It’s hard to enter into any elevator or read any tech journal without coming across some mention of cloud computing. While 16% of businesses were early adopters of cloud technology, it’s estimated that 35% of executives will transform their business models to include cloud computing by 2015, according to IBM research.
如果没有提到云计算,就很难进入任何电梯或阅读任何技术杂志。 根据IBM调查,虽然16%的企业是云技术的早期采用者,但据估计,到2015年,将有35%的高管将其业务模式转变为包括云计算。
Essentially, “The Cloud” is just a techie term for the internet. Cloud computing, then, entails renting server time from Microsoft, Amazon or Google and managing virtual databases, while paying for any processing and storage used. Executives may choose this business model over the traditional method of buying, installing and managing in-house server systems to run their company applications. Big tech companies themselves–like Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce.com–have wholeheartedly embraced the cloud, which has analysts speculating that this is the way of the future.
本质上,“云”只是互联网的一个技术术语。 因此,云计算需要从Microsoft,Amazon或Google租用服务器时间并管理虚拟数据库,同时还要支付所使用的任何处理和存储费用。 与传统的购买,安装和管理内部服务器系统以运行公司应用程序的方法相比,高管们可以选择这种业务模型。 像微软,亚马逊和Salesforce.com这样的大型科技公司本身就全心全意地拥护了云,分析家推测这是未来的方式。
Flexibility People like cloud computing because they can scale up or down, as needed. For instance, some businesses may see peaks in website traffic during certain hours, where running off 10 servers may be beneficial; yet, during slower hours, they can scale back to two servers. Most cloud providers operate on a month-to-month basis, so it seems pointless to be locked into a long-term contract when one can rent 50 servers for an hour or cancel a server at anytime. Business owners can move and locate their clouds anywhere in the world, switch data centers without calling a technician to set up the whole network again, and work on the same project from multiple cities at the same time.
灵活性人们喜欢云计算,因为它们可以根据需要扩展或缩小。 例如,某些企业可能会在某些小时内看到网站流量达到峰值,而运行10台服务器可能是有益的。 但是,在较慢的时间内,它们可以扩展回两台服务器。 大多数云提供商按月运作,因此当一个人可以租用一小时50台服务器或随时取消一台服务器时,签订长期合同似乎毫无意义。 企业所有者可以在世界任何地方移动和定位他们的云,无需呼叫技术人员即可重新建立整个网络而切换数据中心,并且可以同时在多个城市进行同一项目。
Cost Businesses can save a ton of money with cloud computing because they don’t have to pay for hardware like servers, computer networks and core processors. Maximum performance is not needed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. With the cloud, businesses only pay for the memory, space and support they need and use. It’s also cheaper to license software to run in the cloud (rather than outright buy it) and cheaper for insurance, since there is no hardware for thieves to steal.
成本企业可以通过云计算节省大量资金,因为他们不必为服务器,计算机网络和核心处理器等硬件付费。 一年52周,每周7天,一天24小时都不需要达到最佳性能。 借助云,企业只需为所需和使用的内存,空间和支持付费。 许可软件在云中运行(而不是直接购买)也便宜,而保险则便宜,因为没有贼可以偷的硬件。
Remote Access Workers can hop onboard the company’s system or collaborate on a project from home. Companies can find competitive talent, without geographical or physical limitations. They have a better ability to grow, contract and outsource work. Employee productivity often improves when they are given greater freedom over how they run their lives week to week. With the ability to access documents, files and memos from anywhere they can jump on the internet, the cloud spares employees the hassle of having to email others back and forth all the time or go through the trouble of zipping large files into condensed packages for sharing.
远程访问工作者可以跳入公司的系统或在家中进行项目协作。 公司可以找到具有竞争力的人才,而不受地域或自然条件的限制。 他们具有更好的成长,承包和外包工作的能力。 如果赋予员工每周工作的更大自由度,通常可以提高员工的生产率。 借助能够从互联网上随时随地访问文档,文件和备忘录的能力,云使员工免于必须始终来回发送电子邮件的麻烦,也省去了将大文件压缩成压缩包进行共享的麻烦。
Disaster Recovery Whether it’s a power outage, a problem with overheating, or a natural disaster, all files and projects are stored in a remote location that can be accessed in the event of a disaster. According to Windstream Business Hosting Solutions, it costs companies $84,000 for every hour of downtime, which adds up to $3.9 million over the course of a year for one-third of all companies! Furthermore, a Forrester/DRJ survey found that the average recovery time following a disaster was 18.5 hours, up from 17 hours in 2007. By contrast, cloud computing disaster recovery plans have businesses on multiple servers to recover data instantaneously should a situation arise.
