赢取“ Web Directions South”或“ Web Directions USA”的门票!

tech2023-11-23  101

The Web Directions South and Web Directions USA events are fast approaching, and as usual they’re shaping up to be conferences that you won’t want to miss. The keynote speaker at both events will be Scott Thomas, a lead web designer on President Obama’s electoral campaign. He’ll be discussing how to design online communities that resonate and motivate.

“ Web Directions South”和“ Web Directions USA”活动即将到来,并且像往常一样,它们正在成为您不容错过的会议。 两项活动的主题演讲者将是奥巴马总统竞选活动的首席网页设计师斯科特·托马斯(Scott Thomas)。 他将讨论如何设计引起共鸣和激励的在线社区。

On the design track, Dan Rubin will be covering HTML5 and CSS3, while Juliette Melton will focus on effective remote research. The development track will cover a range of topics including mobile apps and location based services, and JavaScript performance.

在设计轨道上,Dan Rubin将介绍HTML5和CSS3,而Juliette Melton将专注于有效的远程研究。 开发轨道将涵盖一系列主题,包括移动应用程序和基于位置的服务以及JavaScript性能。

It’s all about fresh technology, innovation and networking. Here are the specifics of each conference:

这都是关于新技术,创新和网络的。 以下是每个会议的细节:

Web Directions South


October 12 – 16, 2010

2010年10月12日至16日 Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre


Web Directions USA


September 21 – 25, 2010

2010年9月21日至25日 Loews Atlanta Hotel


As a proud media partner of Web Directions, we’re very excited to announce that we’re giving away two free tickets! One ticket is for Web Directions South in Sydney, Australia, and the other is for Web Directions USA in Atlanta.

作为Web Directions的骄傲媒体合作伙伴,我们很高兴地宣布,我们将赠送两张免费门票! 一张票适用于澳大利亚悉尼的Web Directions South,另一张票适用于亚特兰大的Web Directions USA。

您如何获胜 (How You Can Win)

Have a read through the Web Directions South and Web Directions USA websites

阅读Web Directions South和Web Directions USA网站

Complete our Web Directions quiz


Enter your contact details after you’ve finished the quiz


Keep an eye on the SitePoint blogs for an announcement of the winners


We can’t fly you there, or let you crash on our couch (though we would if we lived there), but if you can get yourself to Sydney or Atlanta for those dates then take a run at our Web Directions quiz. All the answers can be found somewhere on either the Web Directions South, or Web Directions USA websites.

我们不能带你去那里,也不能让你在沙发上崩溃(尽管如果我们住在那儿,我们会的),但是如果您可以在这些日期带自己去悉尼或亚特兰大,请参加我们的Web Directions测验 。 所有答案都可以在Web Directions South或Web Directions USA网站上找到。

Two lucky winners who complete the quiz and enter their details will be selected at random by us, with the competition closing on August 1520, and winners to be announced via the SitePoint blogs on August 1623.

我们将随机选出两名完成测验并输入详细信息的幸运获奖者, 竞赛将于8月结束 15 20 ,获奖者将在8月通过SitePoint博客宣布 16 23 。

Even if you don’t score the freebies, you can still get a pretty sweet discount when you register for Web Directions South or register for Web Directions USA, by using the coupon code SITEPOINT.

即使您没有给免费赠品打分,使用优惠券代码SITEPOINT,在注册Web Directions South或注册Web Directions USA时 ,仍然可以获得相当不错的折扣。

Best of luck!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/win-a-ticket-to-web-directions-south-or-web-directions-usa/
