
tech2022-08-02  179

This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Whether you develop web apps, sell WordPress plugins and themes, or run an online store, offering great customer support is essential for success. Do it well, and you’ll have happy customers and set yourself apart from your competitors. Do it badly, and it will come back to bite you.

无论您是开发Web应用程序,销售WordPress插件和主题,还是经营在线商店,提供出色的客户支持对于成功都是至关重要的。 做好它,您将拥有满意的客户,并将自己与竞争对手区分开。 不好做,它会再次咬你。

Make support easy. Develop a comprehensive system, give your users multiple ways to contact you, and respond to support requests in an acceptable time frame. Aim to surpass their expectations. This is a proven formula for support success. Our partner, SiteGround, for example, sticks to it and each year they achieve a satisfaction rate over 96%.

使支持变得容易。 开发一个全面的系统,为您的用户提供多种与您联系的方式,并在可接受的时间范围内响应支持请求。 旨在超越他们的期望。 这是成功支持成功的公式。 例如,我们的合作伙伴SiteGround坚持不懈,每年他们的满意率都超过96% 。

How do you achieve that?


WordPress makes a great platform for your support system. There are over 10,000 support-related plugins that enable you to set up ticketing systems, live chat, support forums, frequently asked questions, and more. Some plugins just about do the lot.

WordPress是支持系统的绝佳平台。 有超过10,000个与支持相关的插件 ,使您可以设置票务系统,实时聊天,支持论坛,常见问题等等。 一些插件可以做很多事情。

But 10,000 plugins is a lot to wade through. In this article we bring you the best-in-class plugins in five categories—plugins we recommend that are widely used and highly rated by their users.

但是有10,000个插件需要花很多时间。 在本文中,我们为您介绍了五个类别中的同类最佳插件-我们建议广泛使用该插件并受到其用户高度评价的插件。

You may not want to implement all five categories in your support system. As you read through this article, think through which make the most sense for your business.

您可能不想在支持系统中实现所有五个类别。 在阅读本文时,请仔细考虑哪种方法最适合您的业务。

1.多合一支持插件 (1. All-in-One Support Plugins)

Here’s one way to simplify your support system. Rather than choosing a different plugin for each strategy, install one plugin that covers all the bases.

这是简化支持系统的一种方法。 无需为每种策略选择不同的插件,而是安装一个涵盖所有基础的插件。

很棒的支持– WordPress帮助台和支持插件 (Awesome Support – WordPress Helpdesk & Support Plugin)

Cost: Basic plugin free, extensions available individually or in bundles (from $199)

费用:免费提供基本插件,扩展包可单独或捆绑购买(199美元起) Active Installs: 5,000+

有效安装:5,000+ Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars (81 reviews)


This comprehensive plugin will do just about everything you need for support, except chat. The basic functionality is free, but some of the features you may want cost.

这个功能全面的插件将完成您需要支持的所有内容,聊天除外。 基本功能是免费的,但是某些功能可能需要付费。

Awesome Support is the most versatile and feature-rich support plugin for WordPress. It’s the result of three+ years of work, research, and improvement. The features are an answer to user requests for a solid, WordPress-based help desk, and that’s what makes it the best!

Awesome Support是WordPress最通用,功能最丰富的支持插件。 这是三年多的工作,研究和改进的结果。 这些功能可以满足用户对基于WordPress的可靠服务台的要求,这就是使其成为最佳产品的原因!

Features of the free plugin include:


Ticketing: Users can submit tickets from the front-end, and your agents respond to them from the WordPress back-end.

票务:用户可以从前端提交票证,而您的代理人可以从WordPress后端对其进行响应。 E-mail notifications: Parties are notified of certain actions by customisable e-mails.

电子邮件通知:通过可自定义的电子邮件向各方通知某些操作。 File upload: You control when files can be uploaded, how many files, and how large they are.

文件上传:您可以控制文件的上传时间,文件数量以及大小。 Multiple products: Provide support for as many products as you want.

多种产品:为所需的多种产品提供支持。 Multiple departments: Provide support for multiple departments.

多个部门:为多个部门提供支持。 Terms & conditions: Ask users to agree to your your terms and conditions before they open a ticket

条款和条件:开票前请用户同意您的条款和条件 Old tickets: Identify old tickets quickly with tags

旧票证:使用标签快速识别旧票证 Sorting And Filtering: Includes an amazing flexible sorting, filtering and tagging system for your tickets

排序和过滤:包括用于票证的出色灵活的排序,过滤和标记系统 Prioritize your way: Create your own priority scheme – you don’t have to get locked into a 1-5 priority scheme!

