新华三 简化物联网解决方案

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新华三 简化物联网解决方案

Selecting a good hosted ecommerce solution for a business is not easy. There are three categories in which these solutions could be stratified: open source, pre-hosted and paid solutions, and ecommerce modules for CMS.

为企业选择良好的托管电子商务解决方案并不容易。 这些解决方案可以分为三类:开源,预托管和付费解决方案以及CMS的电子商务模块。

开源电子商务解决方案 (Open-source Ecommerce Solutions)

A.osCommerce (A. osCommerce)

The principles on which osCommerce is based are the same as those being used by Zen Cart® and CRE Loaded. Users may find osCommerce easy to use and a lot simpler than Zen Cart® and CRE Loaded. The operation is smooth too, and it could be used as only a basic shopping cart. An advantage of opting for osCommerce is the availability of a large number of contributions and upgrades. There is also a decent security measure, on par with MySQL 5 and PHP 5. The overall expenditure may inflate if a great deal of contribution is sought. The absence of graphic templates, however, may create problems in adopting a new design. The cost factor in maintaining an osCommerce shopping cart solution is really well balanced against the benefits, and could be maintained at very low levels. It would be ideal for those startups that have just launched, and are working towards garnering a name for themselves.

osCommerce所基于的原理与ZenCart®和CRE Loaded所使用的原理相同。 用户可能会发现osCommerce易于使用,并且比ZenCart®和CRE Loaded简单得多。 操作也很流畅,它只能用作基本的购物车。 选择osCommerce的一个优势是可以提供大量的帮助和升级。 与MySQL 5和PHP 5一样,还有一个不错的安全措施。如果寻求大量的帮助,总支出可能会膨胀。 但是,缺少图形模板可能会在采用新设计时产生问题。 维护osCommerce购物车解决方案的成本因素确实与收益保持了很好的平衡,并且可以维持在非常低的水平。 对于那些刚刚成立并正在努力为自己赢得声誉的初创公司而言,这将是理想的选择。

The SEO services provided by osCommerce are reasonable, but no such features are available for the basic version of osCommerce. Even the long URLs used in the basic version of osCommerce tend to be unreasonable for SEO, which would bother a merchant sooner or later.

osCommerce提供的SEO服务是合理的,但是osCommerce的基本版本没有此类功能。 甚至在osCommerce的基本版本中使用的长URL对于SEO都是不合理的,这会或早或晚地困扰商人。

B.Magento和Magento Go (B. Magento and Magento Go)

Magento today holds a dominant position in the ecommerce solutions category. Magento is also established under an open-source lisense, like osCommerce. The purpose of using an open-source lisense is that anyone can modify and edit the source code, but will have to comply with the guidelines that are stated in the license. Downloading and using Magento is free, but Magento Go could be purchased after paying a fee. The development schedule adopted by Magento is also impressive and could prove to be an asset. Lots of customization is available on the Magento platform, but using all of them is not easy. Many users with ordinary systems complain about their systems becoming unresponsive when they access this solution.

今天,Magento在电子商务解决方案类别中占据主导地位。 Magento也在osCommerce之类的开源lisense下建立。 使用开源lisense的目的是,任何人都可以修改和编辑源代码,但必须遵守许可证中规定的准则。 Magento的下载和使用是免费的,但可以在付费后购买Magento Go。 Magento采用的开发进度表也令人印象深刻,并且可以证明是一项资产。 Magento平台上提供了许多自定义功能,但要使用所有这些功能并不容易。 使用普通系统的许多用户抱怨他们的系统在访问此解决方案时变得无响应。

Magento development is one of the preferred solutions in the ecommerce industry these days, and the number of Magento users is expanding too. The growth in the Magento community is partly because it is relatively newer than other ecommerce solutions. Almost 2000 merchants are using the platform now, which speaks of its popularity among its users. Magento is a solution from Varien that was using osCommerce earlier before being developed as its own solution. The real-time shopping cart in Magento Go is a really useful feature through which the materials management process can also be entrusted, saving further capital for startups.

目前,Magento开发是电子商务行业中首选的解决方案之一,Magento用户的数量也在不断增长。 Magento社区的增长部分是因为它比其他电子商务解决方案相对新。 现在有将近2000个商家正在使用该平台,这说明该平台在其用户中很受欢迎。 Magento是Varien的解决方案,在开发为自己的解决方案之前,它曾使用过osCommerce。 Magento Go中的实时购物车是一个非常有用的功能,通过它还可以委托物料管理过程,从而为初创企业节省了更多资金。

C.ZenCart® (C. Zen Cart®)

Zen Cart® has evolved from the osCommerce platform itself. The solution is licensed under GPL, which makes it free for everyone to obtain. Templates, and some other features, are the only differences between osCommerce and Zen Cart®. Creating and customizing templates to make them unique is relatively easy compared to osCommerce and Magento.