灾难恢复无论是断电,过热问题还是自然灾害,所有文件和项目都存储在远程位置,如果发生灾难,可以访问。 根据Windstream Business Hosting Solutions的数据,每小时停机一小时将使公司蒙受$ 84,000的费用,对于三分之一的公司而言,一年之内的费用总计为390万美元! 此外,Forrester / DRJ的一项调查发现,灾难后的平均恢复时间为18.5小时,高于2007年的17小时。相比之下,云计算灾难恢复计划将业务部署在多台服务器上,以便在出现情况时即时恢复数据。
Loss of Control While there is no need to call in a technician to set up a physical data center, there is no shortage of people outside the company to deal with. Business consultants and cloud server managers will be responsible for keeping up servers, creating patches and upgrades, and powering the business. It also scares some people to think that their whole system could go down if the internet service is not working for whatever reason, but so far cloud services have demonstrated wonderful reliability and it’s possible to enable offline mode in advance to circumvent this sort of dilemma.
失去控制尽管无需召集技术人员来建立物理数据中心,但公司外部的人员却很少。 业务顾问和云服务器经理将负责维护服务器,创建补丁和升级以及为业务提供动力。 这也使某些人感到害怕,如果互联网服务由于某种原因无法正常工作,则整个系统可能会崩溃,但是到目前为止,云服务已经表现出出色的可靠性,并且可以提前启用离线模式来规避这种困境。
Less Face-to-Face Interactions With cloud computing, it’s now possible for companies to exist in several different locations at the same time. Coworkers can collaborate on projects, without ever physically meeting one another.
更少的面对面互动通过云计算,公司现在可以同时存在于多个不同的位置。 同事可以在项目上进行协作,而无需彼此见面。
Security Even though information is seen as extremely secure on the cloud (even the CIA uses it), there are some businesses with sensitive data that can’t get over their worries or fears with entrusting certain information to a third party outside the company. It becomes more difficult to ensure that all information is encrypted and not accessed by unauthorized parties.
安全性尽管信息在云上被认为是极其安全的(甚至CIA都使用它),但仍有一些拥有敏感数据的企业无法通过将某些信息委托给公司外部的第三方来克服其担忧或恐惧。 确保所有信息都经过加密并且未经授权的方无法访问变得更加困难。
Transfer Headaches What if a company doesn’t like their service and wants to transfer to another cloud provider? Or, worse yet, what if a company’s cloud provider goes out of business? There is no easy answer to this question and the process can be a bit of a headache.
转移头痛如果一家公司不喜欢他们的服务并想要转移到另一个云提供商,该怎么办? 或者,更糟糕的是,如果公司的云提供商破产了怎么办? 这个问题没有简单的答案,这个过程可能会让人头疼。
There are many scenarios where cloud computing makes the most sensible option. For instance, tech startups will find that it’s easier to handle large demand increases and scale up quickly. For instance, Gad Barnea, CEO of travel startup FlyMiwok, found that he would only pay $28,000 per year to run his site in the cloud, versus the $250,000+ it would cost to create an in-house data center with 10 servers to handle peak demand.
在许多情况下,云计算是最明智的选择。 例如, 科技创业公司会发现,处理大量需求增长和快速扩展更容易。 例如,旅行初创公司FlyMiwok的首席执行官Gad Barnea发现,他每年仅需支付28,000美元即可在云中运行自己的网站,而创建一个拥有10台服务器以处理高峰的内部数据中心则需要花费25万美元以上需求。
It also makes sense for companies with occasional big data churning projects to pay $200,000 for cloud computing, rather than spend $1 million on expanding their data centers. This was the case for TC3 Health when they were asked to comb through 20 million insurance company claims. It was much faster and easier to collaborate remotely through the cloud, rather than have new staff members cluttering the office. Also, for seasonal businesses, it makes sense to use the cloud, as it’s quick and easy to get set up and put services on hold when necessary, only paying as they go. Companies that sell Valentine’s and Easter chocolates, for example, might choose this business model.
对于偶尔进行大数据搅动项目的公司,为云计算支付200,000美元,而不是花费100万美元来扩展其数据中心,这也很有意义。 当TC3 Health被要求梳理2000万保险公司的理赔时就是这种情况。 通过云进行远程协作要更快,更轻松,而不是让新员工挤满办公室。 此外,对于季节性企业而言 ,使用云是很有意义的,因为在需要时可以快速,轻松地设置和暂停服务,并且随需付费。 例如,销售情人节和复活节巧克力的公司可能会选择这种商业模式。
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/is-cloud-computing-the-right-choice-for-your-company/