
tech2023-11-23  80

The Federal Trade Commission is planning to investigate Apple’s business practices to determine whether the company is damaging the growing mobile application market. The company is facing a number of challenges as concerns are raised about company’s dominance:

联邦贸易委员会计划调查苹果的商业行为,以确定该公司是否正在损害不断增长的移动应用市场。 随着人们对公司统治地位的担忧,公司面临着许多挑战:

Apple’s rules for application developers bar Google and other companies from selling advertising within iPhone and iPad applications.

苹果公司针对应用程序开发人员的规定禁止Google和其他公司在iPhone和iPad应用程序内销售广告。 The US Justice Department is investigating Apple iTune’s position in the digital music market.

美国司法部正在调查Apple iTune在数字音乐市场中的地位。

It had to happen eventually. By some measures, Apple has overtaken Microsoft to become the world’s largest IT company so there will inevitably be a sharper focus on it’s activities (those poor lawyers must earn money somehow!)

它最终必须发生。 从某些方面来看,苹果已经超过微软,成为全球最大的IT公司,因此不可避免地会更加关注其活动(那些可怜的律师必须以某种方式赚钱!)

Unlike Microsoft’s position in the OS market, Apple does not have an obvious monopoly. Yet. The iPhone has around 30% of the smartphone market, second only to Blackberry. However, iTunes retains around 75% of the digital music market. Arguably, Apple also has 100% control over the iPhone/iPad mobile application market and are actively preventing entry to competitors.

与微软在操作系统市场上的地位不同,苹果没有明显的垄断地位。 然而。 iPhone拥有智能手机市场约30%的份额,仅次于Blackberry。 但是,iTunes保留了大约75%的数字音乐市场。 可以说,苹果还拥有对iPhone / iPad移动应用程序市场的100%控制权,并在积极阻止竞争对手进入。

Whether Apple is engaging in anti-competitive practices will depend on the size of the market, the proportion controlled by Apple, and a judge’s interpretation of the law. As we’ve seen with previous IT cases, that investigation could take months if not years. Even if Apple are “guilty”, there won’t necessarily be an enforceable punishment.

苹果是否参与反竞争行为将取决于市场规模,苹果控制的比例以及法官对法律的解释。 正如我们在以前的IT案例中所看到的那样,调查可能要花费数月甚至数年。 即使苹果公司“有罪” ,也不一定会有强制性的惩罚。

Personally, I doubt anything will come of the investigation and the market will decide whether Apple are being overly arrogant. In the case of the iPhone, Apple should be aware that people are willing to change their phone and OS every few years. But it’s evident that users love Apple products and are willing to overlook any dubious business discretions.

就我个人而言,我怀疑这项调查将不会有任何结果,而市场将决定苹果是否过于自负。 对于iPhone,Apple应该意识到人们愿意每隔几年更换一次手机和操作系统。 但显然,用户喜欢Apple产品,并愿意忽略任何可疑的业务决策。

Do you think Apple’s business practices should be investigated? Will the regulator find anything? Will Apple be forced to change? Please vote on the SitePoint home page or leave your comments below…

您认为应该调查苹果的商业行为吗? 监管者会发现什么吗? 苹果会被迫改变吗? 请在SitePoint主页上投票或在下面留下您的评论…

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/us-regulators-investigate-apple/
