at South by Southwest, him and Matt Mickiewicz and had talked with him and this year he was back there again with a booth this time. It was a kind of a special booth — it was in paper, just brown paper. The whole booth was covered in brown paper and they encouraged people to like write on it, to write whatever they wanted, Twitter names and so on and I guess it was all paid for by the state government in Australia which is pretty sweet. It was part of a “Portable Presents Plus 6” is what they called it and then there were five other exhibitors as well but the 99designs person was of course the only person I would ever be interested in, right? Legally. So I talked with Lachlan Donald there as well, Leni Mayo. We had a good conversation. They met Miley Cyrus. There’s a picture of that in the show notes I think.

帕特里克:这是一个众所周知的秘密。 但是我去年在西南偏南公司遇到了杰森·艾肯(Jason Aiken),他和马特·米基维奇(Matt Mickiewicz),并与他进行了交谈。今年,他这次又回到了那里,并设有一个摊位。 那是一个特殊的摊位-它是纸质的,只是牛皮纸。 整个展位都用牛皮纸覆盖,他们鼓励人们喜欢在上面写东西,写他们想要的东西,Twitter名称等等,我想这一切都是由澳大利亚州政府支付的,这真是太好了。 那就是他们所说的“ Portable Presents Plus 6 ”的一部分,然后还有其他五家参展商,但是99designs的人当然是我唯一感兴趣的人,对吗? 合法地 因此,我也在那里与拉克兰·唐纳(Lachlan Donald)进行了交谈,莱妮·梅奥(Leni Mayo)。 我们聊得很开心。 他们遇到了麦莉·赛勒斯 。 我认为展览笔记中有一张照片。

Brad: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!


Kevin: We just lost Brad.


Patrick: Brad fainted! There was a bang … No, but it was fun to see them and to see the booth and they did some press while they were there I guess. They had announced there was a new logo store shortly before coming to the event and did some interviews about that. So yeah, just a lot of fun.

帕特里克:布拉德晕倒了! 一声巨响……不,但是很高兴见到他们并看到摊位,我猜他们在那里时做了一些宣传。 他们在参加活动之前不久宣布了一家新的徽标商店,并对此进行了一些采访。 是的,很有趣。

Just on the SitePoint note, like I mentioned before, Brandon Eley was there and he actually did a book reading for Online Marketing Inside Out which is published by SitePoint and co-authored by Shayne Tilley and basically, a 20-minute presentation on the book content, how it came about and some lessons within and it went really well. I was at that as well and Brandon recapped the conference. The video should be online at some point but it’s not up just yet.

就在SitePoint注释上,就像我之前提到的那样,Brandon Eley在那儿,他实际上是为Online Marketing Inside Out读了一本书,该书由SitePoint出版,由Shayne Tilley合着,基本上是20分钟的演讲内容,它是如何产生的以及其中的一些教训,并且进展顺利。 我也参加了会议 , 布兰登也主持了会议 。 该视频应该在某个时候在线,但尚未结束。

So yeah, there was a lot of – it’s funny because just to draw it altogether, when I went to the Twitter on dating thing, Jeremy is former SitePoint forum staff and so am I and so is Brandon and also Chrispian Burks was there and he was as well and you know there’s these sort of ties or bond that we formed in the forums over the last 8, 9, 10 years and you know so when you’re there – basically the people I hang out with most of the time are people I met in the SitePoint Forums. So it’s kind of funny.

所以,是的,有很多–很好笑,因为总的来说,当我去Twitter约会时,杰里米(Jeremy)是SitePoint论坛的前工作人员,我也是,布兰登(Brandon)和克里斯蒂安·伯克斯(Chrispian Burks)也在那里,他同样,您知道过去8、9、10年我们在论坛中形成的这种纽带或纽带,所以当您在那里时,我就知道了–基本上,我大部分时间陪伴的人都是我在SitePoint论坛中认识的人。 所以有点有趣。

Kevin: You mentioned Online Marketing Inside Out, Brandon and Shayne’s book, we do have an entire podcast with the two of them talking about that book. That was Podcast 16 if you wanted to look it up.