ZenCart®源自osCommerce平台本身。 该解决方案已获得GPL许可,这使每个人都可以免费获得。 模板和其他一些功能是osCommerce和ZenCart®之间的唯一区别。 与osCommerce和Magento相比,创建和自定义模板以使其独特是相对容易的。

In the plugin section of Zen Cart®, about 1000 free additions are available to be used by consumers. To save customers from being befuddled, however, these extra options could disregarded. This is only to suggest that being overwhelmed with a lot of offers made by these ecommerce solutions may tempt you to pick an average solution.

在ZenCart®的插件部分,消费者可以使用大约1000种免费添加。 但是,为了避免迷惑客户,可以忽略这些额外的选项。 这仅表明,这些电子商务解决方案提供的许多优惠不知所措,可能会诱使您选择普通的解决方案。

The skin templates are befitting, but a plethora of options chokes the user interface, and easily confuses recent visitors to the ecommerce enabled website. The forum of Zen Cart® is good, but the ability to take criticism constructively seems to be missing. People who run this forum may not handle scathing well, but except for that, the performance has been optimal.

皮肤模板很合适,但是过多的选项使用户界面更加混乱,并容易使最近访问该电子商务网站的访问者感到困惑。 ZenCart®的论坛很好,但是似乎缺乏建设性地接受批评的能力。 主持此论坛的人员可能无法很好地处理严厉问题,但是除此之外,性能还是最佳的。

付费解决方案 (Paid Solutions)

D.Shopify (D. Shopify)

The Shopify ecommerce solution is a paid solution. Merchants who own a Shopify ecommerce site need not to do anything technical. “Pay first and deliver later” is the process through which it works. All issues concerning the secure service layer, payment gateway, and security enhancements are managed by the team at Shopify only. You can begin by selecting their customized domain.

Shopify电子商务解决方案是一种付费解决方案。 拥有Shopify电子商务网站的商家无需做任何技术上的事情。 “先付款,后交付”是其工作过程。 与安全服务层,支付网关和安全性增强有关的所有问题仅由Shopify团队管理。 您可以先选择其自定义域。

The access to Google Analytics provided by them plays a critical role for businesses that are going to adopt this ecommerce platform. Google analytics is among the most deep reaching analytical systems, which helps realize the potential of a business idea. Shopify integrates this into its ecommerce platforms and gives the administrator peace of mind by being easy to use.

他们提供的对Google Analytics(分析)的访问权对于将要采用此电子商务平台的企业至关重要。 Google Analytics(分析)是影响最深的分析系统之一,可帮助您实现商业创意的潜力。 Shopify将其集成到其电子商务平台中,并且易于使用,使管理员放心。

E.FoxyCart (E. FoxyCart)

FoxyCart is also a paid solution. The major difference between Shopify and FoxyCart is that FoxyCart can easily become a part of an existing website because it is not a CMS. The appearance of the shopping cart can be adjusted according to the consumer’s needs by making some changes in the HTML and CSS files of the solution.

FoxyCart还是付费解决方案。 Shopify和FoxyCart之间的主要区别在于FoxyCart可以轻松成为现有网站的一部分,因为它不是CMS。 通过在解决方案HTML和CSS文件中进行一些更改,可以根据消费者的需求调整购物车的外观。

CMS电子商务解决方案 (Ecommerce solutions for CMS)

F.Ubercart for Drupal (F. Ubercart for Drupal)

To create a shopping cart made over Drupal, Ubercart could come in handy. It can be integrated into existing websites only. This solution ranks really well for starting ecommerce software. Businesses that have not used Drupal till now are suggested to avoid trying their hand at it, unless they have had prior exposure to the platform. Along similar lines, Drupal Commerce has also arrived to the market for consideration. Ubercart offers a lot of contemporary features that may not be found with such ease on Drupal Commerce.

要创建在Drupal上制造的购物车,Ubercart可能会派上用场。 它只能集成到现有网站中。 对于启动电子商务软件,此解决方案的排名非常好。 建议到目前为止尚未使用Drupal的企业避免尝试使用它,除非他们事先已经接触过该平台。 同样,Drupal Commerce也已进入市场进行考虑。 Ubercart提供了许多现代功能,而在Drupal Commerce上可能不那么容易找到。

G.WordPress电子商务 (G. WordPress Ecommerce)

WordPress ecommerce services are best suited to those who already own a website or blog and want an ecommerce solution to go along with it. Positive aspects of the WP e-Commerce plugin include it being open-source and available for free, so new developments and modifications could be sourced from others or done personally. For the WP e-Commerce solution, the team at WordPress works actively and addresses grievances in a very friendly stance. The feature of adding tags on the existing template is also provided, making it extremely easy for the users to optimize their websites for ecommerce.

