
tech2023-11-20  109


In the final installment of his Microsoft Expression Blend tutorial trilogy, Expression Blend Behaviors, user experience maestro Shane Morris caps off the prototype that he showed us how to build in part one, and the Silverlight 3 application from part two, with some storyboard and animation creation.

他在微软的Expression Blend教程三部曲的最后一期中Expression Blend的行为 ,用户体验大师巴蒂尔莫里斯盖掉了原型,他向我们展示了如何构建在第一部分 ,并从Silverlight 3应用程序两部分 ,有一些故事板和动画创建。

After briefly touching on the latest Microsoft news from the recent MIX Conference in Las Vegas, Shane jumps right back into showing us how to add data to the application we built last time. Next up is managing animation, which can be handled with XAML through Blend’s storyboard tool.

在简短地谈到了最近在拉斯维加斯举行的MIX大会上Microsoft的最新消息后,Shane跳回去向我们展示了如何向上次构建的应用程序添加数据。 接下来是管理动画,可以通过Blend的情节提要工具使用XAML处理动画。

By the end of the tutorial you’ll be able to trigger animation with Behaviors, which means making the storyboard play every time the user selects a new project from the master list, for example.


We’ve got a fresh quiz for you to sink your teeth into, so make sure you give it a go once you’ve read the article!

我们为您准备了一个新的测验 ,让您全神贯注,因此请确保在阅读本文后立即尝试!

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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/expression-blend-behaviors/