Kevin: You mentioned Online Marketing Inside Out , Brandon and Shayne's book, we do have an entire podcast with the two of them talking about that book. That was Podcast 16 if you wanted to look it up.

Kevin: I had sort of blocked out South by Southwest this year. I knew there was no way I was going to get to it and past years I’ve been really jealous of those people who did so I kind of forced myself to ignore it this year and you have completely shattered that attempt on my part now. I’m now intensely jealous. Was there anything else that you got to do that would make me especially jealous?

Kevin: I had sort of blocked out South by Southwest this year. I knew there was no way I was going to get to it and past years I've been really jealous of those people who did so I kind of forced myself to ignore it this year and you have completely shattered that attempt on my part now. I'm now intensely jealous. Was there anything else that you got to do that would make me especially jealous?

Patrick: I don’t know. I don’t know what makes you jealous, Kevin. You don’t strike me as a very jealous man.

帕特里克:我不知道。 I don't know what makes you jealous, Kevin. You don't strike me as a very jealous man.

Kevin: No? I hide it well.

凯文:不? I hide it well.

Patrick: But I don’t know. Is there any way that you like to meet in this space? I don’t know, maybe I met them. I mean it’s just a fun event and I even went to a movie premiere for the first time – it’s the first time I ever done that because as a speaker you get into both Film and Interactive, and I’ve never taken advantage of that. But this year I actually went to a premiere for a movie called MacGruber — some may know the SNL skit MacGruber. Those clips are online on the Saturday Night Live website but they made a whole movie out of it and that was a lot of fun too to go see a movie that’s unfinished with the cast and crew there and to laugh with the crowd and what not. So that was a lot of fun and beyond that what we talked about and Kevin, are you coming next year?

Patrick: But I don't know. Is there any way that you like to meet in this space? I don't know, maybe I met them. I mean it's just a fun event and I even went to a movie premiere for the first time – it's the first time I ever done that because as a speaker you get into both Film and Interactive, and I've never taken advantage of that. But this year I actually went to a premiere for a movie called MacGruber — some may know the SNL skit MacGruber. Those clips are online on the Saturday Night Live website but they made a whole movie out of it and that was a lot of fun too to go see a movie that's unfinished with the cast and crew there and to laugh with the crowd and what not. So that was a lot of fun and beyond that what we talked about and Kevin, are you coming next year?

Kevin: I really hope so, Patrick.

Kevin: I really hope so, Patrick.

Stephan: I’m impressed that they were able to make a movie out of MacGruber.

Stephan: I'm impressed that they were able to make a movie out of MacGruber.

Patrick: I’m impressed too – but I mean here’s the thing, if I wasn’t in the audience laughing with everyone, I would have laughed probably half less at home and that’s nothing against them. It was enjoyable but it’s definitely kind of vulgar and for a certain audience – and that’s cool. Two of the Lonely Island guys actually worked on it, and I love the Lonely Island and all the stuff they create — “I’m on a boat,” you know that part of the video you probably heard of if you listen to this podcast with T-Pain. But what I was going to say is that if Kevin can come all the way from Australia, okay, then Stephan and Brad, you have to guarantee that you will be there because you’re both here in the US – Stephan is in the state! He doesn’t even have to get on the plane; he can just drive. Everyone has to be there and I…

Patrick: I'm impressed too – but I mean here's the thing, if I wasn't in the audience laughing with everyone, I would have laughed probably half less at home and that's nothing against them. It was enjoyable but it's definitely kind of vulgar and for a certain audience – and that's cool. Two of the Lonely Island guys actually worked on it, and I love the Lonely Island and all the stuff they create — “I'm on a boat,” you know that part of the video you probably heard of if you listen to this podcast with T-Pain. But what I was going to say is that if Kevin can come all the way from Australia, okay, then Stephan and Brad, you have to guarantee that you will be there because you're both here in the US – Stephan is in the state! He doesn't even have to get on the plane; he can just drive. Everyone has to be there and I…

Brad: It’s too close for Stephan. ?