确定方式的优先级:创建自己的优先级方案-您不必陷入1-5优先级方案的困境! Time Tracking: Basic time tracking is included! Admins can even adjust time and all time changes are logged directly in the ticket.

时间跟踪:包括基本的时间跟踪! 管理员甚至可以调整时间,所有更改时间都直接记录在故障单中。

Popular premium extensions:


E-Mail Piping: Reply to tickets and collaborate using just e-mail.

电子邮件管道:仅使用电子邮件即可回复票证并进行协作。 WooCommerce: Bridge between your WooCommerce store and Awesome Support.

WooCommerce:在WooCommerce商店和Awesome支持之间架起桥梁。 Canned Responses: Preconfigure replies to common questions.

罐头答复:预配置对常见问题的答复。 Gravity Forms: Create custom ticket forms.

重力表单:创建自定义票证表单。 Satisfaction Survey: Automatically collect survey responses that rate your agent’s performance on a ticket.

满意度调查:自动收集对您的座席表现进行评分的调查反馈。 FAQs: Powerful FAQ management make your agents more productive.

常见问题解答:强大的常见问题管理使您的代理更有效率。 Notifications: Get notified of important events in slack and via pushbullet. Notify third parties of important ticket events via email.

通知:闲暇时通过pushbullet通知重要事件。 通过电子邮件通知第三方重要的票务事件。

Other popular support plugins include Zendesk Support for WordPress and WP MUDEV Support System Plugin.

其他流行的支持插件包括Zendesk对WordPress的支持和WP MUDEV支持系统插件 。

2.通过票证提供支持 (2. Provide Support via Tickets)

A ticketing system might form the centrepiece of your support system. It’s the best way to give support on complex issues—it lets you track progress and clarify issues, prioritise jobs, and work through them systematically. It keeps everyone informed, and also provides a resource for how issues were dealt with in the past. That’s a lot of value from one plugin!

票务系统可能是您的支持系统的核心。 这是对复杂问题提供支持的最佳方法,它使您可以跟踪进度并弄清问题,确定工作的优先级并系统地解决这些问题。 它使每个人都了解最新情况,还提供了有关过去如何处理问题的资源。 一个插件带来了很多价值!

WP Support Plus响应票务系统 (WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System)

Cost: Free, with pro add-ons available individually or in a bundle (from $99.99)

费用:免费,可单独购买或捆绑购买专业附加组件(99.99美元起) Active Installs: 9,000+

主动安装:9,000+ Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (149 reviews)


This plugin adds to WordPress the features of a complete ticket system with 100% responsive and 100% Ajax functionality. This allows users to submit tickets to report problems or get support on whatever you want. Users can set the status, priority and category of each ticket.

该插件向WordPress添加了具有100%响应和100%Ajax功能的完整票务系统的功能。 这使用户可以提交故障单以报告问题或获得所需的支持。 用户可以设置每个故障单的状态,优先级和类别。



Unlimited ticket submission.

无限提交票证。 Priority, Status, Category selection for each ticket.

每个票证的优先级,状态,类别选择。 Multiple file attachment for ticket.

票证的多个文件附件。 Assign tickets to agents.

将票证分配给代理商。 Agent based ticket statistics.

基于代理的票证统计信息。 Smooth integration with all WordPress themes.

与所有WordPress主题的流畅集成。 FAQ functionality.

常见问题解答功能。 Add Note for Support staff to keep private notes among support team (hidden for customer).

为支持人员添加注释,以在支持团队中保留私人注释(对客户隐藏)。 Canned Reply for agents to answer frequent questions reply.

罐头答复,用于代理商回答常见问题的答复。 Email templates to edit email contents.


Pro add-ons:


Email Piping of tickets.

票证的电子邮件发送。 Woocommerce integration.

Woocommerce集成。 Easy Digital Downloads integration.

轻松的数字下载集成。 CSV export of tickets.

票证的CSV导出。 Company or Usergroups.

公司或用户组。 Timer (calculate time spent for ticket).

计时器(计算机票花费的时间)。 Google Calender Event.

Google日历活动。 Advanced Canned reply.


Other popular ticketing plugins include WSDesk and WPHelpDesk.

其他流行的票务插件包括WSDesk和WPHelpDesk 。

3.通过实时聊天提供支持 (3. Provide Support via Live Chat)

We live in the age of chat, where many people are more comfortable texting than picking up a phone. And it makes a great medium for customer support, especially for issues that are not so complex, or where you want to assist a user to complete a job themselves.