WordPress电子商务服务最适合那些已经拥有网站或博客并希望将电子商务解决方案与之配合使用的人。 WP电子商务插件的积极方面包括它是开源的并且免费提供,因此新的开发和修改可以从他人那里获取或亲自完成。 对于WP电子商务解决方案,WordPress的团队会积极工作,并以非常友好的态度解决投诉。 还提供了在现有模板上添加标签的功能,这使用户非常容易地优化其电子商务网站。

Custom ecommerce plugins are also available for specific kinds of businesses. Dippsy, for instance, is a WordPress ecommerce plugin that could be used for downloadable products. This add-on is free and can be integrated with the PayPal payment gateway to assist in the trade of these goods. Another very impressive plugin available for WordPress users is eShop. It is a shopping cart add-on, and could be customized with a lot of features. Online user reviews suggest some of the WordPress plugins could be little tedious to configure, but overall the performance can deliver decent results for the effort applied.

自定义电子商务插件也可用于特定类型的企业。 例如,Dippsy是可用于可下载产品的WordPress电子商务插件。 该附加组件是免费的,可以与PayPal付款网关集成,以协助这些商品的交易。 可供WordPress用户使用的另一个非常令人印象深刻的插件是eShop。 它是购物车的附加组件,可以进行自定义,具有很多功能。 在线用户评论表明,某些WordPress插件在配置上可能不太繁琐,但总体而言,其性能可以为所付出的努力提供不错的结果。

The Shopp plugin for WordPress can also be used as an add-on, but keeping a tab on the bugs is inevitable with this plugin. While it may prove difficult to set up, once that is done the outcome is going to please you. Getting different payment gateways is possible, although the budget set by you may deviate towards the higher end. WP e-Commerce is a better proposition in terms of value and ease.

WordPress的Shopp插件也可以用作附加组件,但是使用此插件不可避免地要注意bug。 虽然可能难以设置,但一旦完成,结果将令您满意。 尽管您设置的预算可能会偏向更高端,但可以使用不同的付款方式。 就价值和便利性而言,WP电子商务是一个更好的主张。

H.VirtueMart for Joomla (H. VirtueMart for Joomla)

VirtueMart is a plugin that could be used by Joomla platform users to add the ecommerce facility to their website. Some other add-ons are also available for Joomla, but VirtueMart is the oldest and quite developed. Regarding the user friendliness of the platform, there are mixed reactions from its users. There are a lot of premium plugins for similar purposes that may prove disconcerting to the user. The VirtueMart may be able to compete with basic version of osCommerce, but the not with advanced versions of CRE Loaded, Zen Cart® and osCommerce.

VirtueMart是一个插件,Joomla平台用户可以使用该插件向其网站添加电子商务功能。 Joomla也可以使用其他一些附加组件,但是VirtueMart是最老的并且相当发达。 关于平台的用户友好性,其用户的React不一。 有许多类似目的的高级插件可能会让用户感到不安。 VirtueMart也许可以与osCommerce的基本版本竞争,但不能与CRE Loaded,ZenCart®和osCommerce的高级版本竞争。

The installation goes quite well with VirtueMart, and functions smoothly with Joomla. However, availability of only basic shopping cart features and scarcity of plugins may prove difficult to improve, and unresponsive to changes in the industry.

VirtueMart可以很好地进行安装,而Joomla可以顺利进行安装。 但是,仅基本购物车功能的可用性和插件的稀缺性可能证明难以改进,并且对行业变化无响应。

The template for VirtueMart could be rewritten according to the needs of specific businesses. The feature of merging Joomla plugins for payment, shipment, coupons etc. makes it easier for users to manage their online stores. Detailed product descriptions and other reviews can be shared using this platform, and adding SEO based Meta Tags is also possible.

可以根据特定企业的需要重写VirtueMart的模板。 合并用于付款,运输,优惠券等的Joomla插件的功能使用户可以更轻松地管理其在线商店。 可以使用此平台共享详细的产品说明和其他评论,还可以添加基于SEO的元标记。

Ecommerce solution providers basically offer web based systems where impressive shopping carts are integrated, helping end users select their preferred products and services instantly. The integrated payment gateways bring requital on par with industry standards. Developers need secure and scalable hosting, and marketing knowledge, to point out the needs of merchants and end buyers.

电子商务解决方案提供商基本上提供基于Web的系统,其中集成了令人印象深刻的购物车,可帮助最终用户立即选择其首选产品和服务。 集成的支付网关带来了与行业标准相当的回报。 开发人员需要安全且可扩展的托管和营销知识,以指出商家和最终买家的需求。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-world-of-ecommerce-solutions-simplified-for-your-business/

新华三 简化物联网解决方案