Brad: It's too close for Stephan. ?

Patrick: Oh, okay, fine. But I mean we can do a live podcast at South by Southwest and, you know, do it right.

Patrick: Oh, okay, fine. But I mean we can do a live podcast at South by Southwest and, you know, do it right.

Stephan: Kevin, just start planning now. I’ll be there. I will mark my calendar if Kevin says he’ll be there.

Stephan: Kevin, just start planning now. I'll be there. I will mark my calendar if Kevin says he'll be there.

Patrick: Well, for how much it costs from Australia, you better start saving now.

Patrick: Well, for how much it costs from Australia, you better start saving now.

Kevin: Yeah. Well, to keep the cost down I might take a cue from the 99designs guys and I don’t know, dress entirely in brown paper.

凯文:是的。 Well, to keep the cost down I might take a cue from the 99designs guys and I don't know, dress entirely in brown paper.

Patrick: Or find some government money! ?

Patrick: Or find some government money! ?

Kevin: That, I think, is a good place to wrap up, Patrick’s South by Southwest interactive recap. Thank you for that, Patrick.

Kevin: That, I think, is a good place to wrap up, Patrick's South by Southwest interactive recap. Thank you for that, Patrick.

Kevin: Let’s take a look at our spotlights this week. Stephan, what have you got?

Kevin: Let's take a look at our spotlights this week. Stephan, what have you got?

Stephan: I got something just kind of goofy. It’s called 8-bit NYC and it’s a website this guy built using some mapping stuff and JavaScript and CSS to map New York City in 8-bit format. So it’s like playing Zelda in New York City. So it’s kind of cool. You can zoom in on different neighborhoods and stuff and it’s a neat idea, kind of pointless but just kind of cool. And I think he’s got the new one, 8-BIT AUSTIN. So if you get a chance, check it out:

Stephan: I got something just kind of goofy. It's called 8-bit NYC and it's a website this guy built using some mapping stuff and JavaScript and CSS to map New York City in 8-bit format. So it's like playing Zelda in New York City. So it's kind of cool. You can zoom in on different neighborhoods and stuff and it's a neat idea, kind of pointless but just kind of cool. And I think he's got the new one, 8-BIT AUSTIN. So if you get a chance, check it out: .

Patrick: That sounds awesome.

Patrick: That sounds awesome.

Kevin: I’m taking a look at it now. I’m zooming in on the financial district in Manhattan and it’s greener than I remember. I supposed it’s not a completely faithful reproduction because these 8-bit games didn’t have a lot of skyscrapers in them. So it looks like they’ve got brown roads where there’s roads and green grass where there are buildings and they have little icons for particular landmarks. Oh, it’s very cool. I would play this game.

Kevin: I'm taking a look at it now. I'm zooming in on the financial district in Manhattan and it's greener than I remember. I supposed it's not a completely faithful reproduction because these 8-bit games didn't have a lot of skyscrapers in them. So it looks like they've got brown roads where there's roads and green grass where there are buildings and they have little icons for particular landmarks. Oh, it's very cool. I would play this game.

It reminds me of Ultima, the Ultima series of games. That’s what it reminds me of.

It reminds me of Ultima, the Ultima series of games. That's what it reminds me of.

Patrick: Is New Jersey in there or just New York? Maybe Brad can see his house from here.

Patrick: Is New Jersey in there or just New York? Maybe Brad can see his house from here.

Stephan: I think you can get over to like Hoboken and that’s about it.

Stephan: I think you can get over to like Hoboken and that's about it.

Brad: Nobody really wants to look at New Jersey to be honest.

Brad: Nobody really wants to look at New Jersey to be honest.

Stephan: You know, Brad, it was suggested and this is no offense but I heard someone suggest that they should just build a giant mirror in New York City like on the Hudson and so that New Yorkers didn’t have to look into Jersey. Someone told me that the other day.