我们生活在聊天时代,在这个时代,许多人发短信要比接电话更舒服。 它为客户支持提供了很好的平台,特别是对于那些不太复杂的问题,或者您希望帮助用户自己完成工作的地方。

LiveChat –用于WordPress的WP实时聊天软件 (LiveChat – WP live chat software for WordPress)

Cost: Free, with pro add-in (from $39.95)

费用:免费,带有专业插件(39.95美元起) Active Installs: 30,000+

主动安装:30,000+ Rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars (341 reviews)

评分:4.6 / 5星(341条评论)

The most cost effective Live Chat plugin. Chat with your visitors for free! WP Live Chat Support is perfect for small businesses. No third party connections required. There’s no need to pay for live chat monthly subscriptions in order to better understand your visitors. This is a fully functional live chat plugin. Increase your conversion rates by communicating directly with your visitors when they’re ready to do so using WP Live Chat Support.

最具成本效益的实时聊天插件。 免费与您的访客聊天! WP Live Chat支持非常适合小型企业。 无需第三方连接。 为了更好地了解您的访问者,无需为每月的实时聊天付费。 这是一个功能齐全的实时聊天插件。 当您的访客准备好使用WP Live聊天支持直接与他们交流时,可以提高您的转化率。

Features of the free plugin include:


Unlimited simultaneous live chats.

无限同时在线聊天。 Live chat directly with your visitors.

直接与您的访客进行实时聊天。 Users can drag the live chat box around their page.

用户可以在页面上拖动实时聊天框。 Change the colors of the live chat box.

更改实时聊天框的颜色。 Fully responsive admin chat dashboard.

完全响应的管理员聊天仪表板。 Offline messages are stored.

离线消息被存储。 Access historical live chat records.

访问历史实时聊天记录。 Compatible with translation plugins.

与翻译插件兼容。 Google Analytics integration.

Google Analytics(分析)集成。 Create a custom offline message form when you’re not online.

不在线时,创建一个自定义的脱机消息表单。 Add surveys or polls to your chat box, before or after a chat session.

在聊天会话之前或之后,将调查或民意测验添加到您的聊天框中。 Anonymity for your visitors.

访客的匿名性。 No monthly live chat subscriptions needed.

无需每月进行实时聊天订阅。 Allow the live chat box to automatically pop up.

允许实时聊天框自动弹出。 View any live chats you may have missed.

查看您可能错过的任何实时聊天。 Enable/Disable the chat box on mobile devices.

在移动设备上启用/禁用聊天框。 Ban visitors from chatting to you based on IP Address.


Pro features include:


Unlimited live chat agents.

无限的实时聊天代理。 Initiate live chats with online visitors.

与在线访客发起实时聊天。 Quick Responses (insert a predefined response to your live chat box).

快速响应(向实时聊天框插入预定义的响应)。 Data triggers (time trigger, scroll trigger, page trigger, on page leave trigger).

数据触发器(时间触发器,滚动触发器,页面触发器,页面离开触发器)。 Reporting (chat stats, popular pages, ROI tracking and reporting, customer satisfaction ratings).

报告(聊天统计,热门页面,ROI跟踪和报告,客户满意度评级)。 Customer satisfaction ratings for each chat session.

每个聊天会话的客户满意度等级。 ROI tracking.

投资回报率跟踪。 Encrypt your live chat conversations.

加密您的实时聊天对话。 Fully responsive admin chat dashboard.

完全响应的管理员聊天仪表板。 Transfer chats to another agents.

将聊天转移到其他座席。 Departments.

部门。 Set up your user profile.

设置您的用户个人资料。 Support.


You now have the choice to host your live chat on either your own website (using your own resources) or LiveChat’s server (using their resources). The latter will improve your chat’s performance by up to 300% and reduce the load on your host.

现在,您可以选择在自己的网站(使用自己的资源)或LiveChat的服务器(使用他们的资源)上主持实时聊天。 后者将使您的聊天性能提高多达300%,并减轻了主机的负载。

Other popular live chat plugins include Zendesk Chat, Tidio Live Chat and Chat – Live Chat Support Sales.

其他流行的实时聊天插件包括Zendesk聊天 , Tidio实时聊天和Chat –实时聊天支持销售 。

4.通过全面的常见问题解答提供支持 (4. Provide Support via a Comprehensive FAQ)

Give your users the information and resources they need to solve their own problems before they need to contact you. The more issues they can solve on their own, the less strain is placed on your support system. This starts with a detailed Frequently Asked Questions section.

