If you’ve bought a PDF version of one of SitePoint’s books from us in the past, then I have some good news: you can now download, for free, an ePub or MOBI version of that book, to view on mobile devices like the Kindle or the iPhone. That’s right, for FREE.
如果您过去曾从我们这里购买过SitePoint的其中一本书的PDF版本,那么我有个好消息: 您现在可以免费下载该书的ePub或MOBI版本,以在诸如Kindle或iPhone。 没错,是免费的。
Hold up! Weren’t we previously requiring past customers to purchase these formats separately from past PDF purchases in our 5-for-1 eBook sale?
耽误! 我们以前不是要求过去的客户在我们的5对1电子书销售中与过去的PDF购买分开购买这些格式吗?
Yes, we were. But when we launched the availability of ePub and MOBI formats, many of you contacted us to ask the question, “What about my previous purchases?”
是的我们曾经是。 但是,当我们推出ePub和MOBI格式的可用性时,许多人与我们联系,问一个问题:“我以前的购买情况如何?”
A reasonable question to ask! Here at SitePoint HQ we debated the merits of selling these new mobile formats in the context of the electronic book landscape and the launch of the iPad. While we initially decided to make these formats available as separate products (and offer them at a massive 80% off), we’ve had a change of heart. In order to reward the loyalty that our past customers have shown us, we’ve decided to change our approach on the ePub and MOBI formats for our titles. I’m therefore excited to announce that, as of now, all owners of SitePoint PDFs prior to the 5-for-1 sale can now download the ePub and MOBI formats of their book at no cost.
提出一个合理的问题! 在SitePoint总部,我们讨论了在电子书市场和iPad发行的背景下销售这些新移动格式的优点。 虽然我们最初决定将这些格式作为单独的产品提供(并以80%的折扣提供它们),但我们还是改变了主意。 为了奖励我们以前的客户对我们的忠诚,我们决定更改我们对书名的ePub和MOBI格式的处理方式。 因此,我很高兴地宣布,截至目前, SitePoint PDFs的所有所有者在5合1出售之前都可以免费下载其书的ePub和MOBI格式。
Note: this offer is limited to books for which the new mobile formats are available. (There are a handful of current titles for which we have not created ePub and MOBI formats. These titles, as well as superseded editions of books, are still only available in PDF format only.)
注意:此优惠仅限可使用新移动格式的图书。 (目前我们还没有创建一些ePub和MOBI格式的书名。这些书名以及书籍的取代版本仍然仅提供PDF格式。)
If you’ve previously purchased a PDF title from sitepoint.com, all you need to do is log in to your product claim page and the ePub and MOBI versions of your book(s) will be available for download immediately.
如果您以前是从sitepoint.com购买的PDF标题,则只需登录产品声明页面 ,即可立即下载该书的ePub和MOBI版本。
If you took advantage of our 5-for-1 sale and purchased a book that you already owned in PDF format, then you should be receiving an email from us real soon. We’ve trawled through our customer list and identified who you are, we’ll be offering you the option to receive a refund, or to exchange your purchase for a different book that you don’t yet own. If you don’t hear from us and you think you should, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team. Here’s that link to download your ePub and MOBI formats again:
如果您利用我们的5对1交易优势并购买了您已经拥有的PDF格式的图书,那么您应该会很快收到我们的来信。 我们已经浏览了客户列表,并确定了您是谁,我们将为您提供退款或将您购买的书换成您尚未拥有的其他书的选项。 如果您没有收到我们的来信,并认为应该这样做,请随时与我们的支持团队联系。 这是重新下载ePub和MOBI格式的链接:
With that announcement out the way, this seems like an opportune moment to remind you that there is less than a week to take advantage of our 5-for-1 deal. There are five new SitePoint books, ready and waiting for you to devour on your device of choice.
随着该公告的发布,这似乎是一个恰当的时刻,提醒您, 不到1周的时间即可利用我们的5合1交易。 有五本新的SitePoint书籍,已经准备就绪,等待您在所选设备上吃得饱。
Grab them before time runs out.
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/own-a-sitepoint-pdf-download-the-epubmobi-version-for-free/