Stephan: You know, Brad, it was suggested and this is no offense but I heard someone suggest that they should just build a giant mirror in New York City like on the Hudson and so that New Yorkers didn't have to look into Jersey. Someone told me that the other day.

Brad: Yeah, I’m sure they would love looking at themselves.

Brad: Yeah, I'm sure they would love looking at themselves.

Patrick: Ooh. That reminds me of a skit called Duane Reade skit. You can do a search for it by Streeter Seidell at CollegeHumor and I will find it and pop a link into the show notes, but it’s about just what Brad mentioned about New Yorkers. So it’s pretty funny.

Patrick: Ooh. That reminds me of a skit called Duane Reade skit. You can do a search for it by Streeter Seidell at CollegeHumor and I will find it and pop a link into the show notes, but it's about just what Brad mentioned about New Yorkers. So it's pretty funny.

Kevin: Speaking of CollegeHumor, you’ve got another video for us, Patrick?

Kevin: Speaking of CollegeHumor, you've got another video for us, Patrick?

Patrick: I do and it is from CollegeHumor. It’s called The Video Game Bosses’ Lament and it’s from earlier this month but I just saw it because obviously, South by and everything, but it’s the classic video game bosses: you’ve got Bowser, you’ve got Ganon, you’ve got Shredder from the Ninja Turtles, King K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country and so on, and they’re sort of addressing their minions about their inability to get the job done when it comes to handling one person as an army, as an army of bad guys and how their failings are going to end up in the destruction of the castle, the temple, whatever and things like how they attack one at a time instead of just simply everyone getting the hero or whoever the other person is in this case. So it’s a pretty funny clip like CollegeHumor usually is and this one’s actually pretty clean so that’s why I wanted to include it but definitely very funny.

Patrick: I do and it is from CollegeHumor. It's called The Video Game Bosses' Lament and it's from earlier this month but I just saw it because obviously, South by and everything, but it's the classic video game bosses: you've got Bowser, you've got Ganon, you've got Shredder from the Ninja Turtles, King K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country and so on, and they're sort of addressing their minions about their inability to get the job done when it comes to handling one person as an army, as an army of bad guys and how their failings are going to end up in the destruction of the castle, the temple, whatever and things like how they attack one at a time instead of just simply everyone getting the hero or whoever the other person is in this case. So it's a pretty funny clip like CollegeHumor usually is and this one's actually pretty clean so that's why I wanted to include it but definitely very funny.

Kevin: Excellent. Brad, what have you got for us?

凯文:太好了。 Brad, what have you got for us?

Brad: Yeah, I actually have the two for Tuesday special — or Friday I guess if you’re listening when this comes up. My first host spotlight is actually a new release from Google called Skipfish and essentially it’s an open source web app security scanner for your websites written in pure C. So you can actually run this against your websites and it checks for a ton of different vulnerabilities on your website from SQL injection, there’s cross site scripting to server-side show command injection, and have this huge list of all the tests it does. It really looks that it kind of help you lock down your site and secure it to make it’s as safe as possible. So Google’s released this under their open source code base, which is pretty cool.

Brad: Yeah, I actually have the two for Tuesday special — or Friday I guess if you're listening when this comes up. My first host spotlight is actually a new release from Google called Skipfish and essentially it's an open source web app security scanner for your websites written in pure C. So you can actually run this against your websites and it checks for a ton of different vulnerabilities on your website from SQL injection, there's cross site scripting to server-side show command injection, and have this huge list of all the tests it does. It really looks that it kind of help you lock down your site and secure it to make it's as safe as possible. So Google's released this under their open source code base, which is pretty cool.

Kevin: Yeah, that’s fascinating. I never thought of those kinds of issues as the thing – the kind of thing you could test for automatically. I mean I suppose if things like SQL injection, if you manage to execute a command by injecting it into the SQL, you might be able to then test for the symptoms of that command being run, but I don’t know. It’d be difficult for a piece of software like this to test without doing any actual damage. So having not looked at this in detail, I’d encourage our listeners to read the documentation very closely before trying a tool like this. I’d love to hear from anyone who did know a bit more about this tool and how it worked and if they have any experience with it finding something for them.