在需要与您联系之前,向您的用户提供解决自己的问题所需的信息和资源。 他们可以自行解决的问题越多,对您的支持系统的压力就越小。 这从详细的“常见问题”部分开始。

终极常见问题解答 (Ultimate FAQ)

Cost: From $30 (single site lifetime license with 6 months support)

费用:30美元起(具有6个月支持的单个站点终身许可证) Active Installs: 10,000+

主动安装:10,000+ Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars (54 reviews)


FAQ plugin that lets you create FAQ, organize FAQs and publicize your FAQ in no time through your WordPress admin panel. Select from multiple FAQ styles and FAQ layouts. You can use either the toggle FAQ and/or accordion FAQ style, to display one expanded FAQ answer on click, or choose to display all FAQs on page load, with the optional list FAQ style that offers a more traditional FAQ layout.

常见问题解答插件,可让您通过WordPress管理面板立即创建常见问题解答,组织常见问题解答并公布常见问题解答。 从多种常见问题解答样式和常见问题解答布局中选择。 您可以使用切换FAQ和/或手风琴FAQ样式来在单击时显示一个扩展的FAQ答案,或者选择在页面加载时显示所有FAQ,并使用可选的列表FAQ样式来提供更传统的FAQ布局。

Features of the free plugin:


Unlimited FAQ, unlimited FAQ tag and unlimited FAQ category support.

无限的FAQ,无限的FAQ标签和无限的FAQ类别支持。 Create FAQ categories.

创建常见问题类别。 Create FAQ posts and assign categories to them.

创建常见问题解答帖子并为其分配类别。 An AJAX FAQ search form.

AJAX FAQ搜索表单。 Export all FAQs to a PDF to create a user manual.

将所有常见问题解答导出为PDF,以创建用户手册。 Insert custom CSS to style your FAQ posts.


Other popular FAQ plugins include FAQ Manager, HTML5 Responsive FAQ and FAQ.

其他流行的FAQ插件包括FAQ Manager , HTML5响应式FAQ和FAQ 。

5.通过论坛扩展您的支持 (5. Extend Your Support with a Forum)

A forum will enable your users not just to ask questions, but to help to answer them too. It also provides a useful reference where they can find answers to their questions, assuming they have been asked before.

论坛将使您的用户不仅可以提出问题,而且还可以帮助回答问题。 它还提供了有用的参考,使他们可以假设以前曾被问到的问题找到答案。

Forums are flexible. They can deal with product questions (like you see on on Amazon or eBay) as well as support questions. The “sticky question” feature can act as an adequate FAQ. In fact, depending on your business, a forum may be the only support solution you need.

论坛非常灵活。 他们可以处理产品问题(例如您在Amazon或eBay上看到的问题)以及支持问题。 “粘性问题”功能可以作为适当的常见问题解答。 实际上,根据您的业务,论坛可能是您唯一需要的支持解决方案。

DW问题与解答 (DW Question & Answer)

Cost: Free

费用:免费 Active Installs: 10,000+

主动安装:10,000+ Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars (97 reviews)


This forum plugin is designed for support from top to bottom. While not quite as popular or highly ranked as some of the alternatives (listed below), it’s a great option for a support forum.

该论坛插件专为从上到下的支持而设计。 尽管不如某些替代品(下面列出)那么受欢迎或排名很高,但它是支持论坛的不错选择。

DW Question and Answer is a WordPress plugin which builds a complete Question & Answer system for your WordPress site, like Quora or Stackoverflow. The plugin supports multi-languages, shortcodes, reCAPTCHA, email notification system and so on.

DW Question and Answer是一个WordPress插件,可以为您的WordPress网站构建完整的Question&Answer系统,例如Quora或Stackoverflow。 该插件支持多种语言,短代码,reCAPTCHA,电子邮件通知系统等。



Submit/filter/order/edit/delete questions.

提交/过滤/订购/编辑/删除问题。 Answer and comment on questions.

回答问题并发表评论。 Vote and pick the best answer.

投票并选择最佳答案。 Email notification system.

电子邮件通知系统。 Instant search by keywords.

通过关键字即时搜索。 Captcha supported.

验证码支持。 Private/public for question and answer.

私人/公共问答。 Questions/answers follow function.

问题/答案遵循功能。 Sticky question.


Other popular live forum plugins include Forums – wpForo, bbPress and Asgaros Forum.

其他流行的实时论坛插件包括Forums – wpForo , bbPress和Asgaros Forum 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/5-ways-use-wordpress-provide-exceptional-customer-support/