Kevin: Yeah, that's fascinating. I never thought of those kinds of issues as the thing – the kind of thing you could test for automatically. I mean I suppose if things like SQL injection, if you manage to execute a command by injecting it into the SQL, you might be able to then test for the symptoms of that command being run, but I don't know. It'd be difficult for a piece of software like this to test without doing any actual damage. So having not looked at this in detail, I'd encourage our listeners to read the documentation very closely before trying a tool like this. I'd love to hear from anyone who did know a bit more about this tool and how it worked and if they have any experience with it finding something for them.

Brad: Optimization is one of the kind of key features of how fast it runs. They’re saying you can get almost 7,000 requests a second if you’re running that locally which is pretty fast. But pretty interesting, definitely something to check out but like you said you want to be careful — you probably don’t want to run it on a live site your first go. I would try a dev site.

Brad: Optimization is one of the kind of key features of how fast it runs. They're saying you can get almost 7,000 requests a second if you're running that locally which is pretty fast. But pretty interesting, definitely something to check out but like you said you want to be careful — you probably don't want to run it on a live site your first go. I would try a dev site.

Yeah, and for number 2, hopefully I’d do a bit of self-promoting without looking like a beep. I want to promote my new book that just came out. My new book is called Professional WordPress. So if you’re on the WordPress, everything from designing to coding for WordPress, you definitely want to check out this book. It takes a more a technical look and really kind of digs into the core of WordPress, shows you how to actually look at the source code of WordPress and work with it as well as everything you would expect: creating plugins, creating themes, working with WordPress as a CMS and users. It really is a very detailed book and it’s authored by myself, Hal Stern, and David Damstra and the Technical Editor is Mike Little who is actually one of the co-founders of WordPress. So we have a nice team of authors. So it’s really a great book. I’m really excited about it.

Yeah, and for number 2, hopefully I'd do a bit of self-promoting without looking like a beep. I want to promote my new book that just came out. My new book is called Professional WordPress . So if you're on the WordPress, everything from designing to coding for WordPress, you definitely want to check out this book. It takes a more a technical look and really kind of digs into the core of WordPress, shows you how to actually look at the source code of WordPress and work with it as well as everything you would expect: creating plugins, creating themes, working with WordPress as a CMS and users. It really is a very detailed book and it's authored by myself, Hal Stern, and David Damstra and the Technical Editor is Mike Little who is actually one of the co-founders of WordPress. So we have a nice team of authors. So it's really a great book. I'm really excited about it.

It’s in stock on Amazon, so search for Professional WordPress, and I’ll make sure we have a link on the show notes.

It's in stock on Amazon, so search for Professional WordPress , and I'll make sure we have a link on the show notes.

Kevin: What’s the publisher?

Kevin: What's the publisher?

Brad: The publisher is Wrox. It’s the Programmer To Programmer series, so it’s a little more technical.

Brad: The publisher is Wrox. It's the Programmer To Programmer series, so it's a little more technical.

Kevin: My host spotlight this week is also a bit self-promotional but I’ve also got two. First of all, over the next couple of months through April and May, I’m touring around Australia teaching JavaScript workshops. These workshops are based on the book that I wrote with Cameron Adams called Simply JavaScript, and I’m really sort of pulling that book apart and putting it back together for a live sort of classroom environment.

Kevin: My host spotlight this week is also a bit self-promotional but I've also got two. First of all, over the next couple of months through April and May, I'm touring around Australia teaching JavaScript workshops. These workshops are based on the book that I wrote with Cameron Adams called Simply JavaScript , and I'm really sort of pulling that book apart and putting it back together for a live sort of classroom environment.

So if you’ve got a stack of beginning JavaScript books on your shelf that you’ve never gotten around to reading and you really just want to sink your teeth into JavaScript with some practical work — actually building some things that do useful stuff in JavaScript and you’d like to take a day or a day and a half and just get through that and actually get some experience playing with JavaScript, I think that’s what this workshop’s going to be. So if you’re lucky enough to be in Australia and you’re in one of the cities that we’ll be visiting — that’s Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, or Brisbane, yeah signup and check it out. We’re starting each workshop with a half-day complete beginner’s introduction. So if you know absolutely nothing about JavaScript or programming, you definitely want to take that half-day introduction and then the following day is a full day of JavaScript in depth where you actually get to rip into some code and build stuff.

So if you've got a stack of beginning JavaScript books on your shelf that you've never gotten around to reading and you really just want to sink your teeth into JavaScript with some practical work — actually building some things that do useful stuff in JavaScript and you'd like to take a day or a day and a half and just get through that and actually get some experience playing with JavaScript, I think that's what this workshop's going to be. So if you're lucky enough to be in Australia and you're in one of the cities that we'll be visiting — that's Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, or Brisbane, yeah signup and check it out. We're starting each workshop with a half-day complete beginner's introduction. So if you know absolutely nothing about JavaScript or programming, you definitely want to take that half-day introduction and then the following day is a full day of JavaScript in depth where you actually get to rip into some code and build stuff.

The other thing I wanted to mention is the SitePoint’s new 5-for-1 sale which will have gone live by the time you’re hearing this show. So if you head over to, you can pick up any five SitePoint PDF books — 5 for the price of 1. But the special spin this time around is I have just spent, gosh, it feels like a week of long nights converting all of SitePoint’s books and building all the rendering tools necessary so that we can offer our books now in ePub and MOBI formats. So if you’ve got an Amazon Kindle, if you’ve got an iPhone running a reader like Stanza or if you’re planning to pick up one of the new Apple iPads that lets you read ePub books as well, you can now get your SitePoint books in that format. So the 5-for-1 sale is for the moment the only way to get SitePoint books in that format. So head on over to, take advantage of the deal and pick up SitePoint books in a brand new format or two.

The other thing I wanted to mention is the SitePoint's new 5-for-1 sale which will have gone live by the time you're hearing this show. So if you head over to, you can pick up any five SitePoint PDF books — 5 for the price of 1. But the special spin this time around is I have just spent, gosh, it feels like a week of long nights converting all of SitePoint's books and building all the rendering tools necessary so that we can offer our books now in ePub and MOBI formats. So if you've got an Amazon Kindle, if you've got an iPhone running a reader like Stanza or if you're planning to pick up one of the new Apple iPads that lets you read ePub books as well, you can now get your SitePoint books in that format. So the 5-for-1 sale is for the moment the only way to get SitePoint books in that format. So head on over to , take advantage of the deal and pick up SitePoint books in a brand new format or two.

That’s it for the show this week lets go around the table guys.

That's it for the show this week lets go around the table guys.

Brad: Brad Williams from WebDev Studios. You can find me on Twitter @williamsba.

Brad: Brad Williams from WebDev Studios. You can find me on Twitter @williamsba.

Patrick: I am Patrick O’Keefe for the iFroggy Network — and you can find me on Twitter @ifroggy.

Patrick: I am Patrick O'Keefe for the iFroggy Network — and you can find me on Twitter @ifroggy.

Stephan: And I’m Stephan Segraves from Houston Texas, is the blog and you can find me on Twitter @ssegraves.

Stephan: And I'm Stephan Segraves from Houston Texas, is the blog and you can find me on Twitter @ssegraves.

Kevin: And you can follow me on Twitter @sentience and SitePoint @sitepointdotcom. Next week I am off on holidays, so the rest of you hooligans are going to have to figure out something for our listeners to listen to and I look forward to seeing what that is.

Kevin: And you can follow me on Twitter @sentience and SitePoint @sitepointdotcom. Next week I am off on holidays, so the rest of you hooligans are going to have to figure out something for our listeners to listen to and I look forward to seeing what that is.

Visit us at to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. The SitePoint podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I’m Kevin Yank. Thanks for listening. Bye bye.

Visit us at to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. The SitePoint podcast is produced by Carl Longnecker and I'm Kevin Yank. 谢谢收听。 再见。

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